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Justice (Heaven Hill Shorts Book 3)

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by Laramie Briscoe

  “I am,” I smile up at him.

  When we get to the bike, he passes me the helmet he insists I wear. Even though I’m well-versed in how to put one on, he turns, taking care of the buckle underneath my chin. I let him, because it gives me the feeling I’m his. Everyone knows Blackfoot’s take care of their own.

  We both get on, I clasp my fingers at his waist, breathing in deeply as I lean against his hard back. He settles the bike with his feet before he kicks up the kickstand, and starts it up. As he always does, he reaches down to where my hands are clasped at his waist.

  “You good?” He yells over the sound of the engine. His warm hands clasp mine.

  I nod, he grins, and off we go. My stomach flips and I smile.

  This is my happy place.

  Chapter Three


  “Curl my hair for me?” Harley asks as she comes into my room. “You know I’m not good at the girly shit.”

  I laugh, what she lacks in ‘girly shit’ she more than makes up for in her ability to hang with the guys. Every girl wants to be friends with her and every guy wants to be with her. She’s loud, but respectful, beautiful but not intimidatingly so, and an all-around good person. She’s all the things I wish I could be, but instead I just hang out in the background.

  “You don’t have to be good at the girly stuff,” I remind her.

  “Sometimes I’d like to, ya know?” She sits at my vanity. “You do winged eyeliner so well, meanwhile I look like I have a black eye,” she shakes her head. “Wouldn’t it be fun to switch places again?”

  We used to do that all the time when we were little. No one ever knew either. We were that good at it. “I dunno,” I comb through her hair before I spray the roots with some dry shampoo. “It’s been a super long time.”

  Her eyes, the exact same color as mine, look at me through the mirror. “Of course you’ve had that turquoise streak in your hair since you were ten. I’d have to get a matching one.”

  I yank on her hair a little harder than necessary. “I don’t think so.”

  She laughs, wrinkling her nose. “Don’t be a bitch, I know that’s your thing for him.”

  It doesn’t even bother me when Harley calls me a bitch. She and I can be the meanest people ever to each other, but nobody else better mess with us. “It is my thing for him.”

  “Does he know yet?” She sits back, relaxing as I start curling her long locks of blonde hair.

  “No, he doesn’t know anything, at least not yet.”

  She grins, glancing back up at me. “Have you decided what you’re going to do tonight?”

  I have, but I’m not sure if it’s smart to tell my sister about it. I love her and all, but sometimes she gets us in the most fucking trouble. “I’m thinking about it.”

  “You’re such a damn liar. What are you going to do? If you can’t tell me, who can you tell?”

  That’s a good point. For the entirety of our lives, I’ve told her almost everything. She’s been the one person I can come to, and know she won’t be annoying when I need her to be understanding.

  “I’m going to ask him to take me on a ride tonight. And I’m hoping to get my first kiss,” my cheeks darken with embarrassment.

  “I can’t believe you’re saving yourself for him, all the way around, Jus. What if he doesn’t ever take what you’re offering?”

  “Then he doesn’t,” I shrug.

  The truth hangs between us though; I’ll be devastated if he doesn’t want what I’m offering. There are moments though, moments where I see him looking at me. Our eyes meet and he looks away quickly, like he got caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to do. When it’s just the two of us, and he grins, putting his hand on my cheek. I only see that stuff in the romantic movies I like to watch, the books I love to read. It must mean something. Right? That’s what I keep telling myself anyway.

  “Please promise me, if he doesn’t respond to whatever it is you offer him tonight, you’ll find someone else? I hate to see you spend your life waiting for someone who may never give you the time of day.”

  “We’re sixteen,” I remind her. “This is hardly spending my life.”

  “Agreed,” she turns so that I can reach the other side of her head easier. “But this is the time when we can get stuck in ruts, ya know? Heaven forbid you waste your learning years on someone who doesn’t want to teach you,” her eyebrows lift.

