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Pretty in Kink

Page 6

by Titania Ladley

  Mindy nodded with a long, “Mmmm. So this is your first time.”

  Britt grinned. “Does it show that badly?”

  “Not at all,” the blonde said with a mocking twinkle in her eyes.

  “Well, maybe a little,” Mindy admitted with a wave of her hand, “but that’s kinda sexy. Besides, we’ve all been biker-scene virgins in that respect before.”

  Britt inhaled and tossed the backpack strap onto her shoulder. “Thanks. I’ll remember that for the next piece of fresh meat that walks in.”

  They all giggled and a huge weight seemed to lift off Britt’s chest. It gave her a charge being here. She really liked these people. It was just a matter of getting adjusted to the differences in lifestyles.

  Her usual stiff and boring versus their relaxed and uninhibited.

  The toilet flushed. Candy emerged from the stall, her eyes much kinder than before. Britt gave a mental snort. Maybe her prior grumpiness had been due to needing to pee?

  “You’ll do fine. Just follow Michelle’s lead. She’s a good tutor,” Candy added with a wicked grin. “We’ve all been there, but she’s always…how shall we say, ‘glad’ to pop a chick-on-chick cherry or two. If she can’t turn you, no woman can.”

  “Turn” her? Into a lesbian? Britt wasn’t too keen on that idea, but she did have a curiosity that needed appeasing, a date she needed to prove something to. Prove she could lose the prim-and-proper act and let loose just as much as any of these women—or any of those previous women of his who everyone seemed to be fond of rubbing in her face.

  How many of these women have you been with, Diego?

  Britt took a few shaky steps to the door and coached herself to stop with the jealousy crap. She didn’t own him. “Okay, thanks, ladies. Well here goes.”

  “Good luck.”

  “Hey, if you have a hard time with it,” Mindy called after her, “I’d be glad to jump in the pit and give you a ‘hand’ or two. Just give me a signal of some sort and I’ll be there.”

  Britt laughed and threw Mindy a smile over her shoulder. “Thanks.” And she stepped outside and into the bright sun.

  It’s just like doing a catalog shoot. She kept repeating it to herself, soothing her nerves. All eyes were on her, but only one set heated her blood.


  His gaze riveted to her as soon as she emerged from the restroom. She hooked her thumb under the backpack strap and tried her best to walk casually toward him. Her flip-flops slapped her heels as she went. His jaw fell open, but he snapped it shut and licked his lips. His gaze took on a predatory gleam, devouring her from the tips of her pink-painted toenails to her swaying hips and nipples budding against her bikini top, to her low ponytail and flaming cheeks.

  It’s just like doing a catalog shoot…

  Whistles and cheers sounded around her, though she wasn’t sure if they were for her, or in response to something else in this fun, wild place. But Britt didn’t care. She only had eyes for him, for Diego. She only wanted his whistles, his lusty stare, his words of approval.

  Diego settled his gaze on hers when she stopped at the picnic table and tossed the backpack down next to the empty funnel-cake plate. The band had started again, but he spoke over the beat of drums and the soulful voice of the vocalist. “Holy shit. You look hot as hell.”

  He must have gotten her a fresh drink. She reached for the melted-down concoction and downed a huge gulp. Cool, liquor-laced liquid slid down her throat and soothed her belly. The hot sun warmed her skin, but his words flamed in her heart. “Thanks. That’s really sweet of you to say.”

  “No, you’re really sweet. I can taste you already.” He smacked his lips and scanned her up and down again, adjusting his jeans over his crotch as he rubbed at his five-o’clock-shadowed jaw. “Jesus.”

  “First someone else is going to taste me.” Her heart leaped in her throat while she waited for his response to her daring words.

  He took her drink, peered inside the cup. “How many of these have you had?”

  She laughed. “Ha-ha. Funny. Now sit back and enjoy the show.”

  Britt didn’t turn to see his reaction, but the heat of his gaze singed her backside as she walked toward the beacon of Michelle’s waving arms. They met on the opposite side of the pit.

  It had become surreal, as if she watched herself from above, a stranger inhabiting her body and doing and saying things that were so not Britt-like.

