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Saving Brad (The Kennedy Boys Book 5)

Page 11

by Siobhan Davis

  Liar. Liar. Pants on fire.

  “Uh-huh.” Lauren grins. “You keep trying to convince yourself of that.”

  I sigh. I’m fooling no one. Least of all myself.

  My phone pings just as I’m entering the second last class of the day. The text is from Faye, so I open it up immediately.

  Need 2 talk 2 u urgently. Ring me now.

  Turning around, I offer up apologies as I maneuver a path through the people pouring into the room. When I’m back out in the hall, I find a quiet spot and call my friend.

  “Can you get home now?”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t say over the phone, but I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t urgent.”

  “Ky’s back?” I’m guessing this is something to do with whatever is going down with Brad.


  I hate ditching class, it’s not in keeping with the new-me, but friends take precedence.


  “I’m leaving now. Be there as soon as I can.”

  I’m not altogether surprised to find both Brad and Ky waiting with Faye when I step foot in our apartment a half hour later. I deposit my backpack on the floor in the living room and walk to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water.

  No one speaks, and it’s all very cloak and dagger. They wait for me to get settled before Faye clues me in. “Brad’s mom is back in the country,” she admits, surprising me.

  While I’m not privy to all the ins and outs of Brad’s family history, I know enough to understand it’s risky for her to be back on American soil. My gaze bounces to his, and the look he gives me is a mixture of exhilaration and sheer terror. But it’s genuine, and there’s a lot to be said for that. I return my attention to Faye, nodding for her to continue.

  “Brad’s dad is still overseas, and if the government find out she’s back, they’ll most likely arrest her. For now, she’s going to stay in hiding, but we need to get Brad’s sisters from his aunt’s house and bring them to Wellesley so they can all be together while Dan is figuring out the best course of action.”

  “Who’s Dan?” I ask.

  “My parent’s attorney,” Ky confirms. “He’s going to try and find a loophole they can work with.”

  I clear my throat, resurrecting my lady balls, and look at Brad. Ignoring the sting of his rejection, and the fact I know how hot he looks stark naked, I speak up. “I’m really happy that your family is back, but I don’t see what this has to do with me?”

  He leans forward in the chair, propping his arms on his knees. “The Feds were watching me at one time, and we don’t know if they still are. They know I’m close with the Kennedys and Faye, too, so it’s hard to find someone who isn’t on their radar.”

  “So, you need me to …?”

  “Drive to my aunt’s house, pick up my sisters, and deliver them to Wellesley.” He has the decency to look sheepish. My brows climb to my hairline. “I know it’s a big favor to ask, but you’re the only one the Feds aren’t aware of. I could ask one of the guys on my football team, but then I’d have to fill them in on everything, and I can’t take that risk. I know I can trust you, and I’ll be coming with so you won’t have to do this on your own.”

  “You say that like it’ll sweeten the deal, but the thoughts of you and me, alone, in a car for any amount of time is about as enticing as eating raw kangaroo testicles.”

  Faye scrunches her nose, grimacing. Brad doesn’t see the humor, scrubbing his tense jaw with a look of growing panic on his face. Thing is, of course, I’m going to do it. I’d be a heartless bitch not to, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take advantage of the opportunity to make Brad squirm a little. He deserves it.

  His head lifts, and he pierces me with a solemn expression. “Look, I’ve been a complete jerk to you, I get that—”

  “Try backstabbing, self-serving, arrogant, slimy dickhead,” I interject.

  I catch Ky’s eye, and he winks. He’s enjoying a little payback too.

  Brad swallows a whole tub of humble pie. “So, I’ve been a backstabbing, self-serving, arrogant, slimy dickhead, and I know you owe me nothing, but I’m begging you, Rachel, please, please do this. Do it for my mom and sisters, not for me.”

  I pretend to inspect my nails. “What’s in it for me?”

  Faye gasps, jumping up. “Rach, what the hell has gotten into you?”

