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Immense Tension

Page 4

by Arden, Dana

  Instead of leaving as I expected, she sits down on the couch in front of Rudy and turns Ryland to face Rudy. This is the first good look I’ve gotten of the little girl. When she opens her eyes, Queenie begins to weep. If I’d have seen this baby with any other woman, I would’ve claimed she was Trigger’s.

  “Well, fuck me!” Trigger exclaims. He slowly makes his way to the couch and lowers himself beside Greer. “Can I hold her?”

  Without answering him, she hands Ryland to Trigger. He lifts her and brings her head to his nose and inhales. He cradles her in his arms and takes her in. Running his fingers through her thick brown hair, he looks up to his dad. Rudy unashamedly has tears streaming down his face.

  Queenie coughs and croaks. “She looks just like you two’s baby pictures.” She slaps Rudy on the shoulder. “Your genes are strong.” She laughs and a little bit of the tension softens. “How old is she?”

  Greer looks from Ryland being held in Trigger’s arms to Queenie. “She’s almost three months.”

  Rudy abruptly stands. “Let me get this straight. When you came here you were already pregnant and she was born here.” He spreads his arms wide.

  “Yes.” Greer says timidly. “I couldn’t have her there. I didn’t want her to have the life I had, so this was the best option.”

  “You think your mother would’ve done the same to her own grandchild.” Rudy proclaims.

  “I know she would’ve. You need to stop putting that woman on a pedestal. She’s a monster and so is Dimitri.” Greer states coldly. “I don’t know what else I’ve got to do to convince you, but I will say I won’t ever allow my child to be belittled, hurt or felt like no more than shit on a shoe.” Ryland chooses that moment to cry. “I’m going to feed her and put her down for a nap. It was nice seeing you again Queenie.” Greer smiles at Queenie fondly, lifts Ryland from Trigger and makes her way to what I can assume is her room.

  The room becomes stagnant with silence. The sound of men laughing and talking comes from outside, and a few minutes later, Brute, Poison, Banshee and a giggling Mitz walk through the door. Mitz’s smile turns to a frown as she looks around the room and then down the hallway. Brute’s in a stare off with Rudy.

  “I think we need to have an in-depth talk about my daughter and granddaughter.” Rudy growls.

  No words are exchanged as Brute nods and starts making his way to their meeting room. Queenie, Trigger and I follow along with Poison, Banshee, Red and Mitz.

  Chapter 7


  I had a feeling this conversation was going to take place, but I’d hoped it wouldn’t have been this soon. Knowing Rudy, I’m lucky it didn’t happen yesterday.

  My brothers and I take our seats at the table. Mitz stands behind me with her hands on my shoulders. I have Red on my left with Poison and Banshee beside him with Taz on my right. The Chaotic’s take the available seats, except Spook. He seems to be the watcher. He takes it all in, processes it and then relays his opinion.

  Rubbing my palms on my jean-covered thighs, I begin. “Greer called me months ago needing a place to hide out. I sent some of my brothers to collect her. She came with nothing. No ID, no bags of clothes, no makeup, absolutely nothing but the clothes and shoes she had on. A month or so after she’d gotten comfortable here, she reached out to Mitz.” I look to my ol’ lady hoping she’ll finish.

  She nods and starts telling her side. “Greer asked me to take her to a doctor, but just not any doctor, a woman doctor. I didn’t see any issues with that so I took her to my doctor. When we went to the doctor’s office, the information Greer filled out on the form was unbelievable.” Mitz’s eyes begin to water. “It didn’t bother me that she’d put false identifying information on it, but the extent of her medical history. Greer’s been pregnant five times since she was fifteen.” Mitz jumps as Rudy slams his fist on the table. “She’s had three abortions, two miscarriages and the last miscarriage, she had to have emergency surgery because it was a tubal pregnancy. Before they could get her to surgery her tube burst.” Mitz wipes her eyes and clears the lump out of her throat and continues. “I asked Greer about it when we were in the examining room waiting to see the doctor. She told me that after her surgery and the removal of her tube, the doctors told her there was a slim chance of her conceiving a baby. She said she found out she was pregnant the week before she put plans in motion to leave.” Mitz is shaking and I pull her into my lap. She buries her face into my neck and cries.

