Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle)

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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 0 Unexplored Cycle) Page 24

by Alara Branwen

  He was no longer bound by the dwarf woman. She had unleashed her passion and the elf was allowed to let his go unbridled. He pumped his hips upward and drilled into her tight and clenching pussy. The humid chamber was constricting but welcoming to his member as he roughly slammed it into her.

  Their bodies moved together, each one making the other generate muffled moans that drove the others onward. Intensity gathered and built around them. Each could feel the electricity bubbling in the thick and thermal atmosphere. Their pace grew faster until it was feverous. Their bodies glistened with sweat. The sounds of the world outside was drowned out by their thunderous heartbeats.

  Estelar’s body clenched. He moaned loudly into Tatarna’s pussy as he released a thick load into the dwarf. The women embraced. Their breasts mashed together, stimulating each other as they reached their apex.

  When they finished they climbed off the elf and lay beside him. They spent a long time holding draped around each other before their annoying, real world lives forced them to log off.


  Padwin stood beside Larkin as they watched several Ogres and a few players in crimson red armor carrying large stone bricks on sleds toward a building site at the base of a large cliff. A large foundation of stone had already been set up and stone blocks were being stacked by mages lifting them using telekinetic magic.

  The pair watched the work being completed, admiring the efficiency of the workers as they lugged and moved blocks of stone that weighed several hundred pounds a piece.

  “It seems the castle is coming along nicely, sir,” Padwin said as he watched a mage place another block. “At this rate, it’ll be completed in a few days.”

  “Just the shell,” Larkin said, “it’s going to take time to get the inside done, and I haven’t chosen what I’m going to place in the dungeon. I’m going to commission a smith to create special implements of torture. You can’t have a decent dungeon without a few decent torture devices.”

  Padwin gritted his teeth. “I would love to have the chance to torture Estelar, and that bitch Tatarna.”

  Larkin turned to Padwin, the ethereal shadow over his face wavering slightly. “It’s been three days Padwin. Let it go.”

  Padwin ran a hand through his brown hair. “I’m sorry, my lord. It just pisses me off. We were so close to your master plan, and they screwed us. They royally screwed us.”

  “They did, but you and your actions were the inception of my plan’s downfall.”

  Padwin sighed. “You’re right. Had I not been so stupid, everything would have gone according to plan. Estelar would have left and you would’ve been the Duke of Caspadel. I deserved a harsher punishment than you gave.”

  “Eh,” Larkin shrugged, “I think that beat down I gave you after you told me what happened knocked some sense into you. My guess is that you won’t think to deviate from orders I give in the future.”

  “I appreciate your generosity.”

  “You’re a good warrior and you follow orders without question. Many things that you did helped take the guild to where it is now. Even our foray into Monster Plain turned out to be profitable to the guild. Bigbelly was killed, and after a little convincing with my magic, I was proclaimed their new chief. We got a powerful ally out of the deal, so I don’t really dwell on your failures or mine. You just have to know how to play the game and how to come out ahead, even when you lose. Take that lesson to heart and know how to stay calm, and you’ll have success in this land.”

  Padwin smiled in a self-derisive way. “My only key to success has been sticking with you and doing what you tell me. I’m not a great leader like you that can put those things into practice.”

  Larkin chuckled. “Not yet, but at least you’re wise enough to know that you need to follow someone more powerful than yourself. That is the first step to becoming a great leader, one I think you did admirably well at.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “So well, in fact, that after my castle is completed, I’m going to give you a special assignment. This project will require more autonomy on your part. Despite your blunders, you’ve shown great potential as a leader, something that I hope to put to use.”

  “What project did you have in mind, sir?”

  “I’ve recently come across some information about a magical substance that can be found in the Wilderwood to the south of Monster Plain. I’ve obtained instructions on how to use this substance to create a rather nasty magical weapon that we can use in our future projects. I’m going to have you lead a group of my men and some NPCs I’ve hired to carry things out. If all goes well, it could be very rewarding for our guild, and you as well.”

  “That sounds exciting. I’m saving up gold to get another set of armor. Tatarna took mine.”

  “Ah, that’s right. I meant to tell you that I’ve commissioned you another set of plate mail, magic plate mail, and I’m throwing in a magical sword and shield as well. One of my top guild members can’t go around wearing the armor of a typical soldier, can they?”

  Padwin looked down at the crimson leather armor then back up to Larkin with wide eyes. “Thank you, sir. Your generosity known no bounds.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. My generosity must be earned, and I plan for you to earn it many times over. I’ll be counting on you to help the Crimson Warriors rise in status from a lowly guild to a kingdom. I put in a request to the game devs to change our name to The Crimson Kingdom.”

  Padwin looked away, it looked like he wanted to comment but stayed silent.

  “It sounds corny, I’m aware, but I’m that confident our status will rise to that level in the future.”

  Padwin’s face grew grim and he nodded. “We will. Our guild, or rather Kingdom, will be the greatest in Unexplored.”

  “We can hope.” Larkin cleared his throat. “I need to attend to some business. Why don’t you go and keep Durga and Poppy company back at the old guild house. Go blow off some steam and clear your mind. I want you to be at your peak when I send you out on your next task.”

