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Page 16

by Victoria Ashley

  As much as I wanted her to stay downstairs with me, we were worried that Alexander would check for her in her room to make sure she was there once he gets home.

  And the last thing we need is him finding out any other way than us telling him ourselves. Tegan decided that it’d be best to wait and tell him after Express is open and I’m gone, that way if he wants to kill me for a while he at least won’t have to see me on the daily.

  He’s going to need some time away from me to get used to the idea and I get that. I get why Tegan wants to wait until then and as much as I hate keeping this from my friend, I want to respect Tegan and her wishes at the same time.

  “Shit.” Unable to fall asleep, I sit up and run my hands through my hair in frustration. I’m half-tempted to sneak into Tegan’s room and sleep in her bed. “Fuck it.”

  I stand up and just as I go to take a step, Tegan appears in the doorway of my room.

  She looks just as tired and frustrated as I feel.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” she says, looking me over in my boxer briefs. “All I can think about is being close to you.”

  “Come here, baby.” I grab her hand and pull her to me. My heart skips a beat the moment she melts into my arms as if that’s where she’s meant to be. “I want nothing more than for you to be close to me. You have no fucking idea.”

  I stand here and hold her for a while, this peace and warmth filling me that I’ve never experienced before. That’s when I know there’s no way in hell I’ll be letting her sleep alone anymore.

  I can’t.

  Not now that I know how she feels about me.

  “Come on.” I climb into my bed, pulling her down with me, under the covers. “We just have to wake up before your brother does.”

  She snuggles into my arms, wrapping her legs around mine as she buries her face into my chest. “Okay,” she says on a yawn. “Now be quiet and hold me. It feels so good in your arms . . .”

  I hold her tighter, my heart pounding as I listen to her breathing change. She’s been in my arms for less than a minute and she’s already asleep.

  Why do I suddenly feel so damn soft and mushy around her?

  In this moment, with her in my arms, I feel as if I’d do anything in the world for her and I’ve barely even known her for two weeks.

  I’ve always heard that when you fall, you fall hard and fast, but before now I didn’t believe that shit to be true.

  Tegan Tyler has turned my entire world upside down without even trying, and now everything I’ve known for the last five years will come crashing down around me.

  The first person I’ve ever truly trusted will never trust me again.

  That only means I have to do everything in my power to prove that I’ll never hurt Tegan, and I’m willing to do anything it takes . . .

  IT’S BEEN TWO DAYS SINCE I told Tegan she was mine and she’s snuck into my room every night to sleep in my bed since.

  After knowing what it feels like to wake up with her in my arms, I honestly can’t imagine sleeping without her beside me.

  We haven’t even had sex since she’s been in my bed, which makes it mean even more to me. We’ve talked and laughed and have gotten to know each other, with our bodies tangled together in the darkness of the basement.

  It’s something I never really saw myself doing and I can’t see myself ever wanting to do it with anyone else.

  She makes me feel different. She makes me feel that happiness truly does exist if you let it find you.

  I’ve gone most of my life thinking that true happiness was bullshit. That everyone you meet will eventually leave you crushed and alone. When the one person who was meant to love you can’t even manage to stick around, then why believe that anyone else will?

  It’s why I’ve kept my heart guarded. Because the memory of losing the one person I loved most in the world has haunted me since I was eight.

  I never wanted to feel that helpless again, and I never wanted to be enough to anyone else to make them feel that way either.

  But it’s too late when it comes to Tegan.

  I can’t lose her. Not now.

  We’re already in too deep.

  I’ve completely fallen for her and from the way she’s been spending her time at Express with me for the last two nights, I know she’s completely fallen for me too.

  Being with her every chance that I get has become the norm for me and I honestly can’t see things being any other way now.

  It’s close to time for me to put on my last performance here at Vortex, and that has all these mixed emotions running through me and shit.

