Book Read Free


Page 13

by Faith S Lynn

  Just as he reaches the door to walk out of the bar, I yell out, “Just remember, I gave you the opportunity to leave without fucking your whole life up, which is more than you gave me.”

  I don’t even stop him as he staggers out of the bar. He has had too many drinks in the small amount of time that we have been here. I pick up the glasses from the table and take them to Jennifer at the bar. “Do it.”

  She grabs her cell phone from her back pocket, dials the number, and puts it to her ear. “Yes, 911, I would like to report a drunk driver. He is headed down Old River Road. He just left a bar and could hardly walk. I tried to stop him from getting in and driving, but he pushed me away and left.” She is silent a minute as she listens to the person on the other end then continues, “Of course. Have a good day.”

  “Did you get everything?” I ask her.

  She walks over to pull the device from its hiding spot and hits play. “Every last bit of it!"


  “Good morning, Sage. Did you sleep well?” Dad asks as I walk into the kitchen and grab myself a muffin.

  “Good morning! And yes, I slept great,” I answer him before I bite into the still warm blueberry muffin. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and take a drink before letting him know I am going for a run.

  I open the front door to the house and notice swarms of reporters at the front gate. They start taking pictures and asking questions left and right. I shut the door and yell back down the hall, “Dad! Dad, why is there a mob of reporters outside?”

  He comes walking from the kitchen and hands me the newspaper. “According to the front page news, your fiancé was arrested last night for driving while under the influence.”

  “Maybe a day in jail will do him some good.”

  He lets out a laugh, “He will spending quite a bit more time behind bars than a day.”

  “Why? Did he get into a wreck or something?” I ask, confused, because normally if you get arrested for drinking and driving it’s just a night in the drunk tank. Of course your license is also suspended, you have to go to DUI classes to get it back, and you have all the fines to pay.

  “Seems evidence has come forth regarding his theft from the company,” he explains.

  “What kind of evidence?”

  “Somehow, someone recorded him basically admitting to all of it. He also is being charged with threats he was recorded making.”


  “Yes, doll. They also recorded him saying horrible things that he would do to his beautiful fiancé. The cops called to inform me this morning and asked if we wanted to press charges.”

  “And what did you say?”

  “I said yes. Hell, he has screwed the pooch now. He was already behind bars when the evidence was turned in against him. My partners already know about the charges and have our lawyers prepping. He is done for,” Dad says with a big smile on his face.

  “So he is gone? Really? We are free?”

  “Not just yet. We still have to go through court, because you know he isn’t going to plead guilty, and there is the chance he will make bail.”

  What little excitement I felt about being rid of Richard just vanished with the thought of him getting out on bail. He could come for us while he is out. “Do you really think this is a good idea?”

  “It’ll be okay. I know what you are thinking, because I thought the same thing too. I have already hired extra security for all of us, just in case he does make bail,” he comforts me and pulls me into him.

  It does make me feel a little better knowing that Dad spruced up the security. I decide to stay in instead of going for a run. It would be useless to try anyways, with all the reporters. I head to my room to change, and before I can get the shirt over my head, my bedroom door rushes open and smacks the wall. I pull my shirt back down quickly and turn to the intruder.

  “You don’t have to pull it back down on my account,” Jen teases as she reaches for the handle and closes the door back.

  “Have you ever heard of knocking?”

  “Yeah, but my way is faster. You know I don’t like to wait for anything,” she says with a shrug.

  “Whatever. So what’s with the barge in?”

  “Two things.”

  “And they are?”

  “The first is that I found someone for your dress over there, if you are still wanting to get rid of it.”

  “Take it. I’m not going to be needing one anytime in the near future,” I admit. “What was the other thing you came over for?”

  “I want the dirty on what the hell is going on with the ex!”

  I can’t help but laugh at her excitement to hear why Richard is in jail. So, we sit on the chaise at the end of my bed and tell her what I know, which isn’t much.

  We hang out for a little while longer. When she grabs the dress and goes to leave, she turns to me and says, “I wouldn’t write yourself off so soon.”

  “What?” I ask her, a little lost as to what she is talking about.

  “Sometimes things happen faster than you realize. One day, you are all alone and think you are perfectly content that way, until he walks into your life and changes everything. You never know what the future may hold for you is all,” she says.

  It’s been two weeks since Richard was arrested, and the court date has finally been set for next Thursday. It’s Friday now, so that only leaves me with five days to prepare myself to sit in the same room with him. I had plans to go see some sappy movie to help me forget about it for a while, but Jennifer called earlier and told me to block out the whole day.

  She wants me to meet her at her parent’s house at three, dressed in something pretty. For what, I don’t know, because she wouldn’t tell me. I thought at first she was trying to pull a quick one over my eyes and get me and Lynkin around each other again. I can’t take that chance just yet, I need to wait and make sure Richard is gone. She told me I was nuts, that she took me seriously before when I told her that Lynkin and I weren’t going to happen.