  I glance around at the men in the room. “Greer had a very hard pregnancy with Ryland the further long she got. I think a lot of the issue was stress. Greer was always looking over her shoulder if we went anywhere or she wouldn’t leave the clubhouse at all. We finally had to sit her down and get answers. I’m not going to tell you everything that we discussed. I can’t lose her trust completely. This is her story to tell, but the important shit is that Dimitri Gustave is an influential man in Nevada. I had Einstein discretely look into him on the dark web. He’s got judges, police officers and even some well known senators on his payroll. He offers then what they can’t get, but also allows them the secrecy of their sick fetishes coming to life.”

  “Has he been looking for Greer?” Rudy asks. “Is that why she’s changed her hair and name?”

  I nod. “About a month after she left, Farrah and Dimitri put out a missing person APB on Greer. I had a man I know get an ID made up for Greer changing her last name to your sister’s. We laid low for a while until she went into labor with Ryland. In order to keep it hush-hush, a woman I know at the hospital made it look as though Mitz and I were adopting Greer’s baby since we can’t have our own. So there’s a fake birth certificate at the hospital, but Greer has the original one in the safe. We’re hoping with the name change there won’t be any suspicion, but we can never be too careful.”

  I let them all soak in this information, but before I can continue Spook pipes up. “Even with changing the name on the birth certificate, is there anyway they know she was pregnant before she left? These people sound controlling enough to pinpoint if there was anything off with Greer. If Trigger could recognize her and he hasn’t seen her in years, I don’t think this change is effective.”

  “I agree.” I state. “But, there’s nothing else we can do but wait it out to see if anything about Greer starts floating around on Einstein’s end.”

  Rudy joins in. “Okay, we’ve got to make sure that no one’s able to lay a finger on Greer and Ryland, but most of all the Chaotic’s need to go back to Cumming and back to business as normal. Dimitri could’ve already had eyes on us and me coming here twice in twenty-four hours is enough to raise suspicion. Trigger, Queenie, Beanie and I will leave, but I’m leaving Spook behind. Give him a Prospect kutte and put him on Greer duty, along with whoever else.”

  “I can do that. I think it should be radio silent for a while other than you communicating through burners with Spook.” I respond. “If we come across anything I’ll let you know.” I go to set Mitz on her feet and rise to mine when Rudy stops me.

  “Thanks, Brute, for looking out for my daughter and granddaughter. I’ll forever be in your debt.”

  As Rudy stands, I bring him in to a hug. “You don’t have to thank me, Rudy. She’s just as much a part of my life as she is yours. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I wasn’t able to get to her.”

  Chapter 8


  The excitement of yesterday hasn’t completely left my restless mind, but what can I do. I can’t run with an infant and hide easily. The setup we have here isn’t perfect, but it gets the job done. Anything Ryland needs, she’s able to get. I wouldn’t be able to provide all that for her and who knows if she’d be here today if I’d stayed.

  Looking down at my beautiful little girl as she feeds, my imagination can’t cipher a time and place without her in it. “You’re precious, baby girl.” I say as I stroke her cheek with my thumb. She opens her blue eyes staring at me as if I hung the moon and stars. It’s a
feeling I haven’t had the pleasure of enjoying since I was little and I was my dad’s pride and joy.

  The sound of light knocking brings me out of my revere. I quickly cover my exposed breast and Ryland before calling out. “Come in.”

  Spook peeks his head in. “Hey, Greer. I was wondering what was on your agenda today since I’m your shadow.” He asks apprehensively as he takes in me feeding Ryland.

