Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle)

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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle) Page 23

by Alara Branwen

  A boot came down on the back of Estelar’s neck. He didn’t need to turn to see that it was Padwin. With a snarl, Padwin planned to place stab his sword into the elf’s head.

  He was about to bring his sword down when a sword strike came within inches of hitting him. Tatarna, still under the sway of Larkin’s nausea spell, held a hand over her mouth to keep from vomiting and stood over the elf, her sword pointed at Padwin.

  “I’m going to have fun killing you, bitch,” Padwin said as he rushed forward.

  Tatarna used her reflexes to dodge his first two strikes and came in with one of her own. This was knocked aside and answered with a slash from Padwin that connected with the cat girl’s shoulder.

  The pain went through her and she snarled at the armored human. She gripped her weapon with both hands and renewed her attack. Nausea slowed her swings, but she was able to keep up with the equally skilled fighter.

  They encircled each other. They came in for a series of strikes before breaking away. Their steel clashed and danced with each engagement, neither one getting an advantage.

  Tatarna feinted left and struck right. Padwin caught her attack and managed to land a quick cut on her knee. She backed away and the well armored warrior pressed the attack.

  The feline pumped her sword in front of her, fighting off the strong and anger filled attacks made by Padwin. The human slowly took advantage in the fight, scoring small hits on Tatarna’s body.

  The tiger woman struggled to keep up with her opponent. He bore in on her openings and scored several strikes against her. Her movements became desperate and less disciplined. She flailed her sword in front of her and Padwin caught each, returning blows that rattled the woman.

  Estlear saw the fight and knew he had to act or his friend would be killed. He could fire his spell but Padwin might close his eyes and it would catch Tatarna off guard. Seeing no other options he hoisted his sickened body up and rushed toward his former friend, screaming as his quick elven feet carried him toward the armored warrior.

  Padwin easily fended off Tatarna’s weakened strikes. When the elf reached Padwin he brought down a vicious slice across Estelar’s chest. The elf screamed and fell to the ground as blood soaked into his clothing.

  Estelar Lvl. 8

  HP: 45%(-55%)

  Stamina: 31%


  Severely Nauseous


  Tatarna smiled when he moved his sword away. She brought her weapon around in a fast arc and smashed it against his head. It bounced off of her opponent’s helmet and he reeled back.

  Fonwilsia charged Padwin with her axe. She reached him at lightning speed and brought it down with a vicious chop. Tatarna took advantage and launched an attack of her own

  Padwin leapt back and to the side. Both strikes missed him. Tatarna pressed the attack and the human barely managed to bring his sword up to defend himself.

  The combined might of the feline and dwarf made it impossible for him to attack. Padwin focused on moving away and defending himself from several nasty thrusts and swings.

  The Crimson warriors were doing their best against the ever growing number of villagers. They felled two or three villagers for each one of their number, but for each they killed another took their place. The ogres had been eradicated, and the villagers that fought them joined the fight against Larkin’s men.

  Larkin used his magic, killing a few villagers with well placed bursts of blue, but he knew the battle was lost.

  Shiva broke from the battle with the warriors and pointed her mace toward him. “Leave this place or your life will be taken from you, Shade.”

  Larkin backed away and mumbled a few words and his feet rose from the ground. He flew over toward Padwin, who was locked in a furious contest with the two women and was slowly losing ground as their combined attacks overtook him. A powerful strike from the dwarf crashed against the human’s sword and he fell to a knee. The tiger girl stabbed him in the shoulder and he screamed.

  Tatarna pulled her weapon and was about to land a killing blow when a blue bolt hit her in the back, dropping her to the ground. Larkin flew down and grabbed Padwin by the shoulders and lifted him into the sky

  Tatarna pulled herself from the ground and threw her lighting javelins at them, but they missed wide. They appeared back into her hand and she placed them in the leather bag on her back. She walked over with Fonwilsia to Estelar. The elf groaned on the ground as he bled from his wound.

  Tatarna reached into her pack and gave him a red potion. He quaffed it.

