Immense Tension

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Immense Tension Page 6

by Arden, Dana

  I pat her leg. “Good talk, Princess Cry Baby.” She giggles. “Let’s get this meeting over so you can relax and maybe find that fucking cream. My chest is on fire.”

  She goes to get up with Ryland still on her chest and I stop her. “I got her.” She watches me curiously as I pick Ryland up and press her to my chest.

  She gets off the bed and holds out her hands. “I can take her.”

  “Nah. I got her.”

  “Fine.” She huffs as she struts out the room and down the hall.

  I lower my head to the top of Ryland’s dark fluff. “You know baby girl, your momma’s one of a kind and she has no clue.”

  “Come on Spookie Wookie. The Brady Bunch is getting restless.” I hear Greer yell and can’t help but laugh. This woman is going to be the death of me.



  I’ve watched Poison, Banshee and Brute hold my little girl more times than I can count on two hands, but watching Spook’s powerful arms wrap around her affects me differently than when the others hold her.

  Making my way to join the masses in the meeting room with Spook behind me holding Ryland feels strange. Not strange bad, but strange different. It’s kind of like a déjà vu feeling, like I’ve been here before but in a different life.

  He’s definitely the type of man I’d chose if I thought I could give someone other than Ryland all of me. He didn’t even blink when I told him that I’d never be turned on just by a man’s touch other than if that man was spanking my ass. He was positive about the whole thing and encouraged me to accept it.

  In that moment, I had a taste of normal. I mean I’ve had conversations with Poison and Banshee about my issues, but they’ve been more clinical. Spook brought the emotional side to it.

  Sitting down in one of the only available seats, I turn to see Spook still standing and swaying with Ryland in his arms.

  I clear my throat trying to get his attention. When he finally peels his eyes from Ryland, I whisper. “I can take her. You don’t have to keep holding her.” He just shakes his head.

  I relax back in my seat and look around the table, but the Chaotic’s eyes are on Spook. I turn my head toward Spook trying to figure out what’s wrong and I see the same as a minute ago, except this time Ryland’s eyes are open and he has a gentle smile on his face.

  What is it with this gentle giant that’s throwing me for a loop? Before I can contemplate anymore, Brute bangs the gavel and startles Ryland, who begins to screech.

  Poor Spook is trying everything from bouncing, swaying and whispering sweet nothings but she isn’t having it. Before I can get up and get her, Queenie is off of my father’s lap and in front of Spook. She pries Ryland from a very disappointed looking Spook. Ryland quiets and studies Queenie as she walks back over to my dad’s lap.

  The awe and adoration on my dad and Queenie’s faces is invaluable. It makes me wonder if that’s how my dad used to gaze at me.

  Brute grumbles something under his breath and then starts Church. “Alright, Rudy I know we still have a few of your men that need to get here, but we can start and you can fill them in.” My dad nods still staring at my little girl. “Today, we received a package at the front gate.” I found this out when we got back from the salon, but Spook is just hearing this news. “It was just a normal cardboard box with no writing. When Red, Taz and I opened it, there was a picture of Greer and Ryland with Poison and Banshee outside of the clubhouse. The rest of the pictures were of her around town with one of us or a Prospect. There was also a flash drive, but we didn’t load it. I think we should have Greer watch it first just in case it’s something that is personal.”

  He passes the laptop down in front of me. I look up from the laptop to Brute and he nods. I get up from the table and walk to a little desk in the corner. As I open it and the screen comes into focus, I press the icon for the flash drive.

  Muffled sounds come from the black screen and then it slowly comes into focus. On a bed in a high priced hotel room is me, naked. I’m probably sixteen or seventeen. My hands and feet are tied with rope and attached to anchors on the bed. There’s a man, at least in his fifties, circling.

  Memories of this encounter slowly come back to the forefront of my mind and I slam it shut before I can get to the finale.

  I search the table for Einstein. I pick up the laptop and make my way to him.

