Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle)

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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle) Page 7

by Alara Branwen

  The elf looked down and saw his erection pressing against his pants. He looked up at the orc woman, who looked back with surprise.

  “Me then?” She said.

  Estelar nodded but fixed her with another questioning look.

  “Okay. Just sit back and relax, Poppy and I will get you healed up in no time.”

  The female orc knelt in front of Estelar and pulled at the waistband of his pants. He moved to stop her but she looked up at him.

  “It’s part of the process.”

  The elf sat back as the orc exposed his erection. She gripped the shaft of his member and carefully wrapped her lips around the purple head. Estelar was worried that the tiny tusks from the side of his mouth would catch his member, however his fears were abated when she travelled the length of his cock and he didn’t feel any teeth.

  The orc woman slowly glided her lips along Estelar’s cock. She sucked her cheeks in and formed a vacuum, increasing the pressure on his member. After a few strokes she pressed her teeth against the skin. The elf gasped and thought a bout of pain was going to come, but he was instead greeted by a wave of pleasure. Her teeth softly scraped down to the crown, sending exciting chills spirally up his stomach.

  The orc’s lips came down to meet the head of Estelar’s cock. Her tongue whipped across the mushroom head, giving life to all of the nerve endings there. She pushed his member back into her mouth. When the head of his cock reached the back of her mouth, she took a deep breath and pushed her head further.

  Estelar’s eyes went wide when her lips continued downward until she reached the base of his dick. How did she do that? How was she not choking? The orc woman pulled back and pushed back down to the base. The head of the elf’s cock was in a very restricted place. He felt extremely tight muscles tightening around the sensitive crown of his cock.

  The orc woman moved her head left and right, teasing the sensitive part of the elf’s dick that was in her throat. She reached up and stroked his ball sack. It grew firmer in her gentle grasp. She rolled the balls around in her palm while the suction of her throat excited his twitching member.

  His member stayed in the orc woman’s throat for several seconds. When she could hold out no more she drew back and went down fully on the member again. She sucked in as hard as she could, moving her head from side to side, rapidly manipulating his balls. The feeling flowing through the elf was amazing. He never had a blow job this intense. He clenched his toes and hands to keep himself from immediately blowing his load. He opened his mouth and moaned.

  Wait, he could open his mouth. Estelar absentmindedly reached up and felt his jaw. He opened his character’s status screen and checked his vitals.

  Estelar Lvl. 4

  HP: 87%(+2%)

  Stamina 100%



  Blow jobs cured you in this game? As the orc sucked inward on his member, he saw his hit points slowly rising back up. That was insane. He looked over at his friend and noticed the the color had returned to his face and his eyes were halfway open, looking down at the halfling going to town on his member.

  What a crazy mechanic, Estelar thought, though his thoughts were wiped clean by another intense pull from the orc woman’s mouth. His body tensed up and he quaked as she delivered her ministrations. The elf felt like he was floating on air, pretty soon he was going to release into her throat.

  Before he blew his load, the orc pulled off of his member and smiled up at him. “You don’t want to finish yet do you? There’s something else I want you to try.”

  Before he had a chance to ask what, she pulled him to the floor. Estelar lay flat on his back as the orc woman turned her back to him and squatted over his hips. Her muscles flexed as she lowered her body downward. A wave of intense heat struck him as the folds of her hot pussy enveloped his member. He called out and clenched his hands together.

  She bounced on his cock while her hands ran along her back and her ass. Estelar would have normally preferred a frontal view, but he found himself strangely getting aroused by the side of her muscled back and extremely firm butt. In front of the orc was Larkin’s secretary. Her legs were spread wide as she openly masturbated while she watched them.

  Estelar reached up and tapped the orc woman on the back. She turned and he pointed to the female elf. “Let her have a little fun,” he managed to say.

  The orc was about to get off his member but he held her in place. The strong female nodded and waved Serena over. The elven woman came over and lifted the red slip above her waist. The orc woman pressed her lips against the elf’s pink core and put her tongue to work.

  The orc woman bounced and rocked her hips around Estelar’s cock. She clenched her pussy muscles tightly around him when she dropped her body and released them when she rose. It created a more powerful effect in his body. An intense flash of tingles crawled through his nerves with each drop. Every time she rose his body yearned for her to drop back down on his dick even more.

  He turned to his friend and he was having the halfling ride his member. He was enjoying the view of her bountiful backside as she hopped up and down on his dick like a happy bunny. The jiggle of her butt was surprisingly satisfying to watch. Estelar wasn’t sure, but he was developing an appreciation for nice asses.

  He turned his focus back to the ass in front of him. Strong, rounded and firm. It flexed each time it came down. It’s little movements were relaxing to watch. Estelar thought he would be able to relax into their union, watching the little jumping movements her ass made. However, her squeezing pussy sent a shock into him that excited his senses and brought him to the ultimate height of consciousness.

  Her ass picked up the tempo on his member. The orc woman wildly attacked Serena’s pussy as she rose above Estelar’s member. Her long tongue flicked the elf woman’s clit for several seconds before plunging into her womanhood and touching the female elf’s innermost sensitive spots. The orc wiggled the tip of her tongue against several different areas, digging into the sensitive flesh before moving on to drill into another tender spot.

