Page 6
Valeriana gasped and trashed around violently, wanting to be freed in desperation. At least there was one person in the room that she, at least, knew. Sad news was that she didn't look freer than she was.
“Seraphina! You—what . . .”
A hand clamped on her shoulder and she was pulled up on her feet. She strained to stand up straight and prevent herself from falling back down.
“So you do know her.”
Uh-oh. Though instead of showing her idiocy at slipping, she tried to redirect the attention.
“Hey, people! What's with the ropes?!” She yelled angrily in discomfort.
“Instead of going peacefully, you fought hard and attempted to escape. Emmett also informed us how violent you were. We're only taking countermeasures.”
“What did you expect me to do? Come with you with a smile on my face! Hell no! I'm not some idiot!” She began falling over due to the reckless movements she was making. “Holy—holy shiznits!”
Luckily she was caught by a pair of arms and was brought back up to her feet. She sighed and breathed a sigh of relief. “Still! Why the heck do I have to be tied all over! You could've just cuffed my hands and feet together, you know. I don't get why it should be my whole body except my face!”
“Such ruckus. Quiet down!”
“Oh, please! Will someone gag this girl!?”
One of the cloaked figures started waving their hands and someone walked forward, winding a cloth around her mouth tightly.
“Mmmm! Mmmmmm! Mm!” She tried speaking, but her words came out as low, muffled moans.
“She's too noisy.” One commented.
“At least we know now this whole thing won't be boring.” Added another.
“She's an aggressive one. Well, then, let's proceed.”
The other one yawned.
Their faces were shadowed by their cloaks, the distinct sound of their voices were her only clue.
There was a slight pause. “Here in front of us, is the human individual who witnessed the Celeste's pursuit of the Loupe Garou, who escaped from the Holy Gates and was responsible for the death of many in the human dimension.”
“Witness? You cannot be serious! Humans are oblivious creatures. They cannot see demons at all!”
“Well, apparently, this girl can.”
A round of gasps echoed.
“Celeste Emmett himself confirms it, and Lady Seraphina does not deny it.”
“Has there been any record of humans being able to see demons?” A woman's voice echoed. “I do not remember anything of that sort.”
“This is the first time I've encountered something like this.” The man from before replied. “Humans will become aggressive and hostile towards anything that threatens their survival. If the knowledge of demons being active in their city becomes known to their people . . .”
“Their reaction will be uncertain.”
Silence fell.
“We want to know the reason why you attempted to hide this from us, Lady Seraphina. Though you are one of the Celestial Knights, you are in no position to decide what is supposed to be done in such situations.” The voice was masculine, so with that hint, Valeriana alone was sure he was a man—a middle-aged one at that. There was also a hint of . . . smile?
“I did not feel the need to involve an innocent soul in our trifles with demons.” Seraphina confessed.
The other growled. “What if she started spilling to the others what she saw? If there was any proper action that should've been done that very moment, it would be killing her!”
“I'm sorry. But I disagree.” Seraphina frowned. “Firstly, the chances of her telling what happened regarding the hunt was very small since her people consider stories of demons as mere myths. She has shown that to me well. Unlike before, I have learned that humans will not believe things which they cannot see for their own eyes.”
“What proof do you have to back up your words?”
“I have no proof. I only bear my candor. I've learned a few things during my time down on the human realm. They are no longer those creatures who would carelessly believe everything they hear!”
“A few does not mean it is enough.”
They all turned towards Valeriana, who was still gagged.
“You know that your actions may come with a corresponding death penalty? Attempting to hide very important information from the court and lying about what happened that day is considered treason! Not to mention you turned against your own comrade for the sake of this . . . pathetic human being!”
Seraphina went silent.
“If you cannot give me any proper reason, I'll have you executed.”
This took Valeriana aback. From her continuous exertion of effort, the cloth around her mouth came loose. She shook her head to get it off and spat it from her mouth.
“Wait!” Valeriana exclaimed from where she was, shocked by the consequences of the lady's actions. “That's just not fair!”
Seraphina stiffened, but resigned herself to the idea. She had so much to say, so much to reason out with, but she decided sum it up with one sentence. “I felt . . . that she can be trusted.”
“Is that how you base your decisions?! Your feelings? How foolish! I expected more from you as a Celeste! What is it about this girl that made you start acting so stupid?!”
Valeriana continued to struggle, but failed to do anything worth except for talking. “Stop!”
They ignored her.
“If that is what you decide to do . . . then I shall consent.”
“Why give your life to a pitiful creature? Why go so far?” This time, Lord Aeron spoke.
Seraphina did not answer.
“Are you all listening?!” Valeriana screamed. “I've got something so say! Shut up and listen you all damned—”
Someone reached out once again and wound the cloth around her mouth once more. Gagged yet again, Valeriana could only make incoherent sounds in protest.
“How about this, then?” Aeron offered. “If you kill her now, I'm willing to give you another chance. I'll turn a blind eye on this incident and I'll brush it off as if it never happened.”
Seraphina's eyes widened.