  “Einstein is there anyway you can do a search on this video to see if there are anymore on the internet.”

  “Yeah, Gee, I can do that.” He scoots back from his place and walks out the door.

  I look to Brute whose face is stone and his eyes are hard. “It was from Dimitri. Apparently every time I was sent off with a man of his choosing, it was recorded or at least that one was. I was probably sixteen in it.”

  Silence. It’s so quiet that you could probably hear a squirrel fart outside.

  I feel hands on my shoulders squeeze and turn to see Spook trying to give me comfort. I lean back against him and sigh.

  “This might be a good thing.” I say indifferently.

  Spook squeezes a little harder. “How so?” He asks.

  “Because who ever that man is in the video, he’s important and he’s caught on tape committing rape of a minor. We could turn the table and blackmail his ass and use it to our benefit against Dimitri.”

  Brute clears his throat. “That’s possible, but do you honestly want to go through that Gee.”

  I nod. “Yes, if it gives us a little headway. If Einstein finds more or can get any other incriminating information from that flash drive, we can use it. It could possibly be enough to get Dimitri and my mother off my ass.”

  “True.” My father grunts. “But it could also add to the shit storm. If Dimitri gets wind that we’re trying to blackmail his clients, he could come after us harder.

  “So what do you suggest?” Brute asks.

  Trigger’s the one to answer. “We should wait to see what Einstein and Professor can find before we go forward. I think if the man on this video is high profile enough, Greer’s right. We can go after him and he might inadvertently take care of our problem for us.”

  Most of the men nod and I blow out a frustrated breath. Dimitri just handed over evidence of his side business. He must really be losing it.

  That gets me thinking. “What if it isn’t Dimitri?” The men look at me like I’ve lost it. “Just listen. Dimitri is cunning and meticulous. Everything he does is well thought out and initiated. He doesn’t do anything that could put his pride and joy in jeopardy.”

  Spook grunts behind me. “She’s right. He’s gotten away with this for probably more years than we know about. If he’s making the type of loot I imagine he is, he isn’t going to do something like this that’s rookie.”

  “Jesus.” My dad growls. “We need more information and we need it like yesterday. What else can you tells us, baby girl?”

  I lean further into Spook and begin to tell the brothers everything I know.

  Chapter 11


  Sitting here holding this precious little girl in my arms is priceless. It feels almost like yesterday I was holding Trigger like this.

  I can’t help but be amazed by Greer after everything she’s gone through. I always thought my childhood was fucked up with alcoholics for parents who forgot to feed me more times than they did provide me with food. Or the times, they would beat the shit out of me for asking for the simplest things.

  Looking up at Greer as she uses Spook to hold up her weight reminds me of a time when I leaned on Rudy for the slightest bit of comfort. I don’t even think she realizes what she’s doing.

  From what I was told by Rudy and Trigger, Greer’s only close to a few men in the Devils, so for her to be this relaxed with Spook is saying a lot.

  I nudge Rudy with my elbow and he leans forward. I nod towards Spook and Greer. “Who does that remind you of?”

  Rudy takes in his brother and his daughter and sighs. “Fuck. It’s us
twenty plus years ago.”

  “Exactly what I was thinking and I bet you they don’t even realize it.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Spook hasn’t been interested in any woman since Randie and Greer isn’t very touchy feely unless it’s towards Ryland. She hugs some of the brothers, but briefly.”

  “You remember the first time I asked you to spank me and you thought I was joking?” He nods. “Remember how it set me off because you thought my need was a joke?” He nods again. “You better make sure he knows not to take her request lightly, because I have a feeling that sooner rather than later, she’s going to be coming for him to provide it.”

  “He knows about her need. He’s the one that got Trigger to back off. I don’t see him having an issue with it. Greer has a way about her and she doesn’t even know it. Some of these men are putty when faced with her.”

