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The Tree and Me

Page 16

by Slimpoet

  Chapter Sixteen

  The gang at the Foster’s home circled the food and dove right in; chewing, slurping, “pass the potatoes”, utensils scrapping plates and using their mouths to eat since words were at a loss.

  Luke stared at the baby whenever drinking from his glass. Stella was not breast feeding Orion, so it was safe to catch glimpses. Matt did notice Luke’s glances.

  “You have any brothers or sisters Luke?”

  Luke put down his glass.

  “No. I’m an only child. Why?”

  “The little guy sure has your attention. Do you want to hold him?”

  Luke paused and looked around at the others.

  “Yes. I’d like that. Friends have talked of the ‘baby power’ thing. I’ll give it a try.”

  Stella smiled and brought Orion around the table and dropped him into Luke’s lap. Orion waved his arms around and reached out to Luke’s plate. Luke made his knees do a ‘pony ride’ motion. Mr. Foster smiled,

  “Ought to get yourself one of those, son. Maybe get back with that young lady you left. Or you could adopt this one since these young kids can’t act responsibly.”

  Stella gave her father an ugly look and snarled,

  “Dad. That’s cruel, you know.”

  She watched Luke put his arms around Orion and announced,

  “O.K., Daddy. Luke, I give this baby to you. Now Mr. Foster has no grandchild until one of his sons does something. And Matt, you no longer need to feel obligated and get high trying to forget that fear of being tied down.”

  Matt straightened up and looked at Luke and Orion.

  ”Don’t think you’re getting my boy, Luke! Stella’s just angry.”

  Luke turned to Mr. Foster.

  “Well, I could talk to Angie and see. He is a cute little guy and that ‘baby power’ really works.”

  Matt turned back to Stella and looked right into her eyes.

  “Stella. Marry me. That’s what you want and I don’t really have anything better to do. I don’t want to make Luke’s mistake and lose my son.”

  Luke stared down at the floor. Stella’s jaw dropped and she put her fingers to Matt’s lips,

  “Do not ask for something out of spite. You might regret this moment. Remember, acting in the moment is how we got me pregnant in the first place.”

  Meg Foster loudly cleared her throat. Everyone looked her way,

  “Don’t be so ready to turn away this opportunity, honey. Most decisions in life are not well planned anyway. They are made in the heart where, at least, the intention is to do good.”

  Stella looked back at Matt.

  “Matt. I accept. But we need to be alone and talk.”

  They left the kitchen in a slow, solemn manner. Luke’s eyes were glistening and the others saw the candle light dance in them. He got up and gave Orion to Meg.

  “Excuse me. I need to call the Henley’s.”

  Meg showed him to a small guest room off the kitchen and a phone by a bed. She returned and gave Orion to Mr. Foster. Then she started kneading his shoulders.

  “Darn you’re tight, Dan. Been holdin’ something in these shoulders? I don’t know if those two should marry or not. But, they have a lifetime and basically good characters. Just need to let go of all that fear.”

  In the adjacent guest room, Luke sat on a bed and stared at a pink phone. Mrs. Foster must have picked that color for the phone. I can imagine Mr. Foster didn’t agree, but let it go.

  Luke frowned.

  Well, enough drifting in “maybe land”. Got to focus on the task at hand. Here I am again, calling Angie from a farm house to ask something difficult.”

  A tapping at the door broke his wandering. Meg peered around the door,

  “You all right Luke? We’re getting sleeping arrangements made here. I thought you might want a say in the decisions.”

  “I’ll be out in a few minutes. Thanks.”

  Luke feared he might lose this opportunity to act. Another tapping and Meg’s voice,

  “Say Luke, you can use this guest room since you’re already inside. Matt and Mark will share the upstairs spare room. So, take your time. I’ll bring some sheets and a towel later.”

  Luke felt relieved, “Thanks Mrs. Foster.”

  He was on the phone with Michelle before he realized it. Michelle asked,

  “How are you and Matt doing? And yes, Angie is here.”

  “Alright Michelle, but we are getting ready for bed now. So, I will see you all tomorrow. I do want a minute with Angie.”

  “I’ll get her. She’s been a great help with my painting. You remember the living room ceiling? Oh. You’ll love it. Hang on while I get her.”

  Luke did not stutter or fidget with the phone cord this time.

  “Hi Luke. This is Angie.”

  “Angie. Well, I just want to let you know I am all right.”

  “Yes, I know that Luke. Michelle relayed that hours ago.”

  “Well, I just wanted to hear your voice.”

  “You alright Luke?”

  “Sure. I was thinking of you and am going to miss you tonight.”

  “Yes. We can talk tomorrow. I need to return to Michelle. She is so wired up about the ceiling.”

  They exchanged good nights. Luke knew something had been said, but was disappointed more had not. Tomorrow was now more urgent to him.


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