Book Read Free


Page 1

by Mac Park


  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Long ago beast and man shared one world. Then they began to battle.

  After many battles the world was split in two. Beasts were given Beastium. Man was given Earth.

  A border-wall was made. It closed the two worlds off.

  The beasts tried to get through the border-wall many times. The Border Guards had to stop them. Border Guards were trained to defend the border-wall. Battles won by beasts made beasts stronger. Battles won by guards earned them new battle gear. And they got new upgrades. Then their battle gear could do more.

  Five guards now defend the border-wall. Their work is top secret. They battle and learn. One day they will become Border Masters. Just like their dads. But first they must learn and become Border Captains.

  Their dads were also Border Guards once. They kept learning until they became Border Masters.

  And now they make up the Bordaria Master Command. The BMC. The BMC help the Border Guards during battle. They show them how to defend the wall. They give the Border Guards new battle gear.

  The guards must earn their new battle gear. They need to learn from their battles. And from their mistakes.

  Kai Masters is a Border Guard. He wants to become a Border Captain. The BMC watch Kai closely. Kai must keep learning.

  The beasts of Beastium lived in four different lands. There was a fire land and a rock land. There was a water and an air land. Past these lands were the Outlands. Only the BMC knew about them. That would soon change.

  Over time, the edges of the lands mixed. That was how the border-lands were made. The beasts from each of the worlds mixed too.

  The BMC had been watching Beastium closely. New things had been happening. Strange things.

  Kai Masters must think about his old battles. He must learn. If he does, he will make it to Border Captain.

  Kai Masters was in the new Flight Room. The room was part of Kai’s Border Guard home. His home had lots of secret rooms. Rooms that helped Kai to battle beasts and keep Earth safe.

  ‘The BMC must be happy with our beast battling,’ said BC3. ‘We have another new room to use.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘This room will help us fly better.’

  Kai was playing a game on the Flight Room computer.

  ‘This computer has flying games on it. We can pretend to fly in the Beastium lands. We use the joysticks and flying controls to fly.’

  BC watched as Kai played.

  ‘This is the wind land. You must miss the flying pests and wind attacks,’ he said.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘I want to be the best at flying so I can become a Border Captain. Then the BMC might open the next room for us too. I wonder what’s in there?’

  ‘We’ll find out soon I hope,’ said BC. ‘What else can we do in the new Flight Room?’

  Kai stopped playing and turned to BC. ‘I can work on our flying gadgets in here too,’ he said. ‘I can make them faster and better than before.’

  Kai picked up his hover board. ‘Look, BC,’ he said. ‘I’ve been working on my board. I’ve made the jets more powerful. I’ll show you.’

  But just then Kai’s orbix beeped.

  ‘It’s the BMC. Water from the water land is spilling into the mud land.’

  ‘Is a beast making that happen?’ asked BC.

  ‘I bet it’s a beast for sure,’ said Kai. ‘But is the beast in the mud land or the water land?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ said BC.

  ‘We’ll need to find out,’ said Kai. ‘We’d better go and get ready for battle.’

  Kai’s Flight Room was hidden in the hill where he lived. He went from the rooms to the lighthouse in a bullet train. The train moved along a track that was under the ground. And it went very fast.

  ‘We need to take the bullet train, BC,’ said Kai.

  Kai climbed into the train and closed its door. BC jumped onto the seat behind him. Kai started the train with his Border Guard Card.

  ‘Are we going to the battle chamber?’ asked BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘I’m bringing my hover board. It was great in our other battles.’

  ‘Yes, in the rock and water lands,’ said BC.

  ‘And the fire land. Now it will fly faster,’ said Kai. Then he heard his orb beep.

  ‘You got an upgrade, BC,’ said Kai. There’s something in your hatch.’

  ‘What is it?’ asked BC.

  ‘The BMC didn’t say what it was. Let me look and see.’

  Kai pulled open BC’s hatch. Strange black tubes sprang out from the hatch. There were little feet on the end of each tube.

  ‘Ha ha!’ laughed Kai. ‘You look nutty with all those tubes. But I’m sure we’ll need them for something.’

  ‘Yes,’ said BC looking at his back. ‘BMC upgrades always help us in battle.’

  Kai put all the black tubes back inside the hatch. Then he hit the lighthouse button on the train’s dashboard.

  The train pulled into the battle chamber. Kai and BC climbed out. Then they walked over to the Gear Mash-Up.

  ‘We don’t know if it’s the mud land or the water land,’ said Kai. He looked at the gear on the wall.

  Then the Gear Mash Up computer screen flashed.

  ‘The BMC has chosen for us,’ said Kai. ‘That makes things easier, BC.’ He took the chains from the wall. Then he put them into the first chamber.

  ‘New faster hover board goes in too,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai and he put the hover board in with the chains. ‘I’m not sure what these two things will make.’

  ‘Close the chamber and we’ll find out,’ said BC.

  Kai closed the chamber door and waited. After a while the computer screen flashed again. Kai opened the other chamber. He took out his hover board.

