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Bishop's Pawn

Page 14

by Suzanne Halliday

  A long, slow gasp turned to an earthy moan and he chafed at not being able to read her thoughts. What went through her mind at that moment? She sucked in her stomach and held her breath. He nearly pinned her to the spot right then and there.

  “I’m going to touch you now and you’re not to hold back, Carina. The darkness, it…blinds me to what brings you pleasure. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “Yes, Roman. I want your hands on me. Everywhere,” she added breathlessly.

  He got on the creaking bed, straddled her thighs, and leaned over with his hands close by her head. The dim light made her expressive eyes sparkle in the darkness.

  With an earthy grunt he demanded, “Open your mouth.” He smiled at how eager she was to obey. The next uncomfortable thought involved her mouth and some other guy, any other guy’s cock. Instinct and jealousy raced along his nerves making him growl with displeasure.

  It was totally fucked up for him to feel that way. After all, it’s not like he was the poster boy for celibacy or restraint where his sex life was involved. She was perfectly entitled to express her sexuality however she wanted. But the part of his brain where support for feminism lived wasn’t loud enough to be heard over the rumblings of primitive possession scrambling his thoughts.

  Grabbing her chin, he took forceful command and subjected her to a punishing kiss with lips and tongue determined to stake a claim. He was partially aware that her eyes rarely closed. She appeared mesmerized.

  Having subdued her momentarily he went back to learning her body with his hands. Like a blind man memorizing his lover’s face, he traced her eyebrows and gently kissed each eyelid. The slope of her nose, rounded cheeks and the way her chin tilted. And then, Jesus. And then her pouty lips and lush mouth.

  His thumb slid into her mouth. She wasted no time unleashing a good deal of passion on sucking it until he was forced to withdraw or lose his damn mind.

  Drawing one hand from her chin and down her neck, he stopped when his whole palm was positioned for the perfect lover’s grip. Flames of desire licked at the soles of his feet when she writhed and let out a husky moan.

  Her eyes fixed on his. She didn’t know how to express this particular feeling—the longing to understand was all over her face. Roman nodded slightly and leered into her sultry gaze. He understood what she was feeling. He was making a bold and very dominant claim. Another woman might react fearfully or with hesitation. Not Kelly. She purred and squirmed under him. Claiming her lips with a gentle, sweeping kiss, he murmured, “Good girl,” and waited to gauge her reaction.

  She balked, and he was glad because it meant she wasn’t just a vessel to be used. Then his joy turned incandescent when she relaxed and melted into his grip with a small, almost smug smile curling her lips.

  Well hot damn, he thought. His sexy Carina liked being a good girl. A naughty good girl.

  One finger trailed leisurely from the base of her throat into the valley between her breasts. He was a connoisseur of boobs and hers held a delicious promise. The convenient front hooks on her bra made it possible to quickly uncover the glorious mounds.

  “Ah, Carina,” he growled. “Such lovely tits.”

  He started slow, carefully cupping each beautiful globe, testing the weight and jiggle. He massaged the satisfying fullness and rolled her turgid little nips between his fingers.

  She was making sounds, but he was lost in the sensual delight her gorgeous tits offered.

  “What do you need, little one? Tell me.”

  Her gasp was sharp and desperate. “Oh please Roman. Make the ache stop. I can’t…”

  He knew what she needed. The second his lips closed around one of her nipples, she let out a wail of pleasure, let go of the brass headboard, and grabbed him. With a loud pop, he disengaged from the fierce suckle and reared back.

  “Uh uh,” he snarled. “No hands. Obey, remember?”

  With a rough, annoyed huff she grabbed hold of the brass once more and told him exactly what she thought of this obey thing by sticking her tongue out. “Fine,” she snapped. “But if I have to obey, you have to suck harder.”

  He had to chuckle. “Harder, you say?”

  “Yes,” she grunted. “Let’s call that the operative word, okay?”