  I level her with a “butt out” look, and she clamps her lips shut. Not before showing me her middle finger though. I smother the laughter waiting to bubble up my throat.

  “What do you want?” Brad asks, ignoring Faye’s unwanted intervention.

  I wrack my brains for something good, and then it comes to me. I’m struggling to hold on to my composure as I speak. “You’ll allow me to take a photo of you naked, holding a carefully placed sign confirming you’re a—”

  “Backstabbing, self-serving, arrogant, slimy dickhead,” he supplies for me with a sigh.

  “Corrrrect. And you’ll allow me to post it online or anywhere around campus that I choose.”

  Faye sniggers, and I know she’s cottoned on.

  “Fine.” He stands up. “Agreed.”

  “Sit down. I’m not finished,” I demand, really getting into the spirit of it now.

  He grits his teeth, and a muscle ticks in his jaw. Reluctantly, he sits back down. “What else?”

  “And I want five orgasms.”

  Faye falls off the side of the couch, convulsing with laughter. Ky has a hand over his mouth, struggling to keep his cool.

  But I’m not done yet.

  “All in the one night, and you will do exactly as I tell you.” I tap a finger off my chin. “Like my own personal sex slave.”

  Brad smirks that infuriating smirk of his, and I’m ready to take him down another peg or two. “I’ve no problem agreeing to that.” He leans back, locking his hands around the back of his head, grinning nonstop.

  “And you’re not allowed to come.”

  He smirks again. “I hate to break it to you, Red, but it’s not like you can stop me.”

  “Wanna bet?” I arch a brow and he shoots an amused look my way. “You’ll be fully clothed, I’m not laying a finger on you, and you’ll pleasure me exactly as I tell you. If you are close to coming, I’ll throw a bucket of ice water over you.” He blinks profusely, and the grin slips off his mouth. The other two are howling with laughter at this stage. “And if that fails, there’s always a male chastity belt.”

  His expression is a mixture of disbelief and mounting horror. “That’s not a thing.”

  “Is too.”

  “And how would you know?”

  “I might’ve had cause to Google it one time.”

  “You’re totally fucked in the head, and you can’t do that! That’s complete torture.”

  I fold my hands in my lap, giving him a smug grin. Oh, it’s cruel, but I’m getting perverse pleasure out of this. “Exactly.”

  “Sadist,” he mumbles under his breath.

  “Oh my God, Rachel, remind me to never get on your bad side.” Ky laughs, pointing a finger in Brad’s direction. “Shit, man. She has you by the balls.”

  “Fine. I’ll agree to your terms. Can we make a move now?”

  He stands up again, and I pull myself to my feet, arching my spine in a regal fashion. “Shake on it.” I extend my hand, and Faye titters.

  His handshake is warm and firm, heating me upon contact. He pulls away, his expression turning all business-like. “Now it’s my turn to have the floor.” His look challenges me to argue, but I’ve had my fun. “Okay, so this is how it’s going to go down. You’ll drive Ky’s Range Rover out of the garage with me in the cargo hold and head toward the I-95. There’s an abandoned gas station just outside of Dedham where you can pull in. Provided no one is following us, I’ll drive the rest of the way
. Before we reach my aunts, I’ll hop back in the cargo hold, and you can drive to her house.”

  “Okay. Let’s go then.”

  Ky and Faye walk to the underground car park with us. Ky is explaining how the controls work, while Faye and Brad are talking in quiet whispers behind us. “I’ll be fine. I was driving my uncle’s tractor when I was barely out of nappies.”

  His brow puckers.

  “Diapers,” Faye explains, “and I think that’s a slight exaggeration. Although”—she turns to grin at Brad—“I hope you have an iron constitution because you’re going to need it with Rachel’s driving.”

  I playfully shove her. “Hey! I’ve been driving way longer than you, and I’ve never been in an accident.”

  Faye plants her hands on her hips. “And how many penalty points do you have on your license?”

  I flap my hands about. “They don’t matter. They were only for speeding.”

  “God, help me.” Brad makes the sign of the cross, shaking his head.

