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Theirs to Protect: A Rough MC Romance

Page 21

by Piper Stone

  “Well, you are a man of your word,” Steve said. “Calling right on time.”


  “And you get straight to the point. Yeah, the director is interested in ridding the streets of that particular scum, but he wants the operation handled a certain way.”

  “The operation is going to be handled my way,” I retorted.

  “Then the deal might be off,” Steve huffed. “Why don’t you just shut that damn mouth of yours and listen to what I have to say. We already have field agents being prepped on what’s going down. There will be a solid two dozen of the best agents in the vicinity, waiting until I initiate a call from the background. We also have a suggestion for where to meet. If your hard ass is willing to listen. But I need to know exactly what’s going down and I mean to the letter or this isn’t going to fly. I have a few ideas and concerns you need to listen to. While you may think you know Salizare and his men, things may have changed.”

  Since I wasn’t entirely certain of the location, I was willing to at least hear him out. “All right. I’ll take the suggestion.”

  While his plan was definitely doable, he did need to hear the rest. What I had in mind was tricky at best. With Kelly’s determination to come face to face with Michael, far too many things could go wrong.

  “Are you still there?” he asked, half laughing as if I’d been stunned.

  “Yeah, I’m here. You’re right. There’s another part to this. Plus, I need another favor.”

  Steve sighed. “Shit. Why did I know there was a catch? I don’t think you’re in much of a position to ask for one given you did commit a crime but go ahead. Why not make my life more miserable?”

  As I explained about Michael as well as Emily, I could hear his wheels churning. I’d spent some time that morning attempting to find as much additional information on Capatelli as possible. While there’d been extensive rumors, a few tenacious reporters penning stories from time to time, the fact Michael had lived a relatively quiet life had pushed aside his past in most people’s eyes. After the investigation five years before, there’d been nothing else. Hell, given he was a philanthropist, giving to a half dozen charities; he might as well have achieved a choirboy status.

  While his father had owned several vital pieces of real estate, in my mind it wasn’t enough to add to the Capatelli fortune. However, being a major player in the drug market could. While the rumor mill was that Michael and Domingo were working together, I had my doubts. Banking on the fact one would turn against the other in a dead-ass heartbeat might not be the best decision, but it was one I was willing to take. Unscrupulous assholes like them prided themselves on owning their kingdom all by themselves.

  “You do know what could happen if this shit goes wrong?” Steve asked in a hushed voice.

  “I do, but if it goes the way we both hope, the streets will be a little safer.” I knew how the FBI operated better than most. Other agents would surround the various locations where Salizare handled the majority of his business in Miami, their raid handled completely separate from what I’d proposed.

  “Last thing. You’re going to be wired for this and there is no choice. I’m booked on an early morning flight anticipating we could come to an agreement. I suggest we meet after I arrive in order to finalize the details.”

  A damn wire. I never thought I’d be on the other end of anything like this. I sucked in my breath realizing there was no other way in order to make the charges stick. “Agreed. Name the place and time and I’ll be there.”

  As I ended the call, I held the phone to my head before dialing Hawk’s number. He would be the one to lure Salizare. However, given what Steve had told me about the FBI’s suspicions regarding the Hell’s Fury, I wasn’t able to place my full trust in a man I considered my best friend.


  A word that would forever haunt me.

  “Hawk. Time to dangle the carrot.” As I recited the time and location, I left out the part that the FBI would be joining us. I had to know whether or not he’d betrayed me.

  A cold chill shifted down my spine. All that was left was making final contact with Michael.

  My thoughts drifted to Kelly, realizing that I would die in order to keep her safe.

  The realization was... unnerving.

  * * *

  I stood off to the side, staring at the outdoor patio where Steve had requested we meet. The area was packed with tourists and locals alike, everyone far too damn happy for my tastes. My mood had turned sour, the night spent waiting excruciating. There’d been little sleep and certainly no desire for passion. The day dawned like a gorgeous setting for some damn Hallmark card. Blue skies. Waves pushing gently against the shoreline. Not a freaking cloud to be seen.

  Today felt like D-Day or worse.

  As I pulled out my phone once again, I knew what I was about to do was the right thing. I only hoped that no matter what went down, Kelly and her baby girl could spend the rest of their lives in safety and happiness. She’d confided in me certain details about her life, enough that her true identity could be used for decent purposes for a change.

  I’d been eternally grateful to Grandis Wellington through the years, especially after Vanessa was killed. While my grandfather was no longer alive, Grandis had kept the family business on track, perhaps hoping one day I’d take over the operation. He’d been almost like a second father, providing advice on my new career, standing by my side at Vanessa’s funeral. While the family’s attorney, Grandis had also been my grandfather’s best friend.

  “Grandis,” I said, a solid pang in my heart. My grandfather had been so proud the day I’d passed the bar exam, yelling the loudest from the stands. He definitely wouldn’t feel the same given how far I’d fallen.

  “Jace. Good to hear your voice,” Grandis said, his cheerful tone giving me another twinge of sadness.

  “I wish I had the time to reminisce, but I need a couple of favors.”

  “Well, of course. Whatever I can do for you.”

