Book Read Free


Page 2

by Victoria Ashley

  He stops playing and looks over at me, not even bothering to act surprised that I just walked in on him naked. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he stayed in the nude just to get another reaction out of me.

  “I put your bags upstairs in your room,” he says, before going back to relaxing and playing his guitar as if I’m not even here.

  “I’m guessing you don’t own any clothes?” I question sarcastically.

  As hard as I try, I can’t stop my eyes from taking in every inch of his exposed body. It screams trouble with every rock-hard muscle.

  “Oh, I do.” He looks up at me with a steeled jaw. “I just prefer not to wear them.” He lifts a brow, looking my body over. “Want me to show you to your room?”

  I let out an annoyed laugh. “No, thanks. Looks like you have a hard enough time finding your own.”

  My heart speeds up with unwanted excitement as his eyes continue to rake down my body. He slides his lip between his teeth, letting out a small growl.

  God, that’s a sexy lip . . .

  Shaking my head, I clear my throat and pull myself together, before he can get any wrong ideas of what might be happening while I’m here for the summer. “Thanks for grabbing my bags. I’ll be upstairs alone settling in.”

  Before he can say anything, I jog up the stairs and find the room with my bags in it.

  It’s huge. Much bigger than any room I’ve had back home, and even though I know I’m going to love it here, I can’t help but to ask myself . . .

  Why the hell does my brother have to have such a hot roommate?

  Now he’s really on my shit list.

  AFTER ALEXANDER’S LITTLE SISTER WENT to her room last night, alone, I went to Vortex for a few drinks, just to fucking get chewed out by my best friend for doing what I do best.

  How the hell was I supposed to know she’d be coming in through the back door? And how was I supposed to know she’d be so damn hot, making me wish it were her against the door?

  Alexander made it clear last night that I’m to stay away from his baby sister.

  Good job, dude. You just found a way to make me crave having sex with her even more.

  I’m in my office, getting things ready for the day, when Gavin knocks on the door, looking scared to take on his first day.

  “Where do I start, Sir?”

  Shutting down my computer, I spin around in my chair and look him over. “You can start by losing the damn shirt. You won’t need one while working here.”

  “Right.” He nods, pulling his shirt over his head. “I forgot.”

  “Follow me and I’ll take you to Colby. He’ll train you for a few hours and then you’re on your own. Think you can handle that?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Don’t call me sir, Gavin.” I walk past him, motioning for him to follow me. “It makes me feel fucking old. It’s Micah and nothing else.”

  “Sorry,” he says apologetically. “Thanks for giving me this opportunity. I’ve had friends on the waiting list for over a year now. I was expecting to have to wait longer than five months to get in.”

  “You can thank your baby face for the job. Women go crazy for guys like you around here. We needed to replace our last baby-faced bartender. Now we just need to see if you can perform your job. That will determine whether or not we’ll need a replacement for a third time, so don’t mess up.”

  “Got it . . . uh . . . Micah,” he stammers. “I won’t let you down.”

  “Good to fucking hear.”

  Once downstairs, I spot Colby sitting on his knees on the bar, while some chick shoves money into the front of his jeans. “Are you a stripper or a bartender?” I question, causing him to cuss under his breath at being caught. “I can send your ass to Walk of Shame if you’d like, but you’d have to be willing to move to Chicago. I’m sure my cousin Slade could get you in.”

  “My bad. She asked for it.” He smirks, while jumping behind the bar and looking Gavin over. “Our baby face replacement?”

  I nod. “Have him ready to be on his own by five and don’t teach him any of your half-assed shit. Train him by the book.”

  He looks him over once again. “I’ll do my best, Boss.”

  I’m about to walk back up to my office when I spot Sebastian sitting at one of the tables drinking.

  “That little shit . . .”

  Angry, I throw my arm around Ryan and point at the kid. “Did you serve him again, Ry?”

  Ryan swallows hard, while looking over to see who I’m pointing at. “Yeah. He had an ID. I checked—”

  “Go home,” I say firmly.

