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It Takes Two to Heal [The Wolfen 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Marla Monroe

  “Go on with you,” the woman said with a smile.

  “I like your mom. She’s sweet, and she seems to be regaining her strength.” Dax sat on one side of her bed while Erik sat on the other side of her.

  “I’m almost afraid to hope. She had a relapse last time. If she has one this time, I’m afraid we’ll lose her.”

  “Don’t worry about it and have some faith. I know it has to have been hard these last few years, but she looks like she’s doing fine now.” Erik squeezed her hand.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” Dax asked out of the blue.

  “What? I’m not beautiful. You’re crazy.” She laughed it off.

  “No. You are. I love the way your hair shines and how your eyes sparkle when you laugh. You don’t laugh often enough. I want to hear that more often in the future,” Erik told her.

  “I guess I haven’t had a lot of reasons to laugh in the past.”

  “You will now. That’s our new goal in life,” Dax said. “We’re going to create every chance we can to hear you laugh and see you smile.”

  “Why are you so interested in me?” Jeanie prayed they really liked her because she was having a difficult time stopping herself from falling for them. When they were close, she couldn’t get enough of their touch.

  Even now as they sat next to her, she could tell her panties were wet from her desire and her nipples pressed hard against the material of her bra. They ached to be touched, sucked. How was she ever going to resist them if they approached her about having sex? Making love? Would what they did be making love when there was no money involved? Jeanie was having a difficult time keeping the two separate after what she’d been through.

  “We really like you, honey. Hell, I’m in love with you. There’s just something about the way you smile and your scent that drives me insane with need. I want to wrap you up in silk and keep you safe from anything that might hurt you.” Dax dragged the back of one finger down her cheek.

  “I can’t get enough of being with you,” Erik confessed. “I want to kiss you until you beg for more, but I’m afraid of scaring you off.”

  “You want to kiss me?” It was all that she could latch onto at the moment with them so close. Her senses were going crazy.

  “We do. We want to kiss you senseless and make slow love to you until you scream with need.” Dax’s words thrilled her even as they scared her a little.

  There was so much heat in them that she wasn’t sure she could handle both men at one time. God, she wanted to though. She wanted to be able to take on both men like Kay seemed to do. She could imagine what they would do to her, and though she wanted to find out in person how it would feel to make love with both men, a part of her was a little scared.

  “Are we frightening you off, Jeanie?” Erik took one of her hands in both of his and rubbed over her knuckles.

  “I’m not afraid of you so much of how you make me feel. I want to be with you both, but I’m scared of what that may mean.”

  “What it would mean? It would mean that you are ours. That we’ll take care of you and protect you with everything we have,” Dax said.

  “But for how long? How long before you get tired of me? I don’t think I can handle being someone’s girlfriend until the new wears off. I need more than that.”

  “You deserve more than that, honey. We’re talking forever. I know it doesn’t seem like there’s been enough time, but there has for us. We know we want you for the rest of our lives. You’re it for us.” Erik leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

  This time it wasn’t gentle but needy, intense. He wrapped one hand behind her head at the base of her neck and ran his tongue over her lips until she opened to him.

  Jeanie could feel Dax on the other side of her with his mouth sucking gently at the curve of her neck where it met her shoulder. Erik’s kiss took over her senses as his tongue delved inside her mouth to explore and map every part of her. He tangled with hers before sucking it into his mouth and then letting it go to nip at her lower lip. When he pulled back, she could barely catch her breath before Dax turned her in his direction to take his turn.

  Where Erik’s kiss had been content to explore, Dax’s was one of plundering and conquering. He took possession of her before slowly releasing her to lean his forehead against hers as they both panted, trying desperately to regain control over their breathing.

  “You have no idea how much we want you, honey.” Dax kissed her nose and then her chin.

  “I don’t understand it, but I want you, too. It’s too soon. We barely know each other. I don’t understand this.” Jeanie had never felt this way about one man, much less two at one time. It was if her body wasn’t her own.

