Page 21
“I don't think you can last long in that condition.” Elfre, finally regaining her composure, said.
Valeriana yawned, her eyelids slowly dropping in a lethargic manner. She fell forward and her face slammed straight on the surface of the table with a considerably loud bang, which surprisingly didn't startle anyone.
“It's rude to fall asleep in front of the table.” Corvan stated as he entered the room as well. “Move out of the way, seventh.” He told Elfre irritably. “You're blocking my path.”
“Seriously.” The girl grumbled, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. “That's a really rude way to put it just because you're the first-ranker.”
“I am in no mood to argue so do me a favor and remain quiet.”
“Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?” Tamara chuckled. “You're mood is awfully worse than usual.”
He made a sound on the back of his throat in displeasure and imposingly made his way to his seat. “Shut up. All these noises are making my head ache.”
“That's no way to talk to your seniors, Corvan.” Tamara frowned. “Is there something wrong? You're acting grumpier than usual.”
“What?” Valeriana asked quietly, her eyes peeking open from her minute-long sleep. She straightened her back and yawned loudly. “You mean he's acting grumpier? Isn't he always like that?”
“I said shut up. Otherwise, I'll reduce you to ashes.”
“His threats are the same.” The girl commented, disregarding his warning as if it was only a childish threat.
She leaned back down on the table and her eyes automatically dropped close. She began snoring a second later and everyone else looked her way with furrowed brows. Shrugging, everyone else ignored her and walked towards their respective places. Corvan irately took his own seat with a gloomy frown on his face and impatiently began to tap his feet.
Keelan was eagerly looking forward to breakfast that he was staring at the table in a daze, eyes sparkling as if imagining what sort of food would be prepared. A drool trickled down his chin and he sighed dreamily, making Aneeka grunt in annoyance.
“Wipe that drool off your chin!” She scolded harshly with her usually flurrying temper. “Is there an end to that bottomless stomach of yours? Just how much can you eat?”
“I need all the energy I can get. If I don't eat, I don't have the strength to move around at all.”
“You glutton.” Aneeka rolled her eyes before staring at her preferred weapon and polishing it with her sleeve. “Can't you survive with just three meals a day?”
“You're asking for the impossible. When Keelan sees food, his priority is to fill his stomach.” Tamara chuckled, twirling a lock of her red hair around her finger. Her hair was usually tied up on a ponytail, but most of her hair sometimes fell out.
A sigh came from the doorway and Charles appeared with plates of steaming food in his arms. He set them down on the table gingerly and went back to the kitchen to get the rest of their breakfast. The aroma wafted under everyone's noses and they all began to eagerly wait for the rest to be served.
Keelan beamed at the sight of food in front of him and reached out to help himself, but was stopped when Aneeka slapped him on the back of his hand and glared at him warningly. The eleventh-ranker immediately fell into a sour mood knowing he wouldn't be able to eat immediately.
The smell of food woke Valeriana. She stirred from her sleep and yawned, leaning back on her chair while rubbing her eyes. She sniffed and inhaled the heavenly aroma before brushing back the messy hair on top of her head.
“Did you dream, Valeriana?” Tamara said jokingly beside her.
“There was nothing to dream about.” She answered.
“What are you waiting for? Take out the plates or there'll be nothing to eat on.” Charles said.
Valeriana stood up to help out but was pushed back down. She looked up and saw Charles's firm grip on her shoulders. His eyes were closed as if he refused to look at her. Staring at him questioningly, she saw him holding a cup of a steaming beverage.
He slid the drink in front of her and said, “You're in no condition to do anything. I suggest you take the time to rest as much as you can. This might not be of much help, but the drink is from a certain plant that grants whoever consumes it enough energy to go around for a while. The effect lasts for a day, it wears off eventually so you'll go back to the current condition you're in now later.”
“T-thanks . . .” She answered hesitantly.
“Drink it up and don't leave a single drop.” He instructed before he turned and headed towards the kitchen to help bring the plates out.
Valeriana reached out towards the cup on the table and brought it close to her lips. She inhaled it a little and found that the aroma was nowhere near anything she smelled before. It was a foreign scent—plain, yet it held some sort of fragrance she wasn't familiar with. Swallowing a large gulp, her face contorted in disgust and she began to cough with her tongue out. She wanted to get something to wipe away the taste from her mouth, but there was nothing she could think of that she could use to do so.
“Ew! This is disgusting! What the hell is this?” She almost screamed.
The concoction tasted somewhat bitter with a trace of sourness somewhere. It wasn't anything near pleasant that it made the girl feel like she wanted to vomit. The warm mixture traveled down her throat and settled comfortably on her stomach and that was when Valeriana felt a strange sensation spreading through her body.
“Disregard the taste.” She heard Charles say before he completely disappeared from her sight. “Your body needs it.”
Pouting at the misery she was put in, she sulkily downed the last few gulps and felt her stomach twist at the taste. She covered her mouth and tried not to let anything she just swallowed to go back.
Corvan crossed his legs. Apparently, he was the only one who insisted on staying despite Charles's threat and saw the whole thing transpire. Everyone else was too eager—or forced—to help, especially Keelan, and left the three in the same room.
