Immense Tension

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Immense Tension Page 8

by Arden, Dana

  He takes his time coming back to the bed, placing one knee and then the other as he kneels and grabs the condom. Opening the condom, he rolls it down his length and then tugs his cock from root to tip once.

  He gazes at me with so much hunger I can barely breathe. “You need to be quiet, Princess. We don’t want to wake baby girl.” I nod. Apparently, the vision of him in all his glory has left me mute.

  He positions himself at my entrance and feeds my pussy a little of his cock at a time until he’s fully seated inside of me.

  He groans as my pussy tightens and releases around him. “If I do something you don’t like, I need you to tell me or if you want to change positions, you have to speak.” I nod again.

  He starts moving inside me and rolling his hips making my eyes roll back in my head. He takes it from passionate to fierce in velocity that I’m biting my arm just to muffle my screams.

  One minute I’m on my back and in the next second, he’s flipped me to my stomach with my ass raised and my head buried in my pillow as he pounds into me.

  He thrust viciously three or four times before I’m gripping the sheets and biting the pillow screaming his name with my release. My vision blurs and white spots consume my sight until I hear him grunt a final time and he spills his seed inside the condom.

  He withdraws and falls to the side of me pulling my back into his front encircling me with his arms. I’m not sure how long we lay there in silence before I pass out from exhaustion.



  I take in Greer’s even breaths and lay back and enjoy the immense feeling of her body tucked into mine. I’m on the verge of dosing off when I hear Ryland’s movements in her crib.

  I unwrap myself from Greer and carefully roll out of the bed. Making my way to Ryland, I see her little feet kicking. I find my jeans and pull them on.

  I lean over the crib and smile. She’s precious and her turquoise eyes are so much like her momma’s, I melt.

  I pick her up and cradle her in my arms that seem massive compared to her tiny body. She coos and shoves her fist in her mouth.

  I look to the bed where Greer’s passed out and decide I’ll change her diaper and go on the hunt for a bottle since I know Greer doesn’t breastfeed 24/7.

  Taking the squirming bundle to the changing table, I scope out her outfit. I can handle this; three buttons on the bottom, pull it up and then I have another puzzle. Good thing Dani has a small army and we’ve all had diaper duty.

  I change Ryland as swiftly as I can and we make our way out to the kitchen. On our way there, I pass Trigger who’s staring at me oddly.

  When I get to the kitchen, I spot Mitz and Queenie conversing and laughing over a bottle of Jack. They both quiet when they see me enter. Mitz starts to get up from her stool, but I stop her.

  “I just need the makings for a bottle for the little Princess.”

  “I’ll get it for you. Where’s Greer?” Mitz responds.

  “She’s asleep and I didn’t want to wake her with something I can do.”

  Queenie has a huge smile plastered on her face. “That’s thoughtful of you Spookie Wookie.”

  I raise my eyebrows at her. “Not you too. Fucking Greer.”

  Mitz and Queenie bust out laughing and then Mitz’s face gets stern. “How’s she doing?”

  “She’s good now. She handled it all a lot better than I expected her too.”

  She moves her head up and down in understanding and then Queenie steps in. “Did she need the pain?”

  I search her face for answers, but she’s the hardest woman I know to read. “No, she didn’t.”

  Now it’s her turn to raise her eyebrows. “How did you get her to calm?” I look at her and give her a cocky smirk. “Ohhhh…okay. Never mind. That’s good.”

  “Yeah it is. I was worried it wasn’t going to be enough, but she passed right out. Ain’t nothing like rocking the baby to sleep.” I say as I waggle my eyebrows up and down, and chuckle at the look of TMI on their faces.

  Mitz hands me Ryland’s bottle and I make my departure to the main room to sit on the couch. Ryland latches on aggressively to the bottle and makes me flinch at the thought of her doing that to Greer’s nipples.

  I’m so entranced with Ryland that I don’t realize I have a shadow until Trigger starts babbling.