  Michelle shook her head. “Mm-mm. Baby, you look good enough to gobble down whole.” She had on a stark-white bikini that made her tattooed, tanned complexion look even darker. Burnished hair pulled up in a high ponytail emphasized the stunning beauty of her face. Britt couldn’t take her eyes off those plump lips. She wondered how it would feel to kiss Michelle.

  To be tasted with that mouth. While Diego watched.

  “Thank you. You’re not bad yourself.”

  Michelle batted her eyes and feigned a swoon. “Music to my ears. But I heard you’re new at this. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”

  Britt grinned. Michelle had delighted her the first moment she’d spoken. “And I heard you’re an excellent tutor.”

  Michelle took Britt by the wrist and stepped over the edge of the ring and into the gelatin. She grazed her palm and fingers down until she had Britt’s hand secured in hers. She tugged, urging Britt in with her. “Very true. Now c’mon. Day’s a-wastin’. Let’s get jiggly.”

  Britt threw her head back and laughed. She slipped off her flip-flops, stepped one foot in, then the other. The cool gelatin squished between her toes. It had already started melting into a thick goo on the top layers. She caught a whiff of orange, lime and cherry.

  The band stopped playing and she heard one of them murmur over the sound system, “Son of a bitch, would you look at that? I’ve suddenly got a hankering for some gelatin dessert.”

  Whistles and shouts of approval rang out. A crowd gathered around, but they all seemed to know to leave a gap for Diego to see from the picnic table. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him walk around and sit on the tabletop, settling in for the show. He lit a cigarette, never taking his gaze off her.

  Mindy and Candy slinked up and took a front-row stance.

  It’s just like doing a catalog shoot… It’s just like—

  Arms went around Britt and a leg swiped at hers, tripping her. She found herself flat on her back in a split second, staring up at the clear-blue sky. Cold gelatin bathed her spine, but Michelle warmed her front. She straddled Britt’s hips and held her wrists down in the gooey pit. Her breasts dangled above Britt’s chest.

  “Ha. Weren’t expecting that, were you, baby?” Michelle grinned down at her, but her smile faded. Her hot, assessing gaze traveled over Britt’s breasts, making the nipples tent against the thin polyester fabric. “Honey, you make me forget that I also have the hots for cock. But I think I could totally defect to the lesbian side with you.”

  Onlookers cheered and shouted their approval while the band started playing some vaudeville-type, vavoom music that made her think of buxom broads on stage shaking their breasts and revealing their net stockings. A crow flew overhead and cawed, and motorcycles roared in the distance. She could smell hamburgers and hot dogs barbecuing beyond the aromas of sweet gelatin surrounding her and the faint scent of beer and whiskey.

  But most prominent was the sweet smell of Michelle, her legs encasing Britt’s hips and her grip on Britt’s wrists while Diego’s gaze watched her every move. Whoa, so arousing beyond anything she’d ever experienced.

  This is not just like doing a catalog shoot.

  Britt ignored Michelle’s self-declaration of her teetering sexuality and reared up. She had Michelle in a cradle wrestling move and twisted into a pretzel in two seconds flat. “And you weren’t expecting this, were you, ‘baby’?”

  A biker dropped to his knees and peered at the gelatin-coated mat beneath the curl of Michelle’s back. “Shoulders are almost touching. Motherfucker, she’s gonna pin ’er
right off the bat.”

  “What the hell are you doing?” Michelle’s voice strained against the knee-to-neck hold Britt had her in.

  Britt giggled and pulled Michelle’s leg in tighter so her shoulders rolled back and almost touched the bottom of the pit. “Gettin’ jiggly, just like you suggested.”

  Michelle started laughing so hard, her balled-up body shook. It made it difficult for Britt to continue to restrain Michelle’s slick form. But Britt was determined to win this one. She could feel Diego’s gaze on her, sense his pride in her coming-out-of-her-shell actions. Britt tightened her grip and rocked Michelle toward her so her shoulders touched the bottom of the pit.

  The biker-turned-referee slapped the sloshy mat, whistled with his fingers between his teeth and shouted, “The blonde wins. Michelle loses. Damn, was that ever the fastest pinning I’ve ever fucking seen.” He waded out into the gelatin, helped Britt and Michelle to their feet and held up Britt’s hand. “We’ve got us a winner—a smokin’-hot one at that.”