  I send him one of my special death-destroyer looks. “Shut your gob, and get your cute butt in the boot.”

  “You think my butt is cute?” He opens the rear door of the SUV, smirking again, and my fists involuntarily ball up at my sides. It’s instinctive at this stage. That smirk of his always rubs me the wrong way, and I hate that he knows that and uses it at will to piss me off.

  “I think you’re a butthead. Now get in the cargo hold.” I fake an American accent, and he chuckles.

  He climbs into it, putting his delectable butt way too close to my face. I’m pleading involuntary reaction to what I do next. I whack his butt hard and then squeeze his cute buns a little. He stumbles, loses his balance, and tumbles head-first into the cargo hold. He whacks his head off the side, emitting a volley of colorful expletives. “What the actual fuck, Rachel? Are you actually trying to kill me?”

  I raise my hand to the door. “If I wanted to kill you, I’d do a better job of it.” I smirk, giving him a dose of his own medicine. “Now, stop being such a drama queen, it’s only a little bump.” My grin turns devilish. “I’ll try to keep to the speed limit, but I’m making no promises.” Before he can protest, I slam the door shut, smacking my hands together in satisfaction. I fucking love messing with his head.

  Love it. Love it. Love it.

  “Wow. You really want to make him sweat,” Faye says, leaning back against Ky. He has his back to the wall, and his arms are clasped around her waist.

  “He deserves it for being an asshole.”

  “When are you going to let him off the hook?”

  “About five minutes before we get to Wellesley.”

  Faye snickers. “Cruel bitch.”

  “If the cap fits, girlfriend.” I grin wickedly as I hop up into the Rover.

  They come over to the window. “Be safe, and please slow down,” she beseeches.

  “I’ll be careful. I promise.”

  I thrust the stick into gear and start backing out of the parking spot.

  “Try not to murder my friend,” Ky hollers.

  “That’s one promise I cannot commit to,” I shout out, revving the engine and flooring it out of there.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Shit, Faye wasn’t kidding. Rachel is a lunatic driver. I’m thrown all over the cargo hold as she maneuvers the car like it’s a fucking tank and we’re being chased by an enemy hell-bent on our destruction. I roar at her, but she ignores me. Her self-satisfied chuckles drift my way, and I know she’s enjoying this immensely.

  I slam to the front of the cargo hold as we come to a screaming halt, instinctively placing my hands over my face in a self-protective gesture. My breathing is erratic and my heartrate is elevated to near-coronary territory. It’s a wonder I didn’t crap my pants.

  A waft of welcome cool air drifts over me, and I blink my eyes open. I hadn’t even realized I’d closed them.

  “Time to get out, dickhead,” she purrs, as if I haven’t just endured a near-death experience.

  “Holy fuck, Red,” I exclaim, accepting her hand and letting her help me out. I make a grab for her shoulder as I stand on shaky legs. My limbs are trembling in shock. “That was insane! What idiot thought it was a good idea to give you a driver’s license?”

  She laughs. Actually laughs. The bitch.

  “Shit yourself, did ya, big guy?” She wiggles her brows, and her glee is obvious in the extreme.

  “Very fucking nearly,” I admit, shaking my head in disbelief. I hold my palm upright. “Give me the keys. You’re not going near the steering wheel again.”

  She drops them into my upturned palm, grinning like an idiot. “Poor baby,” she teases, pinching my cheek. “Can’t handle a little rough play.”

  I send her a cocky grin, knowing she hates when I look at her like this. “I think we both know the truth on that score.”

  “Hasn’t anyone ever told you arrogance is a most unattractive trait?” she retorts, flouncing over to the passenger side door without waiting for my response.

  I decide to make her sweat a little, because I haven’t forgotten that I still owe her for earlier. Without replying, I settle into the driver side seat, pushing it back to accommodate my longer legs. I switch the engine on, smoothly steering the car out into the traffic. Once we are back on the highway, heading in the right direction, I relax a little. “So, Rachel, about the other night.”