  Harley lost her virginity over the summer, and obviously I haven’t. She’s having a very good time with some of her guy friends, enjoying finding out this part of herself. Mom and Dad don’t know, if they did, they would legit kill her. I’m sure.

  At six, our brother Will, is enough to drive anyone to drink. He’s a wild child who, thank God, is with our Dad and Grandpa right now.

  “I have a feeling Caelin could teach me whatever it is I want to learn.”

  “Same, I mean have you seen how big his hands are, how long his fingers are. Caelin’s hot, Jus. If you don’t lock it down, someone else will.”

  Doesn’t she think I know this? But in all the time I’ve known Caelin, he’s never had a serious girlfriend. I’m not an idiot, I know he’s slept with women. He’s a man, but he’s never flaunted it in my face or anyone else’s. Which is the reason I believe I have a chance.

  “That someone better not be you. We’re twins, but I will cut you.”

  She laughs. “I have absolutely no doubt you will.”

  Her hair now done, I give it a spray. “You want me to do your makeup too?”

  “If you don’t mind,” she smiles sweetly.

  “Jesus, you’re lucky I love you.”

  She blows a kiss at me, grinning when I roll my eyes.

  Chapter Four


  The clubhouse is packed tonight with people of all ages. From the teenagers that go to school with the twins, to family members, club members, and every single person in between. If this is any indication, these girls are loved to death.

  “Can you go grab that other cooler out of my truck?” Dad asks, heaving one into the clubhouse.

  “You should have told me you were here. You know the doctor said you can’t be lifting heavy shit with that herniated disc,” I remind him, giving him a look of disapproval.

  “Shut the fuck up and go get the damn cooler.”

  The grin on my face makes him flip me off and that’s when I know he’s okay. There are a bunch of things that piss off Tyler Blackfoot, and I am number one. At least when my sister isn’t around. As she reminds me, she’s older and has had more practice.

  Walking out to the parking area, I hope like hell he hasn’t had to park a mile away. “Shoulda fuckin’ known,” I spot his truck up near the front, in a space that’s not even a parking spot. Tyler Blackfoot made his own. There’s a reason people love my dad, and it’s because he walks to the beat of his own drum.

  Opening the tailgate of his truck, I reach in to pull out the cooler he’s brought in, when I see the SUV that belongs to Charity in my peripheral vision. Drew and Will came with Liam a while ago, so I know she’s got to be bringing the girls with her. Even though I texted Justice earlier, I still want to wish her a happy birthday.

  I get up in the bed of the truck to push the cooler closer to the end, pretending like I’m not watching for her to get out. For years I’ve felt things for Justice. They’ve run the gamut of loving her as the amazing friend she is, to wanting to protect her from the crazy shit that goes on in this world. I’m totally and completely unprepared to feel the rush of lust and the burn of desire that hits my gut when she walks around the side of the SUV.

  The twins are a sight to behold as they stand next to one another. Both have their hair curled, but Justice has a few well-placed braids in hers, including one that goes around her head, looking almost like a halo. Harley on the other hand, her curls are wild, like I would expect from her. She looks like she’s been riding bitch on a dude’s bike with no helmet on, going sixty in a forty-five, but i
t works for her. Everything works for her. She’s effortless and deep down I think everybody’s just a little jealous.

  Where Harley is all dark - black leather pants cup her legs, along with a studded dark tank top, she’s wearing boots that I’m surprised Charity let her out of the house in - Justice is light.

  She wears a dress, a magenta color that makes the turquoise streak in her hair more visible than normal. The dress though, it’s cut lower than anything I’ve ever seen her in. The hem is higher too, showing off her slim thighs. On top she wears a black leather jacket, that I’m sure she stole from Harley, and on her feet she wears fuck me black high heels. She’s sixteen. Where did she even get those?

  I’m struck stupid. I have no idea how I’m supposed to deal with this. When did she become almost an adult on me?

