Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle)

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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle) Page 8

by Alara Branwen

  “I think this is making me uncomfortably aroused.” Estelar said.

  “We need to do something about that then. Take off my clothes.”

  Estlear removed Tatarna’s red halter top and tight blue breeches. She wore no panties. Her pink pussy was exposed to the wind. She got up on the bed and leaned down, exposing herself to him.

  The elf removed his clothing and his tongue was soon exploring her womanhood. He curled his tongue along her quivering labia. The soft touch of his slippery tongue brought moisture to the young woman’s pussy.

  Estelar stopped when she was nice and wet. He stood and pulled back on the pink furred cuffs that bound Tatarna’s wrists behind her back. The tiger girl arched her back up toward the elf.

  He pressed his hardened member into her and reached around to fondle her massive breasts. She was completely submissive to his movements, moving her body to comply with his gropes and tugs.

  He was controlling her and she couldn’t do much about it. The thought sent a river of electricity through his veins. He pumped his member into her, keeping a firm grip on the cuffs. He pounded her beautiful ass from the back, relishing the feeling of her ribbed walls squeezing around his cock as he rammed it into her.

  The elf twisted Tatarna’s left nipple with his fingers. His digits pinched the sensitive skin and he tugged back on the cuffs again, just a little bit, to cause the briefest sensations of pain.

  The tiger woman responded by gyrating her hips and pressing back into his invading member. She tried to lean forward to give the elf better access to her nether region, but he pulled her back up.

  “Did I tell you to lean forward,” Estelar said between pants. He surprised himself. Where did that come from?

  “No, my lord,” Tatarna said. Hearing himself being called lord made his member jump inside the Tiger girl’s muggy pussy.

  Estelar reared back and slammed his member as hard as he could into her wet cunt. There was a loud slap and the Tiger girl cried out. He pulled back and pumped in again.

  “If - you - do - that - again - I’ll - stop - is - that - what - you - want?” Estelar punctuated each word with a heavy thrust of his hips. His lips and body were moving on their own. He was going to dominate her and she would do exactly what he said. This feeling of controlling someone was alien to him, but he was really enjoying it.

  “No, my lord,” Tatarna called out, her gasps echoed around the stone room.

  “Okay, now if you’re a good kitty, I’ll give it to you in that special way.”

  Tatarna looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes large. “Give it to me the special way.”

  Estelar laid a hand across her ass, leaving a very bright red mark beneath the orange and black striped fur.

  “What did you say?” The elf said.

  “Please give it to me the special way, my lord.”

  “That’s what I thought you said.”

  Estelar angled his hips upward and slid his swollen mushroom tipped head along the top of her vaginal wall. It moved slowly, teasing the moist flesh within until he reached a very ribbed and slightly-rough area. The elf rubbed his cock over the small spot and Tatarna’s body spasmed.

  The elf smiled and began to vigorously rub the spot with the head of his member. The tiger girl’s body jittered as he stimulated the small area. Once Estelar had her revved up, he started getting creative, moving his hips in small circles and wiggling the head against the tender flesh.

  Tatarna’s body moved almost uncontrollably. The unbridled excitement passing through her body seemed like it was unbearable. Her pussy clenched tightly around Estelar’s member as she violently orgasmed on his cock.

  The elf didn’t stop, using the tiger girl’s heightened state to further tease her. The purple head relentlessly persisted in its pleasure assault on Tatarna’s honey box. She orgasmed again, girl cum drooling from her opening and down the backside of Estelar’s thrumming cock.

  Tatarna screamed out and tried to press her head into the bed but Estelar held the cuffs, keeping her firmly in place.

  The tiger girl was wild, strong, and difficult to control, just like the world of Unexplored was. However, with the right techniques, it was easy to keep hold of the reins and reap the rewards of your efforts.

  It was the first time in a while that Estelar truly felt like he was in control of his life. There were times in the real world where he felt like he was in control, but that was just a facade. It was always the forces around him that dictated his life, he was just too naive to see it.