  “So, do you think we’re at that point in your relationship with my sister to have the talk?”

  I take my eyes from the little princess and stare at him with no expression on my face. I’m a grown-ass man and she’s a grown-ass woman, who does not need her brother or her father’s permission.

  “What do you want to talk about, Trigger? The fact that I’m going all in with your sister or the fact that she finds security in me and not you.”

  He steps back as though I’ve punched him. “Well shit, Spook. I just wanted the details. I’m happier than a pig in shit that she’s leaning towards a Chaotic than a Devil, but I, also, don’t want her to end up on the bottom of the totem pole when the excitement dies out.”

  “Not gonna happen. Your sister breathes life into me that I’ve been missing for years. Yes, there’s a lot of shit going on at the moment, but once that settles, I’ll still want her in my life.” I growl.

  “What about my niece? She’s just a much apart of your relationship as Greer is.” He questions.

  “No shit. She’ll be the glue. I’ve never wanted a kid especially not before I set eyes on her and Greer, but I can’t imagine there not being a Greer without a Ryland. I’ve got a Queen and a Princess, and all I had to do was find them.”

  A hand lands on my shoulder and squeezes. I look up to see Rudy with an accepting grin on his face. “I couldn’t agree more.” He looks at Trigger. “Go get us a couple of beers. I’ve got a little bit to talk to Spook about.”

  Once Trigger is out of earshot, Rudy sits on the couch opposite of me and gazes at Ryland. “I know you’re a good fit for Greer, as well as Ryland. I know you’ll protect them with your life.” He takes in a deep breath. “I want to make sure you’re able to understand her need.” I shake my head and he puts his hands up in surrender. “I know firsthand how it is to be involved with a pain slut. What I tell you stays between us?” I nod. “Queenie was hardcore in her need for pain. She even had a suffocation fetish where she wanted me to choke her out. I know that their need for this can wear on a relationship and there were times when I was ready to throw in the towel.”

  I clear my throat. “What did you do? I haven’t had to lay a hand on Greer yet and don’t get me wrong, but I’m a little weary about it.”

  “Well, Queenie realized that her wants and needs had changed since we started. We experimented with soft stuff like bondage and deprivation. It got to the point where I barely laid a hand on her. Every psychological aspect of BDSM we tried, worked better for her than suffocation.” A shit eating grin consumes his face. “It got to the point that I needed the control over her to heighten my sexual needs. So through compromise and a lot of experimenting, we found what worked for us to take her edge off.”

  “I can only hope that we’ll be able to get to the point in our relationship where there’s no doubt. She’s never had a man of her choosing until she came here. Shit, she probably has never been in a romantic relationship before in her life. It deters me a bit, but it, also, intrigues me because I get to be the first to experience all of that with her.”

  “Yeah. It’s new and fresh to both of you. If you two can get through the shit that’s happening, it’ll only make you stronger.”

  He sticks out his fist and I bump it. “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

  Ryland’s finished her bottle so I take it from her and she grunts at me. “Jesus, little piggy. You have to burp or your belly’s going to be hurting later.”

  “Give her to me. I haven’t had the chance to hold her since Queenie keeps stealing her, talking about how it’s like going back to when my shithead son was this size.”

  I hand her o
ver carefully and watch the rough, badass MC President coo and inspect every aspect of his granddaughter.

  I sit back on the couch and take in the time I’ve been with Greer and analyze every smile, touch, kiss, tease, but I also take in all the turmoil our new connection has stumbled upon. Not once has Greer pushed me away. She’s embraced me and accepted my comfort.

  I can only anticipate for that to continue and our connection will grow stronger and unbreakable.

  Chapter 15


  Two weeks have pasted since I made it official with Greer. The Chaotic’s and Devils split the list of politicians. We’ve made progress with eight of the ten names.

  With one more week to Dimitri’s deadline for Greer, the clubs have joined forces for the last two. Retired Senator Dyson and philanthropist, Jackson Wright are the remaining two men.