  “Don’t fight it, hon. It’s natural. Our kind always fall fast and hard. It’s only natural that the woman of our dreams would as well,” Erik said.

  “Your kind? I don’t understand.” Jeanie rubbed her nose along Dax’s neck.

  “We need to talk to you about it, but not here with your mom in the other room. When Tilly returns, we’ll go riding for a while and talk it all over.”

  “I don’t understand. What is there to talk over?” she asked.

  “Later, honey. Let’s go see about warming up lunch. I bet your mom is hungry.” Erik extracted himself from her arms.

  At some point, she’d wrapped her arms around him while kissing on Dax. She felt heat crawl up her neck to her cheeks at the wanton way she’d attacked them.

  “Hey. What’s that look? Don’t be embarrassed about how much we want each other. It’s only natural.”

  “I’ve never acted this way before. It scares me,” she confessed.

  “Put it all out of your mind until later. Let’s eat and visit with your mom.” Erik stood up, dragging her to her feet along with him. “You’ll see. It’ll all be fine.”

  * * * *

  Dax helped Erik put away the leftover meal as Jeanie helped her mom to bed to rest after eating. They’d had a great time talking during lunch and were genuinely fond of Jeanie’s mother. She was a strong woman who’d raised her daughters well despite not having a husband to help her. She’d worked hard and had two attentive and smart women as a result.

  Jeanie returned from the back of the house a few minutes later with a smile on her face. Dax liked that she was smiling.

  “Mom had a great time meeting you guys. She ate a good bit as well. Thanks for treating her like nothing was wrong.”

  “Nothing is wrong. She’s getting over being sick is all. We like your mom, Jeanie. She’s an admirable woman.” Erik kissed the top of Jeanie’s head.

  “Want to neck on the couch, honey?” Dax asked.

  “What? My mom’s in the other room, and Tilly might come in at any minute.” Jeanie’s face was a mask of shock.

  “Just kidding, but I do want to cuddle with you while you read.” Dax grinned as her face slowly returned to normal.

  “Don’t shock her like that, man. I thought she was going to pass out.” Erik punched him in the arm.

  “Sorry. I couldn’t help but tease her. She gets that pretty shade of red when she’s embarrassed or aroused.

  “I already know she’s aroused. I can smell the sweet scent of it.” Erik leaned in and sniffed along her neck.

  “You guys are crazy.” Jeanie sat on the couch and searched through the books for one to read. “Are you serious that you don’t mind if I read some?”

  “Of course not. We get to hold you while you read so it’s a win-win situation for us.” Dax pulled her back against his front as Erik settled at her feet where he removed her shoes and began massaging them.

  “That feels good. If you keep up, I won’t be able to concentrate to read and will end up falling asleep.”

  Erik grinned. “Feel free. You’re probably still behind on sleep from taking care of your mom. A nap will do you good.”

  Dax kissed the top of her head. “I’ll read over your shoulder.”

  “No! You can’t read these books
. They’re romance books. Men don’t read romance books.”

  “Why not?” he asked.


  Dax chuckled. “Afraid we’ll start acting like the characters in the books?”

  “I wish,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “What was that?” Erik asked with a grin.

  “Nothing. Rub my feet and be quiet. Dax, no reading over my shoulder.”

  Dax smiled and started reading anyway. He knew why she hadn’t wanted him to do it within the first chapter. The book was more than a little hot. No doubt she’d be highly embarrassed if she found out he’d just read the sex scene with her. Now he knew a little something to try with her when they finally got her between them.

  Holding back wasn’t much of an option any longer. They’d have to claim her tonight or risk being too rough when they did finally take her. Their wolves were much too near the surface for safety any longer. Once Jeanie’s sister returned, they were going out and claiming their mate.

  Chapter Eight

  “Tilly looked like she’d had a good time. I’m glad she got to spend some time with people her own age. She’s spent so much time with Mom lately that I was worried that she’d get depressed.”