  I’m happy that I’ll be opening my own place in a little over four weeks, yet I feel like I’m letting Alexander down in some way, because my performances have helped bring in a lot of his business over the years.

  “I’ve been thinking a lot over the last few weeks.” Alexander looks up from his desk, nudging me on. “What if I still perform here once a month?”

  He smiles and tosses a stack of papers into a drawer. “Then I’d be happy as hell to have you, brother. You’re always welcome here and you know it.”

  I nod and set my phone down. Sebastian just texted me to ask if he could come watch my last performance. I agreed as long as he sits with Tegan so she can watch his ass.

  “The kid is coming to watch my show tonight. Think Tegan would mind keeping an eye on him?” I ask him, as if I’m not planning on asking her myself. But Alexander has been less suspicious about his sister and I since I’ve been staying back at his place, and I want to keep it that way for as long as possible.

  “I’ll ask her.” He looks up at the time. “She should be here with Jamie soon. I’m sure between the two of them they can keep him locked down at their table.”

  “Great.” I stand up and slap his desk. “I’m going to check on the guys before I set up.”

  “Parker is coming in tonight,” he says without looking up. “I wanted you to be able to focus on your last performance without the stress of running the bar while I’m stuck in my office for the first half.”

  The mention of Parker has my blood boiling, because I still haven’t been able to stop picturing his lips on Tegan’s. I’m a jealous son of a bitch when it comes to her.

  “I’ve never had a problem with doing it before,” I say stiffly.

  He looks up at me. “You have a problem with Parker being around?”

  “Nope,” I say, grabbing for the energy drink in front of me and squeezing it. “I’ll be out back.”

  Before he has a chance to say anything I exit his office and walk as far away as possible, before throwing my fist into the wall.

  He may be getting my job once I’m gone, but there’s no way in hell I’m allowing him to get my girl.

  Once I compose myself, I make my way through the crowd, getting stopped by almost every girl I pass on the way. They all seem to know that it’s my last performance and want a way to keep in contact with me.

  Not a fucking chance.

  By the time I finally manage to make it out back to setup the small stage, Tegan and Jamie are walking up from the beach.

  Happiness fills me when her eyes meet mine, and she mouths I’ve missed you.

  I setup as quickly as possible and discreetly get Tegan’s attention again, motioning for her to meet me inside in the bathroom hallway.

  Everyone is too busy trying to get drinks and find tables close to the stage right now, so I figured this will be the only place we can get a few moments alone.

  As soon as she comes down the hallway I grab her by the waist and pull her to me, placing my forehead to hers. “You have no idea how hard it’s been not being able to see you since this afternoon.”

  She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck. “It’s only been like seven hours.”

  “Exactly.” I move my hands up to cup her face, before I brush my lips over hers, causing her to release a small moan. “Seven hours is too long to not be able to taste you, Tegan.”

swallows. “Then taste me.”

  An animalistic growl sounds in my throat the moment our lips touch, and it takes all my strength not to make love to her right here in the hallway.

  I haven’t had a chance to show her that I can be gentle when I want to be, because I’ve been too focused on showing her that my attraction for her isn’t purely physical.

  It’s so much more.

  She’s so much more.

  “I still can’t get over how weak in the knees I get when you kiss me,” she whispers against my lips. “You make me weak, Micah.”

  “I hope that’s not a bad thing.” I kiss her again, but deeper this time, which has us both gripping each other as if we can’t get enough. “Because I can’t fucking stop.”

  “It’s good,” she says with a smile. “So good.”

  “Good.” I smile against her lips. “I bet the hero in your book makes the heroine just as weak with his mouth too. Since you wrote him after me and all.”

  She laughs and slaps my chest. “You’re still so full of yourself.”

  “Yeah, but now you have been too . . .” I lean in to whisper in her ear. “Twice.”

  “Really, Micah–”

  I shut her up with my mouth, because it always seems to be the best way to quiet her when I decide to mess with her.

