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Saving Brad (The Kennedy Boys Book 5)

Page 8

by Siobhan Davis

  I wet my dry lips, nodding and wishing I’d consumed a bucket load of beer. I have a feeling I’m going to need it for this conversation.

  No one really talks as we make our exit, not until after Lauren and Gavin have said their goodbyes and we are back in our apartment.

  The second the door shuts, Ky rounds on me. “Is it true?”

  There’s no point lying. “Partly.”

  “Explain that,” he demands.

  I can’t even look at Faye as I confirm it. “I called her Faye once. It was unintentional. I was drunk, and it just slipped out. I’m sorry.”

  Ky grabs tufts of his hair and starts pacing the room. The rest of us are afraid to even breathe.

  I finally glance at Faye. She looks really upset, and I don’t blame her. “I’m really sorry, Faye. The last thing I want is to embarrass or upset you.”

  Ky shoves me. “Don’t fucking talk to her! Don’t even look at her!” He’s close to losing it.

  “Babe.” Faye moves to his side, pulling him away from me. “I think we should go. Brad didn’t mean it, and—”

  “Of course, he fucking meant it!” Ky roars, and she flinches. “Do you not see how he looks at you?!”

  Faye prods a finger in Ky’s chest. “Don’t you fucking shout at me! Just stop it. Stop this or I’m leaving.”

  He throws his hands in the air. “I might’ve known you’d take his side.”

  “Are you for fucking real?” she screams. “You’re acting like an idiot and all because some bimbo wanted to cause trouble.” She grabs her purse from the table. “Well, congratulations, bimbo,” she yells, looking at the ceiling. “You win!” She whirls around to her boyfriend. “Happy now? I’m going home, and you’re not coming with me. Not when you’re in such a foul mood. I’ve had about enough of this shit to last a lifetime.” She storms out of the apartment, and Rachel runs after her.

  “We’re not done talking about this,” Ky fumes, jabbing his finger in my direction. “But I’m not letting her leave by herself.” He races out after her, and I collapse on the ground.

  “I told you to deal with her,” Rachel says, materializing a few minutes later. “I just knew she was trouble.”

  “I thought you were gone.”

  She sinks down beside me, pulling her knees to her chest. “Oh no. I’m not getting in the middle of that. I’ll just wait here for an hour and then go home. Hopefully, he’s cooled off by then.”

  “You can stay the night here. I don’t mind.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so.” Her lips curve into a sneer.

  A muscle clenches in my jaw. “I didn’t mean anything by that.”

  “Sure. You were just offering out of the goodness of your heart.”

  I hop up, incensed. I’ve taken enough crap from girls tonight. “You know what, Rachel. I really couldn’t give a shit. Stay here or leave. Makes no difference to me. If I wanted to fuck someone tonight, I had plenty of offers. I certainly don’t have to lower my standards.” I send her a pointed look, even though it’s a low blow and a total lie.

  She scrambles to her feet, her cheeks inflamed. “You are officially the world’s biggest dickhead, and I wouldn’t fuck you again even if my life depended on it.”

  “Yeah, I seem to recall you telling me that before. Sounds like you’re trying real hard to convince yourself of that. Isn’t that right, Red?” It’s like enraging a pit bull.

  She pokes her finger in my chest, and steam is practically billowing out of her ears. Her skin is flushed red, and there’s a thunderous look in her eyes. Yeah, I’ve definitely poked the beast. “In case that’s too complex for your simple brain”—she spits out the words—“I hate you. I fucking detest you. I cannot even stand to be in the same room as you. I am done with this shit. Stay the hell away from me.”

  Because I’m an idiot, I smirk.

  Her hands ball into fists, and I think she might actually hit me.

  Instead, she emits a roar of frustration and stomps to the door, slamming it violently behind her.

  Chapter Eight


  I hope Ky kicks Brad to the curb. I hope he ends up miserable and alone. I hope he gets crabs and his dick falls off. I hope he drinks himself into a coma and never wakes up. Okay, I take that last one back. That’s taking it to extremes. I don’t want him to die. I just want him to stay the hell out of my life. He’s ruining my do-over. All week, he’s been hijacking my mind, and I hate it. He’s making me think about things I don’t want to think about. Making me feel things I don’t want to feel.

