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Currents of Silver: Alliance of Silver and Steam Book 5

Page 13

by Lexi Ostrow

  “Hugo?” Clara asked, touching her hand to his shoulder.

  The familiar burst of lust awakened at her touch, but he forced it aside. Had he not been so intent on creating a gift to show her he was ready for such a strong connection, he never would have pushed so hard.

  Bullshite. You did this for you, to prove to yourself that you were every bit as good as Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison.

  Turning, he saw the lines of distress on her face, the tired expression in her eyes and he knew she was as consumed by guilt as he was.


  Warmth caressed his face as she blew out a deep breath. “We have a summons. In a quarter of an hour.” She handed him a small piece of paper. “We are to go before the council to face judgment for what we caused.”

  Looking around the room, at the remnants of the London sector of the Alliance, he knew that punishment would be as severe as the crime. The guild had been destroyed as had three other buildings on that night. Thanks to Seraphina’s quick warning, no Clockwork or Alliance member had lost their life—the same could not be said for others. McKenna had informed them the death toll had been near one hundred innocent men and women. People who died because he’d allowed an experiment to grow far beyond his control. Lives he would forever carry in his heart as a reminder of the destruction hubris wrought.

  Three buildings were destroyed. All the demons they’d held within the cells in the lowest level of the Alliance had perished when Dieargog burst forth from the earth. Illusion Demons had secured the area, projecting nothing more than rubble as the Angels had worked tirelessly to remove the bodies of the dead and any tech that marked the guild as more than it was.

  Whispers of a dragon had surfaced on the first morning, spreading through London as rapidly as a plague. The Angels had been dispatched, sent to wipe the minds of any humans who spoke of the demon. Last he’d heard, they’d had to cleanse thirty and five humans of their memories. Jacob had ushered only the Alliance members into the palace. One hundred and eleven people slept, ate, and planned inside the grand banquet hall, unsure of if there would ever be another locale they could consider home.

  Christmas had come and gone, uncelebrated and ignored as they’d worked to recover what equipment they could. Hundreds of power crystals had been crushed, leaving Eliza scrambling to attempt melting them together for use—an attempt that thankfully did not fail. A flying balloon and a giant bird-beast that had been worked on outside of the guild were all that remained of open projects, because of him, countless advancements had been lost.

  Looking at Clara should have proved impossible. He should have felt stabs of remorse at the mere glance in her direction. Perhaps it was the mating bond that ensured he did not. Instead, he felt as if Clara was the only person who did not despise him. Not to mention the only person he wanted to be around. It was mindboggling, the way he could feel lower than dirt, yet still find desire burning within in him at the mere sight of Clara.

  “Have you ever been summoned before?” He finally asked, handing back the summons paper.

  She nodded, dark curls falling around her shoulders. “When hunters are initiated, we stand before the council and swear an oath, to the Alliance, humanity, and The Crown. Though, I suppose that is a much different ceremony than the one we are about to engage in.”

  “I’m sorry for this, Clara.” The words were barely above a whisper, his shame weighing more than it ever had. “You’re in danger because of me. Fuck, you almost died because of me.”

  Her hand enclosed his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “The same could be said of you. Had I simply resisted the pull I felt betwixt us, or at least not succumbed the moment I wished to, we might not have paired up for such a task as creating light.”

  She smiled at him, a gradual uplifting of the corners of her lips of which the sentiment did not reach her eyes. Dark eyes stared solemnly at him. He could see himself reflected in their depths. His blond hair was in shambles around his shoulders, and dark circles marred his face beneath his eyes. There was nothing he could see in himself that warranted such a wonderful woman, no matter what fate thought. Emotionally connected or not, Clara was a splendid, brave female. He was a mere human who had gotten too big for his britches.

  “We truly were fated for one another, weren’t we?” he asked wryly.

  “One day we will look back upon that as a positive force, and not such a negative and destructive one.” She pushed up and stood, offering him her hand. “We had best make our way to the council. I do not think they would like a tardy arrival.

