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Saving Brad (The Kennedy Boys Book 5)

Page 13

by Siobhan Davis

  “Girls!” Brad’s mom cries, running forward. She grabs both her daughters in her arms, hugging them firmly to her chest. Kaitlyn displays the same stiff posture with her mother, so it’s obviously not just confined to her brother.

  “Bradley.” She reaches an arm out for Brad, pulling him into the family embrace. I scoot over beside Ky and Faye, watching the reunion with damp eyes. Faye and I share smiles.

  “What happened to your head?” his mom asks, pressing her fingers to the bruised, raised bump on his forehead, courtesy of moi.

  I silently curse.


  I think I’m in trouble.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Mom frowns as she gently probes my skin. Before I can downplay it, Ky cuts in. “That’s called foreplay,” he quips, and I want to slap him upside the head. Judging from the glare Rachel sends his way, I’m figuring she shares my sentiment.

  It might be commonplace for the Kennedys to talk so crudely in front of their parents, but my home was never like that.

  “You never told me you had a girlfriend, honey,” Mom says, scowling a little at Ky’s word choice. If she were in her own house, I’m sure she’d have a few choice words in reply, but she’s in his domain, and Mom’s way too polite to put him in his place.

  Even though the jackass deserves it.

  Mom and I have completely different views on sexual entanglements.

  Case in point. Mom hears foreplay and thinks girlfriend. I hear foreplay and think hookup. She’d be disgusted if she knew the truth about my sex life. She raised me to be respectful of women, and she’s an advocate for committed relationships. She was at her happiest when I was going out with Rose, loving the fact I was in a steady relationship, despite how young we were. Dad was Mom’s first and last boyfriend, and to say she’s sheltered and completely ignorant of what it’s like to be a single male on campus these days is an understatement.

  Perhaps I’m a coward like my dad, but I don’t want her to be disappointed in me so soon after she’s returned home. There’ll be plenty of time for that.

  “Shame on you, Brad,” Ky retorts, enjoying making me squirm.

  I am so going to kick his ass for this. He has some inkling of what Mom’s like, and he’s milking this on purpose.

  “When will I get to meet her?” Mom asks, planting her hands on her hips.

  I’m across the garage in a flash, my hand covering Ky’s mouth before he can dig an even bigger hole for me. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Rachel elbowing Faye in the ribs.

  But both our interventions are to no avail.

  “She’s right there, Mom,” Emma pipes up, innocently pointing at Rachel. “Brad was kissing her outside the car earlier.”

  Shit. Didn’t think either of my sisters had been paying attention to that.

  Several pairs of eyes swivel in my direction. Ky folds his arms, surveying me with a smug expression. Mom turns around, smiling broadly at Rachel.

  Holy clusterfuck.

  Rachel looks at me with panic-stricken eyes. My gaze is pleading. “You owe me,” she mouths, and I dread to think what new punishment she’ll line up for this. Drawing a sharp breath, she takes a step forward. “Hi, Mrs. McConaughey. I’m Rachel. Brad’s, um, girlfriend.”

  My breath of relief mingles with a layer of stress. How the fuck did I end up with a fake girlfriend again? I’m going to murder Ky for setting this in motion.

  It’s really late so we decide to crash here for the night. Alex and James appear, bringing takeout. After we’ve eaten, I help my sisters settle into their rooms. Kaitlyn is quiet as she takes in the plush surroundings of the gorgeous double room with en suite bath, but I’m figuring that’s a positive thing. She left an innocent, cute little girl and has returned all grown up with an attitude to match. Instead of feeling pissed at her, I’m consumed with grief and sorrow. I spent the years we were separated worried about my family, but I never really stopped to think about what life must’ve been like for them. I think the fact she’s so moody and grumpy is more than just normal teenage hormones, and I’m sick over the things she might’ve endured.

