Page 13
Seraphina placed the clothes on Valeriana's bed and took a seat herself. “Well, considering what happened a while ago, she is still under confinement. She's fine. But she needs time to recuperate mentally.” She said.
“I see.” Valeriana whispered, her thoughts forming a ridiculous idea. “Is there any chance I can . . . visit her?” She asked, giving the lady knight a look as her voice trailed off.
Seraphina stared into her eyes before shaking her head. “I do not think it's a good idea to do that right now.”
“Okay, but I just wanted to . . .” She swallowed dryly. “Apologize, I guess.”
“Let Courtney come to you. I'm sure sooner or later you'll see each other.” She said. “But she's leaving by the end of the day.”
Valeriana perked up at the information. “What? Why?”
“The suspension.”
“The—oh.” She stopped.
“So how's your foot?” Seraphina inquired, changing the topic.
“The healer's amazing.” She cheered and held out her foot, wiggling it.
Seraphina laughed. “I see that you're doing fine.”
Valeriana's mood suddenly faltered. She slouched and sighed for the hundredth time that day.
“That's the third sigh I heard from you. Is there anything weighing your mind?”
“I guess.” She said. “It's just . . . everything feels so surreal.”
Seraphina's brows puckered on her forehead. “I don't blame you. It must feel weird—being suddenly dragged out of your world.”
“It does.”
“You were quite impressive.” She commented, smiling warmly at Valeriana.
At least one person is kind. “Thanks.”
“I don't know how you were able to do that. But, even if it's the least of everyone's expectations, Lord Aeron praised your swordsmanship.” She said, making Valeriana a bit uncomfortable to discuss the subject.
“R-really? That's good news, isn't it?”
She nodded. “I do so, too. Praise you, that is.” The lady paused and allowed her gaze to linger on Valeriana's face. “I assume this is very hard for you to consider. But, you don't have to worry. Judging from the look on your face, you weren't able to rest at all, were you?” She chuckled.
Valeriana did feel weary. “Not really. I wasn't able to sleep a wink. Maybe I'm too restless from being exposed to all the sudden changes. Thank you for saving me that time, by the way.”
“You’re more than welcome.”
“I'm really curious though. Does Courtney hate humans or something?”
Seraphina looked hesitant to tell. “I don't think I have any right to say anything regarding that matter.”
“Ah, it's alright.” Valeriana smiled.
She saw the saddened expression on Seraphina's face and instantly felt concerned. Considering how much Seraphina had done for her, she couldn't help but want to help her as well. Maybe she should start here.
“I'm sorry.” She said. “It must be hard being one, then? A Celeste? What's it like?” She decided to change the topic, feeling uncomfortable herself.
She smiled. “Being a Celeste isn't easy. You have so much responsibility weighing down your shoulders and suffocating restraints that you feel almost uncomfortable to move. By doing your job, you must also watch your image and project confidence with what you do. Otherwise, people subjected to your responsibility would be hesitant to follow your lead.”
By the way she put it, it really must be tough. However, Seraphina had that look in her eyes. It was the look of someone who enjoyed doing her work. “So it isn't only about slaying demons?”
Seraphina shook her head. “There's so much more.”
“Seriously? Isn't that like . . . really, seriously hard?”
“You don't have to worry,” Seraphina laughed. “You can always choose to go home after this matter settles. Just prove to them you're a trustworthy person who can keep the ultimate secret.” She carefully elaborated.
“Oh . . . I'll do that!” Valeriana exclaimed cheerfully. “Until then, no matter what happens, I will never back down.”
Seraphina smiled. “Some determination you've got there. But don't you think it's time to get dressed? You're going to be late.”
“Oh, right.” Valeriana stood up and took the clothes in her arms. She walked to the opposite side of the room and slipped out of her clothes. She changed into them excitedly, buttoning the top close. “Uh . . . huh? I don't know how to put this thing on!”
“Here, let me help.” Seraphina walked over to her and fixed the high lapel of her suit, rearranging the cravat chain around her neck.
Once Seraphina had arranged it perfectly, she checked herself out from the reflection on the mirror pinned against the wall of her room. She attentively inspected how it looked on her, and realized the odd similarity of the style of Corvan's uniform with hers.
“This is different from the uniform the other students are wearing.” She observed, looking down at the outfit she was dressed in. It fitted her perfectly and was shockingly easy to move in.
“That's because you are now a member of the Celestial Circle.” Seraphina told her, dusting off the sleeves of her clothes and stepping back.
“What? Isn't Courtney the member of the Celestial Circle?”
“She is, or was, rather. Since you defeated her in a fight, you took her title.”
The news hit her on the face like a slap. “B-but . . . you can't! I—”
“Just accept it, Valeriana. You don't know the privileges of being the fifth-ranker.” She laughed. “This takes me back. This used to be one my positions when I attended the academy.”
“Really? Now this is cool.” Valeriana excitedly stated. “But isn't this unfair for Courtney?”
“It's in the academy's policy and regulations. When a fight is lost and you’re a member of the circle, you give up the position to the person who defeated you.”