  “Caelin!” She yells, waving up at me. She says something to her mom and sister, before she takes off across the parking area toward me.

  Finally able to make myself move I push the cooler to the end, right as she stops in front of the truck. I hop down in front of her, opening my arms.

  “Happy birthday, Justice. You look beautiful.”

  Her cheeks redden, something I’ve noticed more of lately.

  “Thank you,” she wraps her arms tightly around my waist, burying her face in my chest. It used to be this shit didn’t affect me, now I catch myself sniffing of her shampoo and wondering what kind of body wash she uses. No matter what, she always smells fresh and clean, even on a hot summer day. “I can’t wait to see what you got me.”

  I’ve been teasing her for the past month. In reality, it’s taken me almost the last year to put this into fruition. I had lots of help from my mom and sister, but the idea was mine.

  “We should get inside, the quicker the two of you make appearances and open gifts, the faster I can give you mine.”

  She smirks, mischievousness in her eyes. “We could always make a run for it right now. The only people who would know I’m with you are mom and Harley.”

  “Your dad would know,” I argue. “He always knows.”

  “Happy birthday to you!”

  The entire clubhouse bursts into applause as we finish singing to the girls. I look around the room before I take a drink of the one beer I’ve been nursing all night. There are so many people who have been a part of their growing up. Their family, my family, friends, and everyone in between. The mound of presents they have is ridiculous and they’ve already said no disrespect, but they would prefer to open those in the comfort of their own home.

  “Now,” Drew says as he stands between his two daughters, slinging one arm around each of their shoulders. “I know we said no presents would be opened, but that really doesn’t count for me, because I’m their dad.”

  Laughter travels throughout the group.

  “No one better than me and your mom know how similar, yet different the two of you are,” he looks at each of them. “For months we’ve gone back and forth about what to get you two for your birthday.”

  “He wanted you to share,” Charity yells out from where she stands with Will.

  The twins look at Drew like he’s grown another head.

  “We stopped sharing gifts a long time ago, Daddy,” Harley puts her hand on her hip. “I mean, you know that.”

  “I know, it was a moment of weakness. I should have known neither of you would be okay with that,” he laughs. “Trust me, your mom set me straight.”

  I can just bet she did.

  “The two of you need to come out here,” he pulls them almost out to the parking lot in front of the clubhouse. “But first, close your eyes.”

  He puts a blindfold over Harley’s eyes and I panic for a second when I wonder if he’s going to do the same to Justice. Things don’t get to her like they used to, but from where I stand, I can see that she’s nervous.

  “Close ‘em for me, Jus,” he gives her a wink.

  She exhales a deep breath, and gives her hand over to him. He guides them out the door and has them wait while the rest of us file out. No one knew what he was getting them, and there are excited murmurs through the group as we all see it.

  “Stop!” Harley laughs. “I wanna know what you all are so excited about. This is the worst kind of torture.”

  “You two ready?” Drew asks, laughing when Harley stomps her foot.

  “You keep it up and I’ll let Justice see first.”

  She reaches out grabbing her sisters hand. “She wouldn’t.”

  Drew shakes his head. “Probably not.”

  “Happy birthday.”

  When the two of them see what’s in the parking lot, the squeals they let go could probably be heard all the way up to outer space.

  Chapter Five


  “OH MY GOD!”

  Harley and I like to pride ourselves on not being super materialistic. We work for what we want. I clerk at the law office, Harley’s started learning how to do the books at the garage. But what both of us wanted more than anything were wheels.

  Sitting in front of us is a motorcycle, and a compact car.

  “Now I know this may not seem fair,” he looks over to Harley. “You’re going to have to make the motorcycle road-worthy. None of us were given bikes our first time, we all had to work on them with our dad’s, so that’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to learn to fix it. And you,” he points to me. “This is a manual. You’re going to have to learn how to drive it, and then we’ll be having a course on how to change your tire, car maintenance, and whatever else I can think of. You will both pay your car insurance, and you will put gas in it. You two cost me enough money as it is,” Drew coughs as Charity hits him in the stomach.