  Although she’s been prickly, I don’t hesitate to grab her into a hug before I leave. It’s one-sided again, but I don’t care. I’ll do whatever it takes to get through to her, to help her overcome the stuff she’s been through. “I’m sorry things have been so shitty for you, Kaitlyn, but that’s all behind you now. I’m here, and I’m not going to let anything happen to you, Mom, or Emma. I promise.”

  Slowly, her arms wrap around my waist, and a surge of emotion tightens my chest. She doesn’t speak, but I don’t need words. I just need her. I kiss the top of her head. “I’m staying upstairs. If you need anything, anything at all, just come find me.”

  She nods, giving me a small smile, and I feel like punching the air.

  Emma is already tucked up in bed, with Snowy, by the time I make it to her room. Mom kisses her on the forehead and leaves. “Hey, Pumpkin.” I tousle her hair. “You doing okay?” She nods, yawning. “I’ll see you in the morning before I have to leave.”

  “I don’t want you to go,” she mumbles, fighting to keep her eyes open.

  “I don’t want to go either, but I need to talk to my coach and my professors. Then I’ll be back and I’m going to stay for a while. That sound okay?”

  She nods sleepily again, and I bend down, kissing her cheek. “Sleep tight, sweetie.”

  “I love you, Brad,” she mumbles, and her small arms circle my neck.

  “Love you too, Pumpkin.” My heart is swollen to bursting point.

  I stand in the doorway, watching her little chest inflate and deflate, in grateful relief. Words cannot express how happy I am to have my family back in my life.

  “Sweetheart,” Mom says, appearing behind me. “You should get some sleep. You’ve an early start.”

  “You have everything you need?” I whisper, turning to face her.

  “I’m good, sweetheart. Go to bed. I’ll see you for breakfast.” I hug and kiss her before making my way upstairs to the main house.

  Ky is waiting for me in the darkened living room. “Everyone else has gone to bed. I just wanted to make sure everything was good with your family,” he says, as I drop down on the couch across from him.

  “They’re all good. Thanks so much, man. I don’t know what we’d do without your family’s support.”

  “No sweat. You’d do the same if the tables were turned.” He stands up, stretching his arms out over his head. “I’m going to turn in. You’re in your usual room.” He fights a smirk as he looks at me. “I put Rachel in the guest room beside you, in case you want to kiss your girlfriend good night.”

  “Don’t ruin my good mood, dude.” I stand up, slapping him on the back.

  We walk together, talking in hushed voices. “What? You have an issue with fake girlfriends now?”

  I pin him with an “are you serious?” look. “Yeah, ’cause it worked out real swell the last time around.” The smirk falls off his face, and he glares at me. “What the fuck do you expect me to say? Are you trying to piss me off on purpose?” I demand.

  He stops, grabbing my elbow. “Of course not. I’m sorry. I guess I’m just tired and spouting shit.”

  I shrug his hand off. “Forget it. I don’t want to fight with you.”

  We walk silently through the lobby and out into the corridor leading to the bedrooms.

  “You could do worse you know,” he whispers.

  I sigh. “I know, and if things were different maybe it would lead somewhere.”

  He stops outside his room. “Don’t close yourself off to it. I know you’ve a lot of shit on your plate, but she could be good for you, and I see the way you two are with each other. You can’t deny you feel something for her.”

  I sigh again. “I feel something
,” I admit truthfully, “but I don’t know what yet, and I can’t go there. Mom needs me and my focus has to be on school, football, and my family. Maybe when things settle down…” I deliberately trail off, not able to vocalize the thoughts in my head. I’m thrilled Mom and my sisters are back, but they’re not out of the woods yet, and there’s still plenty to play for.

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified.

  I’m scared shitless of what the future holds, but I’m determined to step up and be the man my family needs. My father wasn’t prepared to put himself on the line for the girls, but I am. Nothing means more to me than my family.

  I’m still tossing and turning in bed an hour later. I glance at the clock, groaning at the time. I’ve only got five hours until I have to get up for the trip to Harvard. I need to try and smooth things over with Coach and the administration and buy myself some time off.

