Under the Gun
Page 27
Lil rolled her eyes at her overly dramatic friend. “I’ll only be a second.”
As Ms. Duncan followed Abby Ruth into the parlor, she asked, “Was that ‘The Aggie War Hymn’ I heard when I rang the doorbell? I’m actually class of ’01.”
Although there was no rush, since Abby Ruth and the attorney apparently shared an alma mater, it took Lil less than five minutes in the kitchen to fix a tray—complete with silver coffee service and china plates along with the cookies. She carried it into the parlor and set it on her favorite piecrust-edged table.
“Now then,” she said as she handed Ms. Duncan a cup and plate, trying to pause the tide of Texas A&M stories. “You said you had news for us?”
Hollis’s great-niece set aside the refreshments to reach for her bag. “Yes, my uncle included Abby Ruth in his last will and testament.”
“Abby Ruth and…” Lil urged.
“Just Abby Ruth Cady.”
Abby Ruth jerked her head up. “Nothing for Sera? Are you sure?”
“Seeing as I’m the attorney who drew up the paperwork, I’m quite sure.” She pulled out a thin sheaf of papers.
“Now that doesn’t make a lick of sense,” Abby Ruth muttered. “Hollis had a real soft spot for Sera.”
“I’m sure he had his reasons. I’d be happy to read the entire document to you, or we can cut to the chase.”
“A woman after my own heart,” Abby Ruth declared. “Finally, someone who doesn’t have to talk a body to death.” She rubbed her hands together. “So, tell me what good ol’ Hollis left me. It’s been a hard year. I hope he had a gun collection. Wouldn’t that beat all?”
Lil stared at Abby Ruth in disbelief. She could certainly understand someone hoping for money, even jewelry, but guns? Only Abby Ruth.
“He left in your care one of his most precious possessions.”
“Well, don’t keep me guessing then. What is it?”
“He left you Ritter,” Ms. Duncan said, a light of what looked like relief and giddiness sparking in her eyes. “His bloodhound.”
A chuckle bubbled up inside Lil, but she kept it down. Barely. Hollis had chosen Abby Ruth as the legal guardian for his dog, and it was the first time she’d ever seen the woman look as if she’d been bopped over the head with a piece of scrap wood. Thanks for the humor, Hollis.
Ms. Duncan turned the paper toward Abby Ruth, pointing a well-manicured nail to a blank line at the bottom. “I’ll need you to sign right here, and we can make this official. There are only a few stipulations.” She pushed a pen toward Abby Ruth.
Abby Ruth pulled her hands back. “What kind of stip—”
“Sign the paper, Abby Ruth,” Lil urged.
“You, of all people, should know better than to sign something without reading it first.” Abby Ruth shifted the papers closer and scanned them. “The document is pretty straightforward. Hollis left the care of Ritter to me. In return, I’ll receive a small stipend.” Lifting a page closer to her face, she muttered, “You gotta be kidding me.”
“That lawyer said I’d be compensated to take care of Ritter, but this stipulates I’ll get a stipend of twenty-five bucks a month. That’s barely enough to cover dog food these days. And Ritter remains in my care until the day of his natural departure. That could be a long time.”
“You have to do it,” Lil told her. “Hollis was a friend.”
Abby Ruth glanced in Lil’s direction, and she gave her a nod. Did a person really have a choice in this kind of matter?
“It was his final wish,” Ms. Duncan added.
“There’s been some kind of mistake. Why would Hollis Dooley leave me anything in his will?” Abby Ruth paled. “He should know I can’t have a dog.”
“As the document outlines, you’ll be compensated for Ritter’s care. Notice the clause at the end. As long as Ritter dies of natural causes, you’ll receive whatever is left of the monies set aside. I might add that Uncle Hollis seemed to have an optimistic opinion of this dog’s lifespan.”
Was she saying it could be a tidy sum at the end? Lil’s heart danced.
“How old is he?” Abby Ruth asked. Lil nudged her with a glare.
“Nine. Tell you what,” Ms. Duncan said. “You sign that while I run out and get him.”
“Ritter? He’s here? Now?”
“Of course.” She was out the front door and halfway to her car before the screen door slammed behind her.
Abby Ruth lifted her phone and asked Siri, “How long do bloodhounds live?”
Siri responded with a monotoned, “The answer is about 11 years.”
Abby Ruth sagged. “Lil, please tell Hollis’s niece we can’t have that dog in your house.”
“We can make it work.” Lil patted Abby Ruth’s leg. “And you’ll be compensated.”
“That stipend is barely break even. We aren’t about to get rich, Lil. My luck that dog will outlive us both.” She closed her eyes and swallowed. “Why on earth would he leave Ritter to me anyway?”