Valeriana nodded in reluctance. “I can't believe this is happening,” she muttered. “Ah, but whatever.”
“I really have to apologize to you, Valeriana.” Seraphina straightforwardly admitted, looking at Valeriana with a serious gaze.
Valeriana looked up to meet her eyes. “Why?”
“If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here enduring all of this.”
“Yeah, about that.” She nodded, realizing she still didn't know how she got there in the first place. “It's . . .”
Valeriana was tongue-tied when she attempted to answer. She noticed the remorse and guilt that shone within those blue depths. It made her quite nervous to speak up, knowing that any following words of hers might either hurt or comfort her. Lady Seraphina often put on a hard face, which added a tough atmosphere around her. For her to show such a pitiful expression, it totally ruined her image.
“It's alright, though I'm not sure how I would be able to handle all these.”
After a few minutes of staring into each other's eyes, Valeriana turned and headed for the window. She looked out at the panorama of the extensive lands of the academy before finally managing the words that stood at the tip of her tongue.
“I realized something when I came here . . .” She said. “At first, I didn't really know what to do. I remembered all the things that my father told me. Even though he's a real weirdo, everything he said when he was still alive just made sense. I was able to make use of everything he told me. And if he was still here, I'm probably sure he'll be yelling at me telling me not to ever let all the things bringing me down to get to me. He'll tell me to stay strong.” She remembered the feeling of the pang in her chest when her family was informed of her father's death, but she held it back. The cut was so deep she couldn't forget the way it felt.
“Valeriana . . .” Lady Seraphina reached out a hand to touch her shoulder.
“When I was first dragged here, I was seriously so freaked out that I kept thinking of it as a dream. It took a while to realize it was actually true. When Courtney challenged me to a duel, I
was already on the verge of running away but. . .” She laughed. “But I remembered my mother and the advices my father gave me when he was still alive. He inserts stuff in my mind to keep me going strong. I figured that he wanted me to keep on moving even when he's gone, and the reason why he specifically did that was so that I can have something I can cling to if I have any problems that I will encounter in the future.” She lifted her chin and flashed Seraphina a heartbreaking smile. “If you killed me back then, I would've had no chance to know what he was talking about.”
“What did he say exactly?”
Valeriana breathed deeply. “Life is a battleground itself. You will constantly fall and scrape your knees—wound yourself. There will be challenges and enemies—at different points, at different places. If you ever die in a battle, make sure you died doing everything you can. Don't let giving up be its cause.”
Seraphina looked at her in disbelief. “I see. Thank you. Those words were beautiful.”
When she opened her mouth to ask why she was suddenly asking such questions, Seraphina sauntered towards door and yanked it open. “Hurry up, it's time to leave. The Headmaster wishes to see you before you go to your first class.”
Valeriana hurriedly put on the pair of boots provided for her ran after Seraphina. Unfortunately, she tripped on something and fell face-first when she walked out of the door. Valeriana shut her eyes close and decided to bear with the pain.
“O-ow.” She pushed herself back up and rubbed her nearly broken nose.
“I still cannot believe someone like her defeated Courtney.” A familiar voice stated from above her. Valeriana lifted her head, her nose clipped between her fingers. Her eyes immediately met a pair of emerald ones and she frowned.
“Can't you at least greet me properly?” She dusted off her clothes and rose to her feet.
Valeriana adjusted the collar around her neck. The clothes felt very foreign. Although it looked nice, this was her first time wearing something like it. She only hoped she would be able to become accustomed to it sometime soon.
“Ah, Corvan. Finally. Lead Valeriana to her class.” Seraphina handed him a paper. “I have quite important things to do myself, so I won't be able to.”
She flashed the boy a look before diverting her eyes to Seraphina. His uniform nearly matched hers, though in a more masculine way of comparison.
So he was a member of the Celestial Circle? It wasn't half-shocking.
She made the decision to focus on the current event. “Why is it always Corvan who has to show me around? Can't it be another person?”
“You should stop questioning and just be grateful.” He told her bluntly.
“Rude jerk.” She huffed.
“Okay, that's enough. Proceed and I'll see you later. Corvan's the only one here you know and the only one I can trust so far not to try anything foolish.” Seraphina gave them both a gentle push on the back and waved before disappearing from their sight.
Valeriana's eyes followed Seraphina as she walked along side of Corvan. “What's with the rush?”
Corvan sighed in exasperation. “So you’re now the fifth. Quite hard to believe.”
“It's not like I chose to become a member of the Celestial Circle.”
“I don't know about your world, however . . .” He paused and tugged on the sleeves of his uniform.
“The curriculum promotes subjects that are considered a great necessity for survival. For example, we have a variety of lessons we select. Like Alchemy, Forging, History, Demonology, and Weapon's Art, which is either archery, swordsmanship, whipping and so on and so forth. We also hold a survival class to ensure that everyone who graduates in the academy knows how to handle themselves in times of crisis. This is for the Knight's Department.”
“Okay . . . that is so . . .”
“Your first class is History.” He seized her hand and placed a paper on her palm. She looked down at it with uncertainty, reluctant to see what it contained. She decided to put it in one of her pockets, thinking she should just read it later. “You chose being a Celeste as a preferred occupation?”
