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Zeke Page 7

by Wodke Hawkinson

  Sue went home that night in a state of mental duress. She couldn’t sleep; disturbing thoughts kept her awake. If Zeke didn’t love her, maybe she should stop seeing him. Just as quickly as the notion entered her head, she felt a surge of panic. She was immediately bereft, as if she had already broken up with him. The thought made her physically ill. Yet, what was the point of continuing a one-sided love affair? A war of emotions battled inside her head.

  In the dark hours of the night, Sue reached the conclusion that she should break it off with Zeke. Replaying the bizarre conversation in her mind, she was overwhelmed by a deep disappointment. Heartache followed. Then a reprieve of an idea occurred to her, an explanation she could accept. Perhaps he was so confident of her love and trusted her so much, that he simply didn’t feel threatened by the idea of her being intimate with someone else. That was the explanation. He was secure in their love.

  Relief washed over her, and she suddenly felt grateful for his open-minded attitude. It was different, for sure. It didn’t fit well with the image in her mind of what a relationship should entail. But she needed to grow a more mature attitude. Zeke was special and it would take a clever, sophisticated woman to keep him interested. She could adjust. Most men would not have the self-assurance to watch the woman they love with another man. But Zeke was different. For her and Zeke, it would be a shared experience. Something they could talk about, something that would bring them closer. She couldn’t imagine wanting anyone else. But, if she ever did, she decided it was comforting to know she wouldn’t have to lose Zeke over it. It actually made a lot of sense, once she got past the initial shock.

  She finally closed her eyes shortly before dawn, firmly convinced she had a most wonderful and unique relationship. In her long hours of deliberation over the issue of sharing their love with others, she somehow inexplicably overlooked his anger problem.

  Summer seemed to fly by now that Sue had Zeke. Her mind was always on him, obsessing over him, missing him when they were apart, and clinging with desperation to every moment they had together. She recalled each tender word, each fevered touch, the way he looked at her. All of it was a private movie she replayed endlessly in her mind. She was an addict and he was the needle. She forgave his twisted talk, the secrecy, and his unpredictable moodiness. She had to. She needed him. His love gave her life meaning, bestowed on her a value and a worth.

  Sometimes he would call in the middle of the night, aching to see her, and no matter how tired she was, she would slip quietly out to meet him. Their sexuality raged, and their emotions swelled and swirled like storm clouds over the mountains. Zeke was ready all the time. Even when they had just finished making love, he was quickly aroused a second time. Often when they drove around, he would have his pants open and erection in hand. Sue found it exciting the way he would look ahead at the road and pretend nothing was out of the ordinary, while she sat in the seat beside him and watched him stroke himself. She grew stimulated just watching.

  He was sometimes happy beyond reason, tender with her, exuberant in their love. He pleasured her as often as she desired and never seemed to tire of exploring and awakening her sensual nature.

  But, there was that other side to him, too. Sometimes he was unreasonable, almost cruel. Those times were hard on her, but also like storm clouds, they passed quickly and the sunshine would return to light her world again. Nobody’s perfect, she told herself. Nothing is perfect.

  Big Ben

  “You’re perfect,” Zeke said to Sue, looking down into her eyes after they had made love. “I need you so much, bunny. I can’t live without you. I’d die if I ever lost you.”

  Zeke had driven them right into the middle of a field and stopped near a dead tree. He had barely turned off the engine before they’d ripped off their clothes and pressed against each other.

  Sue was deeply satisfied as she felt the warm weight of Zeke, her lover, on top of her, and the swell of emotion in her heart. “You won’t lose me,” she promised.

  “Swear? Swear you’ll never leave me.” His smile was soft.

  “I swear.” Sue’s answer was earnest. “I’ll always be with you. I’ll love you forever. You’re my soul mate, Zeke.”

  “That’s what I like to hear. I’d do anything for you, Sue. You know that, right?”

  “Yes.” She sighed happily.

  “By the way, I have to go out of town for a few days.”

  The news fell lazily from his lips and Sue’s heart dropped. Sitting up, she pulled her shirt over her naked chest. She swallowed hard. “Why, Zeke? Where are you going?”