  I try to wipe the murderous look off my face as I pass a couple in the lobby. Pushing the door open, I suck in a greedy mouthful of air, internally talking myself off the ledge as I slow my pace. The street is deserted, and apart from the glow from the street lamps, it’s pitch dark. I lean against the wall and pull out my phone, calling up the Uber app. I try to rein in my anger as I wait for the driver. Brad gets under my skin like no one else, and I’m so confused by the torrent of emotions I feel.

  The door slams, startling me. Brad appears in my line of sight, and I groan. His facial features relax when he sees me.

  “Fuck off,” I hiss before he’s even reached me.

  “What are you doing, Red?” he asks in a breathless voice.

  What’s it look like, dickhead. I think it, but I don’t say it. Instead, I choose to ignore him, humming under my breath and looking everywhere but at him. It’s super childish but hugely satisfying.

  “Rachel? Do you need me to call an Uber, or have you already done that?”

  I whistle a tune, looking at my feet this time.

  “That’s very immature,” Brad says, and I lift my head up, whistling in his face.

  His face turns red, and he looks like he wants to give me a few slaps. “I just wanted to make sure you got home safely, but if you want to act like you’re five, that’s fine. I’m not going anywhere, but I’m more than happy to stand here and ignore you too.”

  He folds his arms and leans his back against the wall. The movement stretches his shirt across his chest, and I hate that my treacherous eyes involuntarily scan his ripped chest and abs. He catches me looking and smirks.

  That smirk of his holds prime position on my Top Ten list of Most Annoying Things. Seriously, every time he smirks, I want to kick him in the nuts. Or make him eat a fist sandwich. My hands tighten into balls, and I really think I could hit him. I mentally count to ten, praying for patience I know I don’t possess. “Go away, Brad. I’m not your responsibility,” I snap through gritted teeth, tossing his own words from last week back at him.

  “I don’t give a crap what you think. I’m not leaving any girl out on the sidewalk at this hour by herself. You can hate me all you want. I don’t give a flying fuck.”

  “I swear you were put on this planet just to irritate the crap out of me.”

  “Touché, sweetheart.” He taps his fingers off his forehead in mock salute.

  “I’m not your sweetheart, your Red, or your anything!” I stomp my foot in annoyance. It was either that or smash my fist in his face.

  He shrugs, attempting to smother a laugh, and that only riles me up further. He knows he’s getting to me, and I hate that I’m falling into his trap, but I’m too enraged to think logically. “I can’t believe you just stomped your foot. You’re really indulging your inner child tonight.”

  “Shut. Up. Dickhead.” I push off the wall, scrunching my hands in my hair. I’m feeling too much, and that’s never a good sign. “And you can’t talk considering you have the attention span of a gnat and a brain that’s ruled by your dick.”

  His mouth twitches. “You’re hot as hell when you’re mad.”

  I round on him, jabbing my finger in his chest. “No! You don’t get to do this.”

  He acts all innocent. “Do what?”

��Flirt with me! I won’t allow it!”

  He laughs. “I’ll flirt with you if I like, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it until the Uber gets here.” His eyes smolder as he zeroes in on my mouth. His tongue darts out, and he licks his lips in a deliberately suggestive manner. “The feistier you are, the more you turn me on.” My throat runs dry, and an almost painful ache starts throbbing in my core. I want to punch myself in my greedy, needy vagina.

  No, no, no, no. Hell no. This is not going down.

  I don’t want him.

  And I’m not remembering the explosive orgasm he gave me last time we shagged. I’m not remembering how intense it felt when he was inside me. I’m definitely not remembering that.

  “I like that,” he murmurs, and the seductive quality to his voice has me biting down hard on my lip. It’s either that or do something ridiculous like moan.

  “Like what?” I snap.

  “The way you’re feeling me up.” He smirks again, and the urge to punch his lights out is almost overpowering.