  Well, it wasn’t that way anymore. This was not a tale of make believe. He truly had control this time and he wasn’t going to relinquish it.

  Tatarna screamed as she orgasmed yet another time on his cock. As her body rumbled through her orgasm, Estelar pistoned his cock into her pink and pulsating pussy. Every slap sent the tiger girl’s ass to jiggling. He squeezed her hips and his partner moaned.

  That’s right, I’m the one in control. Estelar thought to himself. I am the one that will dictate what goes on with anything involving me and will be the one to reap the rewards of my effort.

  The elf’s thrust reached a powerful crescendo. Sweat formed on his smooth body and turbulent explosions of tingles went through his body. He gritted his teeth as he watched the small movements Tatarna’s tail made. The little twitches and jerks signalled to him the pleasure he gave her. From the way it violently jerked, he knew he was driving her wild.

  Estelar thrust with all of his might, bringing himself to the very edge of excitement. He pulled back on the cuffs and roughly grabbed one of her pillowy breasts. His mind blanked and he pushed his member deeply into her.

  Cum gushed from his searing cock. Tatarna’s pussy spasmed around him again, and his brain buzzed through the intense torrent of excitement. He held her there for several seconds and then released her. She fell on the bed, panting.

  Estelar unfastened the cuffs and Tatarna rolled on her back, smiling at him.

  “How was that?” Tatarna said.

  “That was, I don’t really know how to put it, amazing. That feeling I - was that strange? It didn’t even feel like it was me doing all of that.”

  “It certainly is a different kind of feeling,” Tatarna gave him a wanton look, “one you took to really well.”

  “There’s no doubt, I did like it. Did you enjoy yourself?” the elf asked.

  “Of course, that was intense.”

  “I wish I could do something like that in real life. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything like that in the real world,” Estelar said.

  “You can, but it can be hard to find,” Tatarna said. “If you really liked that, maybe you should look into BDSM.”

  “Like the leather, hot wax, and all the weird racks and stuff?”

  “You don’t have to go that far into it. Handcuffs, blindfolds, and paddles, and maybe whips and ropeplay if you want to go in a little deeper. You don’t have to go whole hog, in fact you shouldn’t if you’re new.”

  “I’ve seen a little of that stuff and I don’t know if I would be good at it,”

  “That’s the nice thing about VR, it makes you awesome at everything you do, that’s why people like it so much.”

  “What got you into handcuffs and whatever else?”

  “It all started when I was in academy.”


  “Police academy. All my life I had to be tough. Well this one day a buddy of mine and I went home after a few beers and we were gonna - I’m sure you can figure it out. He takes out his handcuffs after a bit and asks if I want to have a little fun. I was drunk and didn’t give a shit, so I was like, sure.

  “He slapped em on and started doing his thing. While I was laying there, even though I was super drunk, I remember feeling free. I’m pretty tough. I have to be. I spent all my life in control of myself and my surroundings. But at that moment, I let go. I felt free for the first time in my life. It was,” the felinoid shivered, “damn, I’m getting wet jus
t thinking about it.”

  The elf nodded just as there was a knock on the door. Estelar commanded the door to open and the tall orc woman who healed his broken jaw, Durga, entered the chamber holding a small slip of parchment.

  “Hey Estelar, Larkin said he wanted me to give this to you.”

  She handed him the parchment. It was a letter of credit for fifty gold pieces.

  “He said it is a reward for work well done. Must be nice to have that kind of money,” Durga said.

  Estelar put the slip of parchment in a drawer with others he received. “Yeah, I don’t know what prompted him to give me that much. I don’t think Padwin and I are bringing in that much coin to the guild.”

  Durga shrugged. “He also told me he wants to see you, me, Tatarna, and Padwin, and Poppy. Poppy and Padwin are already on their way.”

  Estelar recognized Poppy as the halfling who cured Padwin a few days ago. He nodded and readied himself for a meeting with the guild master.


  Estelar, Padwin, Tatarna, Durga and Poppy sat in the waiting room while Serena retrieved Larkin. They all talked amongst each other until the guildmaster arrived. The magic user had his hood over his head and robes drawn about him. An aura of cold permeated from his robes and the other people in the room shivered.

