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Forsaken World:Coming of Age

Page 32

by Thomas A. Watson

  For two hours, the group copied what the men on the screen did. Their training had advanced to another level, learning to survive in this new, forsaken world.


  April 6

  Johnathan lowered the binoculars. “That’s the Klamath River mouth,” he said, looking over at Bill. They had traveled up the coast of California the last two days looking for this river.

  “We can head ashore tonight and hope we can find supplies,” Bill said, taking the binoculars. “Getting caught in that westward current cost us nine days and a lot of supplies we were counting on to get us further ashore.”

  Sandy moved up to Johnathan, wrapping her arms around his waist. “You think the internet is still up?”

  Johnathan looked down at her. “Baby, we can’t risk sending a message to Lance. You heard on the radio how hard the government is tracking broadcasts and tracking down anyone still using the internet. He and the others are fine. In fact, they are much better off than we are.”

  Sandy came out carrying the last bottles of water and passed them around. “We need to drink before heading ashore.” When everyone had one, Sandy looked at the luxury trawler they had stolen to make it there from Hawaii. “Well, it got us here,” she said, taking a drink.

  “Thought we were going to have to row there for a while,” Bill said, putting an arm around her.

  “From all the reports we heard and read, we knew California was suffering an eighty percent infection rate before we left Hawaii, so I say we wait until dark to move to shore,” Johnathan said, looking at his watch. “Which is only four hours away.”

  Sandy kissed Bill on the cheek and headed to the cabin. “Fine with me; I’m sick of boats and fish.”

  “Both kept us alive, Sandy,” Bill said, following her.

  Sandy looked Johnathan in the eyes. “Using the route you and Bill came up with, how long before we get to the cabin?”

  Taking a deep breath, Johnathan looked away. “With no problems, we should get there in one hundred and seventy-nine days. But Sandy, I’m telling you, we will run into problems. We will deal with them the best we can and continue on. Lance and Ian are smarter than any ten people I know. Hell, look at all the shit they did, and we know they did it, but no one could prove it, and they never confessed. Some of that was pure genius. They are tough, smart, and strong. We need to remember that and keep our heads, or we could get hurt or killed and never reach them.”

  Letting her arm fall from his waist, Sandy grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “I know, but I just want to hold him,” she said as tears ran down her cheeks.

  “And you will,” Johnathan said, squeezing her hand. “We just have a long road ahead to get there.”

  The End

  Look for Book Three in 2017

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