  Roman pinched a nipple and smirked. “Is hard your normal setting?” He was just messing with her, so he was surprised by her answer.

  “I don’t know. Let’s find out.”

  If he had any residual sense of deprivation for not being breast fed as a baby, all of it vanished as he went to town and back on her tits. Proving further just how good a girl she could be, Kelly started quiet but got a whole lot louder and more demanding as he encouraged her to express her pleasure.

  In their current position with him straddling her, Roman was fast approaching his limit. Every time she writhed or wiggled and rubbed against him, his cock went wild.

  Lifting off, he shimmied in the narrow bed until he was stretched alongside her deliciously quivering body.

  “Look at me.”

  She was trembling uncontrollably when her face shifted and she turned to lock eyes with him. He needed to see her. Gauge her expression; read her signals when he touched her pussy.

  Watching her chest heave with excited anticipation, he ran a hand, palm down, from her breastbone, across her tummy, stopping for a swift swirl of her navel before he flattened his caress and slid into her panties.

  Her thighs momentarily shut and locked. She bit her lip and looked away. He smiled knowingly and drawled, “Don’t be embarrassed, luv.”

  Her sweet, sexy blush was visible in the dim light.

  “Come on Kelly. Open those sweet thighs and show me how wet you are.” He leaned closer and whispered against her ear, “The wetter the better.”

  She still hesitated. God. How cute was that?

  “Kelly. Baby,” he growled. “Open your legs.”

  Her thighs slowly parted. She kept her eyes on his.

  With one finger he traced her center from ass to clit and let out a deep groan when his finger coated with her desire.

  Staring intently into her eyes, he showed his satisfaction as best he could and said, “Now see. I like finding your pussy wet and waiting for me.”

  Her only reply was a small undulation. He cupped her mound possessively and squeezed gently.

  “Carina,” he gruffly drawled. “Have we done anything that you don’t like?”

  There was no surprise on his part when she answered him in the most direct way possible. “I like the kissing. Very much. And I liked what you did to my tits.”

  Before her next words he chuckled softly and said, “Honey, swear to fucking god. You have no idea how much it pleases me that you didn’t fall back on politically correct terms.”

  “You didn’t let me finish,” she teased in a husky voice. “As I was saying, the tit action? Very nice. And I’m sure whatever you unleash on my pussy will be, um…memorable.”

  At her naughty words, he wasted no time and sank one finger into her wet depths. She gasped and writhed.

  “Roman.” Her voice held a plea, but her eyes demanded a challenge.

  “Lift your knees, baby.”

  She complied and he went to work on her magnificent pussy, inserting two fingers and rubbing her clit until she responded with a flood of need. And she still had her panties on. And those cute pink socks.

  Short whimpers, husky grunts and drawn out moans provided the backing soundtrack as he sucked on her nipples and fingered her with ruthless intent until he felt her muscles tighten.

  So she didn’t wonder, he told her in blunt terms what he wanted.

  “I find it sexy as fuck that you cream so beautifully from having your pussy fingered. Think of the possibilities. In the car. An elevator. In public under a dinner table. At a concert.”

  She moaned and undulated.

  “Now let’s find out how my Carina orgasms. Seeing you come is the best part,” he growled with sexy meaning.

>   “But I thought,” she moaned. The sentence dwindled to silence when he twisted his fingers inside her.

  “Oh, don’t worry. You’ll be coming on my cock too. But first…”

  He fingered her with ruthless intent. She gushed and shook. The explosion when it happened took his breath away. Nothing could ever be as staggeringly beautiful to watch as Kelly in the throes of a passionate consummation.

  When he was sure there wasn’t anything left, he calmly withdrew his fingers and patted her mound through the simple panties.

  She looked shell-shocked. He didn’t know what sort of man she’d been with before now but he was confident an orgasm like the one he’d just given her had never been on the menu.

  Now that she’d come, he could continue. His cock was thick and long. To accommodate his size, the wetter the better.

