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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle)

Page 18

by Alara Branwen

  Estelar tapped his cheek and swallowed the final spoonful of his soup. Working as a guard wouldn’t be too bad. It wasn’t as exciting as mob bashing and he wouldn’t be going out to find lost treasures, but it was pretty safe. He could put his magic to use “keeping away weirdos” from Fonwilsia’s merchant stall and might even be able to build his ranks back up in his lost melee skills. Eventually he would be back to where he was and would be able to go out and adventure again. He could probably convince Fonwilsia to go with him.

  Yeah, this was going to be awesome. He could spend his time hanging out with someone who would actually want him around for his company and earn a little coin doing it. Estelar took the final swig of his ale and smiled. His apprehensions were gone, and he felt invigorated.

  “Now that sounds like a plan,” Estelar smiled.

  “Which one? Guarding my stall?” Fonwilsia said.


  “I warn you it probably won’t be that exciting. Also, guards probably don’t make nearly as much as you did in the guild.”

  Estelar shrugged. “I’ve had my share of exciting, and it sucked. It’ll be fun to take it easy for a while. As long as you pay me enough to score some ale, I’ll be happy.”

  Fonwilsia smiled and slapped him on the back. “Then we’ll start today, or rather tomorrow. Sounds like you went through a lot today with that Padwin guy and all.”

  The elf nodded. “I think I’m gonna log and come back tomorrow.”

  The dwarf looked a bit disappointed. “You are? I was hoping you could stick around, at least for a little bit, there was something I wanted to show you.”

  “Sure, I’ll hang around for a bit. But I’m not really up for any excitement.”

  Fonwilsia left some coins on the counter and drug her wheeled red case upstairs. Estelar followed her to a room on the end of the second floor hall. She opened it and the elf’s eyes went wide.

  There was a large assortment of whips and bonds hanging on the walls. In a corner, next to the wash basin, was a large paddle with a few holes drilled into it. The bed had black sheets. Estelar walked in and ran his fingertips across them. He smiled when he felt cool and smooth leather.

  Fonwilsia closed the door and locked it behind him. She smiled nervously. “What do you think?”

  The elf turned to her and grinned. “I love it. Seems you have a taste for BDSM.”

  “Yep, have ever since I can remember. I used my profits from the potions business to invest in a few fun things for myself. I wasn’t sure what you’d think of all this stuff. You mentioned sadism before so I thought I’d show this to you. A couple of guys I showed this to freaked out and left.”

  “You have to be careful who you introduce this stuff to. I think it’s kind of interesting, but there are a lot of folks that are just plain prudes.”

  “I don’t know anybody in real life who likes all this. I’m not really into the heavy stuff, at least not yet. Just your usual handcuffs and horse crops. I really would like to try one of those harnesses that suspends you from the ground, or maybe a Saint Andrew’s Cross, an X-frame you strap people to.”

  “You really seem to know this stuff.”

  Fonwilsia shrugged. “I like what I like.”

  “I don’t have any experience with it.”

  “Want to do some of it with me?”

  The elf’s eyebrows shot up.

  Fonwilsia closed the distance between them. “I feel like I owe you for sparing me during that bandit attack. I figured this is the best way to pay you back.”

  Estelar smiled and shook his head. “You don’t owe me anything.”

  “But I want to owe you something.” Fonwilsia wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed the elf’s stomach through his tunic. “I think it would be a lot of fun.”

  Estelar brushed his fingers through her thick hair as his member grew firm. He looked at her impressive collection on the walls and smiled. “I think it would be fun as well.”


  The leather cord that bound Fonwilsia’s wrists behind her back were tight. Estelar made the knot that held it tight enough so she couldn’t break the bond, yet loose enough so it wouldn’t dig into her skin. The dwarf looked back at him and smiled.

  “You comfortable?” Estelar said, removing his tunic and tossing it to the floor.

