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Immense Tension

Page 1

by Arden, Dana

  Table of Contents

  Immense Tension

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Immense Tension


  Dana Arden

  Immense Tension

  Copyright © 2017 by Dana Arden. All rights reserved.

  No parts of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons – living or dead – is entirely coincidental.

  Photographer: FXQuadro ~ Shutterstock

  Cover Design: Vikki ~ Fiverr


  There are scenes in this book that may not be suitable for some people. If you cannot handle books with dark matter, then please do not continue. All fictional characters in this book are 18 years of age or older. This book was written for an audience at least 18 years of age or older.


  When starting to write this series, it was an outlet. It was a way to escape reality for a little bit. After the first book released, I started on the second book. The second book became more than an escape and more about the story itself.

  Hitting publish on the second book, I decided to tell my mom that I’d been writing. She was lost for a second and then she was happy for me.

  In my life, there has been up and downs, but I can always depend on my family. As my books relay, family should and most times will always have your back.

  So thank you to my family for supporting me and allowing me to be me.

  Chapter 1


  There’s nothing better than being in unchartered territory and being surrounded by sharks. My arrival may not have been subtle, but I’m not a very restrained woman. All my life, I’ve been controlled, never allowed to do what I wanted. With my freedom, I evolved into a woman who lives life to the fullest and I’ll sleep when I’m dead. I guess you can blame my lack of keeping myself in check to the biker blood that has run through my blood since birth but that has been held back due to other people.

  If you haven’t figured it out, I’m the daughter of the Southern Chaotic’s MC President, Rudy. I’m sure most of these men that are hovering around me have no clue that they’re hungry eyes are eating up what most MC’s consider their Princess and I’m not going to be the one to announce it.

  When I pulled up to the metal gate out front, I just lowered the window of my forest green 1967 Camaro SS and the young thing at the gate just let me through. He’ll probably be up shit’s creek without a paddle once my father realizes.

  I parked my baby and strutted right though the door to ten men in leather of various ages.

  When they didn’t speak, I let my mouth do what it does best. “Anyone up for some shots?”

  And that was thirty minutes ago and probably ten shots of Patron. I feel lovely. The more liquor that courses through me the more I feel the need to move.

  “Don’t ya’ll have any music in this place?” I ask.

  “Sure, honey.” The man with Spook stitched to his kutte responds and goes about turning on the music that thumps through the clubhouse. He’s a beautiful specimen. He’s probably in his early to mid-thirties, a foot taller than my five-four, broad shoulders and damn if he can’t fill out those jeans nicely. His short blonde hair makes me want to run my fingers through it and those electric blue eyes, I could stare at forever.

  I jump off the bar stool and make my way to the center of the room. Yes, you better believe that every one of these men is thinking with their dicks. It doesn’t help that I’m sporting my favorite skinny jeans that have holes everywhere screaming just touch this succulent skin and possibly move your finger upward and X marks the spot, along with a black halter top that’s low in the front so my girls are on full display.

  I’m midway through swaying my hips seductively to Sex on Fire by the Kings of Leon when the music abruptly stops.

  I turn to see my little brother, Nate who doesn’t look very happy to see me, but who can blame him. I barely know him. I haven’t seen him or my dad in fifteen years, but I can only feel guilty for five of those years since my father dropped off the face of the earth when I was about thirteen.

  I place an overly fake smile on my face and slowly saunter toward Nate. “Well, well, well little brother, you grew up nice and pretty.”

  He doesn’t respond just steps back. “Aw, no love for your sister or let me guess, I don’t rate on the ‘give a shit’ scale.” Still nothing. “Well, I’m glad to feel the happiness radiating from you. Don’t worry I’ll leave now so you can go back to living your spectacular life. No skin off my teeth. It’s not like any of my family here has given a fuck about me in years.” I pass by him on my way to the door. “Glad to see ya again, Nate. Give Pop a kiss for me.”

  No one stops me and as much as I’d have treasured my brother coming to me with surprise and love that I finally came home, what’d I expect. They’ve left me with the devil incarnated most of my life and didn’t give a fuck about me. Why would they give a shit now?

  I get back into the only thing that has ever completely been mine and throw gravel as I speed out of the parking lot with my middle finger out the window waving good bye to the life I should have had.



  I haven’t seen her since I was seven, but I’ll always know those eyes because they’re the same turquoise blue as my own. Her hair is what caught me off guard. When we were little, she could have passed as Snow White’s twin, black hair and fair skin. Now, her hair is platinum blonde and she’s sporting some major fake and bake.

  I can’t even comprehend what she’s saying I’m so lost in my head on the fact that she’s come home after being gone for fifteen years.