The eyes hiding under the sanctuary of darkness glinted challengingly, but they did not notice. “I'm giving you a chance to escape this situation. But a fault will be a fault, and it cannot go unpunished. Choose, then. Is it her life? Or yours?”
Valeriana's heart lodged in her throat when she heard what he said. Thoughts frantically chased around her head. She began asking herself if she even heard him right, or if she was just being delusional.
Someone cut her free of the ropes that tied her hands together and handed her a dagger. The room fell quiet as Valeriana's breathing became ragged. She stared at the dagger Seraphina held as the lady knight advanced towards her slowly.
She struggled, trying to free herself from the ropes that bound her whole body together. The roughness chaffed her skin which would certainly cause it to turn red. Her movements were restricted. Include the fact that she also had someone behind her holding her in place and preventing her from escaping.
Seraphina stopped in front of Valeriana while the poor girl merely, painfully, and slowly dragged her own eyes to meet hers. There had been no rollercoaster or airdrop rides that made her stomach churn in such way, where her heart slithered up to her throat and the fear boiled through her blood.
That was when she locked gazes with her. Seraphina's eyes showed no danger or intent of killing, her gaze was soft and benevolent. In an instant, her worries and fear were set aside.
Seraphina gently cut off the ropes that held her in place and set her free. Valeriana felt unexpectedly taken aback by her actions but she was grateful at the same time. She ripped off the gag covering her mouth.
She never realized her eyes were heavy with tears until she blinked after the longest while and a huge, fat drop rolled down her cheek.
“Wha—” Berias's words were cut off when the lady spoke befo
re he could even ask.
“I'm sorry. Only a coward will try to escape this.” Seraphina turned and faced the Court Members. “I absolutely have no intention of killing this girl. I won't change that decision until the very end.” She said.
Laughter could be heard, coming from Lord Aeron's lips. “Alright, I was only jesting.” The man named Aeron laughed. The sound boomed throughout the entire room, echoing in Valeriana's ears. “Nobody will die.”
She looked up in shock. “What the hell. You think that was a joke!”
“So what's with all the rubbish?” Aleara asked.
“I was interested in seeing how things would turn out, especially what your reactions would be and what you were going to do.”
“See? It was strange how you were making such a big deal out of it.” Josephine sleepily commented.
Valeriana could only look at the Court Leader with shock, unsure about what exactly was going on inside his head.
“I don't exactly know what you saw in this girl, Seraphina.” He chuckled.
“You should know.” Seraphina told him.
“Well, I wonder.” The man answered, a secretive smile curling on his lips. “However, I wanted to confirm something.”
“I don't even have a single idea what's going on . . .” Valeriana was clueless.
“If you really wish to know, then I shall answer that question.” Aeron's voice echoed. “A mistake will only be seen as a mistake if the one who committed it considers it as that. If you yourself are willing to stand by your beliefs, so long as your reasons are rational enough to be considered logical, even if other people see it as wrong, then everything else will fall into place.”
The depth of his words sent Valeriana contemplating. She herself wasn't sure what to make of what he said. Looking at Seraphina, she seemed somewhat confused as well.
“Sometimes, even so, that is not the case. No matter how right and just you think you are, your eyes have seen only a part of the sky, and you've only lived a single grain long from the trickle of the hourglass's immortal flow. Do know that you cannot take matters into your own hands. Seraphina, do you understand?”
Valeriana blinked. “That was deep.”
“Yes, Court Leader.” Seraphina answered.
“But, Aeron! You cannot forget how this woman tried to—”
“Yes, yes. I know, Berias. Seeing what just happened before our very eyes, I think we have to make a compromise. Besides, I do not believe that killing this girl will result to anything beneficial.”
“I agree with Lord Aeron,” Lady Aleara said.
“But we still cannot let this go unpunished!”
“I was getting to that.” Aeron sighed heavily, clearly displeased with the other man's insistence. “Seraphina, your actions are still unacceptable. A punishment will be given.” He fell silent, and started thinking. “Since you are the one standing up for her now, you are going to take full charge and responsibility for her safety. Do you accept?”
“Yes.” Seraphina's eyes gleamed with relief and a hint of joy.
“You are under suspension. Regarding what happened, I think you need some time to think to yourself. Is that enough?”
“I will happily accept this punishment, thank you.”
“Now, what will we do to this human while she stays in Valemnia.”
“Why don't we send her to prison? For twenty-five years?” Berias suggested.
Valeriana went pale. “What?!”
“Send her to slavery?” He suggested again.
“What the—”
“Stop it, Berias.” Lady Aleara growled. “You're spouting nonsense. And you say you are worthy of your position within the Court?”
The man named Berias grunted.
“I understand the fact that you despise the human race, but we cannot be so rash as to condemn each one of them. Do not mix your own feelings and personal grudges when doing your job. Do not ever let it cloud your judgment.” She calmly stated, her voice soft and comforting that it nearly brought the girl to tears. “First, I personally think we must ask for the side of the young one. What is your name, dear? What was it you were doing that you've had yourself in that location?” She asked.