  “Happy birthday girls,” she hands us the keys.

  “Thank you so much, Mom,” I hug her tightly. “And Dad,” I hug him just as tightly.

  “You’re welcome. Enjoy this freedom, Justice. There will be a GPS tracker on the car,” he points to Caelin. “We’ll know exactly where you are when you want us to, or when we need to know, so enjoy this. I know it’s not freedom in the normal sense, but I also know you, honey. You feel more secure when we’re keeping tabs on you.”

  I’ve never had to explain to my dad how I feel being watched. It’s not anything sinister, but I feel safer knowing someone knows where I am. Most teenagers would hate that, but I’m not most teenagers.

  “I love you, Dad.”

  “Love you too.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Caelin, he’s motioning to me. “Mom,” I grab her because she’s closest. “Caelin wants to give me my present. Do you care if I go with him? Apparently it’s not here.”

  “Be home by one-thirty,” she kisses me on the cheek.

  “Normally it’s midnight,” I give her a funny look.

  “It’s your birthday. You’re becoming an adult, and until you don’t give me a reason to, there’s no sense in me treating you like a child anymore.”

  Her words give me the confidence I need to walk to him, my shoulders squared. I’ve been telling him I’m an adult for a long time. The fact that my mother is now seeing me as one, gives me hope that maybe Caelin sees me as one too.

  “You ready?” He asks, grabbing my hand as I run toward him.

  “Yeah,” I grin. “Are we going on your bike?”

  To this day, his bike is the only one I’ve ridden on. My Dad, grandpa, uncle, they’ve never been able to get me on one, it always scared me too much. Caelin though, I know he’ll protect me. On his bike, I feel safe, like the world can’t get me.

  “Since you’re in a dress we can go in something else if you want?”

  “No,” I shake my head. “I have the shorts I wear when we box on under this,” I lift up the skin enough for him to see the pair of lycra shorts I wear.

  Boxing came to me out of nowhere. It wasn’t until Doc Jones talked to me about expressing my anger that it even became a thing.

  “What did you and Doc Jones talk about?” Caeli
n asks as he turns the bike off, helping me down.

  My grandparents are inside, waiting on me. The way they always do after my therapy sessions. It helps that I come here and bake a cake with Grandma. It always takes my mind off everything.

  “How angry I am.”

  He looks at me, his dark eyes darting up and down my body. “Are you angry?”

  I nod, even though I don’t want to be completely honest about this. This is the part I never like talking about. “Yeah,” I whisper.

  “At who? At what?”

  “Him, myself, the situation. Part of me is even partly angry with Harley, and she’s my sister,” I hiccup as I let it all out, crying so hard I know he can barely understand me. “She loves me, I love her, but she left me,” I sob. “The attention always has to be on her, and I’m okay with that,” I rub under my eyes, furiously wiping the moisture away. “But just once, did it have to always be about her?”

  “She had no idea what was going to happen,” he reminds me.

  “I know, but it doesn’t help the anger.”

  He watches me closely, before he motions for me to put my helmet back on. “We’re going somewhere else.”


  “Somewhere you can get that anger and aggression out.”

  I have no idea what he’s talking about, but I trust Caelin, more than I should. Out of everyone, I probably trust him the most. He turns the bike around, kicking up gravel as we speed down the driveway. Once there, he takes a left, passing by the clubhouse, and down the hill to a building I’ve never been allowed to go into.

  We come to a stop; he gets off, helping me. “Are you sure?” I whisper.

  “You’re welcome here. Trust me.”

  I take his hand as we walk toward the building, me following behind, just enough in his shadow for me not to be the center of attention. We enter, and I see Tyler in the ring, along with Wild. They’re beating the crap out of each other, but when they’re done, they shake hands.


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