  “Pardon the frigid temperatures. I was performing some experiments and I had a misfire. Anyway, I wanted to summon Estelar and Padwin here to congratulate them on their recent successes. Their escapades have brought in quite a bit of coin and some new members to the guild. On top of this, other teams of highwaymen I’ve sent out have used their tactics and have also been bringing in a great deal of coin. I gave you a small bit of gold as a way of saying thanks. I hope the reward met your satisfaction.”

  Padwin and Estelar quickly nodded and Larkin continued.

  “We have been so successful that I have decided to increase our operations. I’ve started assembling larger teams of highwaymen and women to carry out larger robberies. Tatarna, Durga, and Poppy, I summoned you here to let you know that you will be teaming with Estelar and Padwin on their next mission. Do the three of you have any objections?”

  The three women gave the men sultry looks that sent a surge of blood to their brains and other, less thinking heads.

  “We have no objections,” Tatarna said with a purr.

  “Excellent. I’m assigning you to travel along the road leading to the city of Caspadel. Unlike the first time when I sent Padwin and Estelar out alone, I want you to combat any resistance you come across. Fight with every ounce of strength you have. If you get overwhelmed, go ahead and run, but only if that means coming away with some loot. Also, allow some to survive the attack. Do you all understand your instructions?”

  Estelar thought the last instruction was strange. Wouldn’t they want to kill everyone so that no one could describe their attackers? The elf brought up this point but Larkin held up a hand.

  “Everything I do has a purpose, I can assure you. Now, any more questions?”

  The five Crimson Warriors showed concern but there were no more questions. Larkin released them and they began their mission.

  They all retrieved their horses from the stables and travelled off. As they rode, they discussed their battle plans. The flat plains around Caspadel would make it difficult to set up an ambush or to fight at an advantage on foot. If they wanted to strike effectively they would have to remain on horseback.

  This worried Estelar and Padwin, since they had little experience fighting on horseback. However, the women assured them it was something the designers had programmed into the game to be easy for players to do.

  The group wore masks to hide their faces, but nothing to hide their dark red armor. Larkin wanted those they robbed to know his guild caused the attack, but not exactly who.

  They passed a few lone travellers before they came to a caravan containing five wagons. Estelar turned to his other party members. “Attack?” he mouthed to them.

  Tatarna shook her head and rode up beside him. “This would be a bad target. Take a look at some of the guards walking along with the caravan.”

  Estelar watched them move. He didn’t really notice anything out of the ordinary and expressed this.

  “Precisely. Those guards are players, like we are. I have a little bit of experience messing with caravans and the weakest ones are the ones with NPC guards.”

  The elf nodded and they continued on for another mile until they found a small caravan with three wagons. Estelar surveyed a few people on foot and picked out the ones wearing armor. Their movements were a bit stiff and they seemed very focused, too focused, on the road. There were three men and women in chainmail riding horses. They scouted ahead of the wagon. They would go a certain distance from the small wagon train, but no more or less. Very peculiar behavior, one he would expect from a computer.

  He turned to the tiger woman and she nodded.

  “How are we going to do this?” Estelar said.

  “You and Padwin go to the back and take the guard riding behind the caravan. You leave the rest to us girls. When I give you the signal, attack the guard at the back.”

  They reiterated the plan to each other. Estelar and Padwin rode ahead while the three women stayed back.

  Estelar kept his eyes surreptitiously behind him while he was riding forward. He threw a glance at the guards and they continued to look ahead. When he and Padwin were fifty feet away from the guard riding at the back, Tatarna threw up her hand.

  Elf and human raced toward the black bearded human on horseback, arming their swords and moving in for a slash.

  “We’re under attack,” the bearded man screamed.

  The drivers stopped and the guards spread around the wagons. The guard on horseback brought his mount around and rode off to the side as the two other guards jumped in the back of the wagon and held up crossbows. Padwin motioned toward the guards in the wagon and to himself. He leapt off the side of the horse toward the wagon.

