Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle)

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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle) Page 9

by Alara Branwen

  Poppy dodged a crossbow bolt fired by the nervous driver in the second wagon. She leapt atop a horse and then onto the seat beside the driver. He tried to kick her but she grabbed his foot and stabbed him in the calf. He fell to the side and she quickly grabbed his collar and held a knife to his neck. She told the two guards in the wagon to drop their crossbows or she’d kill their master, and they complied.


  When Estelar rounded the turn, he saw several dead guards with javelins sticking out of their bodies. He spurred his new mount, a muddy brown horse, forward as behind him, the bow wielder came and nocked an arrow. Tatarna and Durga saw her and launched two javelins at a great distance. The bowwoman fired her bow and missed Estelar by inches. However, the javelins both slammed into the woman’s chest and she fell to the ground.

  After the remaining resistance was quashed, the party filled several bags with coin and trade goods while the surviving caravaneers stayed out of the way. When all was done, the horses that the caravaneers didn’t need were cut from their reins and carried with the party. The survivors of the attack piled into one wagon and limped on toward Caspadel.


  Padwin’s face was ashen when he they rode into Shumpet. The women agreed to take care of the extra horses and the stolen items while Estelar took his friend into the guild house. Again, no questions were asked as he drug the wounded human to Larkin’s waiting room. There were many people sitting in the guild common room, more than when they were last there. However, like last time when his friend was severely wounded, no help was given.

  Larkin greeted the two when they came in and had Serena dress Padwin’s wounds. Fifteen minutes later the tiger woman, orc, and halfling came in. Once the wounded human was taken care of, the group relayed the story of their success to the guild master, and the loot they gathered. He was pleased.

  “Excellent, I am sure that they’ll be telling the tale of how bandits in crimson armor robbed a caravan. I’ll get all that crap and the horses you stole sold and will be giving you your share. Until then, I want you all to go have fun. You will all be given another difficult mission soon, so you should take the time to blow off as much steam as you can.”

  Larkin and Serena began organizing the items from the caravan raid while the five party members left the room.

  “You guys want to hang out for a bit?” Durga said.

  “I don’t have to log for a couple of hours so let’s go do something,” Poppy said.

  “Like what?” Padwin said.

  Tatarna grinned mischievously. “I have an idea. Estelar, do you mind if we use your room?”

  The elf liked where this was going and said that he didn’t have a problem.


  Several empty mugs that once held mead were scattered on the furniture and on the floor of Estelar’s room. Padwin sat in a chair while Durga wiggled her muscled ass in front of his lap. The large human smiled as he watched her, an obvious boner tenting his pants.

  Estelar pressed his lips against the Tiger female’s lips. They parted and their tongues tussled. The elf’s hands stroked down the front of the brown dress the halfling wore. One hand stopped and groped her prolific breasts while the other slipped up her dress and gently grasped the crotch of her panties.

  Poppy giggled and raised her dress. She ground her crotch into the elf’s exploring hand while her butt wiggled on his swollen member. Estelar rubbed his two forefingers against her panties until a wet stain appeared on the thin cotton. The halfling took his hands and placed his fingers inside. This tips of his digits ran across her moist labia and then pushed upward and rapidly ran across her clit.

  She squealed and her body shuddered as the elf’s fingers brought jubilant pleasure coursing through her body. More wetness oozed from her pussy lips and was caught by Estelar’s hand. He pressed the flat of his palm against her cunt and spread the moisture over her womanhood.

  Tatarna took Estelar’s hand and placed in her black panties. His fingers rubbed across the smooth pick labia as fur from her crotch tickled his knuckles. He made several smooth, fluid motions until moisture began to flow from her snatch. The elf buried his fingers inside her to the knuckle while his thumb reached up and pleasured her clit.

  Both women shuddered and gasped as their senses were slowly overtaken by lust. Their eyes were on Padwin and Durga, who had removed their clothing. The orc sat on the human’s lap, his member buried into her while she rocked her hips. The other two women licked their lips and Estelar could sense their desire.