  “There is someone I want to make certain is taken care of. I also need money dropped on a vehicle. I’ll text you the make, model, and the special location. I need an easy transaction.” I still had my sources from years before, able to find the kind of secured vehicle that would suit our needs. While the initial few minutes were nothing but smoke and mirrors, a few minutes needed to be bought before all hell broke loose.

  “I hate to ask what you’re into,” he admonished.

  I could see Steve as he was escorted to one of the outdoor tables, waiting for my arrival. “Nothing you need to know about. I assume you can make this happen?”

  “Of course. Send me the details and I’ll take care of it and Jace, be careful. You were very important to your grandfather and in case you haven’t figured it out, you’re also special to me.”

  I closed my eyes only briefly, wishing things could be different. “I appreciate that. I’ll contact you in a couple days.”

  “I hope you do, son. I really hope you do.”

  I slipped the phone into the jacket of the suit I’d purchased only thirty minutes before. I’d decided that Salizare should remember the man who’d worked diligently to take him down, not the biker who’d hidden for far too many years behind grief and guilt.

  As I walked onto the patio, the surprise in Steve’s eyes was evident. He rose to his feet, his eyes opening wide as he reflected on the way I looked then scanning the perimeter as I’d done the moment I walked in.

  “You definitely don’t look like the picture that crossed my desk,” Steve chortled. “In fact, you look damn good. Nice to see you clean-shaven. Damn expensive suit too.”

  Steve knew about my family, but we’d never discussed money, or the trust fund that had been established when I was a child, let alone the stocks I owned with my grandfather’s company. While he’d spent many a year as a prosecutor, his retirement at forty-five had allowed him an opportunity to invest, as well as develop a profitable land development business. I’d made m
y own way, determined to live my life as I wanted. Yeah, look where it had gotten me.

  Ignoring the comment, I unbuttoned my jacket before sitting down, immediately leaning over the table. “What did you find in Virginia?”

  His smile faded, replaced with furrowed lines crossing his brow. “The house was in Ashley Porter’s name just like your friend stated. There was evidence that someone had been to the house recently, but no one was there.”

  The rage I’d attempted to temper returned, churning my blood. “Any sign of trauma?”

  “Blood. Not much, but it was fresh.”


  Steve shook his head. “Play this out as we discussed. A few drops of blood could mean anything. I left two agents in the vicinity in case Ashley returned.” He reached into his pocket, his hand cupping around what appeared to be a phone.

  “What’s this?”

  “New technology. No need for an actual wire. A phone won’t be questioned. Just hit this button when you arrive at the harbor and everything will be recorded, your GPS coordinates maintained.”

  I slipped the additional phone in my jacket, my nerves still on edge. “Fair enough.”

  “Don’t fuck with me on this, Crockett. You asked for my help and that’s what I’m trying to do. While the director appreciates and even understands your rather... odd involvement in this, he won’t hesitate to toss your ass in jail if you cross us. And it doesn’t matter who your family is or how many dollars you can spend to get your ass out of jail.”

  I studied him carefully before nodding. “Understood. I just plan on doing what’s necessary.”

  “I get it.” Steve sat back in his seat, adjusting his sunglasses. “I learned a long time ago that living in the past doesn’t make the memories any easier. I hope this means you’re ready to live again. You deserve it.”

  I got up from the table, finally ready to face the nightmare. I’d had the same kind of advice from two unlikely sources.

  A new life.

  Tonight would answer the question of whether I was ready or not.

  Or if all I wanted was blood on my hands.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “You look beautiful.”

  Dylan appeared in the reflection in the mirror as I smoothed down the material, the bright red dress not something I would have selected. While I wasn’t certain what Crockett was trying to prove, he’d insisted I wear it tonight.

  “I look ridiculous,” I countered. I was a jeans and boots kind of girl, always had been. At this moment I even missed the ugly flannel shirt. The dress was reminiscent of what Michael would prefer I wore. That is when he allowed me off my chains.

  Another round of determination furrowed into my system. I was actually looking forward to confronting him.

  He wrapped his arms around me, allowing his heated gaze to be seen in the dingy light. “You are a gorgeous woman, Kelly. Don’t allow Michael to take that away from you.”

  “For everything Michael did to me, the worst was that he almost broke my self-esteem, reminding me every day that I only mattered because he allowed me to.”

  “An utter fool.”

  “What happens if we all survive this?” I dared to ask. I’d missed sharing a bed with them the night before. Warmth crept up from the very depth of my being just thinking about waking to find the three of them in the tiny bed, their massive bodies bent in surreal angles. I’d been able to spend a solid five beautiful, quiet minutes admiring them.

  Stroking them.

  Teasing them.

  At least until Wade had awakened, hungry as he’d been the night before.

  “I think that’s a damn good question,” he answered. “What do you want to happen?”

  “A house on the water. Three gorgeous men at my beck and call. You know, the usual?” I laughed, seeing his contorted face. As if a fantasy of that nature could happen. Dylan had been the sweetest of the three, trying all day to make me feel better. He’d been the one to hold me when I’d broken down in tears after not being able to get in touch with Ashley.