  An ominous silence permeated the small space. Outside the van, field grass rustled in the light breeze with a ghostly whisper. Sue held her breath. Zeke snatched his clothes and yanked them on with quick, concise movements.

  “Zeke?” She stared after him as he crawled up front and dug around in the glove box.

  He got out of the van but didn’t close the door. Sue hurriedly dressed and followed him. She found him standing a few feet away in a bare patch of dirt, throwing something at the dead tree and then retrieving it before repeating the process.

  “Zeke, honey? What’s wrong?”

  Zeke froze but wouldn’t face her. In his hand, he held a long knife made entirely of metal. It had a dull finish and a thick rounded handle with indentations that gave him a grip for his fingers. Sue had never seen anything like it.

  “Where’d you get that?” Sue stepped closer.

  “I’ve had it a long time. It’s my soul.” He tossed his hair aside and turned to meet her gaze with cold eyes. “I call it Big Ben. You’d know that if you’d read my poems with even an ounce of insight. Apparently they were too deep for you.”

  He snapped his wrist and the knife plunged into the ground between Sue’s feet. She squealed and jumped back. “What’d you do that for? You could’ve hurt me!”

  “If I’d wanted to stick you, I would have.” Zeke bent over and pulled the weapon from the dirt. He wiped it on his denim-clad leg and slid it into a leather sheath before slipping it into his back pocket, where it stuck out ominously.

  Tears gathered in Sue’s eyes. “You’re so angry with me. What did I do wrong?”

  As if repressing great rage, Zeke took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I hope you’re not going to be one of those women who try to tie a man down,” he said finally. “Having to know where he is every second of the day, giving him no room to breathe. That’s a complete turn-off to me.”

  “I’m not,” Sue protested. “I just wondered where you’re going, that’s all. Why can’t you tell me?”

  “You’re pushing it, Sue,” he said darkly. “I don’t have to report to you. You’re not my P.O.”

  “Well, no, I know that. I just worry about you.”

  “Worry?” His laughter was snide. “That’s just an excuse to control somebody. I’m not going to let you interrogate my every move. You better accept that right now or things aren’t going to work out so well for us.”

  “Okay, okay.” She scrambled for words. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just curious. Just forget I said anything. Please.”

  “Well...okay,” he said, his mood immediately lightening. “It’s all good. I’ll call you when I get back.”

  He put his arm around her and led her back to the van. She vowed to reread every poem he’d given her and see if she could find some reference to Big Ben. Maybe he was right. Maybe she wasn’t smart enough, or philosophical enough, to understand a man of his complexity. But, she’d do her homework. She’d go over every line with a mental microscope. When anything like this came up again, she’d know what to say.

  Under the Dock

  It was time for Mrs. Harrington’s annual Pleasure Party, a three-day hedonistic event for a few select friends, other adventurous wealthy women in her circle. They’d spend the time in a rented villa on a private beach near Hilton Head; the festivities would include shopping, sunbathing, sightseeing, and nights of steamy indulgence. The last w
ould involve servicing by Mrs. Harrington’s two virile employees, Zeke and Lazlo. Although this was Zeke’s first year working the Pleasure Party, he had been well versed in his duties. Mrs. Harrington expected all her guests to walk away from the weekend feeling exquisitely pampered and completely satisfied.

  Zeke was blasé on the flight to South Carolina, where he sat next to Lazlo in coach while Mrs. Harrington relaxed in first class. But when they arrived, the sights and scents of the resort area filled him with a strange excitement. As Lazlo silently unloaded the luggage from the rented limo, Zeke pretended not to hear Mrs. Harrington calling to him to help with the baggage, and instead strolled a short distance down the beach. He shaded his brow from the bright sun as he gazed at the red and white striped lighthouse next to the huge resort. The salty, fishy breeze lifted his hair and he breathed deep. This is the lifestyle he deserved, only without the demands of the overbearing broad who paid him. He sighed and looked back at Lazlo struggling with the cases while Mrs. Harrington tapped her sandaled foot in annoyance, her white Capri pants stretched tight across her stout hips, and her large sunglasses hiding her hard, calculating eyes. He strolled back, insolence radiating from him in waves, to give Lazlo a hand.