  Taking her hand, he allowed her to lift him up and tried his best to remember that she was the stronger of the two of them and it was not her trying to undermine his manhood. They walked in silence towards the doors, and every pair of eyes seemed to be drilling a hole into his head as he moved through the space.

  Leaving the room was a blessing. The moment the door closed he felt as if a portion of the judgment went with it.

  “Where do you wish to go?” An armored guard asked gruffly. “All members are to be escorted for their safety.”

  “We seek the council,” Clara said clearly.

  He couldn’t be certain, but he thought he saw a grimace of sympathy pass across the man’s face before he turned. “Follow me.”

  Reaching out, he took Clara’s hand in his. The moment he did, it was as if he could take on anything to protect her. With every touch, the sexual desire began to morph into something calmer, yet more powerful at the same time. Hugo watched as she moved through the halls with the stealth of a predator he realized how different they were. Aside from the occasional brawl, he was useless in a physical fight. She could destroy enemies with a mere whiff of her scent, let alone how deadly he assumed she could be with her weapons. He couldn’t fathom how a warrior like herself had been paired by the universe with such a . . . bookish man.

  “It is through these doors.” The guard said as he pulled open a large, rather plain wooden door.

  “Oh, my,” Clara breathed as the door fully opened, showing them the room.

  Lush blue carpet covered every meter of the chamber, and ornate gold scrollwork was painted along all four walls from the floor to the ceiling. One large window along the back wall seemed to be the only illumination in the room. Sunlight streamed in, damn near centering along a large brown banquet table in the center of the chamber.

  Whether they were late or not, the council was already present. Felicia sat next to Greyston. Eliza and Lucius were next. Seraphina stood behind a chair, Kellan beside her and Philippe stood next to him. Odette sat, hands folded regally on the table before her, with Jacob and McKenna next to her. All wore the same grim expression, eyes looking straight ahead and none paying them any mind as they walked in.

  “Stand before the council,” a familiar voice boomed as the door closed. Layel stepped out of the shadows along with a man with long dark hair that Hugo had never seen before.

  Clara moved, tugging him with her, as they crossed the space and stood at the center of the table before Odette.

  “The council has allowed Nathaniel and me to join on behalf of the Angels, as Seraphina has since represented abiding demons. Your king and queen represent the humans, and the others are the Alliance representatives that will judge your fate and enact a plan.” Layel and Nathaniel stepped to stand beside Jacob and McKenna.

  Hugo was overwhelmed with fear as his heart began to pound whilst the Pure Angel spoke. Knowing there were consequences for his actions was far different than waiting to receive them. Sweat pooled betwixt his and Clara’s hand, and he pulled it free, not wanting her to gather how nervous he was. She was calm, eyes staring straight forward and appearing to be ready for what was to come.

  Odette spoke first. “Please know that we do not hold either of you accountable for your actions. It was Eliza who commissioned the work with light, and it will be she who will face punishment for the end result.”

  His stomach rolled. A female taking punishment for
his mistakes did not sit well with him. Odette raised her hand, silencing him as he opened his mouth to defend the lead inventor.

  “Eliza is aware of the consequences. Her punishment has been agreed to by all members of the council, and she will be stepping down as head inventor, but remaining as the seat on the assembly.” There was no joy in Odette’s voice.

  Hugo looked to Eliza, surprised to the see the woman had not looked down. Instead, her gaze remained forward, her expression unchanged.

  “Then why are we here?” he asked, not sure if he was even permitted to speak.

  “This,” Seraphina waved her wrist, and a red petal-like object flew from the table into her outstretched hand. “We are here to discuss the demon that was released and how we will return him to his prison in Hell.”

  “If you are wondering why you are present, it is because, despite the mistake, you have ideas are inventors have never created, and Clara is Eliza’s assistant.” Odette supplied.

  “We unleashed Dieargog.” Clara visibly shuddered as she spoke.