  “But . . . how was I supposed to know it was a fake?”

  Pissed off, I get in his face, causing him to back up a step. “Because it’s the third fucking time you’ve been told not to serve him. Now get your shit and go home.”

  Walking away from Ryan before I lose my shit over his stupidity, I make my way toward Sebastian and drag him to his feet. “What the hell did I tell you about coming here, Sebastian?”

  “Micah,” he groans. “Come on, Man. I’m almost eighteen. Stop treating me like a child.”

  “You are a child,” I spit out. “You should be worried about surfing and girls, not how many damn beers you can finish before I spot your ass in the crowd.”

  He attempts to reach for his beer as I drag him away from the table and out the door, but just ends up knocking it off the table instead.

  Once outside, I drag him over to the sand and toss him down.

  “Dammit, Sebastian.” I grip my hair in frustration, while looking down at him. “I’ve been trying my best to keep my patience with you, but you keep testing my ass. Get your shit together, because I won’t always be here to bail your ass out of everything. Got it?”

  “Yeah . . .” He jumps to his feet and wipes the back of his shorts off. “I never asked you to bail me out of anything, and I definitely never asked you to act like you’re my damn dad.”

  My eyes meet his as I step closer to him. “You want me to stop? Because I guarantee with the life you’ve been living that your ass would be dead in less than two weeks.” I fix his shirt for him. “Now get your shit together, Sebastian. Get out of here.”

  “Whatever, Dude,” he mumbles. “I’ll see you later.”

  Worried about the kid, I watch as he runs through the sand and over to his little group of friends who high-five him and toss him something to drink. Most likely a beer.

  “Fuuuuck. This kid never stops.”

  I really need to get him away from those little low-lives. They’re no good for him, but they’re all that he’s had his whole life, since his parents have never given a shit about what he does.

  I’ve been dealing with him sneaking into Vortex for two years now and I’ve been doing my best to help him get his head on straight.

  The kid thinks I’ll give up on him just like his parents did. He’s wrong.

  “Oh look. You do own clothing after all,” a sarcastic voice says from behind me.

  I’d know that sweet voice from anywhere, and I have to admit that I spent most of the night imagining what she’d sound like screaming from below me. Or on top . . . whatever she’s in the mood for.

  “I wasn’t lying, babe.” Smirking, I turn around to find Tegan sitting at one of the outdoor tables with her laptop. “This is just the only place I wear them. They’re sort of required here.” I tilt my head and watch as her eyes wander over my body. She’s trying to play it off, as if it’s not obvious she’s picturing me naked, but the quiver of her bottom lip gives her away. “So, I don’t own many.”

  “I’m sure that seems to work for you,” she mumbles.

  “It does; although, I usually get asked to take my clothes off here as well.” I walk over to the table and peer over her shoulder, curious. “Still Breathing . . .” I smile as she stiffens. “Are you writing a book?”

  Clearing her throat, she turns around and palms my face, pushing it back. “Do you mind? I can’t think with you so

  “That doesn’t sound like a bad thing,” I tease.

  Grunting, she closes her laptop. “Yes.”

  “Yes?” I question. “That it’s a bad thing?”

  “That I’m writing a book.” Her eyes wander over my body again, stopping on my chest. “Why are you wearing a shirt?”

  “Would you prefer I take it off for you?”

  She laughs sarcastically. “I think I saw enough of your body last night to keep my mind busy for a while, thank you.” She smiles up at Gavin and thanks him as he drops a drink off at her table. “I asked because every guy here is shirtless, with the exception of you. Is that a thing here? My brother left that juicy little detail out. Shirtless, sexy bartender heaven. I have a feeling I’m going to like it here.”

  “All the bartenders are required to be shirtless, yes, but I’m not bartending or playing right now.”

  “Playing?” she questions. “Your guitar?”

  “You can come watch me tonight if you want to know. I’m pretty sure that isn’t against the rules.”

  Opening her laptop again, she looks up at me and laughs. “Rules?”