  Now here I stand, in front of this beautiful Victorian home, in a soft yellow, halter-top sundress that comes to just above the knees, and a pair of white cotton wedges. I pace back in forth on the sidewalk, debating on whether or not I should go in or just leave, but of course the inner, more reasonable me comes into play.

  She has been there for you. The least you could do is show up to something that she wants you at.

  But, what if Lynkin is in there? I’m not sure I am ready to see him. I know I will give into him if he gets too close with those pale brown eyes, and I would be done for when I got a smell of him.

  Who cares if you aren’t ready to see him? Sometimes you have to deal with shit you don’t want to deal with for a friend. Real friends like Jennifer don’t come around often.

  And, like always, logic wins out. I walk to the gate, push it open, and head to the front door. I wrap my fingers around the old door knocker and give it a few good whacks against the door. It’s not long before the door opens, and a little old lady greats me. But it’s not just any old lady, it’s Roth, the psychic that Amanda drug me to.

  “You’re late, Sage,” she says with a smile, then continues, “Jen is up the stairs, third door on your right. She is waiting on you.”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask her in a hushed voice, so that all the people wondering around don’t hear.

  “I’m not going to miss my only great niece’s wedding!”

  “Wait, this is a wedding? Who is getting married?”

  She starts pushing me up the stairs as she says, “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. Just get up there. Jen needs you.”

  I do as she says. I walk up the long staircase and tap on the third door on the right.

  “Come in!” I hear Jennifer shout from the other side, so I push on in.

  The room is covered in make-up cases and mirrors. There are random flowers here and there and in the far corner is a folding wall partition and Jen walks out from behind it
in a white dress. My wedding dress, with some alterations and less lace.

  “I…you look…wow, Jen,” is all I can say. She looks so beautiful. Her blonde hair is half pinned up in little braids and ringlets into a little bun in the back of her head, and the rest falls down her back. “You look gorgeous.”

  “I thought you would like to see the bride who received your dress walk down the aisle so that she could show her gratitude,” she says as she turns circles in front of me, displaying the entire dress

  “I couldn’t be any happier that it ended up on you. But I have to ask, who the hell are you marrying?”

  “You remember that guy that I told you about that I met at bar that one night?” she says.

  “The one you said came in every night after that just to ask you out and wouldn’t stop until you said yes?”

  “And swept me off my feet on that first date?”

  “Really? Wow! I am so happy for you, babe.”

  “What do you think? Did I do your designer gown justice?”

  “You make that gown look better than I ever could have. You are a beautiful bride,” I tell her as I walk up and hug her.

  “Thank you,” she says into my shoulder as she wraps her arms around me. “I can’t wait to be his forever. I can’t believe how fast this all is happening, but really there is no one else for me.”

  “You are so certain, aren’t you?”

  “Couldn’t be anymore sure. When you know, you just know.”

  “You are becoming a cliché, ya know that?” I ask her.

  “Am not!” she balks and smacks me on the arm. “If you are done making fun of me, would you like to be my Maid of Honor?”


  “Yes, you ditz!”

  “Oh my god! Yes! I would be thrilled to be your Maid of Honor.”


  I can’t believe she is doing this. Who throws a wedding together last minute to a person they have only been dating for a few months? Oh, that’s right, Jennifer does. I really am happy for her, though. When she told me about it the other day, she couldn’t stop smiling. I don’t think I have ever seen her so happy.

  Now, I am sitting in her parents back yard, all dressed up, in the front row with her parents and my mom. It was supposed to start ten minutes ago, but Jen’s crazy Aunt Roth came out here telling everybody that it would be a little bit longer. It’s hotter than hell out here, and I would love more than anything to get this over with so I can grab a cold beer and go inside where it’s air-conditioned.

  This music changes, and I notice the Preacher stand tall. We all turn and watch as the little flower girl prances down the aisle throwing red pedals into the air, her blonde curls bouncing with every step. Next comes the ring bearer, he has to be coaxed to the front by someone that I assume is his mother.

  Just as the little man gets halfway, something more mesmerizing catches my eye. Sage. She smiles brightly as she walks forward, holding a small bouquet of yellow daisies that match her dress. The bright color makes her dark skin practically glow, and the sun makes her auburn locks look a fiery red. She keeps her focus forward as she walks the last few feet to stand on the bride’s side, directly in front of me.

  As the bridal march begins, everyone stands up and turns to see Jen walk out the back door of her parents’ house to make her way toward her new life. I can’t help but smile when she looks to me as she passes with a grin from ear to ear. I am positive she is evil laughing in her mind right now.

  We all take our seats as the music ends and the Preacher begins. My gaze doesn’t stay on the bride and groom as the ceremony commences, but travels back the most beautiful thing here. I take my time, soak in every last inch of her, my eyes traveling down the long tan legs that are in these white strappy heels that I want wrapped around me. Her long hair reaches all the way down her back to her tiny waist. Every last curve teases and taunts me as she stands in the front of me with all these people here.