  “What is a Dieargog?” Jacob asked, face tightening with annoyance.

  “Not a what. A who.” Lucius spoke, his voice as menacing as it had been the first moment they’d met. “You likely did not see the blasted demon, but he is as old as time itself, and the last of his kind.”

  “Does that mean you share insight into his mind?” McKenna asked, sounding rather cautious as she asked.

  Lucius’ black eyes flashed with anger. “It most certainly does not. I am the last of my kind because a certain she-bitch who will remain nameless out of respect for my dear friend murdered them all.”

  “Same old song and dance, Lucius.” Seraphina spat.

  Hugo shuddered, realizing that Seraphina truly must have earned her spot as Queen of Hell at some point in her life.

  “My point being,” Lucius snarled, straightening his already straight tie, “is that Dieargog murdered his entire species in a quest for power. He is the last of the Dragoniari. In a quest for power, he destroyed his kind.”

  “And for that, he found himself in a hole in the pits of Hell. One I placed him in.” There was no mistaking the cocksure tone in Seraphina’s words. “One he would still be in if humans hadn’t played with things they are not supposed to have.”

  “Aye, love, how can we grow if ye willnae allow us tae tinker?” Kellan asked, the useful wistful air not present in his words.

  “I did not consent to that. None of my kind did. Isn’t that right, Layel?”

  “Enough!” Odette’s voice boomed off the walls of the room as she slammed her hand down on the table and stood. “We are not here for this. Each and every misgiving you are bringing up has been dealt with in the past. We are here for the creature that was awakened and nothing more.” Lowering herself back into the seat, it was easy to see that she was holding back some of her temper.

  “I’ve heard tales of Dieargog, but I’m not old enough to have met the beast,” Greyston said, breaking the tension in the room. “What do we know of him? Why was murder, something most demons do, enough to have you lock him away?” He looked down the table to Seraphina.

  “I was commanded to by Lucifer. The demon desired to rule Hell, and likely humankind, with his powers. Amongst his gift of flight, the creature can breathe fire, has claws as strong as diamonds and the ability to flash as Angels do. Pair that with his sheer size and massive strength and there was not much Dieargog could not do before he was put to sleep.”

  “Bloody hell, he is what dragons are fashioned after,” Jacob murmured astonished.

  “If he is so powerful, where did he go when he sent the guild into pieces all across the street?” Philippe asked.

  “He was weak. Living with no nourishment meant he had to survive off the energy he’d stolen. He should have been near death.” Seraphina looked around as if daring someone to challenge her statement. “I assume he left to find beasts big enough to sustain him in this new world.”

  “So, we have lost him?” Odette sounded exasperated.

  Seraphina let out a harsh bark of laughter. “Oh, he is not gone, I assure you. He got an excellent look at me when I locked him away. He will come back for me.”

  “So, we wait?” Odette asked, clearly on the verge of her tolerance for the other woman.

  “No.” Seraphina raised the petal-like object. “He can be tracked with this. I can do it, but I will be weak once it is done and should he sense me, he could come for me. Even I am disinterested in death, so I thought fit to wait until we were all together.”

  “Do it,” Odette ordered. “Sorry, Jacob. I know it could be dangerous, bringing it to the palace if the creature does sense her. However, we can’t afford to wait any longer. I do not wish to think of the atrocities it will create once it is at full strength and trying to find Seraphina.”

  “I understand.” Jacob nodded regally as if giving his consent. “I must inquire, though, why did we have these two brought before us?”

  “Because,” Eliza spoke for the first time, “as previously stated, they are brilliant, and it’s likely going to take down something beyond brilliant to destroy this demon.”

  Hugo swallowed hard, wondering if a punishment might have been better after all.

  “If you are all quite done,” Seraphina’s lips curved into a blood red grin. “I have a demon to find.”

