Immense Tension

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Immense Tension Page 7

by Arden, Dana

  “Got it. I’ve got to go in there stone faced, not move my ass too much because that may cause your problem to stay and act as though my panties aren’t soaked because you kissed me wet.”

  “Jesus, Greer. Just act normal, but with me plastered to your back for a few.” I say exacerbated.

  Arriving in the main room, we are surrounded by five little women; each has a pink and black leather kutte on. Greer heads towards the one closest to Poison who I can only assume is his sister. She’s a short, petite woman with long blonde hair with a hot pink streak in the middle. Even though she’s little, she looks lethal with her gun belt around her waist and a 9-mm in its holster.

  She looks over as Greer reaches her and a bright, inviting smile spreads across her face and her green eyes sparkle.

  “Hey, Greer.” She huskily says as though she smokes two packs of cigarettes a day.

  “Hey, Mauve. So I guess we need to pick your brain.” Greer continues and I can’t help the surge of pride I feel as I notice she’s still relaxed considering the circumstances.

  “Yeah, you do and I need some more insight as well. I never wanted to be up in your business, but that skank,” she points over her shoulder to Randie who has magically appeared once again, “couldn’t leave it alone.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask angrily.

  “Well, the tart called me about an hour ago talking about how she could pay me fifty thousand dollars to take Greer from this clubhouse or even from her job, and hand her over to her stepfather. I agreed, but not in the sense that I’d do it. She came trotting into our house not too long after and we shackled her.” She points to the cuffs around Randie’s hands and feet. “And brought her stupid ass with us after I got the call from Poison.”

  I can feel Greer begin to shake as this information sinks in. She starts to move towards Randie, but before she can reach her, Queenie has Randie by the hair and Mitz is in Randie’s face.

  “Bitch, you’ve done fucked up royally this time. What has Greer done to you that you would want her sent to a man that is going to use her and abuse her?” Mitz yells.

  “Fuck that bitch. I’ve wanted her gone since the day she showed up here. I was the number one bitch around here until her. Taz takes her side when he should be taking mine. Poison and Banshee are so far up her ass they can taste her shit. That’s supposed to be me. I’m the one who does everything for them and if getting rid of her is what’s necessary to get that back, so be it.”

  Queenie yanks Randie’s hair back so forcefully that you can hear her neck crack. “Wrong answer you worthless, used up snatch. Come on Mitz let’s find a nice place to hang this bitch, so we can let her experience a little bit of what could have happened to Greer.”

  A wide, malicious smile takes over Mitz’s face. “I like the way you think. Peabody. Trenton. Take the trash to the shed. Tie her to the rafters.”

  The Prospects look to Brute who nods and then gives Mitz and Queenie chin lifts. “Yes, ma’am.”

  We watch as Randie kicks, screams, scratches and cries her way out the door. You would think I would feel a sense of dread for her, but I don’t. There’s no remorse for her after what she could have achieved by her actions. I could’ve lost out on an opportunity with the woman currently in my arms that I know in my gut is worth every last piece of fight I have to offer.

  When the door slams shut behind them, I feel Greer exhale and melt into me.

  Chapter 13


  I thought busting up in the Devils’ clubhouse was going to be brutal, but it wasn’t. The men that surrounded us when we arrived were reserved to an extent until the introductions were over.

  Queenie and Mitz are my kind of bitches. The way they handled Randie was exactly how I would’ve done it if the skank had crossed me.

  But back to the issue at hand, Greer. I’ve met her once and that was on a reconnaissance mission to find out how true the information Randie gave was.

  Looking at Greer from a distance, she’s just a normal biker babe working to make her way, but under the surface, she’s deep.

  I approached her at Draft’s a month ago and she explained her situation as much but as little as possible, and I respect that. Her shit isn’t any of my business and would’ve stayed that way if prostitute Barbie had kept her nose out of it.

  I’m a bit nervous to let these bikers in on the information I’ve been able to get from Randie as well as having my own techy, Rose search.

