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Unmerciful: (Forbidden Bonds) (A Forbidden Bond Novel Book 3)

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by Cat Miller


  New York Times & U.S.A. Today Bestselling Author

  Cat Miller

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Note from the Author

































  Copyright © 2018 by Cat Miller

  All Rights Reserved

  Edited byThere for You Editing Services

  Melissa Ringsted

  Formatted by Hell Yes Design Studio

  Cover Design by Regina Wamba at Mae I Design and Photography

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  A note from the author:

  If you’re a fan of this series, I want to thank you sincerely for your support. As you know, my world of vampires is vast, and there are far too many players to follow one couple throughout the novel and tell a complete story. I hope you enjoy revisiting some of our favorite characters while getting to know the new ones. If you’re new to the series, welcome to the vampire nation.

  Happy Reading!

  Cat Miller


  For Mr. Miller, The love you show me shines through my writing.



  Before a rogue and the existence of demi-vampires shook the Vampire Nation.

  One day, all of us come to a fork in the road of life. Which direction we choose will change everything. Then there’s another fork in the road, and another after that one until eventually, we realize our life decisions are about far more than just left or right. There comes a time in every life that we must look back down the line of choices we made for better or worse, and all of the consequences that followed. That’s when we see how our choices affected other people in our lives. Being a leader is about so much more than taking the easy path or the course that took you where you wanted to go as an individual. Even when you want to go left and take the path of least resistance, a true leader will go right if that’s the best choice for his people. In the end, the good of the many will always outweigh the good of the few. Do the hard work. Get dirty. Don’t ask your men to do anything you haven’t already done. Stand tall when you want to quit. And never forget that they’re all watching you for direction, reassurance, and strength. Be that strength, Kayden. Be that leader.

  Kayden leaned back against the bar and stared off into space as his father’s words circled his head one more time. The weight of the future planned out for Kayden before his birth was far too hefty for a male in his early twenties to bear. He’d come to Thirst to have a good time with Chase, his best friend, and try to forget the look of disappointment that had become permanently affixed to his father’s face, but Kayden was in a funk. The loud music and scantily clad females were a distraction, that was for sure, but Kayden couldn’t seem to shake the dark cloud hanging over his head.

  “Hey, what are you doing in the corner all alone? Don’t you usually have a crowd of ladies tripping over you all night?” a slightly sarcastic female asked from Kayden’s left, and the sound of her voice sent a jolt of awareness through him.

  He’d heard her speak before but never without having to strain to hear her at a distance over the music. The smoky quality of her voice was seductive from afar. Up close, that husky tone combined with the sweet scent of her natural perfume and the tempting thudding of the pulse in her throat made Kayden want to leap on her and take what he needed. He needed blood and sex, preferably at the same time. Kayden blinked a few times to erase the mental image of himself buried deep in this human’s heavenly body while he bathed his tongue in her blood. He didn’t do that shit. It was a personal rule. If he fed on a female, he let them go before it went any further. Then he went and found himself a willing pair of legs to spread for his pleasure. Kayden felt the trance state needed to feed on a human took away too much of their free will for him to be comfortable with having sex.

  Kayden slowly turned his head to look at the classically beautiful human with a mass of golden hair and big, brown eyes the color of old copper. He gave her a disinterested perusal as if he wasn’t affected by her presence in the slightest. His inner player wanted to turn on the charm right off the bat, but this female was different from other humans. If he were too eager, she might take off. She didn’t like pushy males, and she didn’t like his kind, much to his dismay. Kayden would never feed on this human if having her body was an option.

  “You’re Kayden, right?” she asked, and Kayden heard her heart rate ratchet up a little more. She was anxious. Kayden made her nervous, and she battled with her instincts to stand her ground before him. Her steel spine was another fucking turn-on. Dammit.

  The female’s name was Lindsay. Kayden knew because he made it his business to know the name of any female who could give him a hard-on from across the room without even looking at him, but Lindsay was off limits. At least she had been before tonight.

  Lindsay somehow instinctively knew the difference between humans and vampires. Kayden knew this was true because Lindsay turned down every vampire who approached her. She wouldn’t even dance with a vampire male. It was unusual, but there were still some humans out there who had a little natural instinct left. Lindsay seemed to know when a predator was getting too near. Kayden was an alpha predator. He was a born warrior of the strongest bloodlines. He’d never attempted to speak to Lindsay for that very reason. He was in no hurry to experience rejection for the first time, and Lindsay didn’t do vampires, whether she knew it or not. He’d seen her shoot them all down without fail. Which begged the question, why had she approached Kayden and how did she know his name?

  “Yeah,” he replied with a half shrug, “I’m Kayden. I’m not really in the mood for company.” It was true. He just wasn’t feeling it. In fact, he’d just decided to feed and go home before Lindsay walked up to him and changed his mind.