“He’s a sweet dog.”
“If you love him so much, then you take him.”
“Believe me, I do not want that ancient, stinky dog in my house. But you can’t deny Hollis’s last wishes. Ritter can sleep in the garage.” She eyed Abby Ruth, enjoying her predicament. “Everyone knows how much Hollis loved that old hound dog. You two must have been much closer than I realized.”
Abby Ruth sat back, her lips curved down. “No, we were not!”
“Why didn’t I see it before? He was using Sera to get closer to you. Of course. Clear as daylight.” She pursed her lips, trying to hide the shifty smile threatening to reveal that she was giving Abby Ruth a hard time.
“No way.” Abby Ruth’s eyes widened, but she leaned forward and scribbled her signature on the paper.
Lil took pleasure in seeing the normally unflappable Abby Ruth tongue-tied and frazzled. “Actions speak louder than words.” With glee in her heart, she headed for the parlor door. “I have to get the rest of these cookies off the tray before they stick.”
She giggled all the way back to the kitchen. The last thing she wanted was a dog at Summer Haven, but if it riled up Abby Ruth, it might not be all that bad. And the cherry on the top was that the lawyer hadn’t come to see her.
Thank goodness she wasn’t in trouble again. She gave a silent thank-you-Lord. Was this His way of reminding her to be grateful each day?
She’d paid her dues for her wrongdoings, but it was easy to forget now that she was back home. Never again should she take for granted sleeping in her own bed or cooking in her own kitchen.
She reached for the coffeepot. Her brew tasted much better than the chicory swill that Sera—their natural food and yoga-loving friend—insisted on making when she was in residence here in Georgia.
With Sera in California for a few months with her famous husband, Lil was reminded how lucky she was to have these ladies in her life, even Abby Ruth. If Lil had never fallen into trouble, she and Maggie would’ve never made friends with Sera and Abby Ruth. Everything happened for a reason.
The screen door squeaked, and Lil cringed at the tippity-tap of dog toenails on her high-shine foyer floors.
“Get your slobbery lips off me,” Abby Ruth called out.
Lil scooped the last of the pecan sandies onto the cooling rack then hightailed it back to the parlor. “Where’s Ms. Duncan?”
“She just did a dump and run with ol’ Ritter here.” Abby Ruth waved toward Hollis’s beloved hound. The dog had drooping eyelids and enough extra skin and fur to outfit a Labrador retriever. “She didn’t even say goodbye.”
“Well, now,” Lil said. “That’s really not the type of manners I’d expect from kinfolk of Hollis Dooley.”
Truth was it was a little hard to resist the hound’s dignified look amidst all the flopping folds of skin. She reached a tentative hand toward Ritter, who lifted his nose in the air and sniffed loudly toward Lil. “I think he smells those cookies,” she said with a lau
Ritter lifted a hind leg and scratched at his massive right ear until it was flapping back and forth against his nose and shoulder. The scent of old socks and Roquefort cheese wafted from him. “Oh, my. Speaking of smells, Ritter’s hygiene could use some refining.”
“He smells like that trash heap Hollis used to watch over out at the landfill,” Abby Ruth grumbled, stepping back as if in search of fresh air. “Our taxpayer money at work.”
Lil pinched her nose. “You’ll have to do something about Ritter.”
Ritter sniffed Abby Ruth’s palm then jumped up, placing his paws on her shoulders, and gave her a slurp right on the cheek.
“Stop. Down!” Abby Ruth wiped her face in disgust. “None of that, you heavy beast. He must weigh a hundred pounds.”
As Ritter landed back on the ground, Lil noticed the big shiny slobber trail on Abby Ruth’s perfectly ironed jeans and on her once-pristine white blouse. “Oh, he’s just giving you some sugar. He likes you.”
Abby Ruth brushed at her pants with the paper Ms. Dooley had asked her to sign. “What did I ever do to deserve this?”
Lil wanted so badly to start running down a list of the things Abby Ruth had done since she moved into Summer Haven, but her manners wouldn’t allow it. So rather than rub it in, she simply said, “Bless your heart.”
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Books in the Series
Jenny & Teague Novellas
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Also by Kelsey Browning
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If you love books and fun come join Kelsey Browning’s Sass Kickers on Facebook! There’s always lots of book talk, giveaways, and good times.
* * *
Sexy contemporary romance
Stay With Me
Hard to Love
* * *
Sexy contemporary romance
Personal Assets
Running the Red Light
Problems in Paradise
Designed for Love
* * *
Southern cozy mysteries
In For a Penny
Fit to Be Tied
In High Cotton
Under the Gun
Gimme Some Sugar
* * *
Contemporary romance
Always on My Mind
Come a Little Closer
* * *
Romantic suspense collaboration with Tracey Devlyn & Adrienne Giordano
Going HARD
Living FAST
Loving DEEP
Breaking FREE
Roaming WILD
Stripping BARE
Enduring LOVE
Vowing LOVE
* * *
Romantic suspense collaboration with Tracey Devlyn & Adrienne Giordano
Craving HEAT
Tasting FIRE
Searing NEED
Striking EDGE
Burning ACHE
* * *
Sexy contemporary romance
Amazed by You
Love So Sweet
Also by Nancy Naigle
The Adams Grove Series
Book 1:: Sweet Tea and Secrets
Book 2:: Wedding Cake and Big Mistakes
Book 3:: Out of Focus
Book 4:: Pecan Pie and Deadly Lies
Book 5:: Mint Juleps and Justice
Book 6:: Barbecue and Bad News
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Boot Creek Series
Book 1:: Life After Perfect
Book 2:: Every Yesterday
Book 3:: Until Tomorrow
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Single Titles
Sand Dollar Cove
Christmas Joy
Hope at Christmas
Christmas in Evergreen
Dear Santa
The Secret Ingredient
Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa
Christmas Angels
inkBLOT – co-written with Phyllis Johnson
About Kelsey Browning
USA Today bestselling author Kelsey Browning writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and cozy mystery. Her Georgia-set, co-authored G Team mystery is described by readers as “The Golden Girls meet Dirty Harry.” Her single title romances garner reviews that call her writing funny, sassy, and full of sizzling chemistry. Originally from a Texas town smaller than the ones she writes about, Kelsey has also lived in the Middle East and Los Angeles, proving she’s either adventurous or downright nuts. These days, she makes her home in northeast Georgia with her tech-savvy husband, her smart-talking son, and a (fingers crossed) future therapy pup. Find Kelsey online at KelseyBrowning.com.
For info on her upcoming releases, subscribe to her Sass Kickin’ News.
About Nancy Naigle
USA Today bestselling author Nancy Naigle whips up small-town love stories with a dash of suspense and a whole lot of heart. She began her popular contemporary romance series, Adams Grove, while juggling a successful career in finance and life on a seventy-six-acre farm. Two of Nancy’s novels, Christmas Joy and Hope at Christmas, premiered on Hallmark Countdown to Christmas in 2018. Now happily retired, she devotes her time to writing, antiquing, and the occasional spa day with friends. A native of Virginia Beach, she currently calls North Carolina home. Join Nancy on Facebook and sign up for her newsletter at www.NancyNaigle.com.
Once again, we want to thank the amazing folks who help us bring the newly renamed G-Team books to you.
Big hugs and major high fives to our incredible editing team: Deb Nemeth, who always pushes us to give our readers the best possible book we can. And to Tom Justice, thanks for batting cleanup, because Nan’s never met a comma she doesn’t love. ;-)
They say a picture is worth a thousand words so we owe lots to our artistic team: Michelle Preast, who originally brought our vision of the grannies to life. These gals have served us well and become the real face of this series. And a big thank you to Keith Sarna, who continues to make these book covers a knockout!
As always, our bang-up technical advisors often save the day: Adam Firestone, we think of you fondly every time Abby Ruth fondles one of her antique Spanish firearms. Your knowledge was especially useful in this book! And a frosty Manteo-rita to Retired Cpt. Charlie Winslow for his quick response to all of our crazy questions, ones that would worry a lesser man.
To the Dangerous Darlings and Kelsey’s Sass Kicker fan group: thank you for celebrating and supporting every book release. Big hugs from us and all the grannies.
And to those who help us daily behind the scenes: Miss Bettie, Tech Guy, and Smarty Boy - we couldn’t give our fans the books they love without your love, often in the form of things like dog sitting stints, pans of King Ranch chicken, and fun trivia that turns into plot points!
Under the Gun
Copyright © 2016, Kelsey Browning and Nancy Naigle
e Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9911272-9-0
Large Print ISBN: 978-0-9964884-0-2
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Cover Art Design by Keith Sarna
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Digital release, May 2016
Trade Paperback release, May 2016
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Crossroads Publishing House
P.O. Box 2294
Advance, NC 27006
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Kicksass Creations
P.O. Box 49662
Athens, GA 30604
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Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work, in whole or part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, is illegal and forbidden, without the written permission of the author.
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This is a work of fiction. Characters, settings, names, and occurrences are a product of the author's imagination and bear no resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, places or settings, and/or occurrences. Any incidences of resemblance are purely coincidental.