  Jeanie knew she was talking too much. She did that when she was nervous, and for some reason, she was very nervous right then. Her skin itched, and her hands kept straying toward the guys sitting next to her in the cab of the truck. She wasn’t sure where they were going and hadn’t bothered to ask. That wasn’t like her either. What was wrong with her?

  “Where are we going?” she finally got out.

  “To our place. We want to show you our home. It’s up in the hills but not too far out. I hope you like it,” Dax said.

  “Do you have a house, or do you live in an apartment?” she asked.

  “It’s a cabin. Most of us have cabins out here. Kay lives in the big house farther up the hill than where we live.” Erik rubbed his thumb over her knuckles in what proved to be a soothing gesture.

  “Do you think everyone will be ready to open the bar next weekend?” she asked, still unable to be still or keep quiet.

  “Kay is sure, so I know it will be ready. Her men won’t settle for anything less than what makes her happy.”

  “They really are attentive. I think it’s romantic.”

  Dax laughed. “I’m betting she thinks it is, too. I doubt that her men think that. They just know that her happiness is all that’s important to them. Just like yours is to us.”

  “Why? I don’t get it. Why do you care so much about me?” she asked, still confused by all of it.

  “You complete us, honey,” Dax said.

  “You make us happy, and being near you feels perfect to us.” Erik squeezed her knee. “Before we met you, our lives felt incomplete. Now everything feels right to us. You in our lives gives us a sense of rightness to our world.”

  “Part of me kind of understands because I feel the same way, but another part of me says it’s all too soon.” Jeanie didn’t want to rush things in case it didn’t last, but her hormones were jumping up and down and saying hell yeah.

  “Here we are.” Erik pulled up in front of a quaint log cabin with a cute front porch.

  Both men jumped down from the truck with Dax helping her down out of the passenger side. He held her hand and led her up on the porch where Erik held the door open for her to enter.

  Inside, the cabin took her breath away. The exposed beams and rustic appeal was tempered with warm hues and colors in the furniture and area rugs. The living room was separated by an island from the kitchen with a ladder leading to a loft and two doors leading behind the kitchen.

  “Let me show you around while Erik gets us something to drink.” Dax kept her hand entwined with his as he took her off to the left of the kitchen where the door opened into a large bedroom done up in warm oranges and browns.

  On one side was a bathroom complete with separate tub and shower. The other door led to a large walk-in closet that was empty at the moment. He then led her to the other door on the opposite side of the kitchen to where another bedroom with its own bath was located. It was smaller than the first one and was obviously being used by one of the men.

  “This is my bedroom. Erik’s bedroom is upstairs. I’ll show you it as well.”

  Dax squeezed her hand, and they walked around to the front door where a staircase led to the second floor. There were two bedrooms that shared a bathroom there. One held a desk and exercise equipment while the other had a double bed and chest of drawers. This would be Erik’s.

  Both men appeared to be neat since she didn’t see any clothes lying on the floor and the kitchen had been free of dirty dishes. She liked that they weren’t slobs.

  What am I doing here? I shouldn’t be interested in them or any man right now. I have a new job starting and my mom and sister to care for. How can I have a relationship with one man, much less two?

  But Jeanie couldn’t help the way she felt about the two men. Something drew her to them as if she were meant to be with them. They were kind, generous with their compliments, and treated her like a lady. She couldn’t have dreamed up two more perfect men if she’d tried. And that was another thing. She dreamed about them each night. Some of the dreams had been erotic in nature, and she’d woken up with her hands between her legs, wet with her juices.

  “What do you think?” Dax asked when they’d returned to the living room.

  “It’s a really nice place. Why doesn’t one of you use the master bedroom? It seems such a waste as pretty as it is.”

  “We’re saving it for when we ma—um, marry.” Erik handed her a glass.

  “Let’s sit down and talk.” Dax indicated the couch.