  The guards fired their crossbows. Padwin flourished his cloak in front of him in hopes of stopping the bolts. Unfortunately the bolts easily pierced the fabric. One tore through his thigh while the other stuck into the leather armor, lightly piercing his skin.

  Padwin came down atop the guards. His thigh burned as he landed, but he was able to take the pain. He scooted back and quickly stabbed the guards while they tried to draw their weapons. Another guard peeked up from the front of the wagon and fired his crossbow. This one shot clean through his weapon arm.

  The human wailed as the dwarven crossbowman drew his short sword. Padwin staggered out of the back of the wagon and rolled beneath it. The dwarf hopped out and stabbed at Padwin, but the human was able to knock the thrusts aside.

  The blond bearded dwarf grinned, backed up and pointed his crossbow underneath the the wagon. He shot but the bolt landed short of its target. The dwarf reloaded and grinned again. Padwin knew that if he were to emerge from beneath the wagon he would get shot again with another bolt.

  He opened his character screen and saw his hit points slowly depleting. There was nothing he could do. He was trapped. He resigned himself to wait and hope his fellow highwaymen and women were faring better than he was.


  Estelar chased down the mounted guard and soon found himself assailed by a woman in chain mail wielding a bow. She fired at him but missed. Estelar met the first mounted guard and their swords clashed. He was a skilled swordsman and none of the elf’s strike’s connected.

  There was the sound of another arrow striking its target, however it wasn’t at him. He threw a glance over and saw a second arrow shot straight through his black mare’s eye. She tumbled forward and Estelar was forced to leap from the saddle and roll.

  The first guard rode toward him, brandishing his sword. He swung at the elf. Estelar knew if he didn’t do something crazy and get lucky he was going to be overwhelmed by the two guards on horseback. He jumped up and met the rider’s sword with his
own. He reached up to grab the rider and took hold of his pants.

  The guard tried to kick Estelar away but the elf wrapped his arm around the man’s knee. Wind whirled into the elf’s ears as he tucked his legs against his chest. He had to keep his feet from hitting the ground or else they would break from the impact caused by the horse’s speed. He saw the bowwoman aim her weapon but stop, not wanting to possibly hit her ally or his horse.

  The guard tried to strike Estelar with his sword but the the blow was parried. The elf thrust upward and the rider swatted his blow aside. The rider moved forward to do is, just like Estelar had wanted him to.

  In one motion, Estelar dropped his sword and latched onto the guard’s sword wrist. He planted his feet against the running horse’s stomach and yanked backward. The man wrestled and fought hard to keep himself in the stirrups. He succeeded and the elf decided to use the human himself as leverage to get on the horse behind him.

  The guard fought to get his sword arm free but Estelar managed to keep a firm grasp on it. Not knowing what else to do, the elf relied on his past love of wrestling to figure out what to do next. He quickly placed his arm around the man’s neck and the other beneath his sword arm to applied pressure.

  The hold, a Sleeper, cut off oxygen to the brain. The man tried to strike with the sword or fight him off, but Estelar held firm. After what seemed like an eternity, the guard passed out and dropped his sword.

  Your skill with unarmed combat has increased to 1!

  The bow woman chased after Estelar, firing arrows. He rode toward the wagons, keeping low on the horse so he wouldn’t get hit. When he rode toward the last wagon, he saw a blond headed figure aiming a crossbow at the bottom of the wagon. He saw some movement under the wagon and he knew who it probably was.

  Estelar rode head first toward the crossbow wielder. The dwarf panicked and fired his crossbow skyward. He dodged to the side to avoid the horse. Unfortunately for him he fell close to where Padwin lay. The dwarf’s life was soon ended when a sword penetrated his skull.


  The highwaywomen had little trouble dispatching any foes that were out in the open. Tatarna and Durga used Javelins to deadly effect and killed a few guards.The halfling leapt off her pony and killed the driver in the front wagon. She then used throwing daggers to end the life of a crossbowman behind him.


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