Page 34
“Elfre!” Genevieve squealed. “You are a genius!”
“So, it's the one?”
“It's the one!”
Quincy had, once again, drawn a bath for Valeriana to take. They readied the gown on Tamara's bed and dragged the girl to the baths to scrub off any dirt that clung to her skin.
The bath and the pampering were a bit too much. Still, this was the first time they would see the human girl dress up in a beautiful gown, so the girls couldn't help but get excited. Despite not being said aloud, Valeriana had the kind of beauty that needed accentuation, meaning she had to dress up properly to make it more evident. However, she was apparently oblivious of her physical qualities and often did not present herself well.
In the room, she was given a proper makeover. Valeriana had no idea what they were doing since her hair was continuously being yanked on. The incessant activity made her unable to focus properly. There was a brush fanning her cheeks on the right or something lining her brows before someone would suddenly pull back her hair, practically breaking off her neck from her shoulders. She began to think the girls had some hidden anger towards her with the way they were acting, although she decided to keep her mouth shut.
When everything was finished, she breathed out a sigh of relief. Her scalp felt numb and her face felt strangely thick. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw a foreign face looking back at her, making her scream in bewilderment.
Seeing the girl staring back at her move the same time she did, she reached a hand out towards her face. “Is this me?”
“You look beautiful.” Gasped Genevieve. “In fact,” she sniffed, tears pooling from her eyes. “I didn’t think it was possible.”
“What? You’re bad!”
Tamara chose the time to come in. “Are you girls done?” She asked in utter boredom.
The third-ranker allowed her eyes to scan the room. When her eyes landed on Valeriana and locked eyes with the latter, her eyes went wide with shock. Placing a hand over her mouth, she slowly approached the girl and circled her, looking her up and down as if she was a specimen she never saw before. Valeriana followed Tamara with her gaze, frowning at the third-ranker as she scrutinized her.
“Holy goddess of fate!” She gasped. “Is that you?”
She frowned, crossed her arms, and started tapping her feet impatiently. “Did I really change that much? I thought dresses and makeup cannot change someone's face.”
“Holy goddess! It is you.”
“Thank you so much, captain obvious.”
“Holy goddess!”
“You just said that.” She answered irately.
“Holy goddess!” She repeated.
“I said stop!” She stomped her feet. “If you continue doing that, I'll start getting out of this getup to get you to shut up.”
With this statement, both Aneeka and Genevieve spoke together in unison. “NO!”
Tamara shook her head immediately. “This is just too shocking. Valeriana Kerrigan, you are . . .” She stared up at her face and then paused as a flicker of recognition flashed across her face. “You . . .”
“What?” She inquired in impatience.
“You kinda look like . . .” She trailed off. “Ayslia.”
Genevieve, Aneeka, Elfre and Quincy all scampered and pushed each other away to get a good look at Valeriana's face. The poor girl almost stumbled as they crowded around her, curious like kids who saw something peculiar.
“You're right!” They all said.
“She's a look-alike!”
“She looks like the lady on my jar back home!” Elfre told them.
“Idiot!” Said another voice which she couldn't see who spoke but probably belonged to—Genevieve.
“I can't believe it.” Tamara gasped. “You look so similar that I can mistake you for her.”
“Hey, do you think she's the reincarnation of the queen?”
“That's absurd! How did the queen become a human?”
“She isn’t even a Valemnian.” Aneeka added.
“And besides, if she really is a Valemnian, she won't need that thing she wears around her neck.”
“Hey, why don't we try removing it?” Genevieve suggested.
Valeriana blanched. “Don't even freaking dare!” She warned them off to stay away. “Are you guys trying to kill me?”
Genevieve rushed over to Valeriana and started to reach for the necklace of protection. Valeriana tried to get her to stop to no avail. Soon, she was trying to fight all of them off until someone finally opened the door.
“Where's Valeriana?” Corvan's voice echoed from the doorway. “Can you not be faster? Lord Aeron and Headmaster Kylon are waiting for you downstairs.”
“Thank god!”
Using the moment they were distracted, Valeriana bolted to a run and dashed towards Corvan, shutting the door close behind her and dragging the latter downstairs. Once far enough, she slowed down and glanced at the young lord she was towing behind.
Figuring he didn't like being dragged along, she let go of his wrist and apologized. “Sorry. Got caught up in a moment there.”
When he didn't reply, which was entirely unusual, she looked at him and locked gazes with the first-ranker. She saw him staring at her with a look of bewilderment on his face.
“What? Not having one of your smartass replies?”
For the oddest reasons, he suddenly looked away, avoiding eye contact. “Do you prefer that I speak?”
“No. It's just weird for you not to have that attitude of yours. I mean, I was expecting you to say how dare you drag me or you cannot just go off running or even why are you not listening to anything I say, you goddamned stupid witch while you have this look on your face.” She willfully contorted her expression into that of an angered frown which Corvan usually had plastered on his face.
Corvan frowned.
“See? You're making that face again.” She then reached up towards him and started tugging on his cheeks. “Try smiling for once!”