  Padwin bowed and walked away. Determination set on his face. He was going to take this next mission seriously. No more mistakes. He was going to bring the Crimson Warriors, no, The Crimson Kingdom and himself to the pinnacle of power and glory.


  Estelar leaned back on the leather sheets of his bed and studied the red book that he felt like he’d been given ages ago when he was a Crimson Warrior. He was getting good at recognizing certain patterns of lines within the runes and how it pertained to different types of spells. He was confident that if he had the chance to analyze another spell, the unknown runes wouldn’t take him so long to crack.

  Life had been a bit better since he left the Crimson Warriors. He learned how to tell the people in real life who used him to screw off, and was going out and enjoying himself more. He even joined a club on campus dedicated to Unexplored. He didn’t reveal his character’s name because of his proclivities toward the strangely erotic, but he might if he found out anyone else shared his interests.

  He wasn’t moving forward very quickly in life, and that was fine. He was happy to enjoy things as they gradually progressed.

  There was a knock at his door.

  “Come in,” Estelar said.

  Fonwilsia entered the room wearing a custom suit of leather armor that perfectly showed off her womanly assets. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she had a bright smile that brought in a ray of sunshine.

  She sat in one of the leatherback wooden chairs lined along the walls of black leather.

  “How’s it going, master alchemist? You figure out the secret to everlasting sexual vitality yet?” Estelar asked.

  Fonwilsia laughed. “No, but I do have a potion that can get someone to last a bit longer. I have one formula that can make someone go an extra twenty minutes.”

  “Well, that doesn’t quite fulfill my dream of being able to go for three days straight, but it's a start,” Estelar snickered. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to tell you that the Dungeon of Dreams is finally complete. The wood and leather workers from that halfling village to the south got done way ahead of schedule.”

  “It’s a shame the halfling leather workers that have contact with the Crimson Warriors, excuse me, the Crimson Kingdom, wouldn’t do business with us. There was a halfling named Vera I knew through Tarna that made some special cuffs for me. She would have done a fabulous job. Either way, I’m impressed, we’ll have to pay them extra for their hard work.”

  “If we can afford it. We sank most of our money into our hideout and this leather armor. I’m trying to sell my salves but I’m getting a shitty price at the local town.”

  Estelar dusted off his leather robes. “We’ll start making money soon enough. We’ll get you a line on a bigger market to sell your wares. If that doesn’t work you, can sell them here once we get in a position to where we can start catering our special services.”

  “I don’t think we’re going to find many people in game who are into bondage, must less who are willing to go out of the way for it. We’re out in the middle of nowhere.”

  “Just give it time. We’re only getting started here. It’ll take awhile before our guild catches on, but once they do, I think they’ll see the mystique that the Wilderwood gives our guild.”

  “Speaking of guild, did we get our application approved?”

  “It took a little convincing, but the game devs liked the idea of a guild devoted to our unique craft of pleasure. There’s one that has asked if he can stop by in character on occasion, for a monetary remuneration of course.”

  Fonwilsia smiled. “Well that’s a relief. At least the Fey Wilder Guild is finally official.”

  “It is, and once we get matters settled we’ll get started on the task of growing our guild. How is Tatarna doing on her mission?”

  “She’s gone to the halfling village, but I haven’t heard word from her yet.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine. She’s a resourceful cat.”

  “Speaking of cats, do you remember Berryl?”

  “Uh, wait, the catgirl? I remember her, I think.”

  “I hired her to go after that goblet that we bought the map for.”

  “I hope that we get it soon. I’ve noticed a couple of Crimson Warriors nosing about the area. I’d like to do what I can to keep them away.”

  “I hope the magic item does what the seller told us, I’m not sure we can trust the word of a travelling gypsy, especially one that sells us the map to a supposedly powerful magic item for cheap.”

  “I’m not sure either, but we have to do something. We’re not very powerful and we won’t be able to protect ourselves well if we’re attacked.”

  Fonwilsia looked down at her feet swinging off the chair. “Do you really think starting our own guild was a good idea? I mean, with our enemies and money problems -”

  Estelar held up a hand. “Just give it time. I’m sure it will all work out.”

  “I hope so. It’s nice to be around other people that like the same things I do. I don’t want to see that end.”

  “Even if it does, we’ll always find ways to meet those with similar interests. Unexplored is a cruel world, but it’s one where people can be free and express themselves. More people into our particular brand of enjoyment will find us or visa versa. We’ve built a haven for them, now all we have to do is wait.”

  Fonwilisa got off of her chair and joined Estelar on the bed. She gave him a hug and pulled him down for a kiss. “Hey, since all of the equipment is finished, want to try it out? I’ve been itching to give that harness rack a try.”

  The elf nodded and walked with the dwarf out of the room and down the hall to the new dungeon. When he entered, he eyed all of the equipment and felt an erection building. He’d just gotten into BDSM and found the further he explored, the more he enjoyed it.

  He looked down at Fonwilsia and thought about her and Tatarna. What made it more enjoyable, was the fact that now he had people to enjoy it with.

  And really, he thought as the Dungeon of Dreams door closed behind them, wasn’t that why he started playing the game in the first place?

  The End

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