  It’s time to get this show on the road, so we can give this woman some peace of mind. “So are we discussing this here or somewhere else?” I ask.

  Greer looks around to all the men and my girls. There are eight women and fifteen plus men. “Um, Brute do you think the kitchen would be better than Church?”

  “Yeah.” Brute grunts and walks out of the room. Everyone follows him. “Ya’ll can have a seat. Most of us’ll probably stand until the majority of the information you have settles. It’s been a day full of enlightenment.”

  I take the seat furthest away from the men and my girls surround me. “After I talked with Greer a month or so ago, I had Rose look into Dimitri Gustave. The first search she did was basically any and everything about his social calendar. She did a second search last week and also was able to hack some of his financials. He’s been receiving a deposit from an offshore account every month for the last six months for fifty thousand dollars, except the payment that he should have received, like clockwork, this month wasn’t received.”

  The room is quiet other than Greer tapping her fingernails on the table. She looks to me. “Isn’t that what Randie said he was willing to pay you to get to me?” I nod. She hangs her head and whispers barely loud enough for us to hear her. “He sold me and the buyer is paying installments. Six payments at fifty thousand each are three hundred thousand, which means within the next four months I’d have been shipped off.” She chews on her bottom lip and settles back against the man whose lap she’s seating on. He rubs his hands up and down her arms. She lifts her head and stares at another man who could pass as her twin if it wasn’t for the hair color. He stares back. “The buyer must have requested a visit or proof of my wellbeing and Dimitri wasn’t able to provide it so he stopped paying.”

  The guy across from her stands and slams his fist on the table. He bends over it and gets as close to Greer as he can. “It’s not happening, Gee. You aren’t going anywhere. I can’t lose you again. We can’t lose you again.” He looks to the Pres of the Chaotic’s, Rudy. “It’s not happening, Pops. I’ll go to Nevada today and take his ass out.” Rudy nods.

  I clap my hands to get this little shindig back in order. “It’s not happening. Rose has had her nose buried in her laptop ever since. Two days ago, she came across the videos and the pictures. The videos were on a sex trafficking site and the pictures were on a hit site. This fucker has you up for sale on one site and has a hit on your head on the other. But I’m not worried about the hit site because Rose made it disappear. Rose ran facial recognition software against the images in the videos and got hits on every last one of them accept one, but he was easy to figure out.”

  “Who were these fuckers?” Rudy barks. Maggie pulls a folded piece of paper out of her kutte pocket and hands it to Rudy. He scans it. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He tosses the paper to Brute.

  “Motherfucker.” Brute breaths out.

  The paper gets passed around until it gets to Greer. She doesn’t even look at it just passes it over her shoulder. The man at her back grabs it and I watch as the paper slowly crinkles by his hand.

  He takes the paper and hands it off to the Chaotic’s techy, Professor. “Dig up more dirt.” He turns his attention back to Greer and wraps his tattooed arms around her. She curls up in his lap and buries her face into his neck. Once she’s settled, he finishes what’s on his mind. “I don’t know about ya’ll, but I’m with Trigger. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty on this one. Shit, one of those fuckers retired right outside of

  The room explodes with everyone trying to yell over the other, but my focus is on Greer. She hasn’t moved and he hasn’t removed his grip. Finally, Brute bangs a metal pan down on the table getting everyone’s attention.

  “Hold up. There has to be a way to work this where our hands are as clean as possible. I’m all for a massacre, but we have to put in to prospective Greer, Ryland and the blowback on our clubs.” He looks to me. “Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Poison told us you’re a lawyer, so you have a better understanding of the laws and how to bypass some.” I nod. “I’m all for a nice side of blackmailing served with Dimitri’s head on a platter as long as we can keep it as clean as possible.”

  “The men on that list still have a lot to lose. Some of them have daughters the same age as Greer, as well as continued followers who would castrate them if any of this came to light. I guarantee about half if not more would be willing to give us all the intel they have on Dimitri as long as we don’t let their indiscretions come to light.”