  “I’m not …” I trail off as I zone in on my hands, gliding up and down his impressive chest. How the fuck did that end up happening? I step away, pulling my phone out with trembling hands and start pacing the pavement. I need to get away from him before I do something stupid like jump his annoyingly sexy bones. Where the hell is my Uber? My knees are like jelly, and I’m feeling all hot and bothered underneath my clothes. I hate that he has this effect on me. Hate it.

  No guy has ever made me feel so much with so little.

  I usually pride myself on my lack of feeling, and Brad is really messing with my mojo.


  I lift my head up and draw in a gasp. He is stalking toward me with the darkest, most lust-filled expression in his eyes. How the heck am I expected to resist him when he looks like that?

  I hold out a hand. “Stop right there, mister, and don’t come any closer.”

  He shoots me a wicked grin. “Or what?” he asks, tilting his head to the side in a cocky manner. “What will you do to me if I close this gap and shove my hand in your panties? What will I find if I push my fingers inside you? Are you wet for me, Rachel? Do you want to fuck me as much as I want to fuck you right now?”

  My eyes flit to his jeans, and there’s no way I could miss the giant swell of his erection. My knees almost buckle from under me. He takes another step forward, and I take another step back. “Stop. Don’t take another step.” I cringe at the sound of my hesitant, breathless voice.

  “You’re the girl who told me the best way to numb emotion was to do this. Get drunk and fuck. I’m not that drunk, but I want to fuck. I want to fuck you. We can fuck against the wall again, but I’d rather not give any of my neighbors a show.” He holds out his hand. “Come on, Rach. Don’t think. Let’s just do this. We both need the release.”

  His hand levitates in the gap between us, like a predator dangling candy in front of a child. My core pulses with need, and the devil on my shoulder is screaming at me to screw him. He must sense the confusion in me. Slowly, he lowers his other hand, rubbing his palm up and down his arousal.

  Holy shit. I’m in deep doo-doo with this dude. He’s twisting my insides into knots. Making me want things I shouldn’t want.

  He watches me watching and his chest swells. “I’ll make it good for you, Rach. Last time was too quick. Let me make you feel good. Let me worship your body all night long.”

  Oh, hell.

  That sounds good.

  Too good to pass up.

  All the fight leaves me. My greedy vagina wins out. The inner devil on my shoulder squeals with joy as I fling myself at Brad. His strong arms go around my waist, and his mouth crashes down on mine without hesitancy. We devour one another like we can’t get close enough. His mouth is soft and warm gliding against mine, his tongue demanding as he parts my lips and delves inside. My heart is beating ninety miles to the hour, and I think I’ll die if I don’t get my hands all over him. Every inch of his rock-hard body is pressed against mine, igniting every cell, every nerve ending, with liquid lust. I have never been this horny. Never craved a guy as much as this, especially not when I’ve been sober.

  Sex and me have a weird, complicated connection, but, in this moment, I feel almost normal. And I’m not sure what I think about that. All I know is I want to stop thinking and just feel this. Feel Brad worship every inch of my body. I whimper in the back of my throat

  “Upstairs. Now,” he demands, breaking the kiss and taking my hand.

  I keep my head down as we race through the lobby.

  The second the elevator doors close, Brad is on me, his mouth plundering mine with the same fervent need. His hand creeps under my dress and into my knickers. He thrusts a finger inside me, and I cling to his shoulders, digging my nails into his toned flesh as I cry out. “As I thought. You’re fucking dripping, Red.”

  The elevator pings, and I stagger out of the lift as if in a daze. Brad keeps a firm hold of my hand as he practically sprints to his apartment. The warmth from his hand seeps into my skin, heating me all over.

  He fumbles with the keys, cursing when they drop to the floor, and I smile. He’s as flustered as I am, and that’s good to know. That I’m not in this alone. I’m purposely not engaging the rational side of my brain because my body will kick the shit out of me if I quit this now. I couldn’t run away even if my mind demanded it. My body craves him like I’ve never craved a guy before.

  The instant Brad pulls me into the apartment, he attacks me all over again. My back slams into the door as he backs me into it. His hands fist in my hair, and he angles my head, melding his mouth to mine. His tongue swirls into my mouth, and I groan. I yank his shirt out of his jeans, my hands slipping under as I explore his bare chest. He shudders under my touch, and that only turns me on more. He lifts the hem of my dress, hauling it up my body, and I release my hands, allowing him to pull it off me. I stand before him in my matching black lace undies and high heels.