  He was on the brink of absolute excitement as well. He remembered what it felt like being in that strong woman, and the view of her strong back made it impossible not to be in one of the women himself. Estelar removed his clothing and the other two women did also. Poppy took hold of the elf’s large cock and stroked it.

  “You know, I’ve never had this inside of me.”

  “We should remedy that,” the elf said.

  Poppy got went to all fours on the bed and the elf stood up. The halfling pushed her ass up in the air and spread her cheeks wide. Estelar took the purple head of his member, spreading her moisture and getting a little on the tip. The little woman shuddered and looked back at him with large, pleading eyes.

  Estelar shoved his cock into Poppy’s wet pussy. The soft, warm flesh yielded to his heated rod. There was a squishing sound as his member invaded the soft tissue inside of her. The elf’s slender hands explored her chubby little body as his member pounded into her. Her skin was pillowy. He leaned in and kissed down her spine, making the small woman shiver.

  The elf felt a finger poke into his shoulder and saw Tatarna with a mock exasperated expression.

  “Hey, don’t forget about me,” she said.

  Estelar thrust into the halfling and grunted. “Get on the bed.”

  Tatarna did as she was commanded and the elf motioned for her to put her legs on his shoulders, holding herself on the bed above Poppy. She did so, lifting her ass into the air with her knees on his shoulders to hold herself up, and he leaned in to bury his head in her crotch. His lithe tongue slid across the tiger girl’s soaked womanhood, gliding over the soft pink skin and teasing the sensitive flesh with the occasional prod and wiggle.

  The tip of his tongue found the little nub on top of her cunt and burrowed into it. He worked the tip of his agile appendage in a small drilling motion. Tatarna’s thighs clenched around the elf’s head as he unleashed a torrent of pleasure with his tongue. When he was finished he plunged into the moist depths of her snatch. Estelar massaged her vaginal walls, basking in their sweltering heat, lapping up the tangy sweetness inside.

  Estelar’s thrusting into the halfling slowly grew in tempo while his tongue explored the tiger girl’s torrid cavern. He raked his tongue along the walls with as much force as he could manage, exerting as much pleasure into her as possible.

  After a few minutes Tatarna called out to Padwin and Durga. “Hey, we can’t have a party without everyone. Why don’t you join us?”

  Human and orc rose from the chair and walked over to where the other three were. Tatarna lowered herself to the bed and walked over to run a furred hand over Padwin’s member.

  “I’ve had your friend’s tongue inside of me, but I want something longer.”

  Padwin nodded and gathered Tatarna in his arms.

  “Wait, before we begin there is something I want to try. I brought some stuff and put it on Estelar’s dresser, could you get it?”

  Padwin did as he was asked and found a small collection of of light bondage equipment. They’d been brought by the tiger girl to be used in between missions.

  “Get the cuffs and blindfolds.” Tatarna said and looked at the others in the room. “Anyone else want to try it?”

  Poppy was game but Durga wasn’t interested. Blindfolds and handcuffs were placed on the tiger girl and halfling.

  The halfling wiggled in Estelar’s grasp. “I don’t know why but this feels kinda scary. I like it.”

/>   The elf picked the halfling up off the floor and gripped her hips as he continued to plow her wet pussy. The feeling of his partner being helpless was thrilling, more thrilling than it was before. He was really getting used to the kink the tiger girl introduced him to. Padwin guided Tatarna to the floor. The tiger girl rose on her hands and knees and the human began to take her from behind as well.

  Durga walked in front of the tiger girl and Poppy. Estelar placed one arm around the halfling’s stomach. He pulled back on the fluffy pink cuffs and she raised her head. Padwin did the same and Tatarna responded by lifting her head. The lips of the two bound women were guided to Durga’s pussy.