  “Now, Zeke, you need to help get these bags over to the ferry!” Mrs. Harrington’s bracelets jingled on her wrist as she gestured. “And make it snappy. You’ll have plenty of time for daydreaming once we’re settled. The girls will be here this afternoon and we’re going on a shopping extravaganza. You boys can entertain yourselves however you see fit until we return.”

  The girls! Zeke hid a caustic smile. The group invited to this little festivity hadn’t seen girlhood in several decades; of that, he was sure. Still, these women had the money to take good care of their bodies. They might not be youthful, but they weren’t ready for the grave, either. He was starting to look forward to the evening’s events.

  On the trip across the bay, Zeke slouched at the rail and watched a merry band of dolphins as they raced alongside the boat. He envied their freedom.

  Mrs. Harrington sauntered over to give him a brief lecture. “I know you, Zeke. You think the whole world revolves around you. I don’t think I’ve ever employed a more narcissistic, self-centered houseboy. But for the next three days, I want you to pretend the world revolves around my friends. Be convincing. Understand? I want them to feel like queens on a throne.”

  Hiding his annoyance, Zeke nodded. “I’ll get the job done. Maybe it’s Lazlo you ought to talk to.”

  Her laughter was brash, carried away by the breeze. “Lazlo is the least of my worries. He’s compliant, eager. Does exactly what I expect of him. He doesn’t have that arrogant streak that so mars your likeability.” She sashayed away, her sandals slapping the bottoms of her heels.

  “Whatever,” Zeke muttered and fixed his eyes on the approaching shore, the stretch of white sand, the dunes beyond, and the waving leaves of the sea oats.

  Zeke and Lazlo were to wear no clothing while inside the villa, which was no problem for Zeke. He was so comfortable being nude he’d have to remind himself to pull on a pair of shorts before going outside. At least for three wonderful days, he wouldn’t have to wear the monkey suit usually required of him at events to which he accompanied Mrs. Harrington. He couldn’t wait to hit the beach as soon as the old lady and her friends headed out on their shopping trip.

  Once settled, Lazlo retired to his room for a nap to rest up for the night’s activities. Zeke opted for a walk. Kicking the sand along the water, he kept his eyes moving behind his dark glasses, scoping out possibilities. He drew admiring glances from a number of females on the beach, as he expected he would, but he was looking for a particular type this time.

  Stopping near a solitary striped chair, he turned to see a busty blonde jiggling toward him, her huge breasts swinging within the tiny confines of her bikini top. She carried a drink in one hand and a bottle of suntan oil in the other. Sunglasses perched atop her head, holding back sun-streaked hair. Her blue eyes sparkled as she smiled at him.

  “Hey,” she said in a perky voice as she leaned down to set the oil on the sand, giving him a much-appreciated view of her backside.

  “Hey,” Zeke answered, nearly drooling. Her ass was round and plump as two melons on a vine, ready for plucking.

  She rose and turned to him, licking her full pink lips. “I’m Sheila.” She stuck out her hand.

  Zeke took her hand gently, extending the contact. “Gary. Nice to meet you.” He lifted her hand to his lips, eliciting a giggle. She was sending signals that she was in the market for a quick one-time fling, and he was ready to oblige.

  It didn’t take Zeke long to lure Sheila under a dock where he proceeded to divest her of her bikini. They groped each other, overcome with lust, their kisses fierce, deep, and animalistic.

  In the distance, the shouts and laughter of swimmers carried on the breeze. Beneath the pier, the air was dank and moist. Zeke buried his face between Sheila’s breasts, causing small gasps of appreciation to issue from her luscious lips. He stood back and slipped his shorts off. “Hold onto the beam above you,” he instructed.

  She looked up and grabbed the post gingerly. “Now what?” Her voice was husky with anticipation.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” Zeke said, and she pulled him close with her legs. He wasted no time; there was no gentleness in his actions. He was aggressive, ramming into the girl with savage force. She lost her grip on the beam and they fell to the ground. Zeke momentarily lost his stride, but quickly regained it.