  Serena cried out and her back arched as an orgasm rolled through her body.

  Estelar’s member throbbed wickedly as the orc bounced more fervently on his member. He put up a resistance to make himself last as long as he could. He watched the beautiful bouncing ass of the halfling and then the female elf playing with her small breasts while the orc put her in the throes of another orgasm. This amazing sights ate away at his resolve. It took just one more look at that strong back and ass, flexing as she bounded on his member.

  Estelar called out as cum jettisoned into the orc female. She dropped down on his member and squeezed tightly, making sure to catch all of his seed into her womb.

  When all were finished everyone got dressed. The orc and halfling left the room with a smile and a wink. Serena went to retrieve Larkin while the other two men took a seat in the waiting room. Estelar opened his character screen.

  “You feeling better good buddy?” Estelar asked.

  “Never felt better in my life,” Padwin grinned.


  Larkin walked back into the waiting room and faced his fellow Crimson Warriors. “Now that you can talk, why are you back already? I told you to stay out until nightfall.”

  Estelar and Padwin explained the series of events that occurred during their short run as highwaymen.

  Shadow seemed to settle over Larkin’s face. “I told you to run when you faced any kind of challenge.”

  “I couldn’t run. If I did, Padwin would have died,” Estelar said.

  “Then he would have respawned and he would have lost some of his experience and skills. It’s not a huge deal,” Larkin said. “Anyway, what’s done is done. What did you collect on your mishap of an excursion?”

  Larkin seemed unimpressed with the money collected and the items retrieved from the old man’s cart turned out to be useless knick-knacks. However, he stopped when he was given the staff the old man used.

  The red robed mage ran his fingers over the short staff and smiled. “I take back what I said, your excursion wasn’t a mishap. This is a very nice magic item you acquired. It more than makes up for the horse you lost.”

  Larkin placed the item in his robes. “Since you had a good outing, despite not following orders, I’m giving you another mission. Go to the stables and purchase yourself another horse on the guild’s account. Then head toward Latholorn, which should be two hours ride from here. There is a large road that runs south of it. Perform a series of robberies there, but this time, avoid any fights that you can’t handle quickly, no matter the cost.”

  There was a little pang in Estelar’s stomach. He didn’t want to leave his friend to die if they happened into a situation like they had with the old mage. However, he didn’t want to upset the guild master so he only nodded.

  They were given a map to Latholorn and Estelar purchased another horse from the stable, this time a glossy black mare. The pair rode out toward their destination and reached it by early afternoon.

  The terrain around the main road toward the city was hilly with some vegetation, including some large trees. This gave them an opportunity to set up ambushes and would give them a chance to hide in case things got hairy. The pair found a large hill on the side of the road that would hide them and their horses from travellers. Estelar took a position on top of the hill to keep a lookout for oncoming travellers while Padwin stayed on his horse, so he could ride out into the path of a target.

  Estelar sat and intently watched the road.

  “I hope we don’t run into another mage,” Estelar said.

  “Yeah, or otherwise you, me, or both of us would end up dead,” Padwin said.

  “I think we could pull out another battle like that if we had to. We just couldn’t tell Larkin about it.”

  “Or we could give him another magic item. He seems to like those.”

  “I wonder what he would have done if we hadn’t given that to him.”

  “I don’t know and I don’t want to know. You remember the goblin chief, right?”

  The elf nodded. “I couldn’t just leave you to die though.”

  “I don’t want to leave you to die either. But if we disobey Larkin again, I have a feeling we wouldn’t like the outcome.”

  “If we ever get in that situation again, we just won’t tell Larkin about it, then.”

  “Right,” Padwin absently nodded.

  The highwaymen spotted a mark: two fauns, half human half goats, carrying large bags on their shoulders. They put on their red bandannas and went to work.

  Padwin rode out in front of them and Estelar appeared behind them. The fauns pulled out weapons and were prepared to defend their belongings.

  Padwin leapt off of his horse and swung his sword with precisely angled slices while Estelar attacked the other with parries and thrusts. One of the fauns used a dagger and the other a short sword. The elf’s opponent held the dagger and couldn’t keep up with the longer weapon. After a missed parry, he was gored in the chest by the elf’s sword.

  The faun’s eyes went wide and Estelar watched the light fade from his eyes. There was a small twinge of guilt in the elf’s chest, but he shrugged it off when the faun’s body hit the ground. He would respawn anyway.

  You made it to level 5!

  Your skill with swords has increased to 3!

  Padwin continued his series of attacks, backing the faun against a tree. He pressed the attack and ended the half-goat’s life with a series of strikes. They hid the bodies, looted the fauns’ former belongings and took up their hiding places once more.

  They allowed a group of three halfling women and four men on horseback pass before they saw a carriage carrying four people in travellers attire. An elven bowman sat in the front with a tired looking driver. Estelar nodded to Padwin and he rode out to stop the carriage. The elven bowman drew his bow and the cab driver asked Padwin what his business was.