  The ironic aspect of these two men and their involvement with Dimitri is that they both rally against violence towards women, but here these two men spent thousands with Dimitri per Rose’s searches through Dimitri’s financials.

  Rudy, Trigger, Ryker and I are traveling to a small town outside of Athens to pay Senator Dyson a visit. Brute, Red, Poison and Banshee are headed to Bell Buckle, Tennessee for Jackson Wright.

  The other men on the list gave us more information on Dimitri than we expected. With everything we’ve collected, we sent it to Mauve who has connections with the Feds. We’re expecting her contacts to flood Dimitri’s gates and take him down.

  Pulling up to a mansion in the woods and inspecting every facet of Dyson’s estate, we find that he has no security. We decide to park down the street a ways and walk through the woods to gain access.

  Creeping through the woods, we take in his side entrance, which is nothing but a sliding glass door. We move to the back entrance that is opened with a screen door visible.

  Making this our point of entry, we stealthily make our way against the brick exterior of the house. The corner closest to the door is hidden by a tall bush. We gather around Rudy to receive instructions on the best way to approach.

  “The place looks empty, but who would leave their mansion unattended.” Rudy queries.

  “A man who thinks he has nothing to lose.” I supply my insight.

  Trigger grunts. “You got that right. Most men with more money than sense think they’re invincible.”

  We all nod as Rudy continues. “Instead of splitting up, I think it’d be better if we stay together and breach the backdoor.” He surveys us and we all agree. “Let’s get this shit over with.”

  We slowly round the corner and press our bodies against the outside of the mansion again sidestepping until we reach the door. Coming up to the screen door, we peer in.

  At a kitchen table, a man slumped over is present. We enter and slowly approach the man. As we get closer, we hear a clicking sound. Scoping the area, I see a device under the man’s chair that has a wire attached that leads back to the screen door latch.

  “Get the fuck out!” I yell. “There’s a bomb.”

  We haul ass out of the door and before I can make it completely out the door, a loud BOOM sounds and I’m airborne followed by darkness.



  Coming to, I push my upper body off the ground and take in the scene. My brother’s are scattered around the backyard.

  I crawl over to Trigger who’s closer to me and roll him over on his back. I watch the rise and fall of his chest. I tap him on his cheek a few times and he finally opens his eyes.

  “Come on, bud. I need you to get your sorts about you and help me with Ryker and Spook.” He grunts in response.

  I slowly get my legs underneath me and head to Ryker who’s on his hands and knees shaking his head.

  “Ryker, how ya doing?”

  “Fine!” He growls.

  I look over to Spook who is face down and hasn’t moved an inch. The closer I get I see the shards of metal and wood sticking out of his back. I run the rest of the way and kneel at his side. I feel his pulse point in his neck and it’s there but faint.

  “Trigger, I need you to get over here. Ryker, I need you to find the closest hospital.” I bellow.

  When Trigger gets a full look of Spook’s wounds, his face pales. “Fuck, Pops.”

  I grimace. “I know. Help me get him up and we can carry him to the SUV.”

  We grasp him by his biceps and lift. The only response we get out of Spook is a grunt. As I put one of his arms over my shoulder, Trigger does the same with the toes of Spook’s shoes dragging against the ground.

  “The closest hospital is thirty minutes out.” Ryker shouts from behind us.

  “Let’s go. Ryker run ahead of us and open the back of the SUV and get it started.”

  It takes us a few minutes to track back to the truck. Once there, Trigger helps me lay Spook on the backseat on his stomach. I slide along the floorboard close to Spook’s head.

  I lean forward and whisper in his ear. “Stay with us, Spook. Your Queen and Princess need you. Shit, brother, we need you. Just a little bit longer and you’ll have help.”

  I look to the ceiling of the truck, “please let him make it for his sake and Greer’s.”

