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The Truth about Heroes: Complete Trilogy (Heroes Trilogy)

Page 39

by Krista Gossett

  “So, Finn, are you enjoying yourself so far?” Verity asked, feeling silly for asking. She knew he was but she wasn’t sure how to get him talking either.

  Finn smiled at her brightly, an infectious smile that she caught every time and returned it.

  “This place is amazing, isn’t it?” Finn chimed in. “They don’t build so high in the North but our mountains don’t rise above the high winds either.”

  Verity nodded, but she was having trouble trying to address what was bugging her. Finn leaned forward and watched her face.

  “What’s bothering you?” Finn asked, and Verity was comforted that the gentlemanly Finn was still there. Still, it seemed to make it harder for her to find the right words. His happiness warmed her heart but she was at war with the doubts these Folk were causing her. She truly wanted to believe she was being overly skeptical.

  “I just… is ‘doll’ a common term where you’re from too?” Verity asked.

  Finn frowned and sat back a bit. Reishefolk did not sit back on cushions because of their wings so the couch he was on had a shallow back, which sloped up to accommodate a human next to him. She wasn’t sure if that was a design or an intentional purpose.

  “No…” he said slowly, rubbing his chin as he thought about it. “I haven’t been able to figure that out. It seems to be a term of endearment for females, but I don’t know. I haven’t heard them say it to anyone but you, but I don’t recall seeing any female Reishefolk yet. My father spent a lot of time here, but didn’t have many details on it.”

  Come to think of it, neither had Verity, as if she didn’t have enough bugging her.

  “I was invited to a meeting today, so I will ask some questions when I get there,” Finn assured her, but she felt her stomach drop again. Meeting? When had he been invited? They had gone to sleep at the same time and woke up at the same time too. Was it a note or just a quick mention when she had gotten up to use the restroom? Verity didn’t want to overload Finn with her worries. Maybe the little unease with heights was just making her neurotic. She put on her best smile and stood up to stretch. She caught Finn watching her intensely but he pulled his gaze away apologetically once he realized he was staring. Verity knew her stretching was second nature to her, but to most people, it was a sensual and exotic movement so she didn’t fault anyone, least of all Finn.

  Finn had left about an hour prior to midday and she had sat on the couch for a moment, trying to decide what to do. She was startled when a couple of human girls had come in with a clothing trunk and stood it up, closing the door behind them.

  “Ah, no, sorry, I didn’t bring a trunk—“ Verity had started to say, but one of the women stepped forward to speak over her.

  “No, no, doll, we’re here to play,” the woman said kindly but it sent a shiver up her spine of cold revulsion.

  The two women were glamorously dressed, one in a bodyhugging red satin gown with matching red lipstick and pearls at her throat, the other wearing a very child-like fluffy dress with petticoats peeking out from her knee-length skirt and puff sleeves, all frothy with pink ribbons and lace. She also wore knee high leggings and pink Mary-Jane shoes with lace kid gloves. Both had long blonde hair but the sexier one had close elegant waves where the childish one had impeccable French curls. The childish one had said the creepy comment about playing.

  The sexier one smirked and tilted her head.

  “Don’t mind Miki; she’s always happy to see someone new,” she said politely, but with a smoky sexy voice. She offered her hand in greeting. “My name is Dahlia.”

  Verity took it hesitantly then swallowed to clear the lump in her throat.

  “I’m Verity. So why are you here?” she asked directly.

  “Miki likes to make sure new guests are always pretty. You look very feminine so it shouldn’t bother you, right? In any case, she’s not going to make you look as atrociously childish as she is —she’s actually very good at finding your style,” Dahlia assured Verity.

  Miki stuck her tongue out at Dahlia then started pulling out boxes of sprays and make-ups. She dug through the trunk of clothes and pulled out a purple length of cloth with a strange pinkish sheer to it. She handed it to Verity and told her to get dressed. They made no sign of leaving and they were women besides so Verity only hesitated briefly before disrobing and preparing to put on whatever it was.

  Miki giggled and shook her head so that her curls bounced.

  “Strip all the way. You can wear these under,” Miki said, holding up a tiny scrap of cloth the same color as the clothing they gave her. She supposed it was panties and nothing else and when Miki threw it to her, she had been right.

  Verity took off all of her clothes; Dahlia was looking out of the window and Miki messing with the make-up so at least they weren’t staring. She slipped on the little scrap of underwear that hung low on her hips and left the bottom of her curvy butt hanging out. She had never worn anything so sexy and she frowned as she passed her hand over her light stretch marks. It was her son that had left those behind and her heart hurt with the need to hold him again.

  “You barely see them and I doubt with perky breasts like yours, men even notice them,” Dahlia had said, snapping Verity out of that painful place. Verity spun about and grabbed for the outfit and realized the top was a beaded halter. It was no wonder she wouldn’t wear a bra; the thin straps and the built-in shelf were sufficient. When she put it on, she even noticed that it pushed her breasts up like they were being served on a plate and she felt self-conscious as she turned around looking for the bottom.

  “Beautiful. It should be a sin for a woman to have a body like yours,” Dahlia commented again.

  Verity blushed but folded her arms to scold Dahlia.

  “Stop doing that, it’s aggravating!”

  Dahlia laughed but stopped with her commentary and perusal.

