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Bishop's Pawn

Page 32

by Suzanne Halliday

  On the one hand, he gave off charming delight at her clumsy naiveté. But then with the other hand, he urged her on to explore and unleash a physical fierceness that took Kelly out of herself.

  The innocence turned him on and filled what she presumed was a normal primal need to be a sexual alpha.

  But her fierceness turned him into an animal which in turn pushed her higher until the moment of surrender—a surrender she needed to give.

  It all confused the hell out of her.

  So she did what any girl would do. Right? She returned the favor. After all, men were incredibly easy to confuse.

  “Are you working from a step-by-step guide or something? Is that why the oral portion of this learning curve has been denied?”

  He didn’t even try not to laugh. “What do you mean? Are you asking if there’s a manual? Training the Virgin? Something like that?”

  Training the virgin. Oh my lord. How could she not love this man?

  “Is there?” she asked with saccharin innocence. “There has to be,” she drawled in answer to her question. “That’s the only explanation that makes sense as to why you keep stopping me every time I put my mouth on you.”

  “Do you even know what you’re talking about?”

  He asked the question in his bad man voice. She smirked.

  “I’m talking about this,” she said with a finger pointed at his crotch, “and this,” she taunted as she ran her fingertip across her tongue. “An introduction is in order don’t you think?”

  “An introduction?” There was disbelief and amusement in his voice.

  She giggled.

  “Get the fuck out of that tub, lady.”

  He picked up a towel from the vanity bench and tossed it at her head. “Rub some smelly shit all over that delectable little body and then join me in the bedroom.”

  “What for?” she answered with a snarky bite.

  “So we can explore your gag reflex of course.”

  She gave him the eye and snickered, “Don’t tease.”

  “Nah, we’re good, babe” he drawled. “You want to spend our monthly break time sucking on my dick like a lollipop? Who the fuck am I to object?”

  He was laughing and muttering to himself as the door to the bathroom shut, and he left her to get ready.

  She was halfway through primping and preparing when guilt struck her like a thunderbolt. Biting her lip as she gasped, all she could think of was that not once in any of what just happened had she asked about Matty.

  A moment of remorse, and then she relaxed. She and Matty were safe in Roman’s care. He wouldn’t have sought her out during bath time if he hadn’t gotten Matty tucked in and asleep in his fancy new digs.

  Oddly enough, she had no reservations co-parenting with him. In fact, it came as something of a relief to finally have enough trust in someone to allow it.


  She wasn’t going to suddenly start questioning every little thing when her gut had never guided her wrong before.

  She trusted Roman.

  This was what she was supposed to do. Where she was supposed to be. With him.

  All the other stuff? The brother and dying father? Background noise.

  She was focused on the full orchestra, the emotional percussion, and the freedom of letting the music flow through organically.

  Her future and Matty’s were part of the symphony. So was Roman’s. A sobering thought. One that reminded her that it wasn’t all about the Kelly and Matty show. Roman played a major role. She wanted him to be happy too.

  Figuring out how to make all those things work was her challenge.

  Water dripped off his eyelashes as he scowled at the gleaming tile wall in his king size shower. Every goddamn bell and stupid whistle available in a modern bath were at his disposal. Except for one thing.

  Stabbing his finger on the wall, he muttered, “Right here.”

  Yep. Right here there needed to be a fucking gauge to let him know how much water he was wasting while he stood there and imagined the shower was somehow magically going to wash away his mortification from the scene he’d just made in the bedroom.

  He didn’t know what to make out of any of it.

  Was he losing his touch? Getting old? Addled? Is that what just caused him to embarrass the holy fuck out of himself?

  Slowly turning around so the hot water could cascade down the back of his head and pound away the tension in his back, he wiped a hand across his face and groaned.

  After Kelly finally drove him nuts with her insatiable curiosity, and he figured there’d be no harm in letting her have a taste of what was sure to come, he gave in but didn’t consider the part where he went off like a green fourteen-year-old getting his first blow job.