“There are terms that the Court Leader gave me. One of them is that I have to become a Celeste when I graduate.”
“That explains why. You can't use any of the controls but you'll still learn how it works. In any case, after classes, ask someone to lead you to the library. I'll be busy so I won't be able to lend you much of my time. You need to learn how everything is done around here.”
“Right, like that's any easy when I think practically everyone here hates my guts.” She grumbled. “By the way, what year are you in?”
“Second. Now, keep quiet.” He told her with obvious irritation.
“Fine, but you don't have to be so mad about it.” Valeriana childishly rolled her eyes and combed her fingers through her hair. “Oh my god,” she yelped. “I forgot to tie my hair.” Despite wanting to stop, they continued walking. Valeriana knew it would be a waste of time to run back to her room since they already reached the main door of the girl's dormitory.
“Just leave your hair down. It isn't a big deal.” He said, not even giving her a single glance. Valeriana looked up at his face in curiosity and scrutinized his expressionless face with her big, azure eyes.
“But I don't leave without tying my hair! It bothers me.”
“Then you should just go bald.”
“Shut it. You don't know how it feels.”
“Oh, really.” His tone was a matter-of-factly tone which drew Valeriana's eyes to his crowning glory.
The guy had longs locks. How could she forget? He probably did know the struggles of long hair. Most guys didn't.
She stopped herself from facepalming and muttered incoherent things under her breath instead.
She took all of the strands of her hair into her fists and smoothed it on her shoulder. “It's grown so long already. I really need to get it cut. Aren't you planning on a cut yourself?”
“Cutting hair is not preferred in Valemnia.” He told her.
She swept it back once more, letting it fall on the curve of her lower back. She twisted around and stared at its length. “It wasn't that long last night.”
“If you're talking about its length, then I am guessing Valemnia's power pressure has triggered its fast growth.” Corvan said, not sparing her a glance. “If I look closely, you look much older than you did a while ago.”
They sauntered out of the dormitories and stopped at the front porch. Valeriana halted and gazed up at Corvan. “Huh . . . what do you mean?! I got older?” A look of fear plated her face. “Oh, gosh. I'm gonna die of old age. Literally. And fast.”
Her hands immediately flew to the necklace around her neck. It was supposed to serve as her asset to help her withstand Valemnia's power pressure. Was it broken? “Oh my god, don't tell me this thing is not working anymore. I totally can't die here. Hurry! Do something. I might've been suicidal but that doesn't mean—”
Corvan brought his eyes to look directly into hers and stared at her for a moment. While she probably looked like she was going to die in shock, a smile broke into his face.
Feeling like she's just been fooled, Valeriana curled her fists into balls so tight that her nails were already digging into her palms. She gritted her teeth in anger, blushing furiously.
“It—it's not funny.” She grumbled.
Corvan didn't stop. He still had that annoying grin as though he hit the lottery.
The flustered, young lady could only blush madly as she watched Corvan's annoying smirk.
“Stop that!”
He did not answer her and instead went on.
“You really are a jerk!” Valeriana yelled. Her fists clenched as tightly as achievable and her shoulders tensed. “You can't make fun of a girl like that!” She grabbed a wooden object that was placed on top of a table and threw it at Corvan, hitting him at the back.
His grin faded and he stared down at the object that tumbled on the floor after hit
ting him. “What?”
“Well?” She bit back.
“Take back what you said.”
“Then you should learn that I do not like being made fun of, especially by you.”
“Do you want to be killed?”
“Let's see who kills who first!” She pounced on Corvan, wrestling with him on the floor.
He didn't seem to expect this and was caught off-guard. She jumped on his back and tightly snaked her legs around his neck, locking her feet together and squeezing as hard as she could. Corvan was struggling under her iron grip, slowly turning blue.
“What are you doing . . .” He said. He was probably at shock to realize he was in this sort of situation.
“Die! Die!”
It was comical how Corvan looked so helpless. Valeriana had bound him good. Where and when did she know how to do this?
“Now apologize!” She exclaimed, squeezing harder.
Inwardly, she was laughing like a mad witch. Her father often needed a good smack up the head and wrestling him was not unusual. It was also their way of bonding, for some weird reason. Janus had brute strength, but she knew techniques. Certain techniques taken from John Cena.
Corvan groaned as he tried to wrench out of his current position. No blood supplied his brain with oxygen. He wasn't even sure how long he would last. “No way in hell.”
“So you would rather die?”
He made a pained noise at the back of his throat as he grinded his teeth together.
“Ha! Might I just inform you, even if you are so good with whatever, you won't be able to beat me in wrestling! I do this to my brother and father all the time when they piss me off, and trust me, no matter how strong they were, they were not able to break out of this grip!”
“Are you serious?”
“You've been annoying me since the beginning, so even if killing you would send me to jail, I'll gladly commit a crime for this opportunity.” She began to cackle at his misfortune, as if she found pleasure in his suffering. Corvan guessed he must've really gotten on her nerves, something he found himself regretting for some reason. This girl could be seriously malicious that it sent chills down his spine.