  He drinks his fill, his gaze raking me from head to toe, and I’m on fire from the intensity of his focus. “You are so beautiful, Rachel. Absolutely stunning.”

  His dark eyes are cloaked in desire as they lock on mine. I grab a fistful of his shirt, pulling him from the hall toward the bedrooms. He stops in the living room, pushing me up against the wall and kissing me so hard I feel it all the way to my toes. Overcome with lust, I snatch his shirt, yanking it apart with force. Buttons pop, flying all over the place. I toss the ripped shirt aside and dip my head, licking a line from the top of his jeans all the way up his chest. He tastes and smells divine. So masculine. So earthy and musky, and I need to feel him in my hands. I pop the buttons on his jeans and slide my hand inside, wrapping around him. He gasps. “Shit.” Grabbing the back of my head, he aligns our mouths once again. I shove his jeans and boxers down, as our kissing grows more and more frantic. Honestly, I think I’d crawl inside him if I could. My body’s on fire, and I’m moaning and writhing against him with reckless abandon.

  Without warning, he steps out of his jeans, kicking them away, and grips my hips, lifting me up and effortlessly throwing me over his shoulder. I yelp as he swats my butt. “I am going to fuck you until you pass out,” he promises, and I bite my lip hard as my pussy pulses in expectation.

  He stops outside his door, gently placing me back on the ground. His eyes are almost fully black with desire as he stands before me utterly naked. He’s magnificent. His body is a work of art. All defined curves, sharp lines, and carved angles. I want to lick every inch of him, and that thought rattles me.

  Brad is changing me, and that scares me as much as it enraptures me.

  He drags the tip of his finger under the strap of my bra, pulling it down one arm. Then he moves to the other side, doing the same. Bending his head, he runs his mouth across the swell of my breasts, and I stumble, my legs almost going out underne
ath me. Quick as a flash, he unclips my bra and flings it aside. He stares at my tits, and my nipples harden under his smoldering gaze.

  “I have been fantasizing over your tits, but, fuck me, Rach, my imagination didn’t do you justice. You’re gorgeous.” He lightly traces the tip of his finger over one breast and then the other.

  It’s like they are hotwired to my pussy, and I almost come on the spot. I have never been so aroused, and so needy. “Brad, I need you inside me. Now.”

  He kicks the bedroom door open with the back of his foot, never taking his eyes off me. His look turns serious. “I want this, Rachel. I want this really badly. Do you?” My mouth has gone dry again. I nod. “I need you to say it, beautiful. All joking aside, are you sure? I might die of the worst case of blue balls if you back out, but I won’t hold it against you.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my body flush against his. “I want this. I want you. I want you to fuck me until I pass out.”

  His mouth crashes down on mine, and that’s the end of all conversation.

  Chapter Nine


  When I wake the next morning, I’m immediately conscious of two things. One: my body aches everywhere—a combination of tired muscles from the game and a delicious achy feeling from the mammoth sexathon with Rachel. And, two: the gorgeous creature I spent hours worshiping last night is still here, curled into my side, looking totally angelic in slumber. Her head is resting on my chest, and my arm is wrapped around her naked back. Our legs are tangled in each other and the sheet.

  I rarely let girls stay over, preferring to call an Uber and escort them outside once the dirty business is over. But I was insatiable last night, and I couldn’t bear to part with Red. I guess we both fell asleep from sheer exhaustion at some point.

  She stirs, and little wisps of hair flutter across her brow. I take a quick moment to study her before she wakes up, opens her mouth, and hostilities resume, as I’ve no doubt they will. Her skin is flawless and a gorgeous creamy color, her cheeks flushed a little from the heat. Her lush mouth is slightly parted, and her lips appear still swollen from my kisses. Her long lashes are thick and lustrous as they flicker open. The hand on my chest moves southward, and my erect cock throbs with need. You’d think after five rounds last night, I’d be all out of juice, but, I’m learning, with Rachel, there appears to be no such thing. There’s no denying the powerful attraction between us.


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