  It started off so perfectly when she pranced out of the bathroom in nothing but a perfectly respectable pair of pink panties with her fantastic tits swaying and bobbing. As usual, she gave new meaning to the word eager.

  A more rehearsed woman would have approached him with a seductive dance, but not Kelly. Hell to the no. She bounced out of the bathroom and ran to him like a kid hitting the playground after a long morning of being cooped up.

  Her enthusiasm scrambled his thoughts and short-circuited the control he normally had over his body.

  There’d been loads of kissing. That part was all kinds of hot. Just when he was sure he’d kissed her into submission, she pulled the rug out, climbed him like a tree, and took control. The girl had a wicked tongue, and she wasn’t shy about using it.

  He wanted her to undress him. Seemed like a cool lesson. But she wasn’t having it and dropped to her knees to watch while he did his best Magic Mike as his clothes became a pile.

  Looking back, that was probably when he shoulda’ realized how tenuous his control was. She asked questions. Anatomy questions, and expected demonstrations. Her knowledge was health class basic coupled with dirty book flair. She was the perfect combination of sweet and innocent wrapped in fucktacular wanton. He liked it.

  Another mistake, he realized belatedly, was imagining he was all big and bad. A monster dick was just a monster dick if a guy couldn’t keep his shit together. A fact he found out the hard way.

  The very hard way.

  There was something about watching his beautiful woman on her knees conducting a tactile love fest on an erection that took his ego to an eleven. The things her small hands did to his body blew him away.

  And that was before she took him in her mouth.

  Thinking about it made his jaw clench. “Aargh.” His loud pained grunt bounced off the tile walls.

  When she got handsy with his balls and purred like a turned-on jungle cat, he snapped. The lewd demands couched as instructions that she took extra care to follow ended up being his undoing.

  And shit. He was just kidding himself if he allowed for one second any suggestion that he lasted longer than a minute once her mouth joined the party.

  Any clue what her gag response actually was? None, because he was lust blind and grunting within seconds. Roman vaguely remembered grabbing her head, and he may or may not have explored her throat. What he did remember was her groaning and the way his cock expanded, shuddered, and then exploded in a rush of spasms that left him weak.

  She looked nothing short of stunned after he emptied in her mouth. He was pretty sure it was safe to say neither of them expected what happened.

  Was it sexy and memorable?

  Fuck no.

  He lost control and came like an untried kid, not an experienced Dom. His membership in the Master of the Month Club should be immediately revoked.

  Mortified and disappointed by his embarrassing performance, he’d been a total chicken shit right after and run off to the privacy of the shower where he could hang his head and be a pussy about it.

  No shit, man. He didn’t get it. Him. Látigo. The Whip Master. He wasn’t a stranger to public scenes. Either viewing or participating. There was a time when he could be persuaded to do a bullwhip dem
onstration in the private studio at the club. The high-class, very exclusive, extremely expensive gathering place for those involved in the lifestyle, which he was part owner of. Those sessions, always intense, generally ended with a hearty face fuck. He had experience controlling his response and orgasm.

  But Kelly played a new card in the deck. Her card had to do with pushing boundaries. His.

  The primal response she drew out of him, the feelings she inspired. It was more than greedy lust keeping him hard all the time. She was his equal. They were the same. He needed her with a passion stretching far beyond the bedroom.

  She fascinated him, and that fascination robbed him of all his bad boy skills. With her, he was just a man. A man driven by animalistic desires so far removed from anything he’d experienced before that his world was shaking.

  Uncertain what to do, she sat cross-legged in the middle of the big four-poster bed and stared at the hallway to the master bath.

  Maybe she’d done it wrong. That’s the only explanation for why he ran off.

  Chewing on a thumbnail, her leg started to shake nervously. The temptation to Google blowjob techniques had been there since losing her virginity to Roman. She stopped herself because more than anything Kelly needed their time together to be real. Not a re-creation of something she’d seen or read. There had been enough smoke and mirrors in her life.

