Immense Tension

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Immense Tension Page 5

by Arden, Dana

  Guess what? I’m a pussy biker, but I didn’t let her pick up on that. Instead of screaming like a little girl, I held it in and stared lasers at her. Instead of tears falling down my face, I said one fuck and continued to blow her ass up with my laser eyes.

  When my torture was over, I got up from the cot, smiled at the hateful woman who waxed me, put my shirt on and dragged Greer’s ass to the receptionist to pay.

  “So big boy, it hurt didn’t it. You can tell me, I won’t make fun of you.” Greer sing-songs.

  I glare at her, but keep my mouth shut as I straddle my bike, put my helmet on and start up my hog. Greer gets on behind me and wraps her arms around my stomach and then slowly glides them up my sore as fuck chest. I catch her hand and push it back down to my waist.

  She chuckles behind me. “Yep, it hurt. I have a lotion that will settle the fire, Princess Pouty.”

  I just ignore her and back out of the parking spot.

  After a few minutes of cruising, we pull into the Devils’ clubhouse. Greer doesn’t even wait for me to come to a complete stop before she’s off the bike and rushing into the clubhouse.

  I follow behind her and watch as she takes Ryland from Poison’s arms and kisses her cheek. She brings Ryland to her shoulder and then turns her head as she whispers in her ear.

  Poison gets up from his seat on the couch and wraps Greer and Ryland into a hug. Greer leans back and smiles brightly up at him. He says something to her and she nods.

  Banshee, Red and Brute appear from down the hallway entering the main room. They give me a chin nod and head towards Greer.

  Greer turns out of Poison’s arms as he drops them to his side. Brute hugs her next and then Mitz appears and takes Ryland from Greer as Greer’s face pales and her shoulders slump.

  I make my way to the group and before I can get within hearing distance a hand on my forearm halts me. I turn my head to the right and see Randie.

  I don’t have time to catch up with this cunt. “What?” I ask hastily as I pull my arm out of her grasp.

  “She’s not yours.” She says as she nods towards Greer. “She’ll never be yours. She’s a club Princess and if I know anything, they’re off limits. Plus, she’s a whore in the making. Don’t get your hopes up.”

  “You’re calling her a whore. That’s rich coming from a woman who was set to be my ol’ lady, but forgot to mention that she was whoring herself out to a rival club.”

  “That may be, but I am ol’ lady material. Greer’s just a fucked up woman with a baby. She’s got nothing to bring to the table. She came here with nothing and she still has nothing.”

  Before I can respond, Greer comes into view. “Randie, I’m glad to see that you still think so highly of me. I’d have thought by now you would have learned your place.” Greer says sarcastically.

  “I know my place, but do you know yours? I’ve been a part of this club a lot longer than you have. I’ve been loyal and I keep the brothers happy. What part do you play in the club? The only thing I’ve noticed you do really well is let Poison and Banshee tag team you.”

  “Jealous much.” Greer giggles. “For your info, which really I don’t give a shit about what you think, but Poison and Banshee give me a lot more than a WWE match for free. They’re my friends. I know they have my back. Can you say the same?”

  “All the brothers would go to bat for me. I’m protected by the club, you slut.” Randie screams.

  “Yes, you are protected by the club, but if I remember correctly after the last time you tried to badmouth me, Taz told you to stand down or your ass would be on the street. You even went to the Pretty Pinks and ran your mouth to them about me, trying to get information on my stepfather.”

  “I…I…did…did not.” Randie stutters.

  “Yes you did. I talked to Mauve, their President, the day after you went there. She came into Draft’s looking for information on you.”

  “Whatever.” Randie spats and storms out of the clubhouse.

  I look to Greer and she just shrugs. “I know you have history with her. She’s been a clubwhore since she came here. I’m sorry you got shit on by that tramp, but its better it happen then.”

  “Thanks for protecting my honor, Princess Peach.” She pushes against my shoulder and I dramatically take a step back as if she actually could make my big ass move.

  “Whatever, Princess Pansy.” She shouts over her shoulder as she goes back to the men. I make my way over to them finally.