  Jeanie ended up in the middle of the two men. They were close enough that she swore she could feel their heat penetrate her clothes. She felt intoxicated by their scent. She didn’t think it was aftershave. It smelled more like fresh air, fir trees, and earth. She couldn’t place it, despite trying to remember if she’d ever smelled it before.

  “Jeanie, you know we like you. Actually, we like you a lot,” Erik began. “You’re sweet and sexy all at the same time.”

  “You’re perfect for us, honey, and we want to claim you as ours.” Dax followed Erik’s comment quickly so that she couldn’t speak between them.

  “I don’t know what to say. I like you both, but it’s too soon for me to know if it’s deep enough for a long-term relationship. How can you be so sure?” she asked.

  “We just know. We’re both a little in love with you and want you as our own.” Erik reached over and took one of her hands in his. “Say you’ll be ours, Jeanie.”

  The mere touch of Erik’s hand sent heat searing through her veins. Her pussy fluttered, so she knew she was going to have wet panties from her juices. Anytime she was around them that happened. It was a little embarrassing.

  “We want you, sweetheart. Do you want us?” Erik asked.

  “I-I’m attracted to you. There’s something about you that makes me want more, but I’m scared to get too serious so fast.”

  Dax leaned in and kissed her. He pressed his lips lightly against hers, and then he took the back of her neck in one hand and deepened the kiss. She gave him no resistance since when he entered her mouth with his tongue, all of her inhibitions melted away. All she could think about was getting closer to him. She reached up and grasped his shoulders as if to keep him from backing away as she met his tongue with her own. They thrust and retreated in a rhythm that made her think of sex and an intimacy she’d never had with the men from her past.

  While they kissed, she felt Erik’s hands on her waist as he nuzzled her neck from behind. He nipped at her shoulder before licking it to take away the sting. It heightened her arousal even more when he sucked in her earlobe and then mouthed down her neck until he reached the juncture of her neck against her shoulder where he sucked on the skin there.

  Jeanie moaned into Dax’s mouth. They were s
educing her, and she was all for it. Heat seemed to burn from the inside out as her body came alive between the two men. She wanted them despite their short courtship. Really, they’d only been out twice now. It seemed too soon to want them so deeply. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but she couldn’t dispute how she felt. Her body burned for them even as her mind was cloudy with lust.

  “Say you want us, Jeanie. Tell us you’re ready,” Erik whispered in her ear.

  “I don’t understand, but I do. I want you both.”

  Almost before the words had left her mouth, Dax had stood up and lifted her off the couch in his arms. He carried her to the master bedroom where Erik pulled down the covers of the king-size bed. He laid her gently on the mattress and then covered her with his body, kissing his way down her neck before lifting her blouse and kissing her belly.

  “Let me undress her, Dax.” Erik reached over and nudged the other man aside to get to her.

  Erik began unbuttoning her blouse until when he spread the edges of it, her bra and nude abdomen were exposed. He leaned down and kissed her breasts then her belly, nuzzling the area as if marking her. Jeanie had never felt anything like what they were doing to her before. It was intimate and satisfying all at the same time. She wanted them to mark her. Erik had probably left a mark on her neck where he’d sucked earlier.

  “Hell, you’re perfect, Jeanie. I can’t wait to make love to you.” Erik kissed just above the waistline of her slacks. “Let’s get you undressed, sweetheart.”

  Dax helped her sit up and slip out of her blouse. Erik reached around behind her to unclasp her bra and slowly slid the straps off her shoulders so he could pull the bra free of her body. Jeanie felt exposed and started to cross her arms over her breasts, but Dax stopped her.

  “Don’t hide from us, hon. You’re beautiful. We want to see all of you and worship your body as we take care of you.”

  Jeanie nodded but still had to force herself not to cover her breasts. Dax unfastened her slacks and removed her shoes while Erik helped her out of them. Once she lay back on the bed with only her panties on, she realized that this was really happening. They were going to have sex.


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