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Page 28

by Wodke Hawkinson

Zeke pulled the van inside the abandoned building he’d chosen for his dirty deeds, the darkness broken only by the headlight beams. They rolled to a smooth stop behind the large machine.

  “Where are we?” Brenda seemed nervous.

  Sue once again played her role. “It’s okay. Zeke and I party here all the time. It’s kind of creepy at first but you’ll get over it.” Boy, will you get over it. The corners of Sue’s mouth turned down as she slid open the side door of the van.

  “Hold on, Sue. Let me help you out.” Zeke rushed around the vehicle, not wanting to give Sue a chance to run, but not wanting Brenda to sense anything odd going on, either. He lifted Sue out of the vehicle by the waist and spun her in a circle. He let her slide down his body and pulled her in for a lavish kiss. All an act for Brenda.

  Sue nearly gagged when Zeke’s tongue slithered into her mouth like a snake down a hole. She came close to biting him, but realized she’d pay dearly if she did, and went limp instead. Finally, Zeke released her and turned back to assist Brenda from the van.

  Affecting an air of confidence, Sue led Brenda toward the room with the desk. “This is where we party. Come on.” Sue handed her the bottle of schnapps.

  Brenda cracked it open and took a hefty swig.

  “I got lemons and salt for the tequila. But no shot glasses. We’ll just have to pass the bottle,” Zeke said and followed the women. He controlled his jubilance; he’d celebrate later.

  The first thing Zeke did was to set a flashlight on the floor, facing the corner. “Gives the room a nice ambiance, don’t you think?”

  Brenda nodded. “It’s a lot cozier now.”

  “Zeke,” Sue said after licking salt from her wrist, taking a drink of tequila, and biting into a lemon. “Can I have a couple of those pills?”

  Zeke sneaked a look at Brenda to be sure she was paying attention. The three of them were sitting on the edge of the desk, passing drinks back and forth. Sue, per Zeke’s instructions, had hit on Brenda and she’d reacted as hoped, returning Sue’s kisses. Zeke slowly joined the action and Sue began pulling back. Now she mentioned the drugs and Zeke asked which one she was interested in.

  “Xanax, I think.”

  “You have Xanax?” Brenda’s eyes lit up and Zeke smiled widely. This was better than he could have hoped for.

  “Yeah, why?” he asked.

  “I used to have a prescription but my doctor wouldn’t refill it. It’s good shit. How many do you have?”

  Zeke peered into the bottle, as if contemplating whether to share or not. Finally, he looked up. “I think we have plenty. Sue usually takes two, but if you’re used to them, maybe you want four.”

  Brenda was quite drunk by now and agreed that four should do the trick. She chased the pills down with the schnapps. “This is all gone.” She giggled and tossed the bottle into the next room, where it broke on the floor.

  “We still have the tequila,” Zeke reminded her, though he didn’t think she’d need anything more to drink. The Xanax would kick in soon enough and by then he’d be well into his plans. Now, he turned to Sue. “Can I see you in the other room for a minute?”

  Sue glanced sadly at Brenda before leaving the room.

  Zeke grabbed the second flashlight from the drawer and followed Sue. “Take these.” He handed her two pills. After she swallowed, he said, “Open up,” and pointed the light into her mouth. Once he was certain Sue had taken the pills, they returned to Brenda and Zeke placed the flashlight in the opposite corner, aimed up.

  It wasn’t long before Sue said she was going to lie down. She ambled into the adjoining room and closed the door.

  “Is she okay?” Brenda asked, swaying.

  “Sure. She’s not like you. She can’t handle her booze, especially along with the pills.” Zeke kissed Brenda on the neck. “Why don’t you lie back and let me get rid of some of your clothes?”

  Brenda’s lips curved in a drunk’s sly smile. “You first.”

  “Fine by me.” Zeke stood in front of the woman and slowly stripped, letting her feast upon him with her eyes. He opened the door to the other room and glanced at Sue where she huddled in the far corner. After dropping his clothes onto the floor, he shut the door and returned his attention to Brenda. “Your turn.”