  But I can’t resist pushing her with my cocky mouth still, because even though she acted as if it annoyed her when we first met, I know it’s what made her want me to begin with.

  She’s still wrapped up in my arms, our mouths locked on each other’s when the sound of someone clearing their throat has Tegan pulling away from the kiss.

  But seeing that it’s Parker I refuse to release her from my arms until he’s already past us, and disappearing into the bathroom.

  “What the hell, Micah?” Tegan wiggles her way out of my arms and quickly fixes her hair in a panic. “Do you want him telling my brother about us?”

  “No . . . shit,” I mutter. “But I took one look at the asshole eying you over and I wanted him to see that we’re together. I’ll talk to him.” I rub my hands over her arms to calm her down. “Can you go find Sebastian and make sure he sits with you and Jamie?”

  “Micah . . . don’t—”

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to punch the guy. I’m just going to have a little talk with him.”

  I place a quick kiss on her lips and turn around to walk away before she can say anything else to stop me.

  I guess old habits die hard and the asshole in me just came out again. I might’ve messed everything up, but if Parker doesn’t want to feel my wrath then I suggest he listen to what the hell I have to say.

  I’ll tell him the truth, and if that isn’t enough to stop the guy from opening his mouth then I guess my fist will.

  I just hope for Tegan’s sake that it doesn’t come down to that . . .

  MY HEART IS STILL RACING from me and Micah getting caught making out just a few moments ago. I feel sick at the idea that Parker might run off and tell Alexander. I don’t want him to find out that way.

  I take a seat at the table with Jamie and sit here, trying to make sense of everything as she side-eyes me.

  “Everything okay?” She leans in to touch the back of her hand to my forehead. “You look pale all of a sudden. What the hell happened in there?”

  “Nothing,” I say, shaking her hand off my forehead. “Cool it. I’m fine.”

  “Oh, bullshit, honey,” she huffs. “Tell me now before I go inside and find Micah to ask him my damn self.”

  I shift in my seat and wave Sebastian over when I see him emerge from the crowd, hoping he’ll be a good excuse to change the subject. “Not now. We have company. I’ll tell you all about it once we leave. I promise. But I can’t right now.”

  “When we leave?” she asks quickly and sits back in her seat, looking as if she’s about to lose it. “You know I can’t wait until we–”

  “You’re with us, Sebastian,” I say, cutting her off and giving her a look to tell her to shut the hell up. The last thing I need is another person asking questions about Micah and I, and if this woman doesn’t shut her mouth that’s exactly what’s going to happen. “Looks like we’re on Sebastian duty tonight, so pick a seat or we’ll all get in trouble.”

  The kid laughs and pulls out a chair to join us. “What happens if I get into trouble? Do one of you fine ladies tackle me until I behave? Because that’s a kind of trouble I don’t mind being in.”

  Jamie and I both laugh, but I do mostly because the kid reminds me of Micah. “I think you’ve been spending a bit too much time with Micah.”

  He shrugs and takes a sip of his soda, looking up at the stage and then around him as if he’s preparing for something. “Where is the big guy? I’m so used to him dragging me out that it’s a little hard to enjoy this rare moment without flinching.”

  “There he is,” Jamie says with a huge smile. “Oh my goodness is he looking finer than usual or is it just me?”

  I swallow nervously as I watch Micah step through the crowd alone. It has me worried that he got into another fight with Parker and left him in the bathroom bloodied.

  That is, until Parker steps out just a few seconds behind him and makes his way to the bar.

  His face doesn’t look any more bruised than it was a few moments ago, so I’m going to take that as a good thing.

  At least I hope.

  “You two are into that whole long-hair look, huh?” Sebastian runs a hand through his short, blonde hair. “Maybe I will grow it out after all. It’ll look pretty badass with my surfboard. What do you ladies think?”

  “Uh, hell yeah.” Jamie turns her attention from Micah to Sebastian. “How old are you again, kid? Are you legal?”