When the others got back with the plates and utensils, Tamara immediately saw the look on Valeriana's face and the ever so familiar cup set in front of her. The sight of the expression on the girl's face made her burst into laughter.
“I guess Charles made you drink one of his special . . . teas, huh?” She assumed as she settled down on her regular seat beside her.
With brows scrunched, Valeriana nodded.
“I know it tastes horrible, but it's unbelievably effective. If only he can do something about the taste . . .” She trailed off and looked lost in thought for a second before turning to the fifth-ranker with a cheerful smile. “Anyway, I can see it working already. You don't look as bad as you did a while ago.”
“Was it really that awful?” She asked, placing a hand on her cheek.
“Oh, honey, you should’ve looked at the mirror.” She shook her head. “I guess that all the work's stressing you out, huh? We're sorry we pressured you into a lot of things. We were a bit insensitive and inconsiderate that we pushed a lot of responsibilities towards you, even though you had a lot to catch up on. If you continue like that, I don't think you will last long.” She grinned humorlessly.
“It’s fine . . .” She sighed. “After all, being a part of the circle comes with a lot of things to do . . . I just gotta do my best, I suppose.”
“What you're doing is more than enough.” Tamara patted her on the back. “You're pushing yourself too far with how you're going. Even though he might not look like it sometimes, Charles actually cares for the people around him. And if he cares, that means he acknowledges you. Otherwise, well, you know.”
“Really. Now cheer up. You look like you need something sweet.”
“Ew, no thanks. I hate sweets.”
Fifteen minutes before the start of classes, Valeriana and the others set out for their first subjects.
The drink was effective like Tamara told her. She felt like s
he didn't stay up late and got very little sleep the past week. In fact, she felt like she had a lot of energy to spare.
Valeriana looked up at the ceiling and paused from her tracks, trying to ease the throbbing pain pounding between her eyes. She blinked when she thought she saw a shadow move from her peripheral vision, a slight chill crawling down her back. Looking up hastily, she spotted the chandelier swinging from side to side ever so slightly. The ropes holding it up was snapping, no doubt it wouldn't be too long until it fell.
She quickly looked down to see some students walking just below the chandelier as it finally came loose. She dove forward instinctively and pushed them all away without hesitation.
“Watch out!”
She could hear the startled gasps of everyone around them as they hit the ground, shortly followed by a loud crash as the chandelier landed on the floor. Its parts broke and flew everywhere, though, luckily, no one seemed to be hurt.
She stood up and breathed a sigh of relief knowing the fact that no one was harmed from the incident. Looking back down at the group of students before her, she saw two guys and a girl who were all looking at her with wide eyes. The two boys got up on their own accord while the girl stayed still, looking quite shaken.
“Are you all okay?” She asked as she held out a hand for the girl to help pull her up.
“I-I'm fine, thank you.” The girl answered, looking at her with embarrassment and slight hesitance. She clasped Valeriana's hand and stood up.
Valeriana smiled. “That's good.”
Murmurings rose from the crowd and a teacher came rushing forward at the site of the incident. “Is anyone hurt? What happened here?”
“It looks like the rope holding that chandelier snapped.” Valeriana said, pointing at the mess in front of them. “No one seems to be hurt.”
“Alright.” The teacher breathed out in relief. “I'll just ask someone to clean this up. I suppose it's better to play safe and ask the headmaster to replace those ropes. Everyone, if you don’t have anything to do around here, please vacate the area.”
“Yes, sir.”
When the teacher left, the three students turned to look at Valeriana. They looked undoubtedly grateful to her, but they seemed more shock when they realized who she was—or rather, the uniform she was wearing. Since the clothes worn by the Celestial Circle differed greatly from the normal uniform, they were easily distinguished from the common crowd. The intricate, golden curls on the fabric of the uniform with fine and ornate embroidery made the presence of whoever wore it impossible not to notice.
“T-that uniform.” The boy from the right stammered. “B-by any chance . . . are you one of the Twelve?”
“What?” Valeriana looked down at her clothes and realized what they were referring to. “Er . . . I guess.”
“T-thank you very much for saving us!” They all bowed at her simultaneously.
“It's really no problem.” She answered, slightly flattered.
“You practically did save our lives, though.”
“W-will it be okay to ask what rank you hold, miss?” The girl asked, staring right at her with big, round, brown eyes.
“It's fifth, but . . .”
“Fifth!” They all exclaimed in chorus before she could even finish what she was about to say.
“You must be the one who defeated Lady Courtney!”
“P-pardon me . . .” The boy with the reddish hair apologized sincerely. His greenish-blue eyes were bespectacled with round lenses.
Valeriana regarded him with a curious look, raising her brow.
“I-I assumed that your appearance would be hideous!”
She gave them a look with amusement riddling her gaze. “Really?”
“But you’re actually pretty!” The girl supported.
She could not hold back her laughter at that. “You don’t have to go so far saying that.”
“You are Valeriana, right?” The other boy confidently stated.
“How do you know my name?” She asked.
“Who wouldn't? The Celestial Circle is famous, not only within the academy, but also everywhere!” He retaliated with obvious enthusiasm.