  By the time my girls and I roll out, we have the beginnings of a solid plan.



  Once the meeting with the Pretty Pinks is over, I’m jittery with anticipation of getting my hands on that nasty skank. I make eye contact with Queenie and get a stiff nod in return.

  As I go to get out of Brute’s lap, he tightens his arms around me. “Where you think your going?” He rumbles.

  “I have some cleaning to do outside before it gets to dark.”

  “Yep, we have trash to collect and burn.” Queenie replies offhandedly.

  “You taking Greer with you. It may be enough to take the edge off.” He turns his head towards Greer who’s cradled in Spook’s arms.”

  “It might work for now, but she’ll probably need Poison and Banshee later.”

  I’m interrupted by the low growl of Spook. “Not happening, Mitz. No disrespect to Poison or Banshee but that shit’s over. If she needs an out, she’s got me.” I just nod in agreement. “Much appreciated. Now as far as her going to that shed that’s completely up to her.” He nudges Greer’s head with his chin. “Princess, you want to pay Randie a visit?”

  Greer sits up like a zombie and turns towards Taz. “Taz, I’m sorry that she put you in this position, but I’m not sorry about the immeasurable pain I’m about to cause her.”

  “You do what you gotta do, Gee. There’s no skin off my teeth. She knew her place and she also knew the repercussions of her actions. I just wish I’d known sooner and put a stop to it.”

  Greer nods and raises from her spot on Spook’s lap. He follows and puts his arm around her shoulders bringing her closer so he can place a kiss on her forehead.

  As all of us trot over to the shed, my head is spinning on what to start with, but in the end Greer gets first dibs.



  Greer and Spook enter the tiny space with Randie hanging against the back wall. Randie lifts her head and starts crying.

  “Spook, baby, please don’t let them…” She doesn’t even get to finish as Greer throws an upper cut knocking her head back and blood splatters from where she bit her tongue.

  “Shut it.” Greer growls. “Nobody here cares about what you want. Not anymore.”

  I chuckle and Rudy squeezes my elbow. “What?” I ask him confused. “It’s true. Fuck, we haven’t given a shit about her since before she left our club two years ago.”

  Brute turns sharply to me. “What was that?”

  “Oh, shit. You didn’t know. Yeah, Randie was with Spook a few years ago. He was ready to make her his ol’ lady, but she’d forgot to mention that she was whoring around up here with the Devils.”

  Brute surveys the small room until he stops on Taz whose white as a ghost. “I take it he didn’t know either. What a fucking cunt playing clubs that already had issues.” Brute bellows.

  An ear piercing scream draws me back to Greer and her handy work. She’s got a mallet and is beating the hell out of Randie’s knees.

  I sidestep closer to Rudy and Trigger. “You sure your daughter was never in the mafia in another life. She’s ruthless.”

  Rudy and Trigger are wearing matching smirks. “It’s in the genes, baby. I pass down the looks and the hard-assness.” He fist bumps Trigger.

  I take in Greer’s chest heaving and then tap Spook on the shoulder. He doesn’t take his eyes off Greer, but turns his ear to me. “She’s done, Spook. Take her in and let us finish this.”

  Spook walks up to Greer’s side and speaks lightly to her, so no one can hear. She stops what she’s doing and drops the mallet looking to Spook with eyes that are so lost. She shakes her head and melts into Spook. Before she makes it completely out of the shed, she stops and yells, “I hope when you get to hell cunt that the Devil rapes you with his pitchfork.” Then she’s gone.

  Mitz and I walk to the table in the corner and look at our options. It’s been a long time since I was able to participate.

  “So Randie, which one sounds more appealing; electrocution,” I hold up the cattle prod, “or you stand on this board of nails until you tell us everything that we need to know about your extracurricular activities.” She doesn’t respond and tries to curl into herself. “Alright then Mitz, I think that means all of the above.”