  The crowd cheered and screamed. But the band started playing an upbeat rock song, so they turned their attention to the stage.

  She sensed Diego’s presence at the edge of the pool right before she saw him. His arms were folded over his wide chest. He had the cigarette pinched between his middle finger and thumb. He narrowed his gaze on her, and with a wicked grin that took her breath away, asked, “Now where in hell did you learn to fight like that?”

  Britt suppressed a chuckle. “I used to be a stat girl for the wrestling team in high school.” She shrugged. “The guys showed me a few moves.”

  Diego’s eyes took on a stormy hue with a gleam of lust. “You mean they had their hands on you that same way, all twisted up and held down?”

  “Well yeah. It’s the only way to learn.” She took a quick southward sweep of his body and noted a thickness straining against his jeans. It sent her loins into a hot tailspin.

  “Awesome.” Michelle pulled Britt into her arms. The skin of their slick-and-sticky bodies glided together. “What a turn-on. Sweetheart, I’m ready whenever you are to do that same thing in bed.”

  Diego reached out and grabbed Britt’s arm. He pulled her out of Michelle’s embrace and led her out of the pool. “Not before I get the chance. Come on, let’s get over to the showers and get you cleaned up. Then we’re heading home.”

  Glen dragged Michelle out of the pool and draped an arm over her sticky shoulders. “Dude, any time you want to get together, you know Michelle and I are both game.”

  Michelle nodded, raked Britt up and down with a hot gaze and licked her lips. “Mm-hmmmm. I definitely second that idea.”

  “I don’t share my women. You both know that already,” Diego grumbled, smashing out his cigarette in a nearby sand barrel. He wrapped his arms around Britt from behind and laced his fingers together over her midriff.

  Glen rolled his eyes and muttered good-naturedly, “Well, you just shared her with Michelle.”

  “Not the same thing. That was just foreplay and innocent fun as far as I’m concerned. Besides, two dudes in bed together just don’t trip my switch. In fact, the only person I want in my bed is my woman. One woman at a time. Her,” he added, tightening his hold.

  Britt’s stomach fluttered. She had never had a man act so possessive with her before. But for some reason it didn’t scare her. Rather, it made her feel secure because she also sensed pride within him, an attitude of respect and allowing her space at the same time.

  Glen threw his head back and howled. “Uh-oh. I detect wolfman. Loads of testosterone and alpha stinginess oozing out of you.”

  “Screw you, man.” Diego chuckled. His body vibrated along her back and ass. The long, half-hard tube of his cock abraded erotically between the cheeks of her ass.

  Glen snorted. “Eh, just kiddin’. Anyway, that was some bangin’ stuff there, wouldn’t you say? I think we’ve got the two hottest chicks in the whole damn place.”

  “Aw.” Michelle pinched her husband’s cheek. “How sweet.”

  “No doubt,” Diego agreed. He reached for Britt’s hand and led her toward the bathrooms. “Okay, gonna get her rinsed off then we’ll grab some barbecue and hit the highway. I’ll leave my donation at the gate with Keith on my way out.”

  Glen followed with Michelle in tow.

  The four of them stopped near the outdoor showers at the rear of the restroom building. A concrete pad spread beneath three showerheads, all unused at the moment.

  Michelle gave a pouty frown. “Oh no, you’re leaving already? You just got here, and the party’s just getting started.” She glanced down at Diego’s crotch. For some odd reason, it gave Britt a charge to have Michelle admiring the evidence of Diego’s arousal for Britt. “Ah, I see, and I don’t blame you. She’s a real turn-on.”

  Michelle licked her lips and stroked her pussy on the outside of her gelatin-stained white bikini bottoms. She reached out, grabbed Britt’s other hand and yanked Britt into her arms. “Well then, how about a goodbye kiss, babe? What do ya say?”

  Britt sought out Diego’s gaze. He smiled and nodded his approval.

  So here loomed the opportunity to appease her curiosity in semi-privacy rather than in a pit of gelatin for the entire rally to see. The cocktails she had were still in her bloodstream, giving her a pleasant buzz. She relaxed and slid her arms around Michelle’s narrow waist.

  “Okay, but go easy on me. I’ve never done this before,” Britt said with a grin.