  “You can come in further. She’s almost done.” He opens the door wider and takes a few steps in. He shuts the door quietly as though he’s afraid to startle Ryland. “She’s awake. I just didn’t want to flash you.”

  “You’re fine. I mean you’re good.” He stutters. “So, what’s up for today?”

  “Um, I need to work this evening, but I’ve got a salon appointment to get these platinum locks touched up and a few other things.”

  “What time’s your appointment?”

  “Ten and we should be back here a little after lunch. Will that interfere with anything you have planned?”

  “No,” he shakes his head, “I’m on vacation, so I don’t have anything planned other than following you around like an obsessed fan boy.”

  I giggle which jostles Ryland. I reach under the blanket and unlatch her from my nipple and situate my shirt. Bringing her to my shoulder, I start patting. “Yeah, well my life isn’t that exciting so it’ll be work and here normally. Salon appointments happen once a month. I can’t wait until the day I can dye my hair back and not have to worry with this shit.” I say as I flip my blonde hair over my non-occupied shoulder.

  A small smirk forms on his lips, “I don’t know if you should change it back. You and Trigger could practically be twins and most men don’t want to stare at Trigger very long.”

  “Yeah, it was always like that. It’s like we were cloned years apart and I just continued the cloning with Ryland.” I laugh.

  “Yeah, but the good thing is she’s a girl. Your brother is a prankster and he gets all the kids to do stupid shit. Dani’s older kid, Tate, is like Trigger’s partner in crime. The only problem is that when Tate gets in trouble he blames Trigger and Queenie dishes out his punishment. Watching Trigger sulk away and beg Queenie he won’t do it again is enough to deal with the pranks.”

  “He’s always been that way except when we were together, I’d give him ideas. Sucked for him because he wasn’t very good at being incognito, but he kept coming back for more.” I lay Ryland down in the middle of the bed, so I can change her clothes and diaper. As I move to get off the bed, Spook stops me.

  “She can’t roll off the bed, right?”

  “She’s not very mobile yet and I’m just going over to the dresser to get her stuff. She’s spending the day with Mitz while I’m out taking care of myself.”

  He scoots closer to Ryland. “Okay, well I’ll just sit right her and watch her.”

  “Whatever makes you feel better, biker boy.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Biker boy, seriously? You couldn’t come up with something a little less original than that.”

  “I’ll work on that. I haven’t had the privilege of name calling in quite a few years, baby face.”

  “Jesus, that’s harsh. I go from a somewhat tough name to a pussy name. Yeah, you really need to work on it. Maybe they have name books like they do for baby names for badass bikers.”

  I chuckle. “If they don’t maybe we should create one, Beavis.”

  He just shakes his head. He gets off the bed as I start undressing Ryland. Walking towards the door, he turns his head over his shoulder. “If I’m Beavis you know that makes you Butthead and I’d rather be Beavis than have a butt for a head.”

  Before I can respond, he’s out the door and I can hear his laugh as it disappears down the hall. Game on, buddy.



  Saloon day…not just getting a color and cut, but getting tortured with wax. I strolled into this place expecting Greer to get her hair done, but no. She’s now placed in a chair leaning back with shit on her eyes.


  “Hmmm.” Greer hums.

  I watch as the woman puts a strip over the wax and rubs it. “I thought your eyebrows were fine.” Rip. Greer doesn’t even flinch.

  “They were getting a little out of control. I can’t allow the unibrow to take over. Have to nip it in the butt.”

  “Sure. Whatever you say, but that’s all you’re getting done.”

  “Hmmm. You know Spookie Wookie, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were a little afraid of wax.”

  “Spookie Wookie, seriously Powder Puff and I’m not scared of wax. It’s just we’ve been here a couple of hours and I figured we be done by now.”

  “Nope, Captain Commando. I still have one more thing that needs the wax’s attention and then we are done.”

  “Look, Creamsicle, your nicknames need more work. Why Captain Commando?” I ask seriously curious.

  “Biker boy, you don’t wear any undies, i.e. Commando.”