  My phone pings quietly, and I reach over for it. It’s a text from Rachel.

  U awake?

  Yeah. Can’t sleep.

  Me either.

  My pulse throbs wildly. I tap out a reply before my head can talk me out of it.

  Want company?

  The three little dots appear, and my stomach is twisted into knots as I wait for her response.

  My door is unlocked.

  I’m out of the bed in record time, snagging my jeans off the floor and pulling them on. I pad in my bare feet to her door, quietly stepping inside.

  The room is in darkness, but I can make out her form in the bed. She’s sitting up with her knees tucked in to her chest. I walk to her side, perching on the edge of the bed. Her big brown eyes convey everything she wants. I lean in slowly, angling my mouth toward hers. She closes the gap, cupping the back of my head and pulling me to her. Our lips collide in an explosive kiss, and my fingers wind through her hair. Her mouth opens, and I slip my tongue inside, exploring her exquisite mouth as her tongue dances with mine. I’m rock hard already, and blood thrums through my veins in anticipation. Clawing at my bare back, she runs her fingers up and down my spine. She emits a gorgeous throaty sound as she leans sideways, pulling me with her. Our upper bodies are flush, but my legs are still on the floor.

  Ripping my lips from hers, I stand up, dropping my jeans to the ground. “Move into the center of the bed,” I command, and she obeys. I crawl over her, completely naked. “I need you naked, Red.” My voice is heavy with desire.

  Without speaking, she undresses, and my eyes skim over every luscious curve. Reaching over, she pulls a condom out of the bedside table and hands it to me. I pull it on and then lean down on top of her, trailing a line of kisses from her mouth to her neck and lower. I pepper kisses down her body, stopping to worship her glorious tits, teasing her nipples until the buds are taut. I continue my journey down her body, and my cock stiffens painfully. When I taste her, she arches her back off the bed, whimpering. My tongue goes to work, and I’m loving the way she’s writhing and breathing at my touch. When she falls into ecstasy, I stay with her, lapping at her until she’s completely sated. Then I position myself and dive into her in one smooth thrust.

  I capture her gasp of surprise with my mouth. “Shush, beautiful. We don’t want to wake the entire house.”

  I move slowly inside her, kissing her mouth and her neck, wanting to take my time. To commit every touch, every caress, every tremor to memory. She keeps a slow, steady pace with me. Her hands explore my body as we move together, and her legs wind around my waist. Our eyes connect, and we stare at one another as our breathing becomes more erratic, my thrusts more urgent. Still, we don’t lose eye contact, and it’s the most intimate moment of my life. I feel too much for this girl, and it scares me, but I can’t look away. Can’t ignore the connection or the way she makes me feel.

  A second orgasm rocks her body, and my own release thunders through me. I bury my head in her shoulder as I come down from the high. Her legs relax, and I slide to the side, reality crashing down around us. Silently, I move to the bathroom and dispose of the condom.

  I return with a cloth and help clean her up. She looks up at me uncertainly. I was planning to retreat to my room to question my sanity, but I don’t want to fuck her and run. I don’t want her thinking she was just another hookup when we both know what we’ve just done is way more than that. So, I slide under the covers, spooning her from behind. “Sleep, beautiful.” I press a kiss to her temple and tighten my arms around her waist.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Predictably, Brad is gone when I wake the next morning. At least I can avoid an awkward conversation. Last night was different. It felt like more than just meaningless sex, but what do I really know? Sex for me is usually something that’s taken or expected. Inevitable and more about the momentary high than any real pleasure. But last night was completely different. It felt like Brad was making love to me, cherishing me in a way no one ever has before. I’m totally conflicted over it, so I’m glad he’s not here, because I have no way of explaining it to myself, let alone to him.

  I take a shower and get dressed in the clothes Faye gave me last night. I’ve only just slipped my shoes on when there’s a knock on the door. “It’s open,” I quietly call out.

  Faye pops her head in. “We’re going to have breakfast in the Batcave with Brad’s family. You in or out?”