“Wow.” She rubbed her chin and lifted her brow with amazement. “Oh, well . . . it's almost time for class and I gotta be going. What are your names? I would love to have them.”
“My name's Quincy,” The girl said. “This one's Zoel and that one's Poulette.”
Zoel, the one who had reddish-brown hair and greenish-blue eyes, fidgeted with the end of his uniform. He shyly pushed back the round glasses that framed his eyes and blushed when he felt Valeriana's scrutinizing gaze on him. Poulette seemed more confident. He was grinning up at Valeriana. Having possessed those mysterious, purple eyes and longish brown hair, it added an air of oddity around him. It wasn't the first time Valeriana encountered an individual with unusually colored irises, but she couldn't seem to get used to seeing unusual hair and eye-color.
“This world's really weird.” Valeriana whispered. “Anyway, it's nice meeting you guys.”
Just as she was about to turn and leave, she heard Quincy stammer behind her. “Oh, um . . . before you go.”
Valeriana looked over her shoulder and looked questioningly at the three. “What is it?”
“Do you . . . mind taking us are your aides?”
“My aides? Uh . . . sure, why not?”
When she answered her, she didn't actually know what she was talking about. In her mind, she told herself, 'Like hell if I know what that is in the first place.' with a slightly confused and startled expression on her face. But seeing the relieved smiles on everyone's faces as the tension and anxiety from the question they asked were brushed away by Valeriana's positive answer, it was enough to make her happy.
The bell went off, signaling the first warning bell for tardiness. Valeriana waved at the three and jogged off to her first class.
She made it in time, thankfully. Chavi was waiting patiently in her seat, but looking quite bored. Julian sent glares her way when she entered the room. She ignored this and headed to her seat beside her friend.
As usual, first period was History. Lady Seraphina hadn't arrived yet, so Valeriana spent the time telling about the incident that happened earlier that morning and how the three asked to become her aides . . . or whatever that might be. When Chavi heard about it, she almost—did—screamed in her seat.
Giving her a look of confusion, Valeriana raised a brow and decided to ask her. “What? What are you screaming about?”
“Aides! You've found your first aides!” She jumped up from her seat and began to dance around happily, making all of their classmates cast a look their way.
“Aides?” A question resonated throughout the whole room. “Who would want to be that girl's aide? She's a fraud!”
Valeriana shot a scary glare at Julian's direction, glowering as hard as she could.
“I'm talking about you, human! I bet you just cheated in your fight with Lady Courtney that made you win! You don't even come close to her skills! It was impossible for you to win!”
“If you think you can talk that way about me, then you're so totally wrong.”
“Isn't it true, anyway?” He huffed. “Everyone knows you're having a hard time. The Twelve doesn't even acknowledge you as one of them!”
“Don't listen to him, Valeriana.” Chavi said. “He's a follower of Courtney.”
“But I have had enough of this guy!” She exclaimed.
“Why don’t you admit you’re just a—”
She stood up and walked over to him, her body moving animatedly. After a momentous pull of her tensed arm, her fist came flying to Julian's face. The contact of the guy's flesh against her knuckles felt really pleasurable. Everyone went still in their places and fell quiet, watching as Julian hit the floor with an evident thud.
Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.
Valeriana inwardly grimaced as her brain started registering the pain, but she tried not to let it
show on her face as it would totally ruin the atmosphere she managed to pull off.
“You don't know anything! I've had enough of those comments from the past days! So just keep your mouth shut or I'll sew it for you!”
Mindful of the pain, her right hand trembled and her brows creased. However, it did not seem much obvious that she was in agony. In fact, people thought it was because of her anger.
Heart pounding in her chest with a sheen of sweat coating her forehead, Valeriana found herself in a state of utter fury. She was stressed, she lacked sleep . . . and she still had to deal with bullies?
“Give me a break!” She yelled at him.
Julian looked like he saw a ghost, breaking into a cold sweat while he stared at Valeriana's heavily breathing form. Chavi had stopped dancing since a while ago, her jaws slacked open.
As if on cue, Seraphina walked into the room. When she saw Julian lying on the floor, her voice resounded demandingly. Valeriana was knocked back to reality at the sound of Seraphina's question. The human girl allowed her muscles to relax. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.
“What's going on here?”
“I'm sorry.” Valeriana breathed. “I lost control of myself.”
“Well, that guy insulted Valeriana after he heard that she got her first aides.” Zevlin, who was sitting on his usual seat on the farthest back, said. “He said that she was a fraud and such.”
“I heard it, too!” Genevieve supported.
Brindon, on the other hand, merely said, “Saw it.”
She wanted to keep things smooth and trouble-free, but it seemed that that thought was all but a mere dream.
Seraphina sighed. “I understand perfectly what instigated you to act that way, but violence outside duels and official combats is not permitted. Remember that in this school, we ought for discipline and self-control. Students are heavily encouraged to keep their emotions in check. Having said this, proper punishment shall be bestowed upon the two of you.” Looking on the human girl's face made Seraphina falter for a moment. Seconds later, she spoke, “I apologize, I will not be lenient to my students.”