  Verity snatched up the bottom piece and discovered they were airy pants that cinched at the ankles, like a belly dancer’s. They rode low on her hips but hung on her flatteringly. She blushed that they were slightly transparent. Miki was clapping her hands now with approval.

  “Okay, come here! Hair, then make-up, then finishing touches. This is so fun!” Miki said, grabbing her hand and pushing her down to sit on the cushion beside her.

  Miki braided just the sides of Verity’s amazing veil of hair and let the rest fall loose in a cascade down the back. She pinned a small silk flower into her hair that was the same pink/purple of her ensemble and then lined Verity’s almond eyes in black liner with a pink shadow. Verity did not want lip color though so Miki had pouted and had talked Verity into a clear gloss. Miki found an elaborate jeweled collar to drape around Verity’s neck and finished with a delicate gold chain around the waist. She handed Verity the matching slippers and grinned.

  “Check the mirror in Finn’s room!” Miki said excitedly.

  Verity was bothered that they knew Finn’s name as well but let that go. When she stepped into Finn’s room, she certainly didn’t feel much better. There were mirrors everywhere, including the ceiling above his bed. She saw her reflection and it took her breath away so she let that comfort her. She looked as pretty and delicate as she had as a teenager and could hardly believe it was her.

  Miki and Dahlia appeared, smiling.

  Miki chimed in with “There’s a party later so stay dressed up! We’ll get you later!”

  Just like that, the two women were gone. The lump appeared in her throat again. She looked just like a doll.

  Verity wasn’t sure how long she had stood there staring out of the window but it wasn’t until Finn had come back that she snapped out of her funk. He had dropped whatever he was holding when his jaw had dropped. Verity felt shy all of a sudden and looked down at herself, covering her exposed stomach selfconsciously. Finn was at her side now and he pulled her arms away and spun her around slowly.

  “Geez, Verity, I probably look old enough to be your dad now,” Finn had said with mock unhappiness.

; Verity laughed and slapped at his shoulder lightly. She noticed that Finn had discarded a sort of dinner jacket, tailored oddly for the needs of a Reishefolk but when she turned her head to ask, Finn was looking sad. Verity reached out and touched his cheek. It was always hard not to pet his face; downy soft feathering along his hairline tickled her fingers.

  “What’s wrong?” Verity noticed there was a lot wrong lately, but couldn’t quite put her finger on anything other than it made her feel weird.

  Finn took her hand from his cheek and looked at her, absently stroking her palm for comfort.

  “They knew my dad. You know, the one that traveled. He loved a woman here. A human girl. He would come here to visit her,” Finn told her.

  Verity did not push him. She wasn’t sure what bothered him yet; fidelity wasn’t highly prized among most Folk.

  “I always thought he was just a kind of merchant but some of those months he had gone away, he was here the whole time. I… I wish he had wanted to be around me so much, but I guess it’s a silly thing to be sad about now,” Finn admitted softly.

  Finn looked at Verity’s concerned face and pulled her closer. Her forearms put up a barrier between them and her eyes widened as he pulled her into an embrace that made her nervous. She smiled that motherly smile and turned one arm to pat his chest, but was unnerved that his groin was against hers. He wasn’t excited or anything but this wasn’t a kind of intimacy that they commonly had.

  “Verity, you’re not my mother and I don’t want one right now anyway. Let me kiss you as a man,” Finn asked her, his face serious. The directness of it left her at a loss for words.

  Verity was not so quick to comply. She had not kissed a man since her husband and children had been taken from her. She didn’t quite remember how it had ever been natural. Her husband had been the only man she had kissed and she suddenly felt like a green girl rather than a woman. Her eyes were moistening with tears and she heard Finn’s exasperated sigh as he pulled her tight enough to bring his lips over hers.

  At first she pushed with her forearms, but Finn’s kiss was gentle compared to his crushing embrace. She instinctively fought to reduce the pressure so she slid her arms up and around his neck and he did not tighten his hold again. Her hands felt the soft down of hair on his neck and she gave into the urge to tickle it. The pressure of Finn’s kiss increased a bit so she knew he liked it too; his hands on either side of her tiny waist began to tickle her spine as he lightly touched her exposed midriff. The kiss did not deepen anymore; they stood there and tickled each other, just kissing and teasing each other. When Finn pulled back finally, Verity had been completely light-headed and in a way grateful that Finn had been so forward. It was certainly a kiss to remember. Verity began to feel shy as they stood still, not touching now.

  “What is the jacket for?” Verity asked, landing on a way to break the silence.

  “Ah!” Finn jumped over the couch to cross the room and retrieve it, shaking it out and holding it up to show her. His sudden absence weighed her heart suddenly like an anchor but she tried to keep herself from frowning.

  “It’s for some party they’re having tonight. In honor of our arrival,” Finn told her with a smile.

  “Just why would they honor our arrival? And what about the ‘doll’ thing?” Verity asked, but then realized she had the opportunity to ask Miki and Dahlia and had forgotten to as well, even though it had crossed her mind several times how she felt like she was being treated like one.

  Finn had frowned and she knew he had forgotten as well.

  “I still don’t know about the ‘doll’ thing, but it seems they don’t get many Reishe with passengers anymore and it gives them a reason to celebrate,” Finn explained.

  Verity didn’t really buy it but she didn’t know what to say so she let it go for now. She shrugged and smiled and headed for the door to go out.

  “I’m already dressed, but I’ll let