  “Eighteen,” he says with a lift of his brow.

  My eyes widen at Jamie when she smiles. “He’s seventeen, Jamie. Don’t even think about it.”

  “Only for three more months.” He runs a hand through his hair again and winks at Jamie. “You’re only what . . . two years older, maybe? Three months ain’t shit to wait. Just saying.”

  “Actually, she’s three years older. Almost four, so calm it down, playboy. I’m sure there’s plenty of girls your age around.”

  “Oh, please, ladies. Those girls can’t handle Sabastian Masters. I need a woman.”

  Jamie and I both laugh at the same time, which has Sebastian throwing his arms up and slapping them to his somewhat muscular chest. “Well, it’s true. Don’t laugh until you go for a test ride.” He lifts his brows at Jamie. “Sup, girl?”

  “Ignore him.” Micah says from over my shoulder.

  The moment he moves around so I can get a better look at him my stomach twists into tiny knots. I want to ask him what he said to Parker, but I can’t with these two around and it’s driving me crazy.

  Micah places a fresh soda in front of Sebastian, before setting two beers down for Jamie and me. “If you ladies have any issues with the kid let me know and I’ll stop my show to drag him out of here myself.”

  “Oh, come on, Dude!” Seb leans back in his seat and places his hands behind his head, attempting to look cool. “The chicks are digging me, so don’t even worry. Just run along to the stage and play us some music to better set the mood.”

  Micah flexes his jaw and flicks Sebastian on the forehead. Then he leans in close and looks him in the eyes. “Just sit there and keep your eyes on the stage unless you want to lose them.”

  Sebastian grunts and rubs his forehead. “Don’t hate, big guy.”

  When Micah pulls his eyes away from Sebastian they meet mine, just long enough for him to nod as if to tell me that his conversation with Parker went well.

  I release a breath and place my hand over my chest in relief, watching as he walks up to take his place on the stage.

  Not even five seconds after he grabs his guitar and takes a seat on the stool my phone goes off in my back pocket. I reach for it to see a new message from Whitney.

  I’ve b
een so wrapped up in Micah that I’ve almost forgotten about Whitney and my parents. I haven’t talked to them in days and now I’m realizing that I’ve shut them out without meaning to. I feel like total shit.

  Micah glances up at me while he tunes his guitar, but before I can get too wrapped up in him and what’s to come, I open my best friend’s message and read it.

  My heart sinks as I read the words.

  Whitney: I can’t believe you’ve been gone for over two weeks and we’ve only talked once. Too busy for your bestie?

  Tegan: I’m a crap friend and I’m soooooooooooo sorry. There’s no excuse and I promise I’ll call you after Micah’s performance. Please don’t hate me.

  Whitney: Soo . . . Micah is the hottie’s name? And you better call me. You still have like ten more weeks before you come back home and I miss you.

  Tegan: I will. I promise, and I miss you too. XOXO

  The mention of going back home has me looking up at the stage, trying to figure out how I’m going to leave Micah at the end of summer.

  The thought hasn’t even crossed my mind over the last two weeks because I’ve been too worried about keeping things between us a secret.

  I promised my parents I wouldn’t move yet, but Micah is making me rethink all the promises I made before I showed up here in California.

  How am I going to leave him? Can I even do it?

  How am I ever going to get on a plane and say goodbye knowing that he most likely won’t be able to come visit me often? Not with Express about to open up. It’ll keep him busy just like Vortex has with Alexander since he opened it.

  But how can I break my parents’ hearts and tell them that I can’t come back home?

  Then they’ll be left with both of their children living over two thousand miles away.

  I feel sick as I sit here and fight the thoughts in my head. I feel like no matter what I end up doing I’ll be hurting someone I care about. And I’ve already hurt Alexander . . . He just doesn’t know it yet.

  “How’s everyone doing tonight?” Micah’s deep voice draws my attention back to him.


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