  By the time I snap out of it, she’s gone. I run out the door to dust filling the air as a muscle car speeds out of the parking lot. I don’t realize I’ve been followed until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

  “So that’s the infamous Greer.” Spook says. “Why does she call you Nate? I thought your name was Tanner.”

  “She’s the only one to ever call me Nate. It was our thing. Tanner Nathaniel.” Still lost in thought, I turn back to the clubhouse like a robot and walk to my father’s office. I knock and here him growl to come in.

  “Pop, I’ve got to tell you something but you’re probably not going to like it.”

  “What?” He grunts.

  “Um…” I whisper as I rub the back of my neck. “Greer was just here.” He raises his eyes from his paperwork and shakes his head.

  “Trigger, are you sure? How would you know what she looked like now? Shit, son, she’s been gone for years.”

  “I’d know her anywhere, but she’s cha
nged a lot. She’s no longer my dark haired sister. She’s a blonde.”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Trigger. My baby girl was just here and no one came and got me. She didn’t ask for me?” He questions with hurt in his voice. He abruptly gets out of his chair and stomps to the main room. “Why the fuck didn’t ya’ll tell me my daughter was here? Most of you know I’ve been looking for her.”

  “Prez.” I state calmly trying to diffuse the situation from getting lethal. “They wouldn’t have known who she was. It took me seeing her face and looking into her eyes to know who she was. You can’t take it out on them. If anything, take it out on me. I let her leave.”

  He turns angry eyes on me. “What the fuck, Trigger. Why’d you do that?”

  “I was in shock. I was frozen until it was too late and she was gone.”

  “We need to find her. She can’t have gotten far. I need some boys to ride out and look for her.” He orders. “What kind of car was she driving?”

  “It looked green, but the air was clouded with dust when I saw her leave. I want to say a Camaro, older model, 60’s-70’s.” I inform him.

  “Alright, let’s get on this. Get Professor to run her again and see if he can come up with anything.”

  I walk out to my bike straddling it and praying I can find the one person I never thought I’d see again.

  Chapter 2


  When I was little, I thought my life was perfect. I had a mom and dad who were attentive even though they lived separate lives. There was so much affection. I always knew I was adored. Then it all ended when my dad chose a different path, a path that didn’t involve me.

  I remember my dad visiting here and there. One day, he arrived with a baby. My dad introduced him as my brother, Tanner Nathaniel.

  I won’t lie and say I wasn’t jealous of that baby, because I was. It was an indescribable feeling. He had everything that I once had and would never have back.

  As the years went by, Nate and I bonded. I didn’t despise him as much as I once did. I grew very fond of the little boy who would follow me around and listen to me like every word I said was kissed with gold.

  When I was thirteen, my mother met a man, a man who put up a disguise. Dimitri wasn’t always nice. He was manipulative. My mother fell hook-line-and-sinker for his soft words and promises. She became entranced with him.

  Before I knew it, we were living in Nevada. In Nevada, my mother changed. She barely looked at me and when she did, her eyes were empty.

  I tried to hide from my new life, but Dimitri made it harder and harder for me to disappear by constantly parading me around men old enough to be my father and sometimes my grandfather. It was like I was a show pony and I wouldn’t completely understand the endgame until a few months later.

  Six months ago, I ran from the life Dimitri had created for me in Nevada, back to the man that didn’t disappear from my life. Uncle Brute has been apart of my life since I was born. My father and he were best friends, but that ended to.

  It always seemed that my dad changed his affections overnight. One minute, he loved his daughter. The next, he was gone. One minute, he had a best friend. The next, he didn’t care about him either.

  Brute found me in Nevada six years ago drinking at a hole-in-the-wall bar. He gave me his number and told me to call if I ever needed him. I called sporadically checking in, but I didn’t fill him in on how shitty my life in Nevada was.

  Then six months ago, I ran from Nevada and the man who was making my life a living hell. I knew then that if I didn’t get from underneath Dimitri, I would end up lost like my mother or dead for disobeying.

  I called Brute and he had his VP, Red and his Road Captain, Banshee pick me up outside of Virginia City. Red is a big, burly man with none other than red hair and a nice-sized beer belly. Banshee, on the other hand, is around my age of twenty-eight and nothing but muscles and tats. He’s tall at around six-foot-six and as broad as he is tall, dark brown hair and emerald green eyes.

  I arrived at the Rioting Devils MC in Blairsville, Georgia. I came with only the clothes on my back and the flip flops on my feet. I was destitute. Hitting rock bottom didn’t even scratch the surface for me because I’d been at rock bottom most of my existence. If someone wasn’t telling me what to do, they were using me to get what they wanted, especially Dimitri.

  The Rioting Devils MC clubhouse is nothing like the Southern Chaotic’s. Yes, it’s surrounded by metal fencing, but it’s a refurbished warehouse and massive.