  ‘It’s like a scooter!’ Kai said. ‘There are buttons on the handles. One is for the chains. We can shoot them out from the hover board.’

  ‘Good for catching a beast,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘I can ride and use the chains all at once.’

  Then Kai heard a computer voice.

  Kai and BC slid quickly down the secret slide that went to the transport chamber.

  ‘What sort of ride will we need?’ asked BC. He and Kai looked at the transport chamber’s computer screen. ‘There are four rides to choose from.’

  ‘If it’s the mud land we could need the sludger,’ said Kai. ‘If it’s the water land we could need a sub.’

  ‘Maybe we need wheels and a sub,’ said BC. ‘So it can move on the ground and in the water.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘But my guess is that it’s the water land. I think we should pick the drill. Then we can add water things to it. Maybe a sub add-on?’

  Kai hit the button for the drill. The screen went blank. Then a new image popped onto the screen. ‘It’s the addons,’ said Kai.

  ‘The BMC said water was going into the mud land. So, something must be wrong in the water land. It’s making water spill into the mud land. I’m sure we have to go to the water land,’ said Kai.

  ‘We can only battle with water in the water land,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai and he hit the water jets button. ‘Now we need sub-mode.’ He hit that button next. ‘That’s all we can have this time, BC. It will have to do.’

  Kai waited. Then the new ride came on the screen.

  ‘A water ride with wheels and water jets,’ said BC. Then part of the floor behind them began to move.

  Kai and BC watched as the sub-
drill rose up from the floor.

  ‘Hey,’ said Kai. ‘There’s a small hover board on your seat, BC.’

  ‘I get a board!’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘Climb in.’

  Kai took out his orb. He keyed in the codes for the water land. The wall of the transport chamber slid open.

  The sub-drill shot out the tunnel to Beastium.

  The sub-drill splashed down into the water land. ‘The water is so dirty,’ said Kai.

  ‘Yes, it’s hard to see,’ said BC.

  ‘I’m turning the maxi-wipers on,’ said Kai. ‘Why is dirt and mud from other lands here? Maybe we should have gone to the mud land.’

  Suddenly big splats of slime hit the sub-drill’s window. Kai pushed them off with the wipers.

  ‘More slime is coming!’ said BC. His tail was wagging.

  Kai could see the slime coming. ‘It will eat through the windscreen,’ he said. Then Kai heard his orb beep. He quickly looked at its screen.

  ‘Oh good. Another upgrade,’ said Kai. ‘Toxic slime can’t hurt the sub-drill now.’

  Kai kept pushing the slime off the window with the wipers. But more kept coming.

  ‘I’m going to use the wheels,’ said Kai. ‘Driving along the sea floor might be better.’

  Kai pushed the button on the dash to lower the wheels. Then he landed on the bottom of the water land. ‘There’s no slime down here,’ he said. ‘We can see better now.’

  But BC’s tail was wagging.

  ‘Something else is coming,’ the dogbot said.

  ‘Where?’ asked Kai looking out into the dirty water.

  Suddenly everything went dark.

  ‘The windscreen is all black,’ said BC.

  ‘I can’t see out,’ said Kai. ‘Something is on our sub-drill.’

  The sub-drill’s dashboard flashed. Then it went dead.

  ‘This pest is taking our power,’ said Kai. ‘Sub-drill won’t work soon,’ said BC.

  ‘Let’s get rid of it,’ said Kai.

  Kai turned on the sub-drill’s roof water jets. Huge blasts of water pushed the pest off the sub-drill.

  Kai looked as it floated away. ‘It’s like a big stingray,’ he said. ‘But it’s got heaps of suckers on its belly.’

  ‘And two tails,’ said BC.

  ‘There’s lots of them,’ said Kai. ‘We can’t let them near us. Those suckers drain power.’

  This time Kai turned on all the water jets.

  Water burst from the jets hard and fast. When Kai stopped the pests were gone. But in their place was something else.

  ‘It’s a baby beast!’ said Kai. ‘With two heads and a tail.’

  ‘And a pulver-slam tail like the rock beast!’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘A mix of rock and water beasts.’

  Kai took a photo of the baby beast with his orb. A card popped up on the screen.

  ‘We’ve found the beast, BC,’ said Kai. ‘We’re in the right land. And look! It’s shooting rocks from one of its heads. And it’s making big rock walls with them.’

  ‘That’s what’s making water spill into the mud land,’ said BC. ‘The baby beast is building big dams.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘I’m going to drill through the wall.’

  Kai turned on the sub-drill’s driller. Then he drove as fast as he could into the wall.

  The driller made a huge hole in the wall.

  Then the wall came crashing down. Water rushed in from where the wall had been. The sub-drill was thrown around. ‘We’re getting washed away, BC,’ said Kai. ‘When the water settles we will get the baby beast before it can change.’

  But when the choppy water stopped, the baby beast was gone.

  ‘We have to find that baby beast,’ said Kai. He turned the sub-drill around. But he still couldn’t see it. ‘I’ll use the see-scope on the roof,’ he said.

  Kai pushed the see-scope up into the water. He turned it around slowly and looked into the scope.