  Brute smirks at me. “So, Greer convinced you to get waxed.”

  I shake my head. “Yeah. She’s worse than Trigger. How have ya’ll put up with her?” I smile over at Greer.

  Poison coughs. “Don’t worry man, Banshee and I went with her to a sex store once because she said she wanted to get the new and improved Jack Rabbit. She made us dress up in shit a dominatrix dresses their submissive in. Banshee walked around for ten minutes with a ball gag in his mouth while wearing an assless leather getup.”

  Banshee chokes. “Motherfucker, you had a dog collar on and she dragged you around with a leash. At least my cock wasn’t being strangled by that contraption she put you in.”

  Greer bust out laughing, bending over and trying to catch her breath. “Whatever, ya’ll loved it. It’s a shame they made us leave and put us on their banned list. There were so many things to play with in there.”

  Brute shakes his head. “Greer, you’re supposed to buy the shit and try it at home. Not try the shit out in the store.”

  “Well, fuck. How was I supposed to know? That was my first time in a sex shop and Poison and Banshee didn’t tell me any different.”

  Poison chuckles. “Yeah, Gee. Every package you picked up said do not open. I didn’t know you couldn’t fucking read.”

  “At least she didn’t tell the damn wax lady that you were the club gynecologist and had to inspect all the pussy.” I growl.

  They all turn to me and break out into huge smiles and laughs.

  Brute rubs the back of his neck. “Fuck, Gee. You’re going to scare that poor boy back to Cumming.”

  “Nope, I’m good. She’s nothing compared to Trigger. That fucker is dangerous and he gets the damn kids involved.”

  Before I can give them more dirt on Trigger, Greer’s phone rings. She looks down at the number confused and shows it to Brute. He shakes his head no as he takes it from her and passes it around the rest of the men.

  When it lands in my palm, I check the number to see if it’s familiar. I don’t recognize it so I shake my head no as the cell dings with a voicemail.

  I hand the phone back to Greer who proceeds to play the voicemail on speaker.

  Hello, Greer. You’ve had your fun playing biker chick for long enough. It’s time you come back to Nevada. If you aren’t back here by the end of the month, I’ll go to extra lengths to gain you. You know better than anyone that I can have the government on your little biker family quicker than anyone. Either you decide to come peacefully or your extraction will cause everyone involved pain.

  Greer’s hand goes slack and the cell falls to the floor. Greer begins to fall to her knees, but I jump forward and grab her around her waist bringing her to my chest.

  Brute takes in the situation with Greer. “Greer, I need you to sit down on the couch. It’s time to get your dad on the phone.” Greer nods. “Spook, I need you to call Rudy. Don’t relay anything just tell him he needs to get here and not to drive his bike. He needs to be anonymous. Fuck, tell him to get a minivan.” I nod as I place Greer softly on the couch and make my way outside.

  Pulling my cell out of my pocket, I scroll to Rudy’s number. It rings twice before he picks up.

  “Yeah.” Rudy grunts.

  “We need you to come and see the present we got for you. We need you to bring the boxes in the van.” God I suck at this code shit.

  “Sure, Trigger’s excited about the present so we’ll be there in a bit.”

  “Cool, be careful.” I hang up.



  Sitting on the couch surrounded by the men who took me in and the woman who treats me as her own, I can’t get Dimitri’s words out of my mind, cause everyone involved pain.

  I can’t do that to any of them. I have less than three weeks to figure out a plan for Ryland and an escape for me so that no one that I care about will be hurt by Dimitri.

  He’s a conniving man and he will go to great lengths to hurt me through them. I can’t put them in this danger. All I want is my child to be raised a hell of a lot better than I was and I want her to be surrounded by love everyday.

  I don’t know how long I’ve been just sitting here plotting, but every solution I come up with leaves everyone in turmoil. If I leave by myself and hide, Dimitri will still come after them thinking they have put me somewhere. If I try to go to Dimitri, I’ll end up having to put someone else in danger because I know that Brute and my dad aren’t going to leave me unguarded.