  He vaulted off the bed and made quick work of ditching his briefs. Then he grabbed her white panties and pulled them down her legs. He made a production out of smelling the intimate lingerie infused with her sexy fragrance.

  Her hands flew off the headboard when she got a good long look at his hard cock. Seeing the lusty desire etched on her face, he knew only tying her up would keep Kelly’s hands from his body.

  “Oh, may I touch you? You’re so beautiful. I didn’t know…”

  Even if he could have said no he didn’t. The wonder and awe on her face did weird things to his sense of manhood. Sure, it was a cliché, but the awestruck expression and the way her hands moved—as if being drawn to his flesh by a magnet—made him feel like the king of the world. No, fuck that. The world wasn’t large enough to contain his emotions. She made him feel like emperor of the fucking galaxy.

  Jesus H. Christ, though. His brain exploded when the scrutiny she subjected him to with her small hands pushed him way closer to the edge than he was comfortable with. It only took a few seconds for the oohs and ahhs to turn husky and her fingers to push his buttons.

  “Easy, sweetheart,” he grunted. She was a little too fascinated with the smooth head of his cock. If she tickled the corona one more time with her nails he wouldn’t be responsible for what happened next.

  She stopped the tactile exploration and literally sat on her hands with her feet dangling off the side of the bed. Her eyes and the visible tension around her mouth held his attention. That didn’t mean he ignored the long tumble of hair falling in a glorious mess around her shoulders, or the way her tasty nipples poked through the dark strands.

  Roman counted his heartbeats in the ensuing silence. The strangest sensation, sort of like a slow moving waterfall of warmth, started at the crown of his head and drifted down until he felt engulfed and overtaken. Was he glowing? Sure felt like it.

  She softly murmured, “I think I’ve dreamt about you.”

  This wasn’t serendipity. She wasn’t just passing through. There was a certainty about their coming together that shook him up and comforted him at the same time.

  “Carina,” he murmured softly. He lifted her chin with his fingers and peered intently into her eyes. He paused over the words. Once he allowed light to pour into this particular corner of his heart, he’d either end up destroyed or rebuilt. He took the plunge. “I’ve dreamt of you, too.”

  With the grace and beauty of an angel she rose from the bed and joined their naked bodies. Wrapping her arms around him possessively, she rose on tiptoes.

  Short puffs of air hit his face when she spoke softly but with quiet determination. “I’m not afraid of this. Of you.”

  Roman took a deep breath and gathered her closer. The way she fit against him took perfection to a whole new level.

  He kissed her and it was unbelievable. Naked bodies, skin on skin, straining for more. To be closer, held tighter, kissed more deeply. That didn’t last long, not when the fever driving them demanded their full attention.

  He used her long hair as a restraint, something she made no effort to pretend she didn’t like very much. It was refreshing. She was a natural.

  They rolled around the narrow, noisy bed, touching, kissing, stroking, mauling. It was a perfect symphony of building desire that left them writhing jointly in an agony of desperation.

  She was with him the whole way, following where he led. Her eyes intrigued. She rarely looked away and her body was truly a paradise of delights.

  When holding back stopped being an option, he started moving her into position for the finale when sense erupted in his brain.

  “Oh, fuck,” he roared.

  “Yes, please,” she whimpered.

  He almost lost it then and there.

  Him leaping off her and darting around the room wasn’t quite what she expected in that moment, evidenced by the confusion on her face. He’d be embarrassed about so obviously losing his shit at such a crucial juncture, but he had to find his fucking jeans so he could rifle through his wallet for the condom every guy kept for emergency situations like this.

  Stubbing his toe on a table leg in the unfamiliar obstacle course of darkness, he located the pants and extracted the wallet. Fumbling with the confidence of a teenage boy he found the small packet and exhaled with relief.

  “Sorry,” he grunted with real embarrassment as he displayed the protection in his hand. “My bad.”