  While Brenda sat up and slipped out of her coat, Sue crawled stealthily to Zeke’s clothes. She removed his billfold and using the scant strip of light below the door, located the flyer of Daisy. She quickly slipped it into her coat pocket where it rested against her destroyed debit card. She returned Zeke’s billfold to his jeans pocket, being careful to put it in just as it had been. She crawled back to her corner and shook with fear, worried Zeke would somehow sense what she’d done, barge in, and kill her.

  In the next room, Brenda started to pull her sweater off, but Zeke stopped her. He kissed her and laid her back. “Let me,” he said, his breath coming a little faster now.

  “Okay, big boy.” Brenda reached for Zeke’s erection.

  “Ah, ah, ah.” Zeke pulled back. “Not so fast. First, we get you naked.”

  “Do we need so much light?” Brenda shaded her eyes.

  “Sure do. It makes it easier to carve you up,” Zeke mumbled.


  “I like to see what I’m doing,” Zeke stated clearly, bringing a smile to Brenda’s face.

  “I hope you enjoy the view.” Her speech was slurred; the pills were slow dancing with the booze now. She relaxed onto the desk’s top.

  Zeke reached into the drawer and removed Big Ben. He slid the point under the edge of Brenda’s sweater and grabbed the material in his other hand. With one quick move, he cut the sweater from the hem to the neckline. Before Brenda was aware of what had happened, he sliced through the center of her bra, releasing her breasts, which flopped to either side. Without support, her bosom lost some of its appeal.

  “What the hell?” Brenda tried to sit up.

  Zeke shoved her roughly back, banging her head on the desk.

  “Ouch,” she cried, “that hurt.”

  Bringing the knife into view, Zeke beamed. “You don’t know what hurt is; but, you will.”

  Brenda struggled to get off the table, her movements uncoordinated and ineffectual. Zeke bent down and took one nipple into his mouth. She momentarily forgot her fright and anger and moaned with delight. Perhaps he’d just been playing rough to add some zing to their tryst. It had been a long time since she’d made love with a truly exciting man. Maybe they’d even get into some spanking or dirty talk. She settled back, prepared to enjoy a heart-pounding bodice-ripping romp.

  Then, Zeke bit off her nipple and spat it to the side. Brenda screamed in pain and terror.

  Zeke ignored her and cut her jeans away. Desire surged through him when he found she wore no panties. Brenda rolled from side to side, clutching her chest. Loud choking sobs racked her body.

  On the other side of the wall, Sue curled up in a corner, arms wrapped around her head, covering her ears. Yet, still the screams found their way to her. Sue groaned in dismay, doing her best to tune out the horrific noises issuing from the next room.

  Brenda was still wailing when Zeke positioned himself between her legs. She twisted and squirmed, slapped at him, but her blows were weak and harmless.

  He’d left her cowboy boots on. Now, he grabbed them by the heels and lifted her legs high, spreading them wide. “You wet? You ready for me?” Not expecting an answer, he was exhilarated when she only screamed louder.

  Edging closer, Zeke dropped one of her legs and turned Big Ben around so the hilt faced Brenda. He massaged her between the legs, edging the handle around her opening, but not pressing it inside. He was always first and Big Ben second.

  He laid the knife on the table and prepared to take Brenda, pressing against her privates. He tried to push inside her, but she was too dry. Eyeing the lemon on the floor, Zeke climbed off his victim and picked up the fruit.

  As soon as he did, Brenda scooted off the desk and landed awkwardly on t
he other side. Struggling to her feet, she scuttled toward the door.

  Zeke watched with the lazy interest of a cat. He always liked lively prey. Plus, he realized that this woman wasn’t going far. She was too wasted. He grabbed her around the waist and hefted her onto his shoulder. She kicked and struggled, but her intoxication made her clumsy and she was no match for Zeke. He dropped her onto the desk, bottom up. Easily holding her in place, he opened his mouth wide and bit her buttocks repeatedly, drawing blood. He flipped her over, and regained his position, squeezing the lemon between Brenda’s legs before thrusting forward again. His penis stung but it couldn’t even come close to the pain Brenda felt when he ripped his way inside her and the acidic citrus juice hit raw tissue.

  Zeke took pleasure from the caterwauling of the woman beneath him. He shoved into her until he felt himself beginning to lose control, then he withdrew and hopped off the table.