The room fell quiet. Maybe if she tried reasoning out with them, they would think about letting her go without any problem.
“My name is Valeriana. Valeriana Kerrigan.” She told them.
“Hm?” Lord Aeron suddenly intoned. “I see. I see.” He nodded his head, a hint of smile and amusement vibrating with his words.
She gave him a questioning glance.
“Dear me, do continue.”
“I was . . . on the way to meet a friend when a thief snatched away my bag? I tried to chase him. That's how I ended up there.”
“How did you see the beast?”
“With my eyes?”
“No. You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t.” She replied, not knowing the answer herself.
“Answer the question properly!” Berias growled.
“I don't know!” She was getting sick of that man. “If you're going to ask anyone, ask my mother! She's the one who gave birth to me!”
“Why you insolent little—”
“Berias!” Lady Aleara scolded.
“Quit holding me back, you damn old lady!” He yelled through gritted teeth, scowling at Lady Aleara's direction.
“What did you just call me? You dare call me old?”
“I did! Do you have a problem with it?!”
“You know what? I've had it! Let's take this outside!” The lady rolled the flaring sleeves of her hooded cape and rose from her seat, seeming to want to solve their problem with violence.
“Silence!” Lord Aeron looked between the two and flattened his palms on the wooden table in front of him. “Sit down! If you want to fight, do it later!” He then gestured to Valeriana. “Continue.”
Valeriana looked between each of them, confused. “That's when I saw the demon. Seraphina saved me from being killed. After that, she left.”
“What were you doing before you were brought here?”
“Looking for a job to replace the money I lost.” She said.
There was a pause as they all seemed to be contemplating.
“What do you think?” The man turned to the other five for some suggestions.
The silence inside the room thickened and Valeriana curiously awaited their answer.
“We can't exactly be rash about this.” Sir Zeke, for the first maybe, spoke.
The others nodded in agreement before they all turned towards Valeriana. She couldn't see the way they looked under the shadow of their cloaks, but there was a feeling that didn't settle nicely with her.
“The presence of a human would probably rouse the people of Valemnia if her presence was made public, but we can't exactly hide it either since it may cause trouble if found out.” Lady Aleara said.
“Then send me home.” Valeriana suggested, hoping they would consider it.
“A simple and a nice idea.” Lord Aeron chuckled. Valeriana felt herself smiling. “But completely impossible.”
Her face fell. “Why not?”
“Firstly, we cannot let you go at the moment because this isn't exactly the usual situation we have to deal with. Even if we do let you go, how are you supposed to explain to your people about how you went missing so suddenly?”
She rolled her eyes. “Even if I tell them the truth anyway, I'll be labeled crazy. They might even send me to an asylum.”
Lord Aeron chuckled. “Oh, I see. What will you tell them?”
She paused. “That I went somewhere no else can find me because I was depressed or something.”
“Even I don't find that believable. Last time I checked, even if humans were somewhat oblivious, they weren't fools. It's best if you stay here.”
“Oh come on!” She whined. “I wanna go home!”
“Until a final decision is made, you are to be detained as prisoner.” The Court Leade
r said.
Valeriana gaped at them in shock. “What did you say?”
“Guards! Take her away!” Aeron ordered, sweeping his hand in front of him.
“We advise you not to take off that necklace whenever you are standing in the grounds of Valemnia. It gives you the ability to tolerate the power pressure. Without it, you'll crumble to ashes.” Aleara said.
Valeriana felt her stomach twist in trepidation as she looked down at the necklace that hung around her neck. It had a jade button embedded in a gold plated figure. It was an image of a person holding an orb against her chest.
“Hey! I still have many questions!”
Men in uniform clothes flooded the room and dragged an unwilling Valeriana away. Even after being taken outside, they could still hear the sound of her incessant shouting and screaming. Seraphina sighed as she watched the poor girl getting dragged away, but advised the guards to handle her as gingerly as possible. Still, regarding the fight she was putting up, the request didn't seem plausible.
Chapter Six ♣ Jail Break
Valeriana groaned as she leaned back against the rough surface of the wall. She sat on top of the bed, twiddling her thumbs as the frame creaked noisily under her weight. Her eyes scanned the cramped space of the jail she was locked up in and she couldn't help but groan once more as she assessed what kind of situation she got herself into.
She didn't even know where she was. There were still so many questions she had to ask.
“Hey,” she said to the guard sitting quietly outside her cell. “Can I go to the bathroom?”
The guard, a brown-haired man with brown eyes, shot her an annoyed look through the bars before looking back ahead of him. “You just went a while ago.”
“I'm bored . . .” She grunted. “Can you give me something to eat?”
“You just ate.”
“How about something to entertain myself with?”
“You are not allowed to have anything with you within that cell other than your body and your clothes for precautionary measures. I was given strict orders not to let you be in possession of anything that might aid you in your escape.”
“But it's boring . . . I'm bored to death.” She complained. “What am I supposed to do? I haven't taken a bath since the time I was taken here and I stink.”