  Her luminous smile wasn’t at all what he expected. She snorted with a mixture that sounded amused and relieved. “The uh, condom dance you just performed,” she said with obvious delight, “well, come on. Cute doesn’t quite cover it, fancy man. “

  She shocked the holy crap from him when she snatched the condom from his hand and inspected it like a TSA agent screening carry-on luggage. “Is there an expiration date on these things?” she asked with an amused chuckle. “‘Cause this one looks like it’s spent considerable time in your back pocket.”

  There wasn’t anything to do except laugh. So he did. The passion of moments ago wasn’t gone—it was magnified by great happiness. It didn’t seem to matter that they could count the length of their relationship in hours. Some things were right and didn’t need picking apart.

  That didn’t mean however that he wasn’t ticking off a list of firsts because he couldn’t remember ever having laughter be part of a seduction.

  “Actually,” he told her with mock sincerity as he took the packet from her hand, “it’s worse than that.”

  She snickered and made an adorable face while she waited for his next words.

  “This little baby?” he said while waving it in front of her face. “Won it in an arcade. Spent ten bucks in quarters and all I got was this.”

  Kelly guffawed like crazy, slapped him on the side of his ass and then fell over in a seizure of giggles, smacking her hand on the bed and begging for him to stop.

  “The booty prize,” she shrieked with glee. “You got the carnival booty prize. What fun.”

  Stretching out on the single bed, she crooked her finger and waggled her brows. He completely vapor locked when his sexy paramour spread her legs and pointed. “Insert here?”

  She said it like a question but he most certainly did not miss the plea in her voice.

  He raked her naked body with his eyes as he ripped the condom from the packet and rolled it on. His poor cock was so ready that he gasped and had to shut his eyes for a second just from handling his hard, swollen shaft.

  Covering her body with his, he rejoined her on the bed and reignited the blaze until she was shaking and begging for him to take her. She was beyond wet and more than ready when his cock breached the tight entrance to her lush body.

  “Kelly,” he groaned. She focused in on his eyes, and with that he gave a mighty thrust and his entire world turned upside down.

  She made a soft yelp followed by a deep groan as he sank into her pussy. His brain was misfiring. Had to be, because unless he was having a waking hallucination, he’d just ripped through her virginity and done it without any finesse.

  He shook his head to clear away the primitive burst of satisfaction and pleasure engulfing hi
s emotions.

  She was mewling softly, and her legs made restless movements like she was trying to get closer. He wasn’t sure how much closer they could get without him melting into her body.

  Aware of his cock pulsing softly in her hot, wet pussy, he swore the damn thing swelled even more. It was as if a switch was thrown because in the next instant she went from shocked and impaled to over-the-top desperate. The girl’s muscle control made the Pilates instructor he banged a few months ago fade to amateurish insignificance.

  “I changed my mind,” he grunted on a particularly ferocious thrust.

  She bucked her hips with increasing fervor.

  “You aren’t a good girl at all, Carina.”

  The room started spinning when she didn’t respond except to grunt and fiercely fuck him from below.

  Did virgins come the first time? He wasn’t sure, but goddammit, he was up for finding out.

  Shoving both hands beneath her ass, he lifted, forcing her knees back and moved her around until he found the right angle. He knew he was in position when her pussy flooded with wet heat.

  Sucking a nipple into his hungry mouth, Roman growled commands.

  “Keep those knees back.”

  “Roll your hips baby. Yeah, like that,” he grunted when she made a perfectly perfect circle and moaned like crazy the whole time.

  Her arms started to flail. She clutched the sheet under her ass, when he wasn’t devouring her mouth or mauling her neck, she rolled her head from side to side and made noises he gathered in his memory.

  But holy shit, when her hands found the brass headboard, she grabbed tight and used the anchor as leverage, furiously fucking him back as he pumped in and out with a wildness he’d never known before.

  It got more than a little fierce in that damn creaky bed. With the winds howling outside and the whole house in pitch blackness, the thunk, thunk, thunk of the metal banging against the wall with each thrust he delivered only made him harder.


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