  Kayden looked out to where Chase was dancing with four females at once. Each of them was vying for Chase’s attention in her own way. Two were human and two vampires. It looked like Chase was going to have a smorgasbord this evening. Lindsay was right, Kayden usually did have his own harem of accessible ass and blood to choose from, but he just wasn’t in the mood. He’d shooed them all away. A bad idea, given he really needed to feed.

p; His mother had guilted him into joining a week-long war games event with the young warriors. When they got home from extensive training without access to fresh blood, they were always in need of an extra feeding. The bagged blood they carried along with their field rations did the job, but there was no replacement for hot, fresh blood in the long run. Blood lost some of its nutritional value in the bag, and a vampire’s body suffered for it over time. It made his father happy when Kayden acted like he was interested in their people and his future responsibility. It also gave his father ample opportunity to remind Kayden that he was thus far a disappointment to their clan.

  “Oh, well, I’ll leave you to it then.” Lindsay pulled his attention back to her when she turned and strode away from Kayden with her head high, shoulders squared, and that perfect ass encased in a shimmering, red dress waving at him like a flag of challenge. Other males around the room seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when Kayden didn’t snatch her up. Lindsay was heading back to the dance floor, and they would be ready to receive her with glee. She’d taken his comment about not wanting company as a dismissal. He was going to clear that shit up quick.

  Before Lindsay’s feet hit the bottom of the three steps to the V.I.P. bar he’d been occupying, Kayden swept her up with one arm and pulled her against his chest. Her feet barely touched the floor as he spun them into the crowd of dancers. A slower song about looking everywhere in the crowd for someone to please you began to play, allowing Kayden to keep her close. He gave her his signature grin as she looked up at him in confusion.

  “I said I didn’t want company, but some ladies are worth making an exception for, Lindsay. I’d never turn you away.” Kayden brushed his lips across Lindsay’s cheek.

  No sense in beating around the bush now. She’d gathered up the courage to approach him, even though she was a little frightened of him. She was probably confused by her anxiety around some males. Who knew how the human psyche worked? All Kayden did know for sure was that she was interested in him tonight, and he’d been watching her for a year since she started attending the nearby college. And unlike other students, she didn’t take off for home during the holidays and summer. Lindsay could always be found around town.

  “You know my name?” She seemed genuinely surprised.

  Lindsay wasn’t full of herself like most gorgeous women. There was something socially awkward about her that made her approachable. That was likely why she garnered so much attention. She seemed to always be having fun and putting herself out there without worrying about who was watching when she tripped or when she gulped a drink instead of sipping it prettily. She was unapologetically Lindsay.

  “Of course, I know the name of the hottest woman in the room.” Kayden delivered the line with an arched eyebrow and crooked smile that let Lindsay know he was aware she would know this was a cheesy pick-up, but he didn’t care.

  Lindsay laughed, “Yeah, well that’s exactly why I know your name, too.”

  Kayden gave Lindsay a fake glare, and her smile melted instantly. “Are you saying I look like a woman? Why I oughta …” Kayden didn’t finish the threat. He simply lifted her a little higher and spun them around in a dizzying circle. He didn’t know what it was about Lindsay that made him feel suddenly lighter, but his stress from earlier had melted away the minute she stepped into his space.

  Lindsay’s smile returned with a giggle as they spun under the flashing lights and weaved through the people and fog on the dance floor. Lindsay clutched at his shoulders for balance since he hadn’t allowed her feet to actually take her weight. She was tall for a female, and he liked that a lot. She was still a good six inches shorter than Kayden, but he wouldn’t have to bend himself in half to kiss her. That was a luxury for someone who topped out at six feet and four inches in bare feet.

  They danced for a while as the tension built between them. Lindsay’s lush curves fit Kayden’s hard lines perfectly. The music played on from one song to the next, and Kayden found himself trapped in Lindsay’s dark eyes. She was so captivating. The warmth of her body enhanced her aroma. She was just as turned on as Kayden. Her nipples beaded and brushed against his chest. Her pupils dilated. Arousal pulsed between them with every heartbeat.

  Lindsay cleared her throat and licked her dry lips. She scanned his face then her eyes continued from his neck to his chest and shoulders.

  “You look like you have a big appetite,” Lindsay said, and she immediately turned a tempting shade of pink. Too late she heard the unintended double entendre. “I just meant that you must eat a lot to stay so big.” Somehow even that sounded dirty. Kayden wanted to kiss the embarrassment right off of her pretty face.

