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It Takes Two to Heal [The Wolfen 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Marla Monroe

  “I’ve talked with Kay some and understand the basics of what happens, but what do you expect out of me? I won’t give up my job. I love it, and it makes me feel good. I’ll still want to spend time with my mom and Tilly, and they’ll want to visit. Is that even allowed?” she asked.

  “We aren’t asking you to give up anything, Jeanie. We want you to be happy. Yes, it would be easier if you didn’t work at the bar, but we’ll deal. You can spend all the time you want with your family. We aren’t going to try to take you away from them. As for visiting you on the mountain, there are certain days in the week that we allow non-shifters’ families to visit. They are welcome to come then. It keeps them safe as well as keeping our secret safe.” Dax wrapped an arm around Jeanie’s waist and pulled her into his arms. “We love you, honey. You mean the world to us, and we only want you to be happy.”

  She looked over at Erik, who stood just to one side with a wide grin on his face. She frowned. That grin worried her.

  “What are you smiling about?” she finally asked.

  “I’m just so happy. You’re going to be our mate,” he said, shrugging. “It makes me smile.”

  Jeanie pulled from Dax’s embrace and frowned at Erik. “I haven’t said I would yet.”

  “I can see it in your eyes. You’re ready to say yes.”

  Dax shook his head. “I’m usually the one to screw things up with my big mouth. Shut up, Erik. You’re pissing her off.”

  Erik’s smile dropped. “Don’t be mad, Jeanie. I love you. I can’t help but be happy that you’re ours.”

  Jeanie sighed. She walked over to the other man and wrapped her arms around him. “You’re right. I am going to say yes. I’ve realized that I’m in love with you both. You make me happy and are wonderful to my family. As long as that continues, I’m all yours, and you’re all mine.”

  “Always.” Dax covered her back and settled his hands on her shoulders from behind. “You smell delicious. We need to go inside before we start something we don’t need to finish out here.”

  “You’re sure Mom and Tilly are safe down the mountain?” Jeanie asked one last time.

  “We’re positive or we wouldn’t have left them,” Erik said.

  Jeanie allowed them to lead her into their home and back to the master bedroom. She’d spent several nights there with the two men, but this would be different. She was going to finish the mating with them, and that made her a little nervous.

  Well, a lot nervous. I’m not really excited about anal sex, and taking both of them at one time sounds painful.

  Kay had told her it was uncomfortable at first but was amazing once she got past the first few minutes. Minutes seemed like a long time to her to be in pain, but she wanted this. She wanted them.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world to us, Jeanie. I can’t wait to be inside of you.” Dax slowly pulled her shirt over her head, and then Erik unhooked her bra and slid the straps down her arms so that Dax could drop it to the floor with her shirt.

  “I love your breasts. Your nipples are pretty berries I can’t wait to devour.” He dipped his head and sucked first one then the other into his mouth.

  The sensation had her arching her back and thrusting her breasts into Dax’s face. He chuckled then dropped to his knees in front of her to unfasten her jeans.

  “Erik, take off your clothes while I finish undressing our mate.”

  “Don’t forget her shoes. You always forget them until you have a mess to untangle.”

  Dax growled at his bondmate. “Fuck you.”

  “Boys. No fighting over the frail human.” Jeanie wasn’t the least bit afraid of them.

  Erik chuckled. “No fighting. We’re just eager to devour your body.”

  That sent warmth raging through her bloodstream even as tiny chills raced down her spine. She couldn’t wait either. Excitement and arousal fought to win out over her emotions. With Dax removing her shoes then stripping her jeans from her legs, arousal won out, and her body burned for her two men.

  “God, you smell good. I can’t wait to eat that pretty pussy.” Dax all but tore her panties off before he walked her backward to the bed.

  “Please, Dax. I need you.” Jeanie couldn’t believe she was begging before they’d even gotten started.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll take good care of you. Erik and I will make sure you come at least once before we get our turn.”