  As I glance back at Greer and Spook, Spook’s watching me with Ryland as he takes his hands from Greer’s shoulders and wraps them tightly around her waist. Greer doesn’t even budge.

  I give Spook a sly smile and he raises his eyebrows. I catch movement to my left and look to see Trigger fidgeting in his seat.

  I lean to the side. “Trigger.” I whisper. “What the fuck is your malfunction?”

  He grunts and nods towards his sister and Spook.

  “What about it? They’re both adults.”

  “I don’t know. I just don’t like it.” He pouts.

  I study him for a minute and it hits me. “You’re jealous because Spook’s gotten closer to Greer than you have.”

  He shakes his head no, but replies, “yes.”

  I can’t help but giggle at my son. “Give it time.” He just nods.

  Opening my mouth to give my son more shit, there’s a loud bang coming from the main room that has most of the men standing at attention and grabbing for their guns.

  A few seconds later, Professor comes in out of breath.

  The men relax a little and Rudy gives Professor a stern look. “Where’s the fire, Prof?”

  Professor moves towards Greer who tenses up, which in turn puts Spook on guard and he slips in front of her.

  Professor bows his head. “Sorry, Greer, but I need you to come to the kitchen with me. There are some things I need you to see and tell me what I can let the clubs know.”

  Greer steps out from behind Spook and nods. Before she’s completely out of Spook’s reach, he grabs her wrist.

  “You want me to come, Princess.” He asks softly.

  Again, she just nods and puts her hand in his. Greer glances towards me and I nod letting her know that I got Ryland and she doesn’t need to worry.



  I’m uncomfortably sitting at the kitchen table watching the images of Greer and random man after random man on the screen. I don’t know how she’s sitting her taking everything in so casually.

  Professor and Einstein are sitting across from us waiting not so patiently for Greer to speak.

  The latest kiddie porn has ended and at the end is a name and number.

  Pretty Pinks, Mauve, 555-626-1338

  Greer closes the laptop and slowly gets out of the chair. She looks to Professor and Einstein nods and then holds her hand out for me to take.

  Standing at full height and towering over her, I look into her emotionless eyes. “You okay, Princess?” She nods. “Who’s Mauve?”

  She shakes her head probably to settle her amped thoughts. “She’s the one Randie went to trying to get information about Dimitri. She’s the President of the Pretty Pinks MC.” She turns and begins to drag me out of the kitchen and down the hall. “I need to talk to Poison.”

  “Whatever you need, Princess.”

  Greer stands in front of Poison and whispers. “I need you to call Mauve. She’s the one who left the package. I know you don’t want her involved with your club life, but Randie got her involved. We need to know what she knows.”

  Poison shakes his head and rubs his face with his hand. “Shit, Gee. Alright.” Poison turns to Brute and taps on the table to get his attention. “Pres, my sister’s the one who left the package.” He raises his hands to stop Brute. “She’s the President of the Pretty Pinks. Randie apparently tried to sabotage Greer by going to them thinking they would assist her in getting information about Dimitri, but it backfired and Mauve paid Greer a visit at work.”

  “Why would she just leave the package and not deliver it personally? I didn’t even know you had a sister, better yet that she had her own MC.” Brute growls.

  “Long story short, she’s my adopted sister. We’re tight but I wanted to keep my club life separate from her life. She’s not just an MC Pres, she’s also a lawyer.”

  Brute looks astonished with this new information. “Then, I think it’s wise to get her here. It’s odd that we receive a package from her and a call from Dimitri in the same day.”

  Poison nods and leaves the room.

  I feel a slight tug on my hand and look to the small fingers curved around my larger ones. I look to Greer and the look in her eyes is terrifying. They’re empty. Greer’s just lost the battle with her emotions.

  I pull her to me and tuck her face into my chest. She wraps her slender arms around my waist and squeezes. I bury my face into her hair and whisper. “It’s going to be okay, Princess. We’re all here for you and Ryland. This will get sorted.”

  She pulls back and looks to me. Tears are sitting on her eyelashes waiting to be released. “I can’t deal with this, Spook. I’m about to combust. I’m not strong enough.” She whimpers.

  She’s breaking me little by little. I tug her back into me. “Do you need a breather? Want to take a walk outside?” I feel her head move up and down on the side of my face. “Okay.” I glance up to catch Rudy and Queenie staring at us. I nod to them and they reciprocate. “We’re going to step out for a bit. Greer needs a moment to breath.”

  Chapter 12


  Spook throws his heavy arms over my shoulder and pulls me closer. We walk out the door of the clubhouse and into the parking lot filled with bikes and SUVs. He directs me to the back and we walk around the fence line in silence.

  The silence is deafening. The voices in my head are fighting on who should be heard first. I dig my fingernails into Spook’s side, but he doesn’t flinch. He stops and turns me to face him, but I can’t look in his eyes.

  He lifts my chin with his thumb and I gaze into his mesmerizing blue eyes filled with understanding. “I know you said you could only get your emotions in check with pain, but I want to try something else with you and if that doesn’t work, I’ll do whatever you need me to do.”

  “Okay.” I croak.

  He takes me by the hand and leads me to the shed that’s in the corner of the yard away from the clubhouse.

  When we’re at the back of the shed and out of view, he slams my back into the metal siding and crashes his lips to mine.

  I’m taken off guard and it takes me a few second to participate. The feeling of his tongue rubbing along the side of mine sends an unfamiliar tingle down my spine that I pause.

  He stops kissing me and leans back taking in my expression. “What’s wrong?” He asks.

  “Nothing.” I say breathless and wrap my hands around his neck and grab what little hair he has at the back of his head and pull his mouth back to mine.

  The kiss is intense and something I’ve never experienced before. Yes, I’ve been kissed, but this kiss quiets my mind and brings my body to life.

  He backs me tighter into the siding enough to hear it groan. Then, his hands slide down my waist, around my back, under my ass and he lifts. I clumsily wrap my legs around his waist as he rocks his hard cock against my core. I moan as he hits my clit just right and then break from our kiss.

  I stare at him bewildered. I’ve never been as wet as I am right now just from some heavy petting and passionate kissing. I take my fingers and rub my swollen lips. “What’ve you done to me?” I ask as m
y eyes become wet.

  He looks a little put off. “I thought we could try this first, but I see it didn’t work.” He begins to put me down but I clamp my thighs tight around his waist.

  “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I swear. I’ve never had a man make me forget and feel just from a kiss ever. It’s invigorating and scary at the same time.”

  He gives me a cocky smirk. “Why’s it scary, Princess?”

  “Because I’m scared to enjoy it and something happen. I’m scared to get attached to you and end up having to run. I’m scared because if I don’t experience this with you, I may never feel it again in my life.”

  He caresses my cheek with his hand, wiping the tears away I didn’t know had fallen. “You’re not going anywhere and if you do, I’ll just find you again. Even with all the shit going on, all I see is you. You’re special Greer and everybody can see that except you. If you want me to stop, I will, but I don’t want to.”

  The sound of more bikes pulling into the parking lot catch our attention and our time alone has ended.

  “I don’t want you to stop, but this is going to have to end on a cliffhanger for now and pickup where we left off later.” I smile at him as he releases my legs.

  We adjust our clothing and begin our journey back to the clubhouse.



  I’m starting to understand that going commando and having a hard-on don’t go hand in hand. Before we can reach the door, I pull Greer back to me so her back is to my front.

  “I need you to stay right where you are until I can get my cock to act right.”

  She giggles and then snorts. “I want to run in there and announce that my panties are wet and you didn’t have to hit me.” She laughs.

  “Princess Saturated Panties, this is not funny and I don’t think my Prez, your father, my brother, also your brother would be as excited as you are.” She laughs again or she hasn’t completely stopped from her first round of giggles.


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