The moment her hands made contact with his skin, Corvan felt like he was electrified. He jumped away from Valeriana in shock, brushing off her arms away from him like he was burned. His heart rate increased, beating as though he ran a marathon. Strangely though, he didn't feel tired at all.
“Huh?” Valeriana tilted her head to the side and stared at Corvan in confusion. “You're really red. I didn't pinch you that hard, did I?”
She then smiled and snapped her fingers as a thought came to mind. “Or are you just embarrassed?” She asked him teasingly, skipping forward and nudging him playfully on the shoulder. “Never had a girl pinch your cheeks before?”
He went even redder and took a long stride forward. “Do not joke around with me. Besides, I did not give you permission to touch me. I did not permit you to act so familiar with me either. So, for once, keep your mouth shut and follow me quietly.”
Valeriana frowned. “Geez. You really are a jerk. And a total liaarrrrr.” She said in a singsong voice. “Corvan is embarrassed. Corvan is embarrassed. Corvan is embarrassed.” She giggled quietly after singing like a child skipping down the street.
“I am not embarrassed! Stop it!” He glowered at her. “I am not embarrassed. A person such as you cannot ever unnerve me.”
“Well, whatever you say.” She answered.
Finally, his heart calmed down. He must say he was quite impressed. The female ranking members of the Twelve managed to bring out the hidden charm that Valeriana had in her. He never even knew the girl had a feminine side.
“Lord Corvan!”
It wasn't until Lord Aeron spoke that the young lord realized they finally arrived at the lounge. Corvan blinked, snapping out of the train of thought he was having. He looked ahead of him and saw the Court Leader grinning. He sat on the sofa with Headmaster Kylon and the male ranking members of the Twelve.
“The look on your face says that you saw a beautiful woman.” He said, laughing jokingly.
“What's that supposed to mean?”
Corvan asked, irked. He wondered what kind of face he was making that made what he was thinking so obvious to the person who looked at him? Or was it simply because Lord Aeron was a very perceptive man?
When Valeriana emerged from behind the first-ranker, everyone fell quiet.
Lord Aeron simply grinned at the sight of Valeriana. “I knew it! How lovely you are tonight, Valeriana my dear.”
“I guess I’ll thank you for a change.” Valeriana told him.
“Now, now, don’t be so harsh.”
“Wow! Valeriana! You look beautiful!” Keelan said.
“Words don't do you justice.” Rowe smiled.
“Ah! Valeriana!” Raziel bounded towards her. “You should dress like this more often.”
Valeriana chuckled. “Thank you, everyone.” She answered. “Now that I think about it . . . I'm so nervous!”
“Well, then. Shall we get going?”
They all stood up and headed towards the door. Valeriana reluctantly followed after them, taking in a deep breath while walking nervously behind the two. Valeriana stepped out of the door into the breezy night air. The wind which caressed her face lovingly made her feel somewhat comfortable.
She then took a deep breath.
A few moments after Valeriana left with the Headmaster and Lord Aeron, Zion came knocking on the door of the dormitories. Brindon was the one who took the liberty of opening the door for him, but he never gave him the chance to step within the building.
“What are you doing here?” He asked.
“I'm looking for Valeriana.” He grinned.
Brindon, who usually was expressionless, frowned. “I see. But you're not in luck. She already left with the Headmaster.”
“What?” He inquired and tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Why?”
“You haven't heard? Valeriana's meeting the king tonight.”
His eyes widened. “Why have I not known?”
“It's not my fault.” Brindon then began to close the door, but Zion used his feet to block the doorway.
“Wait. I must ask something.”
“What is it?” Brindon asked him, narrowing his eyes at the man before him dangerously.
“Was Valeriana wearing a dress?”
“Yes.” Brindon answered nonchalantly.
Zion's eyes lit up and he suddenly looked eager. “Was she pretty?”
“How beautiful was she?”
“More than anything you can imagine.” He replied apathetically.
“What color was her dress?”
“Did she wear jewelries?”
“How was her hair done?”
“Go to hell.”
And the door was slammed close on his face.
Chapter Thirty-Nine ♣ Meeting with Royalty
There were no fancy carriages of any sort—much to Valeriana's disappointment since she really wanted to ride one. Still, the walk was really short so it was convenient. They went through that door again—the one she took when trying to escape—but it led to another way.
Nevertheless, despite the magic door thingy going on, which she totally didn't understand, they were greeted by a man when they stepped through. He had on a formal aura and was a middle-aged man who grew very little hair around his head, having a big bald spot on top of his skull.
“Whew!” She said, stepping through the doorway and looking back and forth between the room she stood in and back where she came. “I still wonder how this thing happens.”
The man cleared his throat.
Valeriana looked towards the man, who didn't glance her way.
“My name is Edeltraud and I shall serve as your guide under the king's request. The palace is a complicated maze, there's a high possibility of you getting lost trying to find your way around.”
“That is true. No matter how many times I go here, I am never able to familiarize myself with these twists and turns.” Lord Aeron stated in a matter-of-factly tone. “And that is saying a lot, coming from me.”