  Fonwilsia nodded and rested her torso on the bed, her legs dangling off the side. The elf raised the hem of the dwarf’s dress and pulled it over her waist. He pressed the pads of his fingers over the soft fabric of her cotton panties. Her hips were wide and her ass was plump and supple beneath the constricting fabric. The dwarf pressed her ass into his hands and he gently squeezed.

  The dwarf moaned and wiggled her heart shaped rear. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

  The elf swatted her butt and Fonwilsia giggled. “Be patient. I’m admiring your ass.”

  “Don’t take too long. My ass wants you to do other things to it besides look at it.”

  Estelar stepped over to the corner and picked up the paddle. He swung it through the air a couple of times and listened to the air whistle through the holes. The sound made the dwarf shudder.

  “You’re going to start with the paddle?” Fonwilsia said.

  The elf answered by walking back over to her and lightly swatting her with it.

  “Of course, you’ve been bad and need to be punished,” Estelar said.

  Fonwilsia wiggled her ass. “I’ve been worse than that.”

  Estelar laid a harder smack across her cheeks and they clenched inside of her panties. She cried out and he swatted her again.

  “That’s more like it,” Fonwilsia said.

  The elf smacked her harder, enough to make her jump. “Bad girls don’t get to talk.”

  “What about the ones that want it worse?”

  The paddle connected even harder with her rear and Fonwilsia moaned.

  “Then they stay silent or their punishment stops.”

  Fonwilisa pressed her body against the straw mattress on her bed and raised her butt as far in the air as she could. Estelar felt over the large globes with his hands before swatting her ass again.

  He struck one cheek and then another, making sure to divide his attention to both cheeks equally. After five strikes on each cheek he reached between the dwarf’s thighs and rubbed the cotton covering her crotch. It was moist.

  The elf pulled her panties off, revealing dark red marks across her ass cheeks. He brushed his fingertips over her labia. They were warm and wet. Moisture accumulated on his fingers. He sat on the bed beside Fonwilsia and placed the damp fingers in front of her face.

  “My God you are so filthy. Spanking your ass with that paddle made you all wet,” Estelar said.

  The dwarf craned her neck upward and wrapped her lips around the fingers. She slowly bobbed her head down on them for a few minutes, making sure to take in her sweet juices from his skin before pulling away.

  “Let’s see if your mouth is as good on something other than my fingers.”

  Without a word Fonwilsia reached over and gripped the waist of Estelar’s breeches with her teeth and pulled them forward to his knees. She slid over and kissed over his cod piece, straining to hold his throbbing erection.

  Her plush lips felt exquisite on his member. Even through the fabric of his codpiece, she still managed to pleasure him. The black fabric grew damp and his cock jumped. The elf pulled his hips away. If he let her continue, his manhood would leap out.

  “I did not give you permission to do that.”

  Estelar spun Fonwilsia back around to where her legs dangled off the bed. He pulled a horse crop off the wall and moved her dress out of the way to fully expose the reddened cheeks again. The whip made a loud crack as it came down on the ample butt.

  Fonwilsia cried out and a long red line was left in the crop’s wake. The elf brought it down two more times and created a bright red V across her cheeks.

  “If you do anything again without my permission, I
will stop all of this.”

  Fonwilsia nodded and looked back at the elf pleadingly.

  Estelar placed the crop on the floor and brushed his fingertips across her ass. Fonwilsia winced from the pain but shuddered under his touch. She widened her legs to display her dripping sex to the elf. He leaned in and slid his tongue over it. She had a very sweet taste. Her nectar coated his tongue and sent his senses into hyperdrive.

  The elf ran his tongue along the length of her pussy, stopping to prod and curl the tip at certain points. Fonwilsia’s body quaked as his tongue travelled along her cunt. Moisture flowed freely from her womanhood and spilled on the elf’s lips. He continued his ministrations, even as her juicy girl cum trailed down his chin.

  Fonwilsia’s body shuddered. Her muscles clenched and her legs closed around Estelar’s head. Her breaths came in short gasps. He knew she was about to cum. He pressed the tip of his tongue against her heated womanhood and gave it one small lick and pulled his head away.