  Estelar Lvl. 8

  HP: 60% (+15%)

  Stamina: 31%


  Severely Nauseous

  Estelar was lifted up into a sitting position by Fonwilsia and Tatarna. The two women glared at each other and sat on either side of the elf.

  Estelar stared out at the village, then to the form of Larkin carrying a dangling Padwin away. Seeing his former friend being carried away in such an undignified way brought a smile to the elf’s face.


  Estelar sat on a straw mattress in the middle of a mud hut. On either side of him sat Tatarna and Fonwilsia, their arms around his back, watching him as he continued to recover from the earlier nausea spells.

  When the fight was finished, Estelar was placed on a horse and the party headed back to Rotten Gut. There was a feeling of victory throughout the group, though none looked as pleased as the troll. Her smile was decidedly Larkinesque as they rode back to her village. The elf had a strong feeling of what was on her mind, but his mind quickly went back to the extreme sickness swirling in his stomach.

  Shiva had shown the three to an abandoned hut, and since that time, Fonwilsia and Tatarna had looked after him, never speaking, but occasionally exchanging angry glares with each other.

  Time passed and the nausea faded. Estelar was able to sit up and even stand without feeling the need to vomit. He shared a little small talk with the women, trying to find a way to approach the huge elephant in the room, when Shiva knocked on the door and opened it.

  “Feeling better, master Estelar?” Shiva said.

  “Well, I can stand without wanting to puke, so I’ll call that a victory,” Estelar said.

  “How go things with you?” Fonwilsia said to Shiva.

  Shiva grinned. “Things are good, no, wonderful. That little confrontation we had with Larkin and Bigbelly has started a wave that will shape the political landscape in this area quite nicely for me and my village.”

  “How so?” Tatarna said.

  “The series of events started by dear Estelar, I believe, will discredit the Crimson Warriors and Larkin, keeping him from getting a foothold in this area. Bigbelly’s death was also monumental. The ogres of clan Big Club lose respect for leaders who are felled in battle, especially by their greatest foe, and I was easily the greatest foe he had. When he respawns, I’m guessing he will lose his position as leader.”

  “Leaving you as the biggest player in the area,” Estelar said.

  “Correct. I’m going to gather the chiefs of all the villages in the area and create a peace treaty with clan Big Club that will hopefully reduce their influence. My hold on the other tribes has never been stronger, and your phony messages are what made it happen. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  Estelar wasn’t terribly sure he felt so good about this, but for the moment, he wasn’t going to worry about it.

  “I came to tell you that you are free to stay the night and tomorrow, but after that, I must ask you to leave,” Shiva said.

  “Why?” Fonwilsia said.

  “After seeing Larkin with my own eyes, I know how truly powerful he is. He will likely want revenge on Estelar and I don’t want him here while he is the target of such ire. No offense, but I need to look after the safety of my people.”

  Estelar nodded. “None taken.”

  “Where would you suggest he go? Most places won’t be safe for Estelar or me,” Tatarna said.
r />   “True, but I think there is one place you will be safe. To the south there are woods known as the Wilderwood. It is a mystical place fraught with danger and filled with many different races of Fey. Very few venture there and I think you can effectively hide yourself from Larkin there.”

  “I’ve always wanted to go there. It sounds exciting,” Fonwilsia said.

  “Sounds like a good place as any,” Tatarna said.

  Estelar concurred with the women.

  “Then you should head for them as soon as possible,” Shiva said. “I’ll send you off with a few gifts before you leave. I have several pieces of jewelry my subjects and other chiefs have given me as gifts that I don’t particularly care for. I find they do little to enhance my already radiant beauty.”

  The ugly troll smiled and the other three people in the room chuckled.

  “I will leave you to your business. Sleep well.”

  Shiva left, leaving the three in the room. It was quiet again. Estelar tried to make small talk but it never led to a conversation. After watching Fonwilsia and Tatarna stare daggers at each other for several minutes, the elf spoke up.

  “Okay, what’s wrong with you two?”

  Both women tried to assure the elf nothing was wrong, but he didn’t buy it.