“That is the purpose of this palace's enormous size. Such complexity is something that cannot be mastered in a matter of years.”
He seemed proud that he could navigate around this place expertly, and Valeriana herself was impressed. Lord Aeron then waved to the girl, gently steering her to come forward as he gestured to the man.
“Come on now. Introduce yourself.”
She stalked towards him with a smile before bowing down gracefully as was advised when she faced anyone within the palace by the Headmaster.
“It's a big honor of meeting you.”
The man looked her way—finally. “And what is your name, might I ask?”
“I'm Valeriana.”
“Well, Miss Valeriana, I assume that you—” He stopped short when he took in her appearance. “. . . are the human.”
“That's me!”
He didn't seem to have been able to hide his shock. He visibly held his breath while staring at Valeriana's face as if he just saw a ghost. His body went rigid that it was amusing to see. He was as stiff as a silver spoon.
“I thought that . . .” He trailed off. “Are you really that rumored human who was invited by the king?”
He then shook his head and began to walk towards a certain direction. “Please follow me.”
Although Valeriana was a bit oblivious to what was going on, the Headmaster and the Court Leader caught Edeltraud constantly looking at Valeriana from the corner of his eyes. It seemed that if Valeriana was to dress up formally like a woman, she'd bear a striking resemblance to Valemnia's late queen.
Even the old man was curious about the newcomer who bore Queen Ayslia's exact features.
Maybe it was a mere coincidence.
Edeltraud cleared his throat and caught the attention of his guests. “It will be a long walk to our destination. Do you mind if I ask you a question, young miss?”
Valeriana turned and raised a brow at the man. “Me? Why?”
“I am just curious, you see.” He frowned. “You seem to bear . . . a striking resemblance to the late queen of Valemnia.”
“A lot of people told me that since I came here.” She chuckled. “And since I dressed up in this stupid getup. Honestly, I have no idea.” She then sighed.
Edeltraud led them towards a room which was even grander than she imagined. The furniture was finely made and the walls were decorated with priceless, traditional paintings portraying different kinds of still life. They varied in size—sometimes, they merely came in an explosion of colors.
Valeriana looked around with wide and genuinely curious eyes, eventually taking her seat in one of the comfy chairs with a plop. “Wow . . .”
“Please wait here.” Edeltraud told them. “While I go call His Majesty.”
The headmaster and Lord Aeron took their own seats and relaxed. Valeriana smiled at both of them and started swinging her feet back and forth.
“Valeriana, try to stay still.” Lord Aeron told her.
“But I'll get nervous if I do.”
“Ah, restlessness.” He chuckled.
They waited for a few moments until Valeriana decided she couldn't sit still. She stood up and paced about before coming to stand by a window with a large frame. The thick, velvety blinds were pinned on the sides, allowing the girl to get a view of the palace grounds.
She instinctively reached out at what she saw and let her fingertips trace the smooth surface of the glass. Just behind this wall was a beautiful meadow of flowers. The field stretched out, covering wide grounds like a rice field.
She sighed.
The setting skies bathed the flowers in an orange glow, reflecting off of their velvety petals.
Valeriana was too caught up looking out of the window that she didn't notice the Headmaster and the Court Leader leaving. The two had exchanged a wordless glance, nodding understandingly at each other. The girl seemed to have
finally found the time to calm herself down that they didn't want to bother, so both of them left without saying anything instead.
Finding the quietness somewhat weird, Valeriana looked behind her to find the two gone. “Headmaster? Lord Aeron?”
She panicked. “Oh, holy cow. Where did those two go?”
It took a few seconds for the thought to register. “Ah, damn. They left me alone without saying anything.” She grumbled unhappily.
Glancing about the empty room, she saw an armchair angled by the window she was looking through. Deciding it was a better choice to sit than stand, she took the open seat and supported her chin with her hand. She didn't want to seem fidgety and jumpy when the king arrived. It would be unsightly and completely embarrassing. If she was going to present herself before royalty, she might as well try to act appropriately.
Valemnia had a United Monarchy type of government—meaning that they were under the rule of one person and the other places he couldn't manage were being ruled under his name.
Since the king wouldn't be able to handle all political matters single-handedly, he had six families helping him govern the different lands. There were six continents under the king's name—the Central Continent, Larkovia, Arlandia, Denovegasia, Prelurésia, and Aetheria.
These continents were under the rule of the different aristocratic families.
The Land of Fire, Arlandia, under the family of von Vaushna de la Wylden. Occupying most of the parts from West to Southwest, it possessed an unrivaled beauty for its natural geographical formation and the locals were most proud of their fertile lands. Corvan was the heir of this land.
The Land of Water, Larkovia, under the rule of von Versailles de la Vernados, consisted mostly of bodies of water. Located on the Far East, they have long, meandering rivers, breathtaking waterfalls, wide fishing lakes, and the most admired Water Palace. This was the land Charles talked about he was going to have to rule in a few years.