  Letting out a small breath, I give her a serious look and pull my shit together, before I somehow manage to break these damn rules. “Your brother’s,” I say firmly. “Should you need me if my boys don’t attend to you and take care of you like you deserve, I’ll be upstairs in my office. Don’t be afraid to tell me if they slack.”

  “My brother is funny,” she says softly, watching me as I back away from her and turn around to leave.

  Her words stop me. “How so?”

  “For thinking he can control me while I’m here. Last time I checked I was a grown woman who makes her own decisions.”

  “Yeah,” I mumble. “Well, good luck telling your brother that.”

  With that, I walk away, leaving her outside, alone, to work on her book. Something about leaving her alone here with shirtless men is bothering me. Maybe it’s the fact that I know she likes it. Or the fact that I know they’ll want her, and unlike me, they might have a chance of touching her.

  Out of nowhere, a pair of hands press against my chest and begin feeling me up. “You’re wearing too much clothing, Micah,” Gwen says against my ear, as she trails her hand down to grab my junk.

  Growling, I grip her hand, making her grab it tighter.

  “Mmmm . . .” she moans. “Is somebody ready to play?”

  “No,” I whisper, just below her ear. “I’m reminding you of what you’ll never feel in your mouth again.” I push her hand away. “Now keep your hands to yourself or I’ll have you escorted out.”

  “Micah,” she huffs. “Don’t act like you don’t miss me. No one else will ever do the things that I do.”

  “Then they’ll probably last longer,” I say stiffly. “Now, I’ve got shit to do.”

  “Fuck off, Micah.” She straightens out her skirt, seeming embarrassed. “You’ll be back.”

  “Nope. I won’t,” I say, keeping my cool. “I’m needed in my office. Go cling to Colby. He actually enjoys it.”

  Without giving her a chance to respond I walk away, jogging up the steps to my office.

  One time, over a year ago, and Gwen keeps coming back for more, thinking that I’ll give her what she wants. She wants a man she can control.

  That’s not me.

  Just as I’m opening my office door, Alexander walks out of his, closing the door behind him.

  “Dude, have you been here all morning?” I question, looking his tired ass over.

  He runs a hand through his messy, dark hair and yawns. “Yeah, got here bright and early to take care of some shit.”

  Opening my office, I enter, knowing that Xan will follow.

  “Well, you look like hell.”

  Alexander smiles. “Thanks for the obvious, Asshole.” He closes the door behind him and takes a seat in the chair across from me. “I saw my sister walk in. Will you keep your eye on her, Man? I need to get some sleep before tonight.”

  “You’re trusting me to keep an eye on her?” I laugh and place my hands behind my head, lifting a brow to him.

  “Fuck no,” he grumbles. “But what other choice do I have? There’s a lot of assholes around here that will try to pick her up. At least make me feel somewhat better that you’ll be here.”

  “Yeah, Man,” I say, while watching the cameras. “I’ll keep the assholes away.”

  Alexander stands up. “Yourself included,” he says sternly. “My sister is a good girl. She deserves a good man that will take care of her, not someone to just show her one night of pleasure and kick her to the curb. Promise me, Micah.”

  Hearing the worry in his voice causes me to look up and truly see how much this means to him. The last thing I want to do is piss my best friend off and lose his trust. He’s had my back for years now. More than anyone else has.

  “Yeah, Man. Myself included.” I point at my door. “Now get the hell out of my office, Dick.”

  “On it. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  After Alexander leaves, I sit back and watch Tegan, ready to protect her from any asshole that tries to pick her up on my watch.

  Myself included.

  Shit, this is going to be harder than I expected . . .

  HE COMES AT ME SLOWLY, sweat dripping from his hard body.

  “No,” I grunt, while hitting backspace.

  He comes at me slowly, sweat dripping from every rock-hard muscle. His eyes trail over my bare flesh as if he’s ready to taste every exposed inch of me.

  “Whoa! Whoa! What the hell are you writing?”