  Mitz giggles and it’s nice to find a bitch my own age just as crazy as I am.

  Chapter 14


  The trip back to the clubhouse is a blur. I’m definitely stuck tight in my head. I’m not only up for sale, but up to be killed by the first person who has the balls to cross the Chaotic’s and Devils. Plus, there’s no definite solution that has me free and clear of Dimitri.

  I’m tucked up against Spook’s side as we walk down the hall to my bedroom where Peabody is standing guard watching out for Ryland who is asleep.

  Chin lifts pass between the men as Peabody moves out of the way and Spook opens the door. I detach myself from him and go to Ryland’s crib.

  She’s still passed out lying on her back with her arms out at the side of her head. I take in every little detail of my little girl as if it’s the last time I’ll see her. She’s already edged in my mind down to the birthmark she has on her right foot between her big toe.

  Spook comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me tightly. Placing his chin on my shoulder, he gazes down at my baby.

  “She’s beautiful just like her momma, Princess.” He says silkily.

  “Yeah, she’s my life source. I don’t know where I’d be without that little girl.”

  He steps back and rotates me in his arms. Looking into his baby blues, I place my hands on the sides of his face. “You’re beautiful too, Spookie Wookie.” I say with a smile.

  “Yeah, Baby?” He questions.

  I slide my hands from his cheeks to his chest and tighten my grip in his flannel shirt. “Yeah.” I tip up on my toes and brush my lips lightly against his.

  As I try to pull back, his hand grips my ponytail and pulls forcefully back bringing a gasp from me. He trails his mouth slowly down my neck sending shivers throughout my body. His other hand trails up my stomach under my shirt bringing it up with it.

  He releases his mouth from my neck and hand from my hair as he steps back. “Take the shirt off, Princess.” He demands.

  I pull my shirt up little by little watching the intense stare of his eyes on my stomach moving to my pink lace covered breasts.

  Losing his patience, he takes the shirt from my hands and rips it over my head. He tosses it to the floor never taking his eyes off my exposed skin.

  He steps forward placing his hands on the waist of my jeans. He unbuttons and unzips them. He puts his hands inside the side of my jeans and gradually slides them to the floor as he kneels. When they are around my ankles, he taps on each leg for me to step out.

  He buries his face in my pink lace covered pussy and inhales. A groan emits from his throat as he leans back with his ass on his heels. H
e tugs my panties down my legs until they too are discarded.

  He leans up again placing a soft kiss on my clit and then swiping his tongue from slit to clit, and nibbling my clit lightly. The sensations he rockets through my body cause me to hunch forward and grab on to his thick blonde hair for stability.

  “You taste better than anything I’ve ever tasted.” He growls against my mound causing a shiver to rack me.

  “Spook, you’re driving me crazy.” I whimper.

  He places my thighs over his shoulders and his mouth on my pussy as his arms wrap around my thighs. He slowly stands and walks towards my bed where he tosses me down and follows getting back to licking and sucking my pussy.

  I’m so close to exploding, but need something to assist in igniting me. Before I can voice my need, he inserts one finger curling it up and moving it in and out with such intensity.

  When I’m on the edge of release, he stops and inserts another finger, but this time the speed is slow and daunting.

  “Spook, please.” I moan.

  He lifts his head licking his lips. “What do you need, Princess?”

  “I need you to move faster. I’m so close to cumming.” I whine.

  He lifts completely off me and I huff. “Spook, what the fuck, I was not even half a second from coming undone.

  He’s taking off his flannel, tossing it on the floor. I take in his bulging arms, defined chest and the extensive tattoos that adorn his chest and arms.

  Digging in his back pocket, he pulls out a condom and tosses it on the bed next to my feet. Then, he slowly unbuttons his jeans and kicks them off his legs.

  The sight of his cock makes me suck in a gulp of air. He’s massive and not just long but thick. The size of his cock sends a zing to my clit that’s steadily pulsing waiting for my pussy to be satisfied.


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