  Her eyes took in the surroundings. Roman’s bedroom. The sweet tingles racing along her nerves didn’t allow for anything other than pleasure. Pleasure in his beautiful home, pleasure in his company, pleasure everywhere.

  The high ceilings, exposed red brick and masculine vibe fascinated Kelly. So did the enormous bed. The head and footboard featured laddered spindles. She glanced up at the four-poster frame high above her head.

  Dirty fantasies provided plenty of fodder for her overactive imagination. She’d seen pictures of women in scanty lingerie tied spread eagle to all sorts of things. Something that resembled an X, the ceiling, and quite a few beds. Her heart started pounding. Being trussed up like that had to be freakin’ hot.

  Whoa. Being tied up was hot? She shivered.

  Oh. Um. Well, damn. Her mind took off on a hundred yard sprint. Did she want to be tied up? The idea of being helpless scared the bejeebers out of her.

  But …

  Kelly placed a palm against her chest as her heart beat wildly. She wasn’t fantasizing about being helpless in a crisis. No. She imagined being rendered defenseless before Roman’s powerful sexuality. Huge difference.

  She didn’t doubt he’d take full advantage of her vulnerable state and wondered if that might explain why he bolted from the room like a deer racing through the woods. He’d been in the vulnerable seat and didn’t like it.

  Oh, he liked the mechanics of what happened, but she knew the second he lost control that something had pushed him over the edge.

  She just wished she knew what.

  He was coming back…she heard him leave the bathroom. Tension, sweet, drugging sexual tension, overtook Kelly’s body.

  When he swaggered into view wearing black Dolce Gabbana briefs her eyes fixed on the sight of his powerfully muscled thighs. Chewing on her lip, she tried to calm her erratic breathing.

  He came straight to the side of the bed, stopped, and stared at her. She stared back.

  Something passed between them. His eyes challenged hers. The spreading heat from a blush crept slowly up her neck and onto her face. Whatever vulnerability her clumsy attempt to seduce him orally had uncovered was gone. The man ravishing her with his gaze was in complete control.

  Not being able to fuck his brains out was a serious bummer.

  In a voice she’d not heard before he captured every bit of her attention. Snapping his fingers, he pointed to the floor and demanded she stand at the end of the bed.

  Shaking like a leaf from spine-tingling excitement, she quickly complied, eager to do his bidding. Scrambling off the wide bed, she dropped to her feet and moved to the spot he was pointing at.

  His finger spun in the air. “Turn around. Face the wall. Don’t move.”

  He remained where he was as she moved into position. Glancing at him, she gasped. His face wore a fierce-looking mask of desire.

  After a minute he left her peripheral vision. She could still sense him nearby, but he was moving around the room. Her breathing did not calm down at all. Anticipation clawed at her composure.

  When he returned, she was light-headed and panting. A thud on the floor to her left got Kelly’s head swinging toward the sound. He’d dropped a worn, leather duffle bag on the hardwood. Crouching next to it, he ripped open the zipper and yanked apart both sides of the bag for access.

  She watched intently, wondering what the hell he was up to.

  Roman glanced up at her. His gaze scorched her skin as he inspected every inch of her body. Then he reached into the bag.

  He issued more orders, which made it difficult to see what he pulled from the mystery bag.

  “Hands clasped behind your head. Feet spread.” She felt his breath on her skin. “In other words, kitten, assume the position.”

  Kitten? Oh my god. She trembled from head to toe. His joke about treating her like a cat needing training suddenly took on a very, very sexy meaning. Without realizing it, she purred. His eyes turned smoky.

  He knelt at her side. His hand slid slowly up her leg. He touched the inch or so of pink cotton between her legs. The subtle caress made her moan.

  Something wrapped around her ankle. She tried to look down. In the span of time it took her brain to register what was going on, he’d bound an ankle to a bed post.