  Before Jeanie could say anything more, Erik climbed up on the bed next to her and began sucking and nipping at her nipples. She cried out at the sheer pleasure it gave her to have his mouth on them. He sucked so hard she felt as if she’d come just from that.

  Dax spread her thighs and then her pussy lips before burying his face there. Jeanie moaned when he rubbed his nose over her clit. The feel of it sent tingles of pleasure all through her. With Erik at her breasts and Dax tormenting her pussy, Jeanie was sure she’d come before they even got started. She’d been ready for this all day and had thought about it any time she wasn’t talking to Tilly or her mom.


  “What, honey? What do you want?” Dax asked, pulling away from her pussy.

  “I don’t know.” She thrashed her head back and forth. She had one hand in Erik’s hair and the other gripping the covers next to her.

  Dax chuckled and began licking her slit in long slow strokes that did nothing to get her closer. Instead, it was sheer torture, keeping her near the edge but not close enough to go over.

  “Look at how her neck and chest are all pink, Dax. She’s hot for us.” Erik twisted her nipple to just shy of painful.

  It seemed to travel all the way to her clit, and she moaned, arching her back and then shoving her pelvis closer to Dax’s talented tongue. She needed it over her clit. Instead, he licked at her slit and then sucked on her pussy lips until she was nearly bucking beneath him.

  Finally, Dax thrust two fingers deep inside of her as he carefully teased her hard bundle of nerves with the tip of his tongue. Little sparks of relief flared low in her abdomen, but it wasn’t enough. She needed more.

  “Please, Dax. I need more.”

  “Give her what she wants, Dax. I’m so hard right now I’m in pain. My wolf is digging at me.”

  “You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know, man. I could break rocks with my dick.” Dax gave her slit one last lick before latching on to her clit with his lips and sucking as he thrust in and out of her cunt with his fingers.

  Jeanie exploded. She was sure she screamed, but she couldn’t hear anything through the roaring in her ears as she came long and hard. Pleasure poured through her as Dax dragged every ounce of it from her body. When she finally regained her hearing and felt like she could speak, Jeanie opened her eyes to see both men grinning down at her.

  “What?” she demanded.

  “I think you passed out for a second,” Erik said.

  “And that’s something for you to smile about?”

  “Well, yeah. We did it to you.”

  Jeanie couldn’t help but laugh, only to groan at the sore muscles in her abdomen. Her climax had worked them over good.

  Dax climbed up her body, kissing her from pelvis to her belly button, and then he licked each nipple and kissed her neck. When he settled over her, holding his weight off her with his arms, he leaned down and took her mouth in an intimate kiss that left the taste of herself in her mouth.

  “I love when you come on my face, hon,” he said.

  “I love it when you make me come.” She smiled up at him and then yelped when he suddenly rolled them over so that she was on top of him.

  “Ride me, Jeanie. I want to feel that tight pussy around my dick.” Dax held her steady as she straddled him and held his cock so that she could sink down on it.

  The sensation of him filling her had her pussy fluttering against him. He was big and so very hard. She moaned when she finally took all of him she could fit inside of her. Dax began to move beneath her. He pushed deeper i
nside of her then retreated so that she felt empty when he did. Over and over, he moved under her. The feel of him filling her soon had her body singing again.

  “Hold her steady while I get her ready, Dax.” Erik’s voice came from behind her. She tried to look over her shoulder, but Dax pulled her down against his chest and held her there.

  “Relax, Jeanie. Let Erik get you ready for his cock,” Dax murmured in her ear. He followed it with soft kisses along her neck and across her jaw.

  Jeanie felt Erik’s hands on her ass cheeks. He squeezed them and then spread them wide. The idea of him looking at her back there was embarrassing. She tried to pull away from him, but Dax held her steady.

  “Easy, hon. He’s not going to hurt you. Just relax.”