  Estelar initially thought run down and hold up the people in the cab, that way the potential combatants would give up. However, if standard rules of fantasy applied, that elven bowman would turn him into a pincushion before he ever got the chance. He would have to find some way to get close to the elf and take him out.

  Padwin was silent in front of the carriage. He kept his horse there, blocking the carriage’s way. The elf asked him his business again and the human was still silent.

  “If that is the way you’re going to be, then I’ll have to move you out of the way myself,” the elven bowman said.

  He drew back the bow but turned around when he heard a scream.

  Estelar leapt from the hill holding a bag that one of the fauns had. The boman loosed an arrow and Estelar thrust the bag in front of his head. The arrow pierced and was caught by the brown cloth.

  Estelar landed on the carriage with a thud and the bowman took another shot with his arrow. The crimson armored elf dropped flat on his stomach when a second arrow pierced the bag he brought with him.

  The driver tried to force his horses into action. They hesitated because a horse was still in the way. Padwin jumped from his mount and stabbed one of the two horses multiple times. The creature reared and kicked, striking Padwin in the knee.

  The olive skinned human gritted his teeth and brought his sword around, striking a large gash in the creature’s neck. Blood spewed from the creature’s wound and it stumbled.

  The elven bowman leapt to Estelar’s position and knocked another arrow. He aimed for Estelar’s heart, but was shaken as one of the horses fell dead and the other reared. The elven bowman’s shot went off kilter and struck his target in the thigh.

  Estelar Lvl. 5

  HP: 90% (-10%)

  Stamina: 82%



  Estelar was in pain but he knew he needed to react. He quickly grabbed the other elf and pulled him down with him on the cart, trying to wrestle the bow from his hands. The bowman tried to reach for a sword at his hip, but Estelar kept him busy.

  After a minute of this the driver held up his hands. “Okay, okay we surrender. What do you want?”

  Estelar smiled at the other elf and took his bow, throwing it to the ground.

  The highwaymen took a great deal of silver and copper from everyone in the carriage, and Estelar took the elf’s bow and quiver full of arrows to make sure he didn’t get a parting shot at them. The robbers rode away and the carriage driver set about the task of trying to get his vehicle back to work with just one animal.

  Padwin and Estelar moved to another location and found a copse of trees where they could set up another ambush. They dressed their wounds with bandages given to them by Larkin and continued their operations.

  The rest of their robberies went without a hitch, and they rode back to the Crimson Warrior guild with several bags of loot. Larkin was pleased with what they gathered and told them to go to their respective rooms to await their rewards for their hard work.


  Estelar rubbed his aching muscles. His last mission didn’t seem too tough, at least not compared to his first fights, but the combat still did a number on his body. As he was rubbing a particularly nasty ache out of his calf, there was a knock on his door.

  “Come in,” Estelar said.

  The door opened and Tatarna peeked her head in. The elf waved her in and she shut the door behind her and came over to the bed.

  “How’s it going?” Tatarna said.

  “Other than the fact that my body aches like hell, I’m great. How’s things with you?”

  Tatarna shrugged. “Same old boring thing as before. Larkin has me on a route with some guy robbing hapless wanderers. I’m doing good but it isn’t much of a challenge. After I robbed one guy he offered me his breastplate if I would do him.”

  The elf laughed. “Seriously? That’s crazy.”

  “Not as crazy as you’d think. He probably had a feline girl fetish. Since Unexplored is a really open world where you can have se
x, you have a lot of players that play because they have different sorts of fetishes.”

  “I guess that makes sense. One reason I played this game was because I wanted to hookup with hot women. I know how bad that sounds.”

  The felinoid shrugged. “It’s why a lot of us are here. Do you have any fetishes?”

  Estelar looked up at Tatarna. There was a hopeful look on her face. He looked away and twiddled his thumbs. “I don’t know. I really haven’t had a chance to think about it. I haven’t, uh, had the opportunity to explore.”

  Tatarna rested a hand on his elbow. “Hey it’s no sweat, just a question. You remember last time when I asked if you wanted to try weird stuff?”

  “I do. What that what the fetish question was about?”

  “Yes, I was wondering if you’d try something with me.”

  “If it’s not too extreme, I’ll do it. I don’t think I’d be into peeing on you or anything.”

  Tatarna laughed. “No, eww. I was thinking something along the lines of this.”

  The feline reached in a small satchel and pulled out a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs.

  “You want me to put those on?” Estelar said.

  “No,” the tiger girl said through a giggle, “I want you to put them on me.”

  He saw himself cuffing the tiger girl’s hands behind her back, forcing her on the bed, holding her in place while he railed her from behind.

  His cock grew stiff, uncomfortably stiff.

  He took the cuffs from the woman and ran a finger through the soft fabric. There was hard metal beneath to keep a person’s hands bound.

  Estelar smiled. “The thought is definitely not unpleasant.”

  Tatarna turned away from him and rested her hands on the small of her back. “Well, why don’t you do it?”

  The elf did so and made sure they were nice and tight. He pulled back on them and Tatarna moaned. Estelar’s heart jumped in his chest.

  “What do you think?” Tatarna said.


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