  In a single movement the elf wiped his chin and spun the dwarf around to face him. She looked a bit disappointed, but when he lowered his cod piece and revealed his stiff member, she smiled. He lowered it to her face and she looked up at him.

  “You have my permission,” Estelar said.

  Plush lips wrapped themselves around the head of Estelar’s member. Their softness elicited a small moan from him. They slid down the length of his member and pulled back. The elf gripped the woman’s shoulders and stiffened his legs. Euphoria worked through his body as she slid her head down his thrumming rod and it nearly caused him to lose his balance.

  Excitement built in the elf’s body. It began in his fingertips and toes, and scuttled through his arms and legs as a little army of lively tingles. They marched into his stomach and crotch. His heart pounded heavily against his chest as numbness slowly took over his body.

  The little slurping sounds pinged off the elf’s brain. Estelar’s mind buzzed with the sexual excitement. Precum trickled from his member into his partner’s mouth. Every second time she pulled back and would collect the leaking fluids, curling her tongue around his head.

  Fonwilsia’s gentle movements down his member were sending heavy waves of ecstasy into his body. She slurped and moaned over his dick and drove his lust into an unbearable frenzy. He had to take her at that moment, or he would lose himself in the pleasure her mouth created.

  Estelar pulled his member from those luxurious lips and spun the dwarf around. He pressed the head of his cock against her slick womanhood and rammed it in. Fonwilsia’s hair cascaded down her shoulders as she threw her head back. Her mouth opened silently. Her scream was caught in her throat.

  The elf gripped his partner’s wrists and hammered his cock into her velvet pussy. It squeezed around his member, milking and massaging ecstasy into his skin. Their hips crashed together with each thrust and created thunderous claps.

  A hand slid it's way down and squeezed Fonwilsia’s thick hip. A shiver reverberated through the dwarf. Estelar kept a firm grip on the bond holding the dwarf’s wrist together as he slammed his cock into her.

  This was as exciting as it was when he would do it with Tatarna, the elf thought to himself. No, it was better. He was in control, fully in control, not only of the sexy dwarf in front of him, but of his actions as well. The freedom he felt was invigorating. Every nerve in his body surged with electricity.

  He commanded Fonwilsia’s body just as he now commanded his own fate. He would strive for his own goals and pleasures. It was an amazing feeling, probably the best feeling in the world.

  Estlear pistoned his member into Fonwilsia’s sopping pussy. It seemed to grow tighter with each thrust and his movements became faster and more haphazard. His body shuddered each time the sensitive head of his cock came into contact with the back of the dwarf’s vaginal wall. His mind blanked and he let out a small grunt.

  Thick spurts of cum cascaded into the dwarf’s dewy cunt. Fonwilsia’s body shuddered and she uttered a throaty moan. Their bodies held together for several long seconds before they both came down from their orgasms.

  When they were finished they cleaned up using the wash basin and put their clothes back on. They cuddled on the bed, Fonwilsia’s head resting on Estelar’s chest. The elf smiled. He was in control of the things he did now, truly in control, and he was going to make the most of it.


  Together Estelar and Fonwilsia went downstairs. They spent most of the afternoon testing out most of the dwarf’s toys. As a result, she gingerly made her way down the steps in order not to cause her backside any pain.

  When they reached the bottom step they saw a tall man in dark red armor. Estelar’s eyes flew to his shoulder and saw a skull with two swords crossed behind it. It was a Crimson Warrior! The man scowled at the elf.

  “You got a problem?” The leather armored man said.

  Estelar thought the man recognized him for a moment. But after studying his face, the man showed no hint of familiarity.

  “My apologies, sir.”

  The man’s eyes followed the elf and his dwarven counterpart until they sat down, he then turned away and focused on the rest of the room.

  Fonwilsia grimaced when her butt hit her chair. “You did a hell of a number on my ass. I won’t be able to sit for a week.”

  Estelar’s eyes were on the man by the staircase. It took Fonwilsia waving her hand in front of his face to bring his attention back to her.