  She must feel someone looking at her, because she scans the crowd. When she gets to me, she passes right over me like I’m not even here, but then does a double take. I can tell she is nervous to see me, but the more I stare at her the more I see her want and need for me.

  We don’t break eye contact through the whole ceremony. I haven’t heard the first word anyone has said, until my mother leans over and whispers, “You could at least pretend you are interested in watching your best friend get married. The Maid of Honor will still be here after it’s said and done.”

  I pass a smile up to Sage and reply, “I’m never letting her out of my sight again.”

  When Jen and her now husband say their ‘I do’s’ and the Preacher announces them as man and wife, I wait patiently as everyone disburses from their seats to congratulate the new bride and groom. Just as I grow some balls to approach, Jen’s dad walks up to her.

  “I have been hearing non-stop about you for a while now. It is so nice to finally meet you,” he says.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Sir,” she says back to him, just before turning to me with a pleading look.

  I let her struggle for a while before I jump in. “Hey, John,” I say as I walk up to him and pat him on the back.

  “Hey there, Lynkin. Where have you been recently? I haven’t seen hide nor hair of you in months. You haven’t been giving my daughter any hell about getting married so soon have you?” he jokes at me, and recognitions shows up on Sage’s face as she hears him say he is Jen’s dad.

  “No, Sir.”

  “And why the hell not? You are supposed to be my backup,” he sighs. “I guess the old fella will do. He seems like a respectable young man, but he isn’t you. Jennifer’s mother and I swore you two would end up together.”

  I quickly glance at Sage and see a smug look on her face. “Actually, Sir, my heart has already been taken.” I think she thinks I am talking about someone else, because this sad look passes over her.

  “Is that so? Must be a special woman to capture the heart of Lynkin Conner.”

  “Yes, Sir. She is a real beauty,” I tell him, and her face lights up until her cheeks turn red.

  “I would love to meet her. Looks like the crowd has thinned out around Jennifer, so if you two would excuse me, I am going to see my daughter,” he excuses himself.

  Sage barely waits for him to get out of sight before she slaps me in the chest. “You could have saved me sooner!”

  “Where would the fun have been in that?” I ask, teasing her.

  “You find fun in watching me squirm?”

  I lean into her so that only she can hear my response, “Beauty, you have no idea the enjoyment I get from you squirming.”

  Her eyes get round, and a flush of red spreads from her face down her chest. “No shame. You have no shame.”

  “Not when it comes to you.”

  “Lynkin… I… we can’t,” she begins, but Jen nearly tackles her from behind. I need to remember to thank her later for that interruption, because I knew what she was about to say, and I didn’t want to hear it. She may still think that we can’t be together, but I plan on changing her mind.

  “I love you so much! Thank you for being here for me,” Jen says to Sage.

  “Hey, what about me? You know the guy who has been your best friend since we were sharing teething rings,” I interject.

  “Oh, hey! I didn’t see you there. Sorry, I am happy you are here, too,” she says, feeling bad about not paying attention.

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “So, what were you two doing over here all by yourselves?” she ask, wiggling her eyebrows.

  Sage laughs and says, “Stop that, you look like a crazy person. We weren’t doing anything but talking.”

  “Good, it’s time to get this party started! Come on, let’s knock the cake cutting out so we can boogie,” Jennifer says while pulling Sage behind her to the main table.

  I stand behind Sage at the end of the table as we watch Jen and John feed each other cake and interlock their arms to
drink from goblets. The wind blows, and Sage’s intoxicating scent hits me like a ton of bricks. I grab her waist and pull her back into me. She tries to pull away, but I don’t let her. I keep my hand firm on her stomach.

  “Lynkin, please,” she pleads to me, quietly.

  “Please what?” I ask next to her ear.

  “Stop, we can’t do this.”

  I brush the hair off of her neck and place a soft kiss just below her ear. “You stop. Stop fighting this. I know you want to be with me. There isn’t anything stopping us from being together, except you. If it’s Richard you are still worried about, he isn’t going to be let off.”

  She turns around in my arms and looks up to me, “He could still get out on bail. What if he comes after me and sees the two of us together? I can’t bear the thought of you getting hurt, or worse, because of me.”

  I look over her shoulder at the bride and groom as they start their first dance and a different fire ignites. I want that to be us one day. “I can take care of myself. And if you would just let me, I can take care of you, too. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “There is no doubt of you being able to take care of yourself, Lynk. I just don’t want to be the cause of putting you in a situation where you have to.”

  “I don’t have to do anything. If it has anything to do with you, I want to do it. I’m not giving up on this,” I pause to motion in between us, “again. Do you understand? I am not going anywhere, and you can’t push me away.”

  “Are you sure? I can be pretty convincing.”

  “Yes, you can. I may just let you try and convince me all night,” I give her a wink. “But I’m not changing my mind.”

  “You really aren’t going to give up, are you?”

  “How many times to I have to say it? Do I need to scream it so everyone here knows, too?” I ask raising my voice mockingly.


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