  “I’m going to sound like an arrogant ass when I say this but, are you two jealous?”

  The two women quietly looked at each other for several long, awkward moments, before Tatarna looked at Estelar.

  “Did you do anything with her?”

  Estelar nodded. “I did.”

  This answer soured the tiger girl.

  “I assume you two have a history,” Fonwilsia said.

  “Yes, we met in the guild.”

  All three of them were quiet for a moment. Estelar worked his mind, trying to figure out how to solve this conundrum. The was one answer he liked, and it seemed the most obvious, was the one he was too afraid to say. However, after failing to find any other conclusion, he spoke.

  “Hey, I have a crazy idea.”

  “What’s that?” Tatarna said.

  “This isn’t real life, it’s only a game, right?”

  The other two women nodded.

  “So, if you guys are up to it, why don’t we all share each other. Tatarna, we did it with other people in the guild. This would be the same thing.”

  “Not exactly. At the time, all of the people we did it with were friends. You’re the only person I know now,” Tatarna said.

  “Would you be open to getting to know Fonwilsia? I’ve gotten to know her well. She’s pretty cool. I think you guys will get along.”

  Tatarna thought hard about it and shrugged. “I’m okay with it. Guess I’m still getting over losing all my friends in game, save you. Probably why I got a little angry when I saw you get affectionate with someone else.”

  “I’m not against it. I’ve never done anything with a girl and I’m kind of curious,” Fonwilsia said.

  The tension in the room settled and all three of them chatted more openly. After an hour Fonwilisia grinned.

  “Hey guys, I have to log in a bit. Before I go, would you guys be interested in having some fun?”

  “I could use a little relief,” Tatarna said.

  Estelar sat between the two women and reached over to press his lips to Tatarna’s. Their kiss was long, languid and sparked excitement into the elf. It hadn’t been too long since he felt her tongue against his, but he missed the little course buds that stroked along his tongue much more than he realized.

  He broke their kiss and leaned down and kissed Fonwilsia. Her lips parted and their tongues tenderly collided. Her skill was as good as the tiger woman’s and created the same type of sparks in his mind.

  Fonwilisa’s hand slid across the erection in his pants and gently rubbed. She pressed his cock against his leg and it swelled to full length.

  Tatarna placed her hand on Fonwilsia’s and the dwarf opened her eyes and backed away. The tiger woman put it back where it was and slid her furred hand up the dwarf woman’s arm. Her digits glided over to the dwarf’s breast and gently squeezed.

  Fonwilisa gasped and pressed her chest into the groping and massaging digits. Tatarna manipulated her breast for a few seconds before moving onward to other her other breast. She slowly teased the nipples through the dwarf’s tunic.

  Tatarna’s other palm slid up the dwarf’s calf. Her questing fingers gingerly dug into the muscles until they reached the smaller woman’s crotch. The wandering digits breached the barrier of the waistband on the dwarf’s trousers and slid to her womanhood.

  Soft strokes elicited giggles from the dwarven female and brought her closer to Estelar.

  The dwarf made use of this nearer proximity to reach out with her free hand and grope the tiger woman’s breast. Tatarna’s throaty purr emanated around the small hut. The dwarf’s hand cupped the breast and navigated the periphery before resting on the globe and kneading the yielding flesh.

  Estelar reached down and into the tiger girl’s pants to her nethers. Heat radiated onto his palm and dampness was conglomerating on the lips. He teased the tender skin, the pads of his fingers gliding quickly along the moistened surface at a rapid pace.

  His thumb quested upward and flicked along the exposed clit. The tiger woman grunted and squeezed the dwarf’s tit with a powerful force that brought a loud moan to her lips.

  They fondled each other for many long moments. Excitement built inside the elf as he watched the hot women on either side of him explore each other’s bodies. His member throbbed with the thought of their hot skin rubbing together as they acted out their lusts.

  The elf continued to allow the pleasure to accumulate in his stomach until it was a leadened brick. He drew his hand away from Tatarna’s soaked nethers and lifted her shirt. He quickly undressed her and revealed her perky breasts and very hard pink nipples. Fonwilsia unrobed and her nipples were also firm.