  I smile at her reference. “Sure. I’ll come.”

  “So,” she says as we make our way to the secret lair. “What’s going on with you and Brad?”

  I tuck my hair behind my ears. “I don’t really know,” I answer truthfully.

  “Ky saw him coming out of your room during the night.”

  There’s no point denying the truth. “Yeah. We slept together.”

  Her answering smile is expansive. “That’s becoming a bit of a habit.”

  I scratch the side of my head. “I know, but I don’t know what it means, if anything.”

  “What do you want it to mean?” she asks, stopping just outside the door to the annex where Brad’s family are staying.

  “I honestly don’t know. I’m very confused.” Truth.

  “I think he likes you but he’s afraid to admit it to himself.”

  “Maybe. And maybe that’s where my head’s at.” I surprise myself with my forthrightness, but it’s a pleasant surprise. In the past, I’d rather have yanked out all my teeth than admit to any sort of feelings.

  We walk into the annex, and Faye heads straight for the kitchen to help serve up breakfast. The smell of bacon and eggs wafts through the air, and my stomach grumbles in appreciation. Brad is seated at the dining table with Ky, James, and Emma. Kaitlyn is nowhere to be seen, and Brad’s mom is in the kitchen helping Alex.

  Might as well get this over and done with. “Morning,” I say, in an overly cheery manner, taking the vacant seat beside Brad. I’d rather that than face him across the table.

  “Morning,” Brad murmurs, not even looking at me. So, it’s going to be like that. My stomach twists unpleasantly.

  “Morning, Rachel,” Ky says, leaning back in his chair, with a cheeky look on his face. “Sleep well?” His lips twitch.

  I grab a piece of toast from the heaped plate in the center of the table. “Perfect. Thanks.” I sink my teeth into the buttery toast and imagine it’s Ky’s head.

  “So,” James says, leaning forward with his elbows on the table. “When did you two become an item?”

  I almost choke on my toast, and Brad visibly stiffens beside me. I open my mouth to admit the truth when Brad’s mom walks to the table carrying a mammoth dish laden with crispy bacon and poached eggs. She places it down, her gaze bouncing between me and her son. “I’m interested to hear this story too.”

  She taps my shoulder affectionately before taking a seat the other side of Brad. I kick him under the table, and a trickle of sweat beads on my brow. His eyes lock on
my face, pleading with me to keep the ruse alive. I’m not happy about it, but I’m guessing this is tied up with his mom, and he doesn’t want to admit to the lie. Fine, but I’m not going to throw more lies on top of the pile. He can man up, considering he’s the one who trapped me in this mess.

  I plant a sugary sweet smile on my face as I lean in and kiss his cheek. “You tell them, honey. I’m sure your mum would love to hear you share the story.”

  Ky is struggling to maintain his composure across the way. Faye starts handing out plates and dishing out food, sharing a quick “what the hell” look with me. “It’s a relatively new development,” Brad starts explaining. “Rachel and I have met a few times these last couple of years, and we’ve gotten closer since she moved here for college. It just kinda happened naturally.”

  I reluctantly admire how smoothly he got out of that one, and he hasn’t told any lies either. I’ve got to give credit where it’s due.

  His mom seems appeased by that too. She leans back in her chair, smiling at me. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you, honey. Any girl that has captured my Bradley’s heart has to be special.”

  “Ugh,” Kaitlyn says, materializing in the kitchen in her pajamas. She rubs sleepy eyes. “I think I’m going to vomit. Seriously, Mom? Can we not do this first thing.”

  I’ve got to agree with the girl. I’d give anything to terminate this conversation before it escalates.

  “Kaitlyn.” Mrs. McConaughey sounds exhausted as she utters that one word.

  Brad stares at his sister, imploring her with his eyes. “Come eat with us before we have to leave.”

  The rest of breakfast passes uneventfully, and it’s not long before the four of us are alone in Ky’s Range Rover, heading on the quiet roads back to Harvard.


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