  Every bright idea I have has a tragic ending. I should’ve taken my freedom to the max. Maybe I should’ve tried my hand at falling in love even if it only lasted for a little bit just to know what it felt like.

  The problem with love though is the only time I’ve experienced it as an adult was towards men who are my friends and family, and the love I feel for Ryland. My love for her is irreplaceable.

  I drag myself back to the present to Spook staring at me with pity in his eyes.

  “Don’t look at me like that Spookie Wookie.”

  He shakes his head. “How am I looking at you, Madam?”

  “God, I have you tortured once.” I smile at him. “Don’t pity me, Spook. I’ve lived more in the last six months than I have most of my life. If I leave here tomorrow, I’ll leave with all the happy memories that I made here.”

  “Sorry to tell ya, G-Money, but you won’t be leaving here tomorrow or by the end of the month. The Chaotic’s and the Devils aren’t going to go down without a fight.”

  “There’s no point in fighting. He’ll get his way. He always does. I just want my daughter to be protected. They don’t know about her and they never will. I want the clubs to watch out for her.”

  I jump as the door slams against the wall and I turn to see my dad and Trigger with Queenie, Ryker and a dark-haired woman on Ryker’s arm. Fuck me!

  I stand from the couch and run towards my cousin, Dani. I almost knock us to the floor with the veracity of my hug.

  “Oh my god, little Dani. Damn girl.” I screech.

  “Greer, fuck I’ve missed you. Wish I’d gotten stuck with you instead of your pain in the ass brother.”

  I step back from her and wipe my eyes. “I know. Perfection is hard to come by and I possess a lot more than him. He’s been lacking most of his life.”

  Dani and I laugh as I take in my brother who’s looking at me like he’s seen a ghost.

  “What Nate? Don’t like your sister announcing your shortcomings.” I say as I look down to his crotch.

  He quickly covers his junk. “Greer, it’s not appropriate to talk about your family’s manhood.”

  “Aw, little buddy. I’m sorry you’re still insecure about your innie.” I pretend to zip my lips. “I won’t say another word about the itty bitty.”

  I take Dani by the hand and lead her to the couch. “That was fucking hilarious. I’ve never seen him shut up and not have a comeback.”

  “He’ll revive and then we won’t be able to shut him up. We better enjoy the quiet.” I whisper to Dani.

  “I heard that.” Trigger yells.

  “Well, at least we had silence for a couple seconds.” I huff and Dani giggles.

  “Whatever.” Trigger complains as he jumps on the couch beside Spook. “So, Spook has she been like this long. I think maybe she has split personalities.”

  Spook laughs at how serious Trigger is gauging him. “It’s been interesting. Did you know that I got promote in this club from Prospect to club OBGYN in twenty-four hours?”

  Trigger leans forward resting his elbows on his knees and placing his face in his hands. “How did you get a sweet job like that?”

  “Honestly, I’ve got no clue, but your lovely sister decided to tell the lady at the salon, while she was getting waxed no less, that I could stay in the room because I have to check all the club pussy out.”

  “Hmmm, that’s interesting. I wonder if dad can start a position like that at the Chaotic’s. I think I would be great at it.” Trigger shakes his head as though a thought has occurred to him. “Hold up. Did you see my sister’s goodies? Don’t lie, Spook.”

  Trigger doesn’t seem mad just intrigued, but a blush is rising on Spook’s neck.

  I slap my hands down on my thighs to get their attention. Trigger slowly turns his head to me. “For your information, he did. He let her know all the places she missed and then he got his chest waxed.”

  Trigger turns his head to Spook who’s rubbing where he was waxed earlier. “For reals, man.” Spook nods. “Well damn. Greer got Spook to do something girly.” Trigger shouts and gets the attention of the rest of the men.

  “Fuck!” Spook growls.

  My dad makes his way over to the couch and studies me. “How are you doing, baby girl?”

  “I’m good.” I respond.

  He nods. “Spook, anything else you can tell me. Did ya’ll see anything out of the ordinary when you were out?”