  Blood seeped from Brenda’s mangled breast and Zeke returned his mouth to it, sucking like a vampire at the neck of a victim. Backing up, Zeke surveyed the naked body on the table.

  The drugs had numbed Brenda. Even with the rape and loss of her nipple, she could do little more than sob wretchedly.

  Zeke reached out and stroked her leg comfortingly. “Shhh. It’s okay now, Brenda. You’re doing fine. Shhh.”

  She pulled her hands away from her face and stared at him in horror. Her mascara had run, and black smudges stood out against her pale cheekbones.

  Zeke’s mood grew jovial.

  “I think it’s time to lose the boots.” Rather than slide them off, Zeke used the knife, mangling the footwear and throwing them across the room. He ran his hands over her feet. “You know, I’ve never understood foot fetishes.” Grabbing her left foot, he brought the blade to bear between her big toe and the one next to it. Leaning his weight into it, Zeke cut a deep gouge, nearly separating her big toe from her foot, and eliciting an agonized shriek.

  Zeke stood back and contemplated the cut he’d made. He looked at his penis and then back at the cut. “Nope, I can’t see it. I don’t understand this foot thing. I’m not sticking my dick in there, that’s for sure.”

  Brenda tried to get off the table again. Zeke sighed and punched her hard in the forehead. She fell back, stunned. He opened the desk drawer, removing the bag of nails and the hammer. Scanning Brenda’s body, he looked for the most appropriate spot to place the nail.

  “I’d just do you through the hands,” he said, mildly, “but that smacks of religion and this is definitely not a spiritual experience; at least, not for you. Ohhh, I know. How about those flabby upper arms?”

  As Brenda was coming around, Zeke took a six-inch nail from the bag and positioned it over the inside of her upper arm. With one swing of the hammer, Zeke rammed the nail through her flesh and into the desk, securing her limb. For good measure, he drove in two more nails before moving to the other side. “You’re sure taking this well, Brenda. I have to say I’m impressed.”

  It was then Zeke noticed Brenda had fainted. Either that or she was dead. Zeke checked her pulse and found it pounding through her wrist. Good, I don’t want to do no corpse. I don’t do dead, I make dead.

  “Okay, what next?” He snapped his fingers as he remembered he had wanted to document this adventure. Snatching Brenda’s sweater, he wiped most of the blood from his hands and got his camera from the drawer. He heard a slight noise behind him and turned to see Sue opening the outer office door. She slipped out and bolted. Zeke couldn’t believe it. Sue was leaving him.

  He grabbed a flashlight and turned it off. Easing out the door, he paused to listen. Not very sneaky, bunny. Sue’s boot soles slapped the cement floor as she ran full out toward the door through which they’d entered the main building. Zeke sprinted after her. Even barefooted, he was much faster than a woman full of tranquilizers and booze. Just before he grabbed her, he turned on the flashlight, illuminating her.

  “No,” Sue cried out as Zeke jerked her to a stop by one arm and shone the light into her face.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going? Hunh? Tell me, Susie.”

  “Just let me go, Zeke,” Sue begged, terrified.

  “Let you go where?” Zeke asked, with a teasing tone.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Oh? You don’t know? Well, I can tell you. You’re going to hell. Right along with all the other thieves and killers in the world.”

  “I’m not a killer,” Sue sobbed.

  “You’re an accomplice. You helped bring Brenda out here. You set her up for me, and you’d better not forget it. Now walk.” He shoved her back toward her cage so he could finish his nefarious activities.

  Sue dropped into the corner of the back room and cowered, fearful of retaliation for running. But her punishment didn’t come. Zeke was anxious to return to Brenda. “I’ll deal with you later, Sue. I promise.” He slammed the door on his way out and shoved an old chair under the knob.

  “Now, Brenda. Where were we? Ah, I can see that you have way too much on the top. You are top-heavy, baby. We need to fix that.” Zeke wielded his knife, slicing here, trimming there. He moved down to her thighs and then her hips. Unable to turn her over due to the nails, Zeke had to work only where he could reach.

  By now, his erection was massive and he admired the way it swung in front of him. His arousal was so intense he could no longer resist the dying woman spread out before him. He climbed back onto the table and entered Brenda once more. After a few strokes, Zeke lost control and rammed into her over and over and over, finally succumbing to one of the most powerful orgasms he’d ever experienced.