  “You’re beautiful, Jeanie. You can’t imagine what it’s like to know that in a few minutes you’re going to have us both inside of you, readying you for the mating. I can’t wait to get inside your ass.” Erik’s voice had deepened.

  She felt something cold hit her ass, and then Erik massaged the substance into her back hole. More of the stuff hit just above her ass, and this time when he massaged it into her ass, he entered her with one finger. It wasn’t unpleasant. It didn’t even hurt.

  He continued to add more of the lube and then eventually added a second finger. It burned now. Stretching around both fingers hurt a little as he slowly moved in and out of her ass. The longer he stretched her, the easier it felt until when he added more lube and a third finger, the burn was more like a pinch that didn’t fade away. Jeanie wasn’t sure she could handle more.

  “Easy, sweetheart. You’re doing great. Erik’s just about ready to get inside that hot ass.” Dax’s voice sounded just as tense as she felt.

  “Jeanie, try to relax and bear down for me.” Erik’s voice held an edge of tension as he seemed to be fighting for control.

  The next thing she felt was the pressure of his cock against her back hole. At first it didn’t hurt, but then as he slowly entered her, a sharp pinch turned into a burning pain. She gasped and nearly cried out for him to stop when he seemed to pop free of something and entered her all the way. The pressure was still there, but it no longer hurt to the point she couldn’t handle it. Then he began to move inside of her.

  “Are you okay, Jeanie?” Erik asked. “Do I need to stop?”

  “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” The pain had morphed into discomfort, but when Dax began to move in tandem with Erik, it all turned to pleasure.

  When Dax pulled back, Erik surged forward. They seesawed in and out of her until she thought she’d fly apart with the pleasure. She’d have never believed it possible for her to enjoy two men at once inside her body. It had seemed too much to her. It was too much, but in a good way. Every move they made inside of her ratcheted up the sensation until she was sure she’d explode.

  “Fuck, Dax. I’m close. It has to be now.” Erik’s voice shook as he seemed to struggle for control.

  Jeanie’s body sang with the feel of both men inside of her. She wasn’t sure what to expect next, but knew they had to bite her. She figured that would hurt pretty badly, but it was a small thing to her in order to become their mate.

  She wasn’t prepared at all for the next instant. Both men struck, one on each shoulder, and bit down as they slammed into her at the same time. Blinding hot desire burned through her body even as a pleasure so intense she saw white light coursed through her bloodstream until she no longer felt like she was even in her body anymore. She floated, tethered only by where her body was joined with the men’s.

  Seconds or minutes or hours later, Jeanie came to herself lying flat on her back with both men lying next to her propped on one arm watching her. Concern marred their normally smiling good looks.

  “How do you feel?” Erik asked.

  “Exhausted, but good. I take it I passed out again.”

  “Yeah, for nearly an hour. We’ve been worried,” Dax said. “I even called Cain and Shade to make sure you were going to be okay.”

  “I’m good. Just tired. That was”—she didn’t have the words for it—“I don’t know. Amazing.”

  “Yeah. It was. I’ve never felt anything that good in my life,” Erik told her. “You’re ours now.”

  “You’re mine now,” she told them.

  Finally, they smiled like their old selves. She reached up with both hands and caressed their faces. She loved them more than anything. They were perfect for her, and she prayed they’d never leave her side.

  “I love you both. You’ve made me so happy,” she told them.

  “We love you, Jeanie. I love you so deeply.” Dax bent down and kissed her softly on the lips.

  “I love you, sweetheart, as if my soul finally became whole. I’ll die before I ever let anything happen to you.” Erik kissed her as well, and then both men relaxed and curled up next to her.

  Jeanie felt complete and free of her past for the first time. Nothing mattered now except the two men in her life and her family. She’d do anything to always have them by her side. They hadn’t once seemed to care about her past other than its effect on her. She couldn’t believe that she’d find one man, much less two, who could overlook her past. Everything she could have ever wished for had come true in duplicate. She was truly blessed.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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