  “You recognize that guy or something?” Fonwilsia said.

  “No, but I recognize his armor. He’s a member of the Crimson Warriors,” Estelar said.

  “Hmm, I wonder what he’s doing out here?”

  Three more people wearing crimson armor walked through the swinging doors of the tavern. There was another sitting at a table, talking to another patron.

  “There’s more of them.”

  “I wonder what they are doing out in the open? With all the criminal activity you’d think they’d lay low.”

  Estelar remembered back to one of the after mission briefings he and his old party had with Larkin.

  “After orchestrating the caravan robberies and taking out the would be robbers so it would look like we stopped the attack, our guildmaster hired out members of the guild to serve as guards in Caspadel since they were getting hit so hardest by the supposed robberies. I guess these are some of the guards the city hired.”

  “Strange, did he hire them out to any of the other cities?”

  “No, just this one.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. Wouldn’t he want to hire guards out to other cities as well?”

  “We were also hiring soldiers out to guard caravans. Our membership went up a lot since I first joined, but I don’t think the Crimson Warriors have the members to do all that plus hire out to more cities.”

  “If your guildmaster’s goal was to make money, he certainly failed. I’ve spoken to a few players who worked as guards for cities and they are making twice as much as caravan guards.”

  Estelar rested his chin on his fist. “That is odd. Larkin doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who would pass up the opportunity to make more money. I’m sure he had a reason behind it. Have you seen any other Crimson Warriors in the city?”

  Fonwilsia’s brow furrowed. “Now that I think about it, I have. A few days ago I noticed one or two people in that kind of armor, but over the past few days I’ve seen more. Many of them come in with the trade caravans and stick around.”

  “I don’t like the way that sounds.”

  Fonwilsia shrugged. “I don’t either, but it doesn’t concern me. It doesn’t concern you now, either. Just leave him to his twisted schemes and enjoy yourself. You don’t want to get caught up in that guy’s mess again.”

  “I don’t. But I feel partly responsible for it getting as bad as it did. Larkin used my party as a test group for all of his schemes. I was a big reason it started, and if there’s anything I can do I want to do what I can to st
op it.”

  “Do you know what it is that he was trying to do? If I remember correctly, he was being pretty tight lipped with you about everything.”

  Estelar drummed his fingers on the table. What was that twisted bastard doing? From what Larkin said, he made it seem like he had a grand scheme brewing. Larkin seemed like a person that thought ahead, way ahead of everyone else. Everything he did had a purpose. Each step in his carefully crafted plan led directly to the other. If he could piece it all together, maybe he could figure it out.

  He started Estelar and his party out raiding caravans, then graduated to orchestrating the fake robberies. Larkin probably used the money from the caravan robberies to set up the fake ones. He then hired Crimson Warriors out as guards to caravans and to Caspadel. Apparently some of the Crimson Warriors that were guarding the caravans were stopping off in Caspadel to join their brothers in guard duty. Finally, Larkin sent his party to give gifts and open relations to all of the monster tribes in “Monster Plain.” He probably used the money the guild members earned being hired out for guards to finance that operation.

  The elf fit and refit the pieces together, trying to figure out the big picture. He sat for a quarter of an hour, staring off into nothing. Fonwilsia looked at him with a worried expression. She tried to get his attention, but he was too lost in thought. After fiddling with all of the information a lightbulb went off in Estelar’s head. He pounded his fist on the table.

  “That’s it,” Estelar said.

  Several patrons looked his way. He smiled sheepishly and waved at them. When they all went back to what they were doing, Fonwilsia leaned in. “What’s it?”

  “I think I figured out what Larkin is doing.”

  “Care to enlighten me?”

  “Larkin created all that trouble for the caravans so he could hire Crimson Warriors as caravan guards. He hit Caspadel the hardest, so when he offered his guild members as guards, the duke would be more inclined to say yes. He ordered some of the members guarding the caravans to break away from their caravans and take up duty here in the city, increasing the number of Crimson Warriors here.”


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