  He collapsed on top of her for a while, then went about putting the finishing touches to his rapidly-cooling project. Brenda was just a body, a piece of inert flesh.

  Now it was Big Ben’s turn at her. Zeke rammed the hilt inside Brenda several times before turning the knife around and raping her with the blade. “This would have been more fun if you’d stayed alive a little longer.”

  There were a few more loose ends to tie up. Zeke worked diligently and was just gathering his treasure and tools when he heard a car pass through the building.

  “Fuck,” Zeke shouted, kicked the chair out of the way, and threw open the door to Sue’s prison. “Come on, we need to leave.”

  Sue had passed out in the corner. Zeke skirted the broken glass from the schnapps bottle and managed to get her to her feet. He grabbed his clothes from the floor and juggled everything as he opened the door a crack, watching yet another car drive across the open floor and out the second door on its way to the other building.

  “Come on, come on,” he prompted Sue, easing through the doorway in front of her, and closing the door behind them.

  Sue, though woozy and disoriented, remembered her plan. She surreptitiously pulled her debit card and the flyer from her pocket and dropped them to the floor where they disappeared into the shadows.

  “I said come ON!” Zeke yanked her out of the room, around the derelict machine, and shoved her into the passenger seat of the van, where she slumped into a stupor. She’d kept her eyes averted as they passed by the desk holding Brenda’s mangled body. Now, she squeezed her eyes shut and gave in to the tranquilizer.

  As he turned the key, Zeke could hear hooting and hollering from the other building. Obviously, this was a local hangout for late-night partiers. Zeke waited until no more vehicles appeared and then drove out the door. He stopped just outside and hopped out, taking the keys with him, just in case Sue was faking sleep.

  He darted over to a barrel of run-off roof water he’d noticed earlier. Dipping his shirt into the icy water, Zeke cleaned blood from his body as well as he could. He stuck his head underwater and scrubbed his hair and face, before tossing the shirt aside. Freezing now, and still somewhat bloody, Zeke hurried back to the van.

  Once on the dirt road, he stopped and slipped into his clothes, dragging a dirty shirt from the pile in the back. It was time to get the hell out of here. He pulled
onto the highway and drove sedately into town.

  Homicide in Four Falls

  Will spent a fitful night in the unit next door to Zeke and Sue’s room. He jumped from bed and ran to the window at the slightest sound, only to crawl back under the covers when it wasn’t them returning.

  Early the next morning, he found the door to unit 15 still ajar and the room in exactly the same condition as it had been the day before. He startled the housekeeper who rolled her cart to the entrance as he was leaving.

  “Oh. Sorry about that.” Will glanced at her nametag. “Louise, I’m a private investigator. I’m looking for the couple that stayed in this room. Did you see them?”

  She shook her head, a dubious expression on her face.

  “Well, it was worth a shot, eh?” Will tried a smile on the woman, but Louise didn’t respond and he gave up. She stared after him as he returned to his own room.

  Tired and cranky, Will rushed through his shower, checked out of the motel, and drove to a travel plaza to fill up with gas, clean his windshield, and grab some breakfast. Sitting in his car afterward, he sipped coffee as he phoned Roxie.

  “I don’t know which way to go,” he complained. “North to St. Louis, southeast to Memphis, or west to who knows where.”

  “What about the list of abandoned buildings we discussed? The ones for Missouri?” Roxie sounded as tired as he felt.

  “I just don’t know. Based on the sheer number of derelict structures, I’d guess I should head north. But I might be wrong, and I really feel like I’m closing in on them, as long as I don’t take the wrong road. The thing is, there’s no rhyme or reason to their travels. I sometimes wonder if this Zeke character is revisiting places that have some special meaning only to him.” Will yawned.

  “Maybe. Or maybe he did internet searches just like we’ve done.”

  “Talk to me a bit while I think,” Will said, his voice softening. “How’s the weather up there?”

  “Snowing like crazy and cold as a witch’s heart.”

  “Not much fun for stakeouts, hunh?”

  Roxie harrumphed. “Don’t worry about me. I have my thermos of hot coffee and long underwear. How’s your weather?”


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