  “Harder,” Sheila moaned. “Oh, Gary, you’re so big!”

  Zeke grinned, surprised she wanted it rougher; he gladly indulged her request and pounded away. Panting, he ran his hands over her back and under her round bottom, squeezing the fleshy globes roughly in his passion. The girl sensed when he was about to finish and artfully pulled back. He groaned as he spent himself on her belly.

  “What the hell? Why did you do that?” Zeke flung his hair out of his eyes and glared at her.

  “What?” the girl asked in confusion.

  “I don’t waste my seed.” Zeke’s anger was evident. “It belongs inside, not outside.” He got to his feet and pulled on his shorts. Bending down, he retrieved his sunglasses from the wet sand and rammed them on top of his head. His flat cobalt eyes challenged her.

  “Well, it doesn’t belong in me,” Sheila stated flatly. “I’m out for fun. I am not getting pregnant by some dude I did it with just one time.”

  Zeke’s face turned crimson. He reached out and grabbed the soft area under her arm, twisting the flesh viciously, while staring into her wide-open eyes. “You worthless little twat. I ought to throw your slutty ass in the ocean.”

  “OUCH! That hurts.” Sheila pulled away and hurriedly reclaimed her bikini, pulling on the bottoms. Reaching behind to tie the swim top, she backed toward the open beach, fear bright in her eyes. “You’re sick. You just stay away from me!” She turned and ran.

  Zeke fumed a moment in the shade of the dock, paced back and forth, and then shrugged. What the hell; her loss. Pulling his sunglasses from atop his head, he slipped them on, left the beach, and walked back toward the villa, surveying the area to see if Sheila had alerted anyone. No one paid attention to him. Zeke decided that he shouldn’t hang out in this spot anymore, just in case Sheila decided to report him to the lifeguards or worse. It wasn’t that much of a sacrifice, in his estimation; the villa had a huge kidney-shaped private pool. He could swim there. And as for picking up women, he’d have no need of that. Servicing Mrs. Harrington’s guests would satisfy his libido for the time being.

  The weekend progressed, Zeke and Lazlo filling their roles as Mrs. Harrington’s special gifts to the society gals. Even with Lazlo’s eager assistance, Zeke had all he could do to appease the hungers of the group. Many oily massages and fevered carnal acts later, the Pleasure Party was over. All too quickly, it was time to fly home, settle back to the same old routine. Zeke was getting restless

  Lovers’ Reunion

  With Zeke gone, Sue could hardly keep her mind on her classes and had no interest in her assignments. Although she read and reread Zeke’s poems, she found no direct references to Big Ben. She fretted over his lack of contact, and her mood suffered. At work, she even snapped at one of the residents, which was totally out of character for her. She checked and rechecked her phone for messages, but Zeke didn’t call or text her. Fear of losing him crawled around inside her. Was he with another girl? Had he left for good? Would he really come back?

  She haunted Re-Books until she cornered the manager at the counter and worked up the nerve to ask him about Zeke. The man was busy at the time, and clearly in no mood for idle talk. “He took Monday off. He’ll be back on Tuesday. What do you need with him?”

  “Nothing,” Sue replied quickly. “I was just going to talk to him about a book I saw him reading. Don’t mention I asked, okay?”

  The manager looked at her oddly before turning to the next person in line.

  When she thought she was at the end of her endurance, Zeke called to tell her he was back. “Meet me at the park.”

  His voice sent thrills shooting through her belly. When she saw him standing beside the park fountain, she threw herself into his arms as if he were a soldier returning from war. She bit her tongue, resisting the impulse to ask him where he’d been, knowing it would ruin the moment. Shoving her concerns and curiosity aside, she instead drank deeply of his intoxicating presence.

  “Oh, honey, I missed you so much!” He buried his face in her hair and sucked the scent of it into his lungs.

  “I missed you, too,” she said against his chest, holding him tightly in her arms. “I missed you so much I thought I’d die.”

  Inwardly, Zeke laughed at her theatrics. But, he pasted a lovelorn look on his face. “Let’s never be apart again, bunny. It’s too hard on me.”


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