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The Tree and Me

Page 13

by Slimpoet

  Chapter Thirteen

  Several miles away at the Henley house Michelle threw open the kitchen door and announced,

  “All is well. They’ve been found and are at the Foster’s place!”

  Meanwhile, Angie was lying on the living room floor in wonder at the ceiling art that had amazed Luke, a day before. She sat up into a cross legged pose,

  ”That’s wonderful Michelle. How is the baby?”

  “Orion’s fine. Just singing and cooing away as if nothing had happened. Matt’s got a bit of a headache. Stella is still a bit weepy, and Mark is eating cookies and milk. That’ll spoil his dinner appetite. Michelle looked up to the ceiling and her eyes watered. She quickly turned back to Angie.

  “Oh! Sorry Angie. Luke is fine too.”

  Angie looked away for a second and then resumed her smile,

  “Say, how about some of that spiked hot cider you guys were drinking before? After all it’s the holidays.”

  “Absolutely. Comin’right up. It’s time to celebrate good news.”

  Soon they were both lying on a thick throw rug, staring at the ceiling.

  “So Michelle! This is your work.”

  “Why, yes it is. I saw this slide show given by some folks several years ago. They’d traveled in Italy and had great slides of those cathedrals over there. It was those at the Sistine Chapel that got my mind to wandering. You know, as a kid I’d lay on the summer grass and watch those billowy clouds just drift across the prairie sky. Well, Herman finally gave in to doin’ that too.

  “It’s great Michelle. I can see love in that sky. Ever thought of angels and those fingers touching? Like Michelangelo.”

  Michelle took a moment to look at it.

  “Well, thought I might if I could find a way that fits this farm and the prairie. This is not Italy.”

  Michelle sat up and put a hand on Angie’s arm,

  “Wait here a moment. You’re just the person, being an artist and all.”

  Angie sat up and listened to footsteps ascend the stairs. She sat awhile till a thought came. She raised her eyebrows, pulled some keys out of her butt-pack and went out to her car. The room was silent and then the sound of shoes descending the steps.

  ”Angie! Wait till you see these.”

  She stopped midway down the stairs.

  “Angie! Now where did that girl go to?”

  Then she shrugged.

  “Just when someone, a woman, comes who I can talk to.”

  She sat there in silence for a while. Then, a slam of the front door and in waltzed Angie with a large wooden box under her arm.

  “Michelle! Get off your butt, girl! Oh. I’m sorry. People say I have no respect. But, I do have an idea.” Michelle’s eyes lit up.

  Back in the Foster’s kitchen it was quiet; mostly Orion cooing, Mark gulping the last of his milk and Stella clearing her cry-filled nose. Mrs. Foster was washing dishes as if in some meditation. The rear door opened and in stomped Mr. Foster. He walked a most direct route to Matt.

  “Son, what were these doing in your car?”

  One hand held a plastic holder for a six-pack of beer, with one can remaining, and the other hand held some cigarette rolling papers.

  “How’d you know where my car was?” asked Matt.

  “Oh, Mark told me.” There was a pause. “And Matt, don’t stare at Mark like that! He was only trying to help.”

  “Stella, Honey. How’d you allow this? Or were you partaking, also?”

  Mrs. Foster turned out of her meditation and looked at Stella. Her squinty eyes opened wide and her mouth quivered.

  “Stella! And you nursin’ that little guy and, drinkin’ beer?”

  She returned to the dishes and shook her head. Matt caught Luke’s eyes, asking for support.

  Luke shrugged and picked up Mark’s last cookie. Mark looked up, not offended by the act.

  Luke thought of his own life and especially the abortion. At least this baby was born and probably would not become a druggie from this one incident.

  “Well Luke, I thought I’d get some support here.”

  Luke stiffened his stance.

  “Matt, you all could have been killed or permanently injured. What if you had lost Stella or Orion? Michelle had warned you’d become a father if you kept chasing Stella like you did. Now she is right. Stella is as pretty as you said and the little guy, well, he’s a baby and he’s got that baby power. Listen to him.”

  Matt rubbed Orion’s head and stared out a window. Mr. Foster sat down in silence. His wife came over and put a dish towel upon her husband’s shoulder.

  “Here Dan, dryin’ the dishes will quiet your anger. Nothin’ else to be said about this right now. I’ll see how we can put up Matt, Mark and the stranger.”

  “My name is Luke, Mam’ and I’ve been staying with the Henley’s. I’m from the city, but that is a long story.”

  “Sorry Luke. Didn’t mean to sound so unfriendly. We appreciate your finding the kids. Some dinner may help to calm us all down. I’m Meg and this is Dan.”

  Luke shook their hands. Mark reached out his hand and Luke shook it too. With a grin, he announced,

  “And thank God for my brave guide, Mark, or I would have been lost.”

  Matt hesitantly offered his hand to Luke while not looking at Luke. The hands shook and then Matt put his other hand on Stella’s Shoulder. Orion was quiet.


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