  I look down at my junk trying to figure out how she can tell. My attention is taken when she starts giggling and I look up to see the woman that’s waxing her face turn crimson. I look to Greer whose eyes are still closed, but she has the same mischievous grin that Trigger gets on his face when he’s up to no good.

  “Greer.” I start but I have no come back.

  “Its okay, Prince Popasquat. Some parts of us shouldn’t be so confined.” She responds.

  “Where the hell do you get these names and I don’t like underwear so sue me.”

  “As long as you know that the jeans you have on give the perfect outline of your sword that’s all that matters. Your comfort is number one, Magic Biker.”

  She must really think she’s funny. Cute, but not funny. “Magic Biker?” I question.

  “Yeah, you know like Magic Mike, the male stripper.” She responds nonchalantly.

  I plaster a cocky smirk on my face. “Now that I can live with, because I am sexy as sin,” I flex my arms, “and I know how to move my hips.” I rotate my hips from side to side. Greer bust out laughing as she gets up from the chair. As she passes me to go to another room, she pats me on the shoulder.

  “Yeah, Magic Biker. You’ve got all the right moves.”

  I follow behind her through a closed door. Once inside, I see what looks like a cot with a sheet on it. What the fuck is this for? My mind is going into fifteen directions trying to figure out why the hell Greer’s stripping from waist down and my head rotates to the cot back to Greer, the cot back to Greer. The whole time my cock is perking up.

  “Princess.” I say huskily. “What’re you doing?”

  She turns her head to look over her shoulder and she blushes. “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d follow me in here. I’m…” She closes her mouth and her eyes gaze down my torso to the ever growing snake in my pants. “Um, Spook, you don’t need to be in here. I’m just getting waxed.”

  “What exactly are you getting waxed?” I say through the fog that’s my brain right now as I take in Greer’s nice, round, plump ass and then lower to her toned thighs and calves.

  “Spookie.” She shouts bringing me out of my head.

  “What?” I ask a little too sharp as she’s interrupted my perusal.

  “You can stand outside the door and wait for me.” She says as she points to the door behind me. Nope that shit ain’t happening.

  I walk over to the chair in the corner and plop down. “I’m good. So you get your coochie waxed. Interesting.”

  She’s ten different shades of red and I’m enjoying throwing her off guard after all the teasing she’s put me through.

  “Yes, I get the goods waxed. I don’t like having any hair down there.” Her body quivers as she talks about hair on her pussy. “It just feels icky.”

  As I’m about to ask more questions, the woman who did her eyebrows walks in looking from me to Greer. Before she can kick me out, Greer interrupts. “He’s fine. He’s the gynecologist for the MC.
He’s always checking out the hoo-ha’s and making sure their grade A for all those bikers. You know how it is.”

  I just stare at her. This woman has no fucking filter and I like it. Unlike Trigger, who gets on my last nerve with his shit, she makes me want to join in on all the trouble she could possibly get me into.

  I clear my throat. “Yeah, can’t have nasty birds at the clubhouse. I might have to send some down her so you can clean up their snatch. Sometimes it’s like searching through a jungle to find the hidden treasure.”

  Greer snickers as she lies back on the cot. The woman still hasn’t moved from her position at the door, so I just nod at her towards Greer. “She’s good to go. I did all her test last week. She came back with an A+.” Greer’s body’s now quietly shaking on the cot as she tries to hold in her laughter.

  The woman finally shakes off her stupor. “Do you want it like you always get it? Full Brazilian?”

  “Yeah, give me the works and don’t forget the crack.” Greer states seriously.

  I just shake my head. What have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter 9


  We walk out of the salon with Greer walking like she got fucked up the ass hard and I’m having a hard time breathing from the pain radiating from my chest.

  After watching her get her pussy waxed, no go back. After getting all up close and personal with her pussy while I instructed the woman on the spots she missed, Greer and her damn teasing convinced me to get my chest waxed to prove I wasn’t a pussy biker.


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