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The Tree and Me

Page 18

by Slimpoet

  Chapter Eighteen

  Luke waited for the sheets and towel to arrive. But impatience got him. He left the room and went upstairs toward the sounds of people. At the top he bumped into Meg,

  “Sorry Luke. We all got so distracted by the talk of marriage. Stay here and I’ll get some sheets.”

  “Are they really serious Mrs. Foster?”

  “I didn’t think so earlier, but they seem comfortable with each other after that encounter in the kitchen. Guess it broke some tension.”

  Meg went off down the hall. Luke turned toward a ‘pssst’ sound. Matt waved,

  “Say Luke. Thanks. I got so angry about losing Orion when you said yes to your adopting him. Were you serious or trying to make me angry?”

  Luke looked past Matt and down the hallway toward some baby sounds,

  “No! I was serious.”

  “Well it helped me but didn’t help you, did it. Wow man, ah Luke, you really do want to be a father.”

  Meg returned with sheets. She smiled at Matt. Luke took the sheets and pardoned himself.

  Downstairs he made the bed and thought about Matt’s comments. I wonder what time we will leave for the Henley’s tomorrow. And, where is Angie going to stay tonight? There are no other rooms.

  Later, as he lay in bed that last question kept swirling around in his mind till a smile came followed with a chuckle. He looked out the small window.

  “God, it is sure dark out there. I’d probably get lost on some small road, anyway, might as well wait for tomorrow.” In minutes he was sleeping.

  “Knock, Knock”. Luke squirmed opened an eye and then turned toward the sound at the door.

  “Yes. Who is it?”

  “Mark.” In a loud whisper.

  “Come in Mark.”

  Mark slowly opened the door and then stood against the door frame. Luke sat up and asked,

  What are you doing up? It is still dark out.”

  “I want to go home, Luke. Everybody was talking about Matt and Stella last night.”

  “Oh yes. You were sleeping upstairs when Matt proposed to Stella. Soon you will have a grown-up sister-in-law. I am assuming that idea is alright.”

  “Well, I still want to go home. We could leave now. I slept and missed dinner. So I’m rested and all wide awake now.”

  Luke reached over to the bedside table and consulted his watch.

  “Gee Mark! It is only 4:30!”

  Mark stood there staring at the floor. Then Luke remembered that last thought he had just before falling asleep.

  “O.K. Mark. I will be out in 5 minutes. Matt will want to spend the day here with Stella and Orion, anyway.”

  Soon the two were in Luke’s car and shivering in the early morning air.

  “Say Mark, I guess you’re to be my guide again.”

  Mark vigorously put on his seat belt and motioned Luke to do the same.

  “O.K. Buddy. We are on our way.”

  The sky was black and the snowy landscape took on an eerie look. The car joyfully took on the county roads. Twenty minutes passed,

  “There it is Luke. Home.”

  ‘Yes Mark. There is home.”

  The car pulled alongside the door to the kitchen. A big figure and a little figure emerged from the car. One figure grabbed the hand of the other. Up the steps and the door opened so easily.

  “Smells good in here Mark declared”

  Mark pulled Luke’s arm and spoke,

  “Hi Mom. What are you cooking?”

  Michelle jumped a bit and turned around,

  “Honey I almost dropped the cake! But I’m glad to see you.”

  She put it down on the counter and stood there with her hands on her hips.

  “Well, Luke. Are you and Angie psychic or something?”

  Luke shrugged his shoulders,

  “Not that I know of. Why?”

  “Mark, you stay with me honey. We can do some cooking.”

  Luke quietly asked,

  “Is Angie here or did she leave?”

  "She's here. And Luke, I think you know what to do. Just don’t step in my paints while going through the living room.”

  Luke blushed and then went through the door into the dark living room. Michelle set Mark down at a mixing bowl and he proceeded to lick it before taking it to the sink for cleaning.

  Michelle mumbled, “I knew that kid had a romantic bone in him somewhere.”

  Luke took careful steps in the dark, looking at the floor. Then he saw something that seemed familiar.

  ‘This looks like Angie’s type of mess.”

  He looked up and could barely make out the shapes on the ceiling, then continued on to the stairs. He saw the front door and the faint light of the lamp coming through the little window. He knew where to go. At the first step he stopped, looked up and listened. Then he continued slowly and heard voices above. The top step creaked and the voices stopped.

  “Is that you Mommy?” came from above.

  Luke recognized Mary’s voice and knew it came from his room or what he had been calling his room.

  “No. It’s Luke. Mary?”

  Luke got to the second floor and started toward the room.

  There was a thump on the floor and then a small head peered around a door towards him,

  “Yes it's Mary and I’m with Angie. We’re having a woman to woman talk.”

  She shut the door. Luke chuckled until a disappointment filtered into him.

  Is this what it is like having kids and sharing them with your wife?

  Angie’s head then appeared around the door frame.

  “Luke. C’mon in. It’s all right.”

  He finished the trip down the hallway and entered his/her room. Angie was sitting upright in the bed wearing a night gown and Mary next to her. Mary snuggled up to her as Luke came in. Luke spoke,

  "Mark dragged me out of bed to take him home and Michelle then kicked me out of that nice smelling kitchen. So, here I am.”

  “I was wondering if you might do this Luke.”

  Luke’s jaw dropped. Angie continued,

  “You know what I mean. Come early and find me in ‘your’ bed”

  Angie looked at Mary.

  “Honey. We can continue our woman to woman talk later. You go down stairs and help Mark in the kitchen. Luke and I are going to have a woman to man talk.”

  Mary did a small ‘pouty face’.

  “O.K.! You promise?”

  “Yes. I promise.”

  Mary jumped out of the bed and slowly walked around Luke, giving him a solemn look. As she walked around the door,

  “You be nice to Angie. She’s my special friend.”

  “I will Mary and I want some of the sweets you make down there.”

  Mary left the door ajar. Angie smiled and instructed,

  “Mary! We’re friends. So, you don’t listen to my private conversations. Luke is my friend too.”

  The door was closed and the fading sound of stocking clad feet followed.

  “So, I’m your friend?” Chuckled Luke”

  “I feel that way now.”

  Luke stepped to the side of the bed.

  “Can I sit here?”

  “Sure. Haven’t we all conspired to have this happen? You and me and the Henley’s. And who knows what little Mark was thinking. After all, he has taken to you and been your guide out on those county roads. And Michelle is not too subtle. To tell you the truth, I’ve enjoyed sleeping in this bed. Brought back memories.”

  Luke leaned toward her with a big smile.

  “Whoa, Luke. Not yet.”

  Angie, I figured that you would be in this bed and I got turned on.”

  “Did you fall asleep with the same smile you have now?”

  “Am I so obvious Angie? I have been unhappy alone. I know our marriage became difficult but even our struggles were an aliveness of sorts. I just gave up too soon, that is all. If I am going to make a life, it is going to be working with you. I want to make us sort of a project.r />
  Luke’s eyes glistened and Angie’s responded in kind.

  “That is very sweet Luke. I may be a strong woman but I am also a romantic and a woman. I see once again that you are a romantic. That may seem to be a problem for a man in this world, but I see it as a strength.”

  Luke opened his arms and Angie fell into them.


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