  Spook shakes his head no. “We were at the salon for a few hours and then we came straight back here. I had a run in with Randie, but Greer squashed that, but I do think it’s something we need to look into.”

  “We’ll discuss it when we have Church. A few of the other brothers were locking shit down at the club and then heading here.”

  I’m about to add my two cents when I hear Ryland squealing and see Mitz bringing her to me. I stand from the couch. “Excuse me, I need to go feed her and then I’ll be out.”

  I walk towards our room as reality creeps in and my fake facade expels.

  Chapter 10


  Observing Greer as she walks to her room with Ryland, I watch as the deeper she gets down the hall the more she slouches. I’ve only been in her presence a couple of days and I know her emotions run high.

  Not even an hour ago, she was slumped on the couch over-thinking every scenario. As soon as she spotted Dani, her spirits lifted. But looking back, it was fake. Maybe not all of it, but most of it.

  Her initial reaction to Trigger the first day was played out. Her second reaction to Trigger was held back and this reaction was a front.

  She put everyone at ease with her smile and joking, but I saw right through it.

  She’s been gone for roughly twenty minutes when I get up from my spot and make my way to her room.

  “Spook.” Rudy stops me. I turn to acknowledge him. “Where ya going?”

  “Going to check on Greer. She’s been gone longer than she should.”

  He nods and I continue on my way. When I reach her door, I stick my ear to it and listen. I can hear soft sobs and Greer mumbling. I knock on the door and turn the handle.

  I push the door softly and find Greer lying on her back on the bed with Ryland on her chest asleep.

  “You okay Princess?” She wipes her eyes and goes to sit up. “You don’t have to get up. I just wanted to check on you. I know you have a lot on your mind.”

  She lies back down and I go to sit at the foot of the bed. “I’m trying to get my thoughts under control, but the more I try the more I cry and the more I just want to crawl out that window and disappear.”

  “You can’t do that. We have to face this in order for it to end. If you keep running and hiding, you’ll never stop looking over your shoulder. You have to trust us to get to the bottom of this.”

  She stretches out her feet and buries them under my ass. “You don’t understand. I’ve never had anyone looking out for me or anyone I could trust until I came here. Even then, I was petrified that I’d end right back into another situation like the
one I left.” She throws her forearm over her eyes and sighs. “My mom made sure to embed in my head the fucked up stuff that happens in an MC with women. She told me it was worse than the hell I went through there.” She lifts her head and stares at me with the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. “If it hadn’t been for me getting pregnant, I probably would’ve never left.”

  “I don’t think you see what we see.” She shakes her head. “You’ve been trained to think you’re worthless, that your only purpose is to do as you’re told. But to most of the men out there,” I put towards the main room, “you’re priceless. You are stronger than you realize.”

  She huffs. “I’m not strong, Spook. I’m a pain whore. I can’t control my emotions and in order to keep them at bay, I have to have my friends hurt me.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that. There are a lot of people that need the distraction of pain to alleviate emotional pain.”

  She’s still shaking her head. “Spook, I’m gonna get real with you for a minute.” I nod. “You know how most women can see an attractive man and instantly become aroused.” I nod again. “I can’t. Poison and Banshee are gorgeous in all their biker glory, but the only way I can get wet is if they punish me first. Fuck, I’d give anything to have a man eat my pussy and have an orgasm, but I don’t even respond to that. My body has been trained and I can’t reverse it.”

  “Greer, some women need the pain to become aroused to. You are not alone in this.”

  “Yeah, I need it but I don’t want to need it. I want to be able to find a man irresistible to the point where just his voice turns me on, just the touch of his lips makes me wet, just the press of his hard cock against my stomach makes me moan. But I’ve accepted that I will never be that way.”

  “Never say never, Greer. You’re not in the right mindset to even acknowledge that want properly. When all this shit settles down and you can breath, you might be surprised how open your mind can become.”

  She gives me a small smile. “I sure as fuck hope so, Spook. I’d kill for a little bit of normal.”


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