  My brother’s voice scares me, causing my heart to nearly jump to my throat. I didn’t have a chance to see him last night since he’s been so busy, and he decides to choose the worst possible time to show up out of nowhere.


  “What the hell, Xan!” I slam my computer shut and spin around to face him. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to read over someone’s shoulder? You don’t do that shit. I was in deep concentration. Now you just messed up the flow of the scene.”

  “My bad,” he mumbles, while opening his soda. “Didn’t mean to disturb the porn scene in your head, little sis.”

  “Oh, come on. That’s gross. Don’t ever let me hear that word come from your lips again.”

  He eyes me over his can, while taking a long drink of his soda. I almost think he’s never going to stop for air. All that acid at once has to burn.

  “What are you doing here, anyway? I thought you were writing at the bar.”

  “I was,” I complain. “Until Micah sent me home.”

  Xan smirks, before finishing the rest of his soda off. “Oh yeah? Why?”

  My brother looks entirely too happy right now. I’m guessing he had something to do with Micah popping by my table every damn time a guy showed up.

  “Because the bartenders kept trying to pick me up. I wasn’t getting anything done, apparently. At least that’s what Micah said when he picked up my computer and sent me packing.”

  “Good boy,” he whispers.


  “Nothing.” He kisses me on the head and walks back over to the door, stopping to look back at me. “I need to get back to the bar. Micah plays in an hour and I need to take over the staff. Those boys are fucking trouble unless you watch them twenty-four-seven. No lie. I promise we’ll do lunch or dinner soon and catch up.”

  The image of Micah playing his guitar, naked, takes over my thoughts, and suddenly, writing can wait. I need to be at the bar to see him play.

  I came here for entertainment and I have a feeling that he’s going to take the spotlight.

  “I’ll be there then,” I say, opening my laptop back up. “I’ll just finish this scene and head out.”

  “I thought you wanted to get your book done,” he quips with amusement. “Instead, you’d rather stress my ass out by hanging around at my bar full of horny jerkoffs?”

  I take a second to
think his words over. “Yeah. Isn’t that what siblings are for? Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you decided to open a bar full of hot, shirtless men serving beer. Just saying.”

  He grunts. “I was hoping to keep you away for as long as I could. Just bring Jamie with you so you’re not alone. She’s been dying for you to get here. Call her.”

  “Good idea. I haven’t seen her since she moved.”

  “I guess I’ll see you soon. Just don’t fall for their stupid games. I’m serious. My guys are trouble.” He waves his hand at me, before rushing out of my room and down the stairs.

  After he leaves, I stare at my computer for a good twenty minutes, but the words won’t come. “Damn you, Xan.”

  I shut my computer down and call Jamie, before changing into a pair of comfortable shorts and a tank top, with a bikini underneath.

  The best thing about my brother’s bar is that you can drink a few beers and get a little tipsy, before running down to the beach to get wet and play in the water.

  You can’t beat that . . .

  Once Jamie arrives we do a little catching up on the last three years, before walking down to the beach and heading toward Vortex.

  “I can’t believe you’re finally here. Do you have any idea how bored I’ve been without you?” Jamie asks, holding her blonde hair out of her face as the wind blows it everywhere, causing her to eat it while she talks.

  Waving my arms around me, I laugh at her for even thinking she can trick me into believing that crap. “I’m sure you’ve been so bored without me; spending time on this beautiful beach, full of sexy, half-naked men. I have no idea how you’ve managed this long without me,” I tease.

  She grins as a hot guy jogs past us, chasing after a Frisbee. “You’re right. I totally lied. Check out the abs on that one.” She lifts a brow, inspecting him. “But seriously though, you’re here now and we’re going to have a blast. I’ll make sure of it.”

  Her words have me smiling, but my mind drifts to Micah, and suddenly, I’m curious.

  “Do you know this Micah guy that my brother hangs out with?”

  She stops dead in her tracks and starts fanning herself. “Who the hell doesn’t? He’s the sexiest man to hold a guitar.” When I turn back around, she’s following me again. “He’s pretty well known around here. For both his looks and his talent.”


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