  Then he moved to the other side. She was shaking uncontrollably and whimpering softly when he finished. At one point she wondered why he just happened to have special, soft rope. And a lot of it.

  He stood up and stroked her butt through the panties.

  What he did next would be seared into her brain forever.

  Taking a length of thick, white rope, he expertly tossed an end in the air. It looped over the bedframe and fell back into his hand. In the time it took to make a cup of tea, he had her bound with arms stretched wide and wrists tied firmly above her head to the bedframe.

  He turned down all the lights in the room. For the first time, she realized there was a door on the other side of the bed that opened onto a private patio. She watched him lower the blinds on the tall windows to ensure their kinky privacy.

  Walking behind her he moved in close and breathed deeply, but didn’t touch her at all. Then with the agility of a jungle cat, he leaped on the bed and scooted back until he was reclining against the headboard like a desert scoundrel inspecting his latest harem captive.

  He crossed his legs at the ankle and relaxed. The wicked leer on his face ignited a firestorm in her center.

  “Very pretty,” he murmured with a chuckle. “And so obedient. Kitten,” he growled, “you surprise me.”

  Surely not that much of a surprise. “Obedience or reading my mind?” she asked with a naughty leer of her own.

  His grin became huge. Like, really huge. “Just trying to level the playing field, pet.”

  She liked how that sounded even though in reality she had no idea what he meant.

  He left her hanging there…literally, while he occasionally rubbed his cock and stared at her. She started squirming against the bindings. Heat poured from her core, and her nipples became so stiff, they ached.

  The amused grin grew lascivious. He even licked his lips and made sound effects. When she broke down and cried his name, shit got real.


  He was off the bed in a flash. “I think you’re sufficiently warmed up.”

  Gathering all her hair into a raggedy tail, he wound one of her elastic bands around it. He pulled her head back. The yank on her scalp was as pleasurable as his mouth between her legs. She was confused but incredibly turned on.

  Directing her head with a fierce grip, he ran a single finger down her back
making goose bumps break out.

  “I meant what I said – nothing happens without your consent.”

  She shuddered.

  “So tell me quickly, Carina. Is this okay?”

  No kitten. No pet. Carina. He was asking her permission. She couldn’t love him more if she tried.

  “Oh god, yes,” she moaned.

  He bit her earlobe and grunted. “I’m glad. Now let’s find out how much stroking my naughty and very sexy kitten can take.”

  Letting go of her hair, he plastered against her from behind and put both hands on her waist. His lips started doing crazy things to her neck. Writhing and whimpering, she melted under the spine-tingling assault.

  With intoxicating slowness, his hands moved to her stomach, caressed her waist for a bit and then climbed, palm down, up her ribcage. Instead of covering her aching breasts, they stopped and remained a scintilla of space away.

  Kelly gasped, fought against the bindings and softly groaned when he licked her from shoulder to ear. His breath, hot and sweet so close to her ear, got her trembling before he spoke.

  “Your sexy kitten tongue made me lose it earlier. My apologies.”

  Apologies? Oh no, no.

  “Roman,” she gurgled when a shudder of desire wracked her body. “I loved it. And I promise,” she wailed quietly. “I’ll do better next time.”

  His big, warm hand carefully took control of her neck. She relaxed against him.

  “Brought down by a voluptuous, decadently sexy elf.”

  She wiggled her ass into the bulge pressed against her from behind.

  “You did just fine, pet. More than fine. Blind lust took me by surprise. Next time, I’ll do better.”

  Beneath his powerful grip, the wicked laugh shooting from her mouth vibrated in her throat.

  He gently caressed the fragile column of her neck, and there was nothing she could do but melt.

  Then, he swatted her ass. She wasn’t expecting it and yelped.

  “Purr for me, kitten. Let me hear your pleasure.”

  Every spot he touched became an erogenous zone. She responded with mindless grunting, bucking and mewling.


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