  Michelle squeezed Britt so that their sodden breasts pressed together. She wiggled and abraded her nipples over Britt’s and then she gave a playful growl. “Yum, you’re so irresistible.”

  The breast-to-breast contact proved pleasant and supple. Britt’s nipples tingled and hardened against Michelle’s already erect areolas. “Thanks.” A tone of wonderment edged her words. This wasn’t your typical “love your shoes” compliment from a woman. This was a flirty, sexual-type compliment that opened Britt’s eyes to a whole new way of looking at the world.

  At women.

  In fact, ever since meeting Diego, her perspective seemed to have changed on all sorts of things. She’d taken paths she didn’t even dare think about before him.

  An awakening. It was a sexual, personal awakening to a whole new world that excited and unnerved her at the same time.

  But she wasn’t going to let her stupid nerves keep her from exploring and experiencing his lifestyle. It was too tempting and she was way too curious to back out at this point.

  So she refocused on this striking female who obviously had the hots for her, loving the fact that Diego watched and approved.

  Michelle had stunning gold eyes and they homed in on Britt’s lips. She pulled Britt closer. Their pussies pressed together and a burst of desire spread between Britt’s legs. Then Michelle leaned in and covered Britt’s mouth with hers.

  Britt’s eyelids fluttered shut. In the periphery, among all the distant sounds of partying, she heard Diego’s and Glen’s feet shuffling, mild cursing and male moans. But she wasn’t focused on the periphery at the moment. How could she? Michelle’s lips and body were at the center of her attention. Her mouth glided over Britt’s in a soft dance that only a woman could perform, that only a woman could know another woman needed. Her tongue pushed past Britt’s lips and explored her mouth with gentle care. The flavor of beer and something indefinable but sugary burst on Britt’s taste buds. She offered her tongue in response and before Britt knew it, her loins were on fire. She and Michelle clutched at each other, plunged their tongues deeper than Britt had ever kissed or been kissed before.

  Michelle groaned into Britt’s mouth and pushed her against the wall beneath a showerhead. Michelle fumbled with the knobs and somehow got the shower spraying on them without even looking. She kept her mouth on Britt’s and devoured her with oral expertise while she reached up and released Britt’s ponytail. Then she skated her hands down the sides of Britt’s breasts to her hips.

  “Oh my god, I want you
so badly,” Michelle murmured against Britt’s mouth. She turned her head, clutched Britt to her front and said, “She’s mine, Mansini. Go away.”

  Diego just laughed. He yanked Britt out of Michelle’s embrace and wrapped his arms around her, not seeming to care that sticky gelatin splotches and water covered her from chin to toes. “Hell no. I’m keeping her all to myself. Now beat it, woman.”

  Michelle’s kisses and sexy pawing had gotten Britt’s motor warm, but being watched by Diego and Glen, and then getting dragged into Diego’s strong arms with his erection pressing against her stomach—holy whew. It proved to be more than she could take. Her hormones raced and her pussy throbbed with the need to be filled by that promising hardness. She couldn’t wait to get back to Tampa and relieve the heaviness in her lower belly.

  Glen wrapped his arms around his wife from behind. “Damn, babe, you sure know how to get me stiff as a rod. What do you say we go take a detour to the house?”

  Michelle melded her curves to him, her face aglow and her eyes sparkling with unfulfilled desire. She strained her head around and kissed Glen with as much passion as she’d kissed Britt. “Sounds perfect. And you can make this a wham-bam one, because after getting my hands on her, I’m going to come as soon as you slide inside me.”

  For some reason at Michelle’s overt words, Britt’s face warmed, but in contrast to that almost coy response, her pussy entered the flaming stage.

  “Well, we better go then, or I’ll be getting off before we even get there.” Glen took Michelle’s hand and led her toward their house. As they walked away, Michelle’s rump swaying while she smiled and waved goodbye, Glen grinned over his shoulder and said, “Thanks for stopping in, man. Helped me get lucky. See y’all later.”

  Britt remained in Diego’s arms. She lifted her lips to his and he delved in her mouth with a kiss to rival Michelle’s. She’d loved coming here with him, getting a glimpse of his world, but she wanted to go now. She needed him. Needed him to finish waking up her soul to all she’d missed in her life until today.


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