  Clara could feel her body straining to keep her on her feet. The mere knowledge that they were not punished had almost knocked her over in relief. Hearing Eliza had received recompense in their stead had nearly dropped her to her knees. The woman was like a sister to her, and now she was paying for a mistake she did not truly make. Hearing they would have to aid in the mission to find and destroy the infamous Dieargog had sent trembles through her body that she fought to keep hidden.

  All her life she’d fought for survival or acceptance. Even once she’d joined the Alliance. She hadn’t told Hugo, but she had been before the Council when they passed judgment on her position as an ally. Standing before them again was just as frightening. Hugo’s palm hadn’t been only to be soaked in sweat. He just had not appeared to notice her growing fear as they had entered the chambers.

  “You cannot be serious.” She blurted, forgetting her place.

  Seraphina’s head turned eerily slowly towards her, eyes as black as night as she held onto the demon’s scale. It was an image nearly as terrifying as Seraphina had been before she’d chosen Kellan.

  “We will destroy this creature. I am Queen, and I will not tolerate a grab for power. I have crushed every rebellion that has arisen since Kellan handed me back my wondrous crown. This will be no different.”

  “He will kill us all!” Hysteria bubbled to the surface, closer than it had been since the night she’d nearly died at the hand of her kind.

  “We will stop him. We simply need to find him first.” Odette’s calm demeanor washed over her like soothing warm water.

  “Clara?” Hugo touched her shoulder, concern echoing in her name. “Clara, are you all right?”

  Blowing out a breath she realized what had happened. Odette’s Halfling nature had taken over to soothe her. Panic slipped away as if by magic, and all that was left was a calm, determined feeling.

  “I didn’t think you did that,” she said plainly, her eyes on the carpeted floor.

  “I do not wish too. Had I not, Nathaniel or my Father likely would have.” Odette pointed out the lack of protective eyewear.

  “Seraphina, do you have a plan?” Philippe asked, his accent thick, as it always became when he grew agitated.

  “I always have a plan,” she retorted, flicking her ruby red hair behind her shoulder. “McKenna, please give me the map I asked you to bring to me.”

  McKenna pulled out a large tube from underneath the table and passed it down the line until it reached Seraphina. The Angel didn’t hesitate to pull a rolled print from it and spread it out meticulously on the table. The map was so large it took up space from Seraphina a
ll the way over to Odette. Rocking forward on his toes to see the drawing, he wasn’t shocked to find a world map.

  “Now, if the hunters in the room could please engage their weapons, that would be most useful.” Seraphina nodded to Layel and Nathaniel. “If it becomes an actual problem, flash the humans out.”

  The room spun as a wave of queasiness settled over her like a thick blanket. It was one thing to work alongside men and women that hunted demons. It was an entirely different thing to summon one most in the room feared. She knew without a doubt that eight warriors were not enough to take the creature down, even if Seraphina claims to have done so with Lucifer’s help.

  Glancing at Hugo, she saw tension in the thin line of his mouth. He was as afraid as she was. Without hesitation, she reached out and took his hand in hers. A small smile formed on her his, but he did not turn to look at her, and it quickly vanished.

  Looking back to the event before him, she saw Seraphina as she truly was. Large, white wings were spread behind her, and she held a dagger in one hand and the scale in another. She looked to Kellan before closing her eyes and dropping the scale onto the map. Immediately, it began to shake, rocking to and fro on the table. Seraphina squeezed her eyes shut harder, and without warning, the scale flew from its spot over the British Isles to halfway through Europe.

  When Seraphina’s eyes flicked open, they were their usual ice blue, no longer black for her demon nature.

  “Switzerland.” She laughed, holding her belly as her chuckles grew in intensity.

  “That should worry us, should it not?” Odette inquired.

  “It means he’s taken refuge in the one place many of us have the upper hand.” Lucius supplied, his fear also seemed to have subsided without the arrival of the dragon demon. “He’s hiding where there is nothing that can stop us from attacking, and where we have subjects, if not allies, to combat him.”


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