  Kayden knew she was talking about his much larger than average size. He was a head taller than most other males in the club, after all, and twice as broad in the shoulders. The Paris Clan bred big males meant to be warriors and Kayden was no exception. Lindsay was a human though, so she wouldn’t know anything about vampires, warriors, or how much he wanted to latch onto her throat and taste just how sweet the blood flushing her cheeks might be. He couldn’t resist the chance to mess with the female who had every vampire in the club panting and salivating every time she showed up with her friends from the college.

  Kayden’s eyebrows rose in question and a grin slowly spread across his face. Leaning in close, he nuzzled her ear when he responded, “Baby, I have a huge appetite. In fact, I’m gonna have my cake and eat you, too.”

  A shiver shook Lindsay’s body, and she clutched him closer. She took a deep breath that caressed Kayden’s neck. He had an instant erection. Holy hell. The combination of her honey sweet scent and the physical contact of her breasts against his chest, her hands trailing up his neck, and her breath on his skin sent him over the edge of rational thought. His mouth opened and the words poured out of Kayden before his brain came back online.

  “Fuck, I want you, Lindsay. If you aren’t into this, say so now, I need to get out of here,” Kayden said, and it was true. He knew he needed to leave the club when his vision intensified. His eyes had transformed to that of the predator every vampire was down deep. His pupils would no longer be hazel, but inky black. Everything came into sharp focus. He could feel his fangs pushing against his gums, but Kayden refused to let them drop. He hadn’t lost his shit like this since he was in his early teens. It was time to go, with or without Lindsay. He really needed to feed. His inner predator wanted to convince Kayden that he could indeed have both blood and sex with Lindsay. He tried desperately to shake off that idea. If he fed on Lindsay, he couldn’t have sex with her. He just didn’t do that shit.

  Sex and blood, blood and sex, Kayden wasn’t sure which one he needed more. He released Lindsay without warning, and she stumbled slightly. He had to go before he sank his fangs into her delicate skin in front of everyone in the club and found himself on trial before the council. He charged for the rear exit that only employees and Chase used, which let out into the alley behind the club. Kayden would catch his breath and get it together for just a minute before he found a blood host. Most vampires preferred not to feed on random strangers, but Kayden was in a bad way. Blood or sex, what was it going to be? He could only have one now. He needed blood first, but he wanted sex more. What the hell was wrong with him? He was totally off the rails. He shouldn’t have waited so long to feed.

  “Kayden, wait, I didn’t say I wasn’t interested.” Catching up with him, Lindsay inserted herself between Kayden and the door. “Let me go with you,” she said, and rose up on her toes to kiss Kayden.

  The flavor of her mouth was more intoxicating than any blood had ever been. Lindsay clutched the hair at Kayden’s nape and held him still for her kiss. All logic and self-preservation vacated the building. He was going to get what he needed now, and Lindsay was going to give it to him. He sucked her tongue into his mouth and lifted her off the ground. His fangs could no longer be contained. They thrust forward, cutting two shallow slices into Lindsay’s tongue. The taste of her blood coated his mouth, and K
ayden knew he had no more time. This was happening in the club.

  Lindsay jerked back in pain and surprise, and looked at Kayden in confusion that swiftly turned to fear when she eyed his fangs. Kayden must seem like a nightmare to her human mind. His fangs were fully extended, and his eyes were as black as the darkest night. He had no choice at that point but to take control of her mind. This would be traumatic for her otherwise. That meant only one of Kayden’s needs was about to be met because he wouldn’t have sex with this goddess of a female after he subjected her to mind control. No way. He didn’t use people like that, and he wouldn’t start now.

  Kayden tightened his grip on Lindsay and hustled them both to Chase’s private quarters in the desperate hope that Chase wasn’t making use of it already, because even if he was, Kayden couldn’t stop now. Lindsay’s blood was in his mouth. When she pulled away from him, blood had coated her own mouth. The sight of Lindsay with blood on her lips had nearly taken Kayden to his knees. He would have to deal with his skin splitting erection as soon as he sent Lindsay away with a happy memory and a smile. He would take care of Lindsay’s needs while he fed on her. He had to. He needed to hold her body against his while he fed and she came apart for him. Then he’d send her on her way and take himself in hand. That was something else he hadn’t done in years. He never had to.

  Kayden put Lindsay down long enough to try the door he needed to get behind in a hurry, and thankfully it was unlocked. He backed Lindsay through the door into the dimly lit room and locked it behind them. He felt the need to comfort her, even though he knew she was completely relaxed now that he had erased the memory of seeing his fangs from her mind. He was controlling her enough to block the minor pain he’d caused when his fangs cut her. She knew she was with Kayden and she was free to touch him and interact with him without seeing his fangs or understanding that he was feeding on her. To Lindsay, this would be a continuation of what they started in the club, but she wouldn’t be aware of exactly where she was, nor would she care until he released her mind.


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