  Poppy and Taturna’s tongues flicked from their mouths and tasted the juicy heat of the offered womanhood. They tasted again, this time lingering longer on the winking labia. They painted over the flesh with their tongues, each taking different sections. Their wet appendages combed over the orc woman’s clit, eliciting and little moan from the powerful female.

  The roughness of the tiger woman’s tongue brought heavy shudders from the orc, and the small and smooth tongue of the halfling pinpointed pleasure centers that brought Durga to a wider stance.

  The bound womens’ wet and excitable appendages lashed and caressed the light green pussy lips in front of them. They occasionally dove in, and plumbed the soft and spongy depths. Their tongues occasionally came together, leading them to tussle and sometimes share a girl cum soaked kiss.

  Estelar and Padwin slammed away behind the women. The pulled the cuffs or sometimes laid a heavy smack across their exposed asses. They were rewarded with small yips and moans that drove them to pound more heavily into the women.

  Pleasure flowed through their bodies. Galloping shockwaves of electricity bounded from Durga’s pussy, through the other two women and into Padwin and Estelar. They felt their excitement separately, yet together. As they moved their worlds melded slowly into one. Their consciousnesses touching and forming a plane where nothing else existed but bright, formless, pulsating lust.

  Padwin felt his body shudder and Estelar’s orgasm shook him soon after. Both men called out and unleashed their seed into Tatarna and Poppy. Feeling the thick ropes of cum shooting into them sent the women over the edge, both powerfully orgasming on the men’s dicks.

  Poppy and Tatarna’s licks on Durga’s pussy became more impassioned. Their tongues moved at a feverish pace over the orc’s womanhood. She could not withstand the lashing assault and clear cum squirted from her pussy onto the blindfolded faces of the two women.

  All five of them stood, not able to move, their spirits still floating in the void of their union. It lasted for several seconds until their thoughts returned to them. They all drug themselves to Estelar’s bed and cuddled together, recovering from the intense excitement that still coursed through them.


  Seven more caravan attacks on the road to Caspadel yielded the same results. The fights were difficult, some of the members of their raiding party had to be brought back and healed by various methods, but they were all successful.

  The party of five brought in a surprising amount of coin for the guild and Larkin was happy to reward the group for their efforts. There were also more members coming into the guild.

  Estelar’s skill and level increased with each raid. He was at level 10 now and his skill with a sword was 7. He was extremely excited as he watched his stats increased. He was becoming a formidable warrior, as was Padwin.

  Because of the bow woman on horseback, Estelar purchased his own bow to make himself more effective during the raids. He’d increased his skill with it to 3 in the short time he used it. Padwin bought a repeating crossbow to use and was getting good at loading and firing it on a moving horse.

  The party rode along the main road to Caspadel calmly as they kept their eyes open for another trading caravan. They were no longer too particular in the caravans they attacked; as long as it didn’t have too many guards, it was fair game. After the first couple of attacks, the advantage of attacking primarily computer controlled caravans was nullified by the fact that they started using players as guards. Either that, or the NPCs evolved and got smarter or they were programmed better.

  Estelar wore a wide smile beneath his red bandana. Things had only gotten better since he joined the guild. The booze and women flowed at a rate that he could barely keep up with. Not only did he enjoy the company of his fellow highwaywomen but he was also brought several NPC women who were happy to engage in some of the more extraordinary facets of his desires.

  Life in Unexplored could be better, but the elf was at a loss to figure out how. Maybe running his own guild or mercenary company would give him more prestige and money, but that would require much more work. He was content with what he had, and that was something he hadn’t been able to say to himself for a long time.

  “Caravan ahead.” Durga pointed toward the horizon.

  Estelar squinted and saw a small procession of wagons coming their way. There were five in this one, and from what he could see, they weren’t heavily guarded. The elf learned from Larkin that more guards were being hired by caravans because of the attacks, but the danger caused their prices to skyrocket. Maybe the caravan master was cheap or he wasn’t making enough money to hire decent protection. But whatever the reason, they were an easy target.