  Her head pivots to mine, and her eyes narrow to slits. “I’m not going there.”

  I glance at her quickly, planting a fake innocent mask on my face. “Why not? We’re consenting adults, and we both enjoyed ourselves.” She opens her mouth to say something, no doubt something derogatory and argumentative, but I cut her off first. “Don’t even attempt to deny that. All those naughty moans and cries you made would only make a liar of you. And let’s not forget that dirty, filthy mouth of yours.” I can vividly remember every crude, dirty word that came out of her mouth and how it ramped my arousal into orbit.

  Blood starts heating down south, and I squirm a little in my seat. The purpose of this line of questioning is to aggravate Rachel, not to turn me on, I silently remind myself.

  Her cheeks flush, and she bites down on her lower lip, and my cock twitches to life. Subtly, I part my legs a little, hoping she doesn’t notice the slight movement or the growing bulge in my jeans.

  “So your little experiment worked then?” She spits the words out, and there’s no missing the animosity behind them.

  I frown. “I’m not with you.”

  She swivels in her seat, staring at me. I take a quick sideways look at her, almost shrinking from the venom in her expression. But I detect a note of hurt at the back of it. “I heard what you said to Ky. I should’ve realized I was part of your little trial.”

  My brows knit together. “Still not following you.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me.” Kicking her shoes off, she lifts her legs and rests her feet on the dash. Her dress slides down her thighs a little, giving me plenty of access to her gorgeous, toned legs. My gaze locks on, and I almost forget I’m driving. “Keep your eyes on the road, dickhead, or we’ll both be toast.”

  Her biting words, and the blast of a horn, snap me out of my lusty haze. “Don’t flash me your panties then!” I hiss, exaggerating in a feeble attempt to explain my behavior. I’m grouchy because she’s somehow gaining the upper hand again, and that pisses me off.

  “I didn’t flash my panties!” she screeches. “I only put my feet up on the dash. You are the one who seems to have a problem keeping your eyes off me.”

  I can tell she’s pouting without even looking at her. “Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart,” I snap. “You don’t have the monopoly on great legs. Faye definitely gives you a run for your money in that regard,” I tack on the end, completely on the spur of the moment. I watch he
r face fall in the mirror, and I feel like the biggest jerk on the planet. I want to take it back. To tell her I didn’t mean it, but I can’t make the words come out of my mouth.

  She lowers her feet to the floor and crosses her arms over her chest. “Which is exactly the point I was making,” she says in a much calmer voice than I’d expect. “All the drinking and getting laid is so you can forget her. You told me as much in Nantucket. What I failed to realize the other night was that I was lumped into that category too. If I’d known, I would’ve said no.”

  I want to tell her she’s wrong. That it couldn’t be further from the truth. That she’s the first girl in a very long time to capture my attention and consume my mind. The first girl that’s made me stop thinking about Faye. I want to tell her that, but I can’t. Because I still haven’t worked out why I think like that, what it means—if anything—and what, or if, I want to do anything about it. So, like a coward, I say nothing.

  “God, you really are a dickhead,” she says a few minutes later when it’s clear I’m not refuting her claims.

  “I promised you a good time and I delivered. I never promised anything beyond that.”

  “Yeah. You’re a man of your word.” Sarcasm drips off her tone.

  I rub a tense spot between my brows. “Can we talk about something else? Anything besides us.”

  She looks out the window, ignoring me, and I figure my punishment is to suffer the rest of the journey in silence. Any other time, I wouldn’t give two shits about that. But today I need the distraction of conversation. I’m excited about reuniting with my sisters but apprehensive about it all going smoothly. I won’t relax until we’re with Mom in Wellesley.

  After about ten minutes, she finally speaks, although she doesn’t look at me. “I guess you must be delighted your family are back.”

  “I am, but I’m worried too.”

  She twists her head around. “We’ll get your sisters out safely, and I’ve been watching through the mirror. I can’t see anyone following us that looks suspicious.”


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