  ‘It’s behind us,’ he said to BC. ‘And now it’s battling a water beast. We have to stop it.’

  ‘Baby beast must not win,’ said BC. ‘If it does, it will grow and change.’

  Kai turned the sub-drill around. Then he headed for the battling beasts.

  ‘The baby beast is throwing so many rocks!’ said Kai. ‘The water beast is getting buried.’

  ‘Water beast is going to do a tail attack on the baby beast,’ said BC.

  ‘I’m going to blast that baby beast out of the water with the sub-drill’s jets,’ said Kai.

  Kai raced towards the baby beast. Water shot out from the sub-drill jets. The baby beast was being pushed back. ‘It’s working,’ said Kai.

  But then a massive tail crashed down on them. It was the water beast. And it was doing a tail-attack.

  The sub-drill was sent flying through the water.

  Kai got control of the sub-drill again. ‘It doesn’t know we are trying to help it,’ he said. ‘We have to get back in there.’

  But Kai and BC were too late. The baby beast was too strong for the water beast. It had covered the beast with rocks. And it had won.

  BC’s tail wagged again.

  ‘Yes. It’s going to change into an adult mutant,’ said Kai.

  Kai watched the beast change. He took a photo of it on his orb. A card popped up.

  ‘It’s grown a new head,’ said Kai. ‘A head like the wind beast. Green stuff is coming from that mouth.’

  ‘And toxic breath is coming from the mouth of the rock head,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘And it has wings now too. It’s a mix of the water, wind and rock beasts. How will we battle it?’

  Kai pulled the wheels up on the sub-drill. The wheels lifted up off the ground. They sat on the sides of the sub-drill like floating rings. ‘We need to be up off the ground,’ said Kai. ‘Now we can move through the water like a sub. We can sneak up on the beast.’

  ‘Yes,’ said BC. ‘But this beast is massive. What will we do?’

  ‘I’m going to blast it with water. It will push the rocks back in its mouth,’ said Kai.

  Kai steered the sub-drill straight for the beast’s middle head.

  Water shot from the jets.

  It pushed the rocks back into the beast’s mouth.

  ‘It’s working!’ said Kai.

  But this made the beast very angry. A big growl came from its three mouths.

  Then the beast closed its wings around the sub-drill.

  ‘It’s got us, BC,’ said Kai. ‘We’re caught.’

  Kai let the big beast go. The chains flew back into the bottom of the hover board. Then Kai came to a stop. He hovered above the water on the Hover Board XCS.

  The beast dived into the sea. Then everything went still. The beast had gotten away.

  ‘It was too strong for me, BC,’ said Kai.

  ‘Yes,’ said BC.

  ‘But did you see its skin when it was out of the water?’ asked Kai.

  ‘Yes! It was drying up. It was cracking.’

  ‘We need to get it out of the water,’ said Kai. ‘That will make it weak. Then I can get it with my chains.’

  Just then Kai’s orb beeped.

  Kai looked at the screen.

  ‘We got another upgrade. We can use our hover board jets as water jets,’ said Kai. ‘Let’s send jets of water down into the sea.’

  ‘When it comes up to get us we can fly up higher,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘Get it out of the water. Then I’ll use the chains.’

  ‘And I’ll use the tubes in my hatch!’ said BC. ‘My tubes are like chains. They will stick onto the beast.’

  ‘Good,’ said Kai. ‘Two of us might just hold it. Let’s go.’

  Kai and BC hovered just above the water. Then they blasted jets of water into the sea.

  Suddenly the beast shot out of the water. Kai and BC flew up out of the way into the sky.

  The beast rose up from the water and growled and roared.<
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  Kai pushed the button for the chains. They shot out around the beast. Then BC’s hatch flipped open. Loads of black tubes shot out at the beast. Their ends stuck onto it. The beast was held up in the air.

  ‘Good work, BC. Round the beast up!’

  BC wrapped the beast up in black tubes.

  The beast growled but it couldn’t pull away.

  Kai and BC watched as the beast dried out. Then it went quiet and still.

  ‘Time to put this beast in the ray cage, BC,’ said Kai.

  ‘And take it to the Outlands,’ said BC.

  Kai hit the ray cage button on BC’s collar. Red rays shot out from the collar and caged the beast. The beast was held in the air by the cage.

  ‘We need to go to the water land’s beast gate,’ said Kai.

  ‘I know where it is,’ said BC. Then he flew off.

  When they were outside the beast gate, Kai took out his orb. He sent a message to the BMC to open the gate. The gate slid open. Then the chains shot back into the board.

  BC pushed the beast inside. His cage turned off and the tubes tubes shot back inside his hatch.

  ‘The wall between Beastium and Earth is safe again,’ said Kai. ‘We battled well with just water. It’s time to go home.’

  Kai called the sub-drill on his orb. It was crushed.

  Kai hit the build-again button on the orb. The sub-drill fixed itself right before their eyes.

  ‘All fixed!’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘And the mutant beasts are all locked away behind their own beast gates. They can’t get out.’


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