  Estelar and Padwin rode ahead and attempted to pass the caravan. Like the other times, the group's strategy was for the women to attack from the front while the men took the back. It worked most times, but the caravans were getting smarter, and the last two attacks had seen Padwin and Estelar immediately attacked on sight.

  It didn’t happen with this caravan, however. The elf and human rode by the caravan unaccosted. Some of the guards even waved to them. Perhaps this caravan was full of new players, or maybe they were dumb.

  The two men took their position behind the caravan and casually stretched their arms, a signal that they were ready for an attack. Screams came from the lead wagon and it was brought to a stop. He turned and his three party members were at the front, throwing javelins at the guards.

  Padwin sprang into action. He rode toward one of the guards with the crossbow and cut him down with a sword. He drew his crossbow and felled another attempting to fire an arrow at him.

  Estelar fired two arrows at the charging minotaur in leather armor. They struck the large male in the chest and didn’t slow him. He pulled back a third arrow and fired. Before the man-bull could reach his position the missile struck him through the eye. He fell to the ground, dropping his two-handed battle hammer.

  You made it to Level 11!

  Your skill with bows has increased to 4!

  The elf rode in a half circle firing arrows at guards, hitting one here and there, weakening the caravan’s defenses. The guards fired back at him, but all missiles missed their mark.

  A guard on horseback charged at Estelar. He crossed the elf’s path and brought a large claymore around to slice the elf’s head off. Estelar drew his sword and brought it up to block it. The weapon had a great deal of force behind it and he was knocked back in his saddle. The mounted guard brought his horse around and attempted another swing at the elf’s back. He ducked forward but the sword managed to connect with his shoulder.

  Estelar Lvl. 11

  HP: 80% (-20%)

  Stamina: 94%



  A shower of pain crashed through his body. The elf pulled his feet from the stirrup and threw himself off his of horse before the guard had a chance to hit him again.

  His wounded shoulder connected with the ground and another shower of pain entered his body.

  Estelar Lvl. 11

  HP: 75% (-5%)

  Stamina 94%



  The guard came around and lifted his sword for another strike. Estelar cursed to himself. That was one thing he should have gotten, a shield. The elf rolled to the side and dodged the blow. A
nother came his way. He swayed back and jumped to his feet.

  Estelar managed to set himself by the time the guard came around for another attack. He had once chance to beat this mounted guard, he just had to wait for the right moment. When the guard brought his sword around in a backward arch he saw his chance. The elf jumped up and forward three feet in the air, a feat he could only achieve in the game.

  He quickly thrust his sword forward and caught the guard’s unprotected neck. The guard paused mid swing and sputtered blood. His horse trotted forward a few feet and the wounded guard fell to the ground dead. His body faded and a blue flame rose to the sky.

  Your skill with swords increased to 8!

  Estelar closed the screen and turned toward the battle. The caravan guards were holding up well but his party was slowly picking them off. Pretty soon the booty would be theirs for the taking. The caravan drivers were not attempting to drive away. He guessed his friends managed to kill them off or find a way to pacify them.

  He walked toward his horse when he heard a scream behind him. He turned to see a dwarven female with dark hair in brown, studded leather. Her shoulders were broad and face a bit pudgy, but she had beautiful sunset gold eyes and womanly features that gave her a ferocious beauty. She ran toward him with her two handed axe over her head.

  She launched her body at the elf and he stepped aside, dodging the axe by several inches. She planted her feet into the ground and swung. Estelar hopped back and was missed wide. The dwarf took several more swings, all missing wide. It didn’t take the elf very long to come to the conclusion that her skill with the axe wasn’t that high.

  The dwarf took wide arching swings that she placed all of her strength into. This made her attacks extremely clumsy and slow. If she was wielding a smaller weapon, Estelar knew he could work his way inside and counterattack, but the strength of her blows and the size of her weapon made that impossible. So he contented himself with dodging and sidestepping her strikes, waiting for the right opportunity to land a killing blow.


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