  Brute put me up in one of the rooms upstairs and away from the brothers. Brute’s wife, Mitz, has taken on the role as mother. At first, I hated it, but as time went on, I’ve grown to enjoy my time with Mitz.

  Mitz was unable to have kids, so showing up in the condition I was in could’ve caused a lot of controversy. But Mitz being who she is, welcomed me and helped me endure my struggles.

  Each and every brother stepped up to make me feel safe and protected.

  After I healed from my dilemma, I started working at Draft’s, a bar that the club owns. It was hit or miss the first couple of weeks. I’d never had a job, so slinging drinks was an accomplishment.

  With each month that past, I livened up. I became sure of myself again. I opened up to Banshee and Poison about all that had transpired in my life. Together, they helped me to realize my worth. They helped me regain the self-esteem I’d lost.

  If it hadn’t been for the Rioting Devils, I’m not sure I would have had much of a life, at least not one that was my own.

  I haven’t gotten up the courage to live outside of the clubhouse yet, but showing my face at the Southern Chaotic’s clubhouse was momentous. The drinks helped to calm my nerves, but living with bikers assisted in not being intimidated by the Chaotic’s.

  It’s been a few weeks since I high-tailed it away from the Chaotic’s. It took me a few days to come out of the depression I had succumbed to by not being accepted by my brother.

  My ways of dealing are a lot different than most people. When I’m down, pain’s the only way to come out of my glum. After the first day of blankly staring off into space, Poison pulled me aside letting me know that whatever I needed he would give it to me.

  I didn’t take him up on his offer until day four when I hadn’t been able to sleep. I just needed the release, the mental space of escape to revive me.

  Poison is a handsome caramel-colored man with every ounce of him bulging to the max. His appearance is threatening for most and I’m sure that’s why he’s the Devils’ Sergent at Arms.

  He’s never pushed and always followed what I asked for. That day in particular, I needed the sting of a belt.

  “Gee, tell me how hard you want it.” Poison demands.

  “I need it hard enough to feel for a few days. I need the reminder.”

  “Strip, bend over the bed and spread your legs.” He commands. Following his directions and doing as he commands, I strip naked, bend over and spread’um. “If you’ve had enough, what do you want to be your safe word?”

  “Beeswax.” I respond.

  “Beeswax.” He repeats.

  The cracks of the belt against my ass send an invigorating twinge that sends tingles up my spine. On hit twenty, I’m panting and can feel the wetness between my thighs.

  Poison drops the belt to the floor with a clank and I hear the tearing of the condom wrapper. He pulls me by my ponytail hard making my back arch and then he’s thrusting inside me. Every bump of his hips against my burning cheeks sends another wave of excitement to my pussy. No words are spoken, just the occasional moan, grunt or groan.

  When we both are spent and have released the tension, we collapse on the bed. He knows I don’t need to be cuddled or have sweet words spoken.

  After the hell I’ve lived through with Dimitri, I’m not fond of being touched. Most women can be touched by a man intimately and instantly melt, not me. Being violated as much as I have over the years, I’ve been desensitized. Pain’s the only way to achieve an orgasm. />
  If it hadn’t been for Poison and Banshee coming to that conclusion, I’d have never had sex again. Past partners were more concerned with their own release than mine, so why bother. My experience with sex and the aftermath have never been pleasurable memories.

  With the help of those two, I learned how to manage my triggers and emotions. When something prompts an unpleasant event that occurred in my life, I find Poison or Banshee and with one look they know what I need and indulge me.

  I’ve learned to compartmentalize a lot of emotion during my time with Dimitri. Like lying on my back with a grunting, runting fifty-something on top of me at fifteen and mentally not being present. The man definitely didn’t care that he was fucking the resemblance of a corpse.

  Hate and anger were always at the forefront, but love, happiness and desire were buried deep. Those emotions never surfaced until I came here.

  Chapter 3


  Life at the club has been anything but peaceful. The tension between Trigger and Rudy has a lot of the men staying out of their way. Who would’ve thought that a woman would come between those two. They’re tighter than any father-son I’ve ever met. Shit, I thought I was close to my dad, but these two have us beat.

  They’ve done everything together. When Trigger was in the service, Rudy and Queenie sent care packages every week. When he came home for good, Trigger patched in and the rest is history.

  Until the day, the blonde blue-eyed goddess stormed the castle and all the knights fell.

  She came in here like she owned the place. I guess she does since she’s our missing Princess. Greer’s pictures have been plastered around this club for years and even though she looks nothing like the brown-haired little girl, one of us should’ve known it was her. Trigger and she share the same eyes, as well as the same mischievous smile.


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