  While Crockett had hovered over me, he’d said very little, remaining awake all night long, sitting outside and staring at the ocean. Today hadn’t been any better. It was as if he’d retreated into himself.

  Crockett had been aloof, leaving without saying where he was going, returning as an entirely different man. He was just as gorgeous, although the rugged edge had been stripped away, leaving him clean-shaven and his hair almost as short as Wade’s.

  There were so many things I wanted to say to him. I’d remembered telling all of them how I felt, even using the word love, although I wasn’t certain whether it was just a dream.

  Wade walked in from the other room, a bag in his hand. Tonight, he was all business. “It’s almost time. Are you ready?”

  I took a deep breath, gazing at the girl in the mirror one last time. “Absolutely.”

  As we walked outside, heading down the set of stairs, I noticed the way Crockett was leaning against the massive black SUV. Even in the darkness I could tell the rear windows were blacked out.

  “You’re going to need to tell me who your connections are, buddy. Nice ride,” Wade said as he opened the back hatch, tossing the bag inside.

  “What about your bike?” Dylan asked.

  “It’s in a safe location. This is more appropriate for tonight.” Crockett’s answer was succinct. “You two are going to remain behind us. When we get to within the five-mile marker, we wait. We’re going in first and you can take the positions we discussed.”

  I’d seen the map Crockett had laid out, a single entrance road into the location, although the shipyard allowed for dozens of hiding places. From what I could tell, he’d taken every precaution, provided a half dozen safety measures. Still, I was terrified.

  “We got the drill,” Wade said. “You just make certain that motherfucker doesn’t touch her.”

  Dylan brushed his hand across my face. “You’re going to have one hell of a posse around you. There is nothing Michael can do.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” I nuzzled against his hand, unable to take my eyes off Crockett. He was so damn emotionless, an empty man.

  “I think I’ll always worry about you, Kelly. You managed to grab a piece of my heart.” His tender kiss was unexpected, creating a wave of shivers.

  “Let’s go,” Crockett directed, immediately opening the rear door and ushering me inside.

  I’d never felt so small, the expansive SUV well equipped, the seats lush. I settled in, my hands trembling as I reached for the seatbelt.

  Crockett said nothing as he climbed inside, yet his eyes burned into mine as he glared into the rearview mirror. I was torn with what or if I should bother saying anything. I’d learned the part I was playing, although I had my doubts Michael would act as Crockett believed he would. He loathed being shoved into a corner for any reason and his method of coming out swinging was dangerous.

  The lull of the engine was no more comforting than the muted lights of the Interstate as we headed for Jacksonville. Even though I tried to shut down all thoughts, visions of the last time I’d seen Emily distorted my thinking. Her wail as she’d reached out for me, her little words as she begged me to take her into my arms had nearly destroyed me.

  “Mama. Ma-ma! Hold me. Pease.”

  A tear slipped past my lashes even as another round of anger and hatred settled in.

  I looked away, fearful Crockett would notice my weakness, something none of us could afford. Michael wouldn’t win. He wouldn’t beat us. We would do this.


  I bit back a moan, going over what I wanted to say to the asshole. Nothing seemed right or appropriate.

  The half-hour drive was excruciating, leaving my nerves wrecked and my throat constricted. By the time I noticed the sign for the harbor, I had difficulty breathing.

  Crockett drove the SUV into the lot, moving to a location where he was still able to see the main road. I was re
lieved when the others pulled in behind us, the deep throttle of their engines cut almost immediately as they maneuvered out of sight.

  Now we played the waiting game.

  “Are you still all right?” he finally asked.

  While I’d expected him to be antsy, even nervous, he remained devoid of any emotion. “I’m fine.” I wasn’t certain what I was supposed to say to him any longer.

  “The FBI is already here. You have nothing to worry about.”

  I wasn’t entirely certain who he was attempting to convince.

  Three minutes passed.



  I dropped my head into my hands, sick to my stomach. He wasn’t coming. I knew the bastard would double-cross me. What did this mean? What were we going to do?

  “He’s here,” Crockett whispered, growling afterwards.

  I crawled forward, staring out the windshield. I could tell Michael was being cautious, making certain there was no one else around. “He came alone.”

  “It would appear that way.”

  “But you don’t buy it.”

  He turned his head in my direction. “I don’t trust anyone.”

  “Does that include me?” As I suspected, he didn’t bother answering.

  As he drove toward the road, I fisted my hands, reminding myself for the fifth time what the hell I was supposed to be doing. When he stopped just before making the turn, I noticed the way his hands clenched the steering wheel, his knuckles white.

  “Whatever happens, Kelly, there are a few things you need to know.”

  “What things?” As he handed me the fake contract, all of a sudden, this became very real.

  And terrifying.

  “First of all, I shouldn’t be risking your life. Even though you insisted, I’m not comfortable with this. However, Wade and Dylan had been instructed to get you out of harm’s way no matter what’s going on. The FBI is aware that you an innocent bystander and will protect you as well.”

  I could tell there was so much more he wanted to say by the way his entire face seemed twisted, as if the demons were attempting to claw their way outside.


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