  Estelar opened the Tiger woman’s legs and saw her bright pink pussy. It was wet and winking, inviting him to partake of its nectar.

  He pressed his lips to it and his lithe tongue pushed inside. The spongy cavern squeezed as he plumbed its depths. Familiarity led the tip of his small appendage to all of the most sensual places inside. He flicked over one just inside the entrance and Tatarna unleashed a feral moan. She pressed his head against her pussy lips and thrust her hips into his face.

  She rode his face, stroking through his long blond hair with her sharp claws. Her nectar decorated the elf’s face but he didn’t care. The sweet scent of her womanly juices drove him to greater fervor. His ministrations grew sharper and the tip of his tongue poked firmly against her weakest points. The tiger woman’s body quaked violently with each small movement Estelar made.

  Tatarna rolled Estelar on his back and straddled herself over his head while his tongue continued to work on her quivering nethers. She pulled Fonwilsia closer and caressed her body. The dwarfed moved her body in reaction to the tiger woman’s affection, swaying whichever way the furred hands moved.

  The dwarf took Estelar’s member in her hand. She moved her hand over it, sculpting as a potter would clay. Her thumb and forefinger teased the crown and moved over the tip. The tips of her other fingers made relaxed strokes over the shaft, then squeezed and manipulated the skin, setting fire to the nerves inside.

  Estelar shuddered as his tongue continued to explore the searing cunt moving over his mouth. The elf grasped the Tiger woman’s hips and gripped her firmly, keeping her in place so he could explore deeper into her. The tip if his tongue touched an extremely ridged part of her pussy. He bore into it and ignited the tiger woman’s nerves. Tatarna bounced, squeezing her breasts and teasing the bright pink buds on her tits.

  Fonwilsia took her hand off Estelar’s cock and straddled his hips. She lowered herself down on his member. The wet folds of her pussy engulfed his member. The walls compacted around his member. The velvet vice exerted stirring anguish that drove the elf to the br
ink of desire. He thrust his hips into the dwarf, but she grabbed him, holding his hips down.

  She slowly moved herself on his cock, drawing out the pleasure he felt. Long streamers of stimulation snaked through his body, curling around his fingers and leaping to his feet. He fought to press his hips into her but she forcefully kept him pinned to the bed, torturing him with small bits of ecstasy. The elf finally conceded and laid back, content to enjoy the small samples of excitement she wished to give.

  When Estelar stopped struggling, Fonwilsian leaned forward. Tatarna met her and their lips touched. Their hands found each other’s breasts and excitedly groped around them. Questing fingers eventually left familiar territory and explored other areas. The dwarf found the joys of sliding her fingers through the tiger woman’s soft fur while the other’s fingertips dwelled around the dwarf’s hips. Furred fingers swept across the flared curves and came around to the smooth, softly bouncing ass.

  The hands of both women toured each other’s contours while they moved on the elf. They formed a triangle, connecting their lust in a vibrating circuit. They enjoyed the jolts passing between them for several moments, relaxing in the sensual moment.

  Fonwilsia kissed down the tiger woman’s shoulders and inward to her breasts. The downy fur brushed against her plush lips as they crested to the top and wrapped themselves around one of the tiger woman’s nipples. They sucked inward and held it in place as her tongue lashed over it.

  The dwarf moved over to the other nipple, exerting careful and slow strokes of her tongue to draw out the pleasure in the tiger woman. Tatarna’s hands moved passionately over the dwarf woman. Her arduous stroking set off the pleasure centers in the dwarf. Fonwilsia rose and kissed the feline’s lips as the rougher buds of the tiger woman lapped over the dwarf’s skin, exploring the shorter woman’s ample tits.

  The womens’ ministrations gave their movements more vigor. They fervently pressed their bodies against the elf beneath them, pressing their hips with strong, fluid motions.

  Estelar responded in kind. His tongue worked furiously inside the feline riding his face, moving to the top to stroke and caress before it curled and came back down.


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