  Chapter 16


  The guys have been gone for most of the day. They left before the sun even made its appearance. The tension in the Devils’ clubhouse is immeasurable. There are four Chaotic’s and four Devils out and about on the search for two men that could potential start their own mini-wars against the clubs.

  It has been radio silence and the longer I don’t hear from either Spook, my dad or Trigger, I pace and let my mind take over with all the possible scenarios of what could be happening.

  Brute texted Mitz and let her know they were on their way back. I should feel a bit of relief, but my thoughts are consumed with something happening to my other family.

  The Chaotic’s went and visited a senator I remember clearly. He was an evil man, but that didn’t matter to Dimitri as long as he received his money. Dyson had visited me once a month since I was twenty-three. Each of his visits progressed with more malevolence than the last.

  The last time I encountered him, he tied me to the bed posts with coarse rope that rubbed my wrist and ankles raw with the slightest movement. He’d blindfolded and gagged me. The only sense I wish he would’ve taken was sound.

  Hearing him sharpening a knife and whistling to a tune of his own creation was nerve racking. The waiting for his next move made the panic amplify. Listening to him move around the bed, but never touching me enhanced the dread.

  He talked to me in third person as though not admitting in first person that he was a sick bastard made it okay to torture me the way he did.

  But when that first slice of the knife into my skin ensued, my muffled screams and tightening of every muscle in my body would arouse him further. After a few swipes of his blade, I’d pass out only to wake hours later in a bed covered in my own blood and one of Dimitri’s servants tending to me.

  Dyson made sure the cuts were small, but when you’re covered in hundreds of tiny slits and you tend to bleed like a stuck pig, the outcome is damaging. The only plus out of his continuous visits is that I never once was turned on by his choice of pain.

  The sound of Sweet Home Alabama breaks the silence in the main room. Mitz’s digs her cell out of her back pocket and brings it to her ear.

  “Hello.” She answers and listens intently to the caller. Her face falls and she searches the room for me. My stomach flutters with angst. She strides over to me. “Hold on a second, Queenie. She’s right here.” She places the phone into my palm.

  “Queenie.” I stammer.

  “Greer, I need you to listen to me and I need you to wait to freak out until I’m done.” She says sternly.


  “The guys had an issue at Dyson’s and there was an explosion.”

  “Oh, shit. Are they alright? Please tell me they’re fine and are on their w
ay home.”

  “Baby girl, your dad and brother are fine, as well as Ryker. Spook wasn’t able to get out of the house fast enough before it ignited and…”

  I drop to my knees and scream, and in the process Mitz takes the phone from my clinching fist. I faintly hear her talking to Queenie, but I can’t comprehend what’s being said.

  I’ve just lost the one man that I was ready to spend the rest of my life with and raise my daughter as his. I cannot believe how much my mother and Dimitri continue to take from me in their absence.

  I feel strong arms lift me from the floor and carry me down the hall. I’m placed in my bed. I see Mitz and Brute in front of me and their mouths are moving, but there’s no sound. My mind is adrift and has shut down completely.

  The only emotion I feel now is desolation. Anyone I’ve come into contact with over the last months has been tainted by me. I don’t bring joy and happiness. I bring despair and misery.

  The best thing for me to do is leave and let these people, I’ve come to love with everything I am, go so they can get back to the delight and happiness they had before I came along and disrupted it.



  I watch helplessly as Greer sinks further into herself. The more Mitz and I try to bring her out, the more she isolates herself to her thoughts.

  The moment we laid her in her bed, the tears stopped as though she’d come to a conclusion. A conclusion I’m sure none of us will like, but I’ll be damned if I let her follow through.

  I squeeze Mitz’s shoulder to get her attention and nod towards the door. She follows me reluctant to leave Greer’s side.

  “I’m going to the main room and make some calls. If you leave her, I want a brother on the door and one in here with her. When Poison and Banshee get back from their run, I’ll send them in here. Hopefully, they can bring her back out of her head.”


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