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The Virtual Realm (War Of The Elements Book 1)

Page 44

by Daniel Perusko

  “I hope you two find the answers you seek.”

  “If not in this lifetime, then we certainly will in the next,” Drexel said with absolute conviction in his path.

  “Then, this is where we part ways, my friends. It has been an honor to have known both of you. I hope we will meet again someday. I wish you all the best, my dear friends.”

  The three embraced one another in a group hug, shedding stinging droplets as they indulged in one another’s company for what they thought to be the last time. The holograms cut off at this point, vanishing in their tearful farewell.

  Raven’s voice echoed through the metropolis once more.

  “If you couldn’t tell, these three were the closest of friends; but even then, even back then... you and Kaya were inseparable, Drexel. But there was a third element that was bonded close to both of you.”

  “Okay, Raven... let’s say I believe what you’re saying, who is Noah then?” Dusk inquired, attempting to keep his exasperation at bay.

  “Noah was Drexel’s best friend; these three had known each other from childhood, from the age of four years old all the way to eighteen. For fourteen years they trained together, honing their skills, strengthening their bond. But when they turned eighteen, they took different paths through life, as you saw. They would reunite ten years later under much less desirable circumstances.”

  “What circumstances would those be?”

  Dusk’s question was met only with the ambience of humming machinery.

  “It seems he won’t say anything more until we progress further. However, as much as you may want to know more, I think it is time we look for a place to rest for the night,” Omni stated, his eyes boring into the distressed Phantom to gauge his reaction.

  “That’s fine, this is all just a story anyways, it’s not like it means anything. We definitely need some rest if we’re going to make it out of here alive.”


  The group of ten spent the next thirty minutes hacking their way through ravenous robots before they finally reached a place of recovery: a large building with various arcs that had several rooms with dark blue beds throughout; perhaps this used to be an inn. Monsters did not respawn in a raid area, so when a building was cleared out, that structure would remain a safe haven until the raid was over.

  “We stop here for the night,” Omni informed everyone.

  “Hey, who made you the leader anyway?” Chaos barked defiantly.

  “Well, you can always go out there and continue to fight without Phoenix. I won’t stop you.”

  Those words did well in putting a lid on any further rebellious urges from Chaos. He had no counter argument.

  “Well then, there are several rooms to choose from. Scarlet and I will be in this room if you need us.” Omni pointed to the room directly to his left in order to verify his words.

  “Remember, my bed’s always open, honey,” Chaos boasted provocatively.

  “If it’s a bed you want, I can put you to sleep permanently.” Scarlet’s words were absolutely slathered with sarcasm.

  The unit that had been fighting together for roughly nine hours now dispersed into their separate quarters for the time being, laying down their arms in order to salvage their body and mind to optimal conditions for the next day, where they would inevitably engage in combat as a brigade once more.


  The fearless leader and resilient soldier made their way into their private room, leaving their duties at the door.

  At least, Omni had left his duties behind. As he was sliding his clothes off piece by piece, Scarlet remained standing there, still as taut as a bowstring.

  “What was that all about?” Scarlet asked.

  “What do you mean?” Omni challenged playfully.

  “You know exactly what I mean.”

  “Come on, Joanna, relax. It’s been a long day,” Omni said as his voice continued to soften and mellow gradually.

  “Relax? I’m fine.”

  The white-eyed Phoenix slipped under the covers to the far side of the bed, patting the other side invitingly with his stare fixated upon his other half.

  “Is that so? Then show me. Come here.”

  Scarlet sighed deeply before a half-cocked grin appeared on her face. He was always able to do this; only him. Everyone else had always gone by her rules, always at her pace. But Omni threw her off balance every time, sucking her into his pace instead. No matter how much she tried to resist, it would almost always end up like this. There was an important matter they needed to discuss, but even so Scarlet found herself undressing, on the bed next to him shortly thereafter.

  “Damn you, babe.”

  Omni’s laugh took on a soft tone. He found it amusing that Scarlet still insisted on resisting him every time, even though they had known each other for years now. He would’ve thought by now she would realize she couldn’t put up that tough front around him. Either way, it still entertained him to destroy that protective wall of hers every time, revealing the feminine creature within.

  “No, seriously... what was that? Tell me everything.” Scarlet asked again, not about to fall into his whims just yet.

  “Those holograms? The Zaxin Empire did indeed exist as Raven said, fifty thousand years ago. As for those three holograms, hmm.”

  “What is it? Spit it out!” Scarlet pressed him further, as she was very curious about this part as well.

  “I don’t have intimate knowledge of individual figures that were involved with the Zaxin Empire. However, it is not a far stretch to believe Tsuki and Dusk may have known one another fifty thousand years ago, in another life. I believe it is so.”

  “What makes you so sure?”

  “Haven’t you noticed it, Joanna? The type of bond those two possessed from the beginning. I’ve never seen Tsuki this happy. I could sense a bond of natural love between them from the very first day.”

  “Of course I noticed it. How could I not notice what was smacking me right in the face? But if he ever hurts her...”

  Scarlet punched the mattress once for effect, pretending it was Dusk’s face.

  “You’ll hurt him.”

  “Damn right I will!”

  Omni could only chuckle. “Fate has an interesting way of working sometimes. Like the way I found you. Come now, enough of this matter. Right now, I want to focus on you and you alone. I love you.”

  Those words obliterated her wall completely, eroding any remnants of resistance.

  “I love you too, baby.”

  Scarlet took the initiative, placing herself on top of him as their body heat radiated against one another. They expressed their all-consuming love in a passionate frenzy, working their tongues in just the right spots, each giving their all into pleasing the other in this starless night.


  Dusk wasted no time in plopping down on the bed with reckless abandon, exhaling deeply as he shook his mind free of all thought for the briefest of moments. He was snapped out of his calm as he was reminded almost immediately that he wasn’t alone in this room. His lover whom he respected and adored with all his heart lay down next to him, burrowing herself under the covers before expressing her mind clearly to Dusk, all the while tracing her fingers along his chest playfully.

  “Are you okay, Drake?” Her voice was saturated with concern.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You seem... disturbed.”

  Dusk, who had been staring into Tsuki’s eyes, turned away from her to gaze at the ceiling momentarily, making up his mind that he would unleash the doubts that were sealed within him. He wanted to be absolutely sure going forward. He turned his eyes towards his teacher with the expectant eyes of a student, eager for an answer.

  “Karla, why were you absolutely quiet when Raven was explaining all of that. Why didn’t you say a single word?”

  She withdrew her hand from her companion's body, placing it at her side as her face tightened into a portrait of solemnity.

e, do you remember the discussion that we had when we watched the sunrise together?”

  “Of course, how could I forget? You spoke of life and death.”

  “Do you remember when I told you that for me, reincarnation was not a matter of belief but of truth?”

  Dusk became deathly silent. His mind became a chain reaction of roads. Each road was forking into another direction, connecting to a different path until it ultimately reached its conclusion. He went through each step like a formula until he figured out where this was going.

  “Are you telling me that Raven was telling the truth, Karla? Is that why you said nothing?”

  Tsuki abruptly placed one hand behind Dusk’s head, pulling his face close enough to her that he could feel her minty breath envelop him.

  “Look at me, Drake. I need you to remember a few things. One is that I told you I’d tell the truth from now on, no matter how hard and cold. So the short answer is yes, what was shown from those holograms was true.”

  Dusk’s mouth dropped in disbelief, he was stammering his words.

  “S-so, that means we knew each other fifty thousand years ago?”

  “Yes, we began as childhood friends and eventually became lovers. But there is more to it than that.”

  Dusk ran his hand slowly along Tsuki’s arm, enjoying the silky smooth texture of her skin.

  “I knew, somewhere in the back of my mind. When I met you, there was something I couldn’t explain. Something I’d never felt before. I never told you this, but when I first met you in Bermia all that time ago, I saw images. Images I’ve never seen until I met you. Those images... are here in this city.”

  Dusk halted for a moment, stifling, preparing to reveal to her what he felt deep inside. “I felt out of place my entire life, wherever I went. But with you, everything felt familiar for the first time. Everything finally felt right. I had been trying to figure that out this whole time. Now it all makes sense.”

  She moved in for a passionate kiss before withdrawing her lips, his words having touched her heart.

  “I felt the same thing, Drake. I’ve never trusted someone with the amount of information I trusted to you so quickly. For some reason, I felt as though I knew you my whole life. Something told me I could trust you. Now I know why.”

  “Wait, did you know about this the whole time?”

  “I did not. I literally just remembered all of this after seeing those holograms again.”

  “If that’s the case... why do I remember absolutely nothing from back then?”

  “Perhaps you need the proper trigger, but...”

  Tsuki halted herself for a moment before deciding to continue.

  “Listen carefully. There’s something I absolutely need you to understand. No matter what happened back then—no matter what you may see from now on—remember that I will always love you.”

  “What do you mean, Karla? I only saw good things.”

  “But there’s no telling what will be shown next time.”

  “Why are you saying that? You’re withholding information from me again.”

  Tsuki closed her eyes, letting a gust of warm breath escape from her mouth, making full contact with Dusk’s face and sending an involuntary shiver up his spine.

  “Not from you, but for you. I’m doing this to protect you, Drake.”

  The electric signals of agitation were beginning to accelerate through Dusk’s nerves. He absolutely despised when Tsuki made these kinds of decisions for him, rather than trusting in his strength.

  “Protect me? Like the information about Kevlar? Why do you think me so weak? How can I prove my strength to you if you won’t give me the chance?”

  The fact that Dusk brought up Kevlar caused a sickening sludge to swell within her. This was a subject that she never wanted to talk with him about again.

  “I give you chances all the time to prove your strength, Drake. You’re not ready for this yet. Also, this time, I’m not lying in any way. When I said I’d tell you the truth, I meant that I would not lie to you any longer, and I haven’t. Please, for both of our sakes, let this go.”

  “Are you serious right now? Even though this seems to primarily concern me, you’re making the decision for me.”

  “Drake, listen to me. I’m always here for you. Again, I’m doing this for your protection. I’m sorry.”

  Dusk turned away from Tsuki in defiance, throwing a silent tantrum to show his disapproval of her methods.

  “Good night, Karla.”

  Unseen to Dusk, Tsuki reached her hand out, nearly grasping his shoulder, trying to think of what to say. She thought of consoling him—of trying to make him understand—but what more could she possibly say? One day he would understand why she did this, but right now she would not abide his childish tantrums. She withdrew her hand inches before it made contact, coldly turning the opposite way from her spurned lover.

  “Fine... good night, Drake.”

  Dusk fell into a reluctant sleep, plagued with prickling apprehension of the unknown.


  The next day started off relatively uneventful as far as surprises go. The group had been in combat for yet another seven hours. They had just slain the twelfth boss in the forgotten city; largely clearing the megalopolis of its hostile residents. Fatigue was beginning to take its toll on the fighters.

  “Is this ever going to end?” Joan protested while trying to catch her breath. “This raid is crazy.”

  “It would seem we are making good progress. I think the area is nearly complete. Let us stop and rest for a bit. I believe we will finish this today,” Omni stated, wearing his usual tranquil demeanor.

  Particles of light coalesced into form, once again giving birth to holographic images of Drexel and Kaya; a troubling reminder to Dusk, who was starting to forget about the events of yesterday. Noah was not among them this time.

  Drexel turned towards Kaya, with a look that seemed to say he was studying her.

  “Are you sure you want to take that, Kaya?”

  Kaya’s face hardened into iron, her will unbreakable.

  “Drexel, everything we have learned over these past ten years led us to this. All the answers we have obtained; they all point us in this direction. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.”

  “All right,” Drexel nodded, gaining strength from her determination. “There might be no turning back, let’s do this.”

  The group of combatants watched in earnest as the two ghostly residents descended down the stairwell that lay directly in front of them.

  Pools of acid were rising within Tsuki—an amassing toxicity which caused her chest to burn slightly. This entire inner struggle was kept inside, unbeknownst to the other adventurers.

  “I get the feeling we are coming close to the end,” Muse deduced.

  “Right you are! The ending to this tale lies below. Only one more foe stands between you and certain victory. Can you defeat it?” Raven spoke in that telltale mocking manner, sending a jolt throughout their bodies from his voice’s sudden appearance.

  “What a stupid question,” Scarlet reprimanded Raven. “We’ll destroy anything you throw at us.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, Harians. I’ll see you at the depths of this city.”

  “The last foe will likely prove the most challenging. Is everyone ready for this?” Omni asked as he looked around at each and every raid member.

  Everyone nodded in agreement, some more reluctant than others.

  “I can’t take being in this shitty place anymore, so let’s hurry it up,” Chaos voiced, making his grievances known to all.

  “I’m ready; nothing Raven does to me will faze me at this point. I just want to put an end to his games,” Dusk declared grimly.

  Tsuki’s turquoise eyes were fixated on her lover, analyzing every aspect of his attitude as she was contemplating to herself.

  I hope that’s true, Drake. I hope Raven doesn’t show you the entirety of the past so that you don’t have to dea
l with it. But this is Raven we’re speaking of. If he knows about it, he probably will. The question is, does he know? How would he even know of these things to begin with? How does he know about our existence in the distant past at all?

  Her thoughts were sliced in two when Omni spoke up, his voice booming with importance.

  “Then, let us finish this.”

  The raid unit had begun their descent down the staircase, which seemed to sink below the depths of the limitless ocean at the very bottom of this ancient city. As they got closer and closer to the water, they could discern what looked to be an ebony shaded pyramid below the water. It was upside down, its apex unseen far in the distance below.

  They braved into the entrance, ready for the challenge that awaited them. Inside, the walls seemed to be of that same transparent light which formed the bridges and staircases. This substance kept the massive amounts of water from pouring in and flooding the structure. Several fish of various colors and sizes could be seen swimming about, unhindered by man-made enclosures. Ironically, the humans were the ones inside the fishbowl here, while the fish themselves were completely free. A dull metallic bluish-gray stretched beneath their feet. A dark silver ceiling loomed above, with fluorescent indigo lights imbuing their intuitive presence into the room.

  The structure reminded Emerald of a giant aquarium, giving her great inspiration for a future painting, if she made it out of that world alive.

  As each of them entered the first room, the ceiling clicked shut above them. The door to the floor locked itself tight. All routes of escape had been cut off. There was nowhere to run.

  Suddenly, the walls themselves began clanking and churning. Several circular pipes rotated like screws, poking their heads out further and further like a seal poking its head out of water. The raiders were swiveling their heads frantically, trying to figure out just what was going on.

  “I knew this would be a trap!” Joan cried out.

  At that moment, all noise ceased and the pipes stopped moving. The walls were no longer singing their harsh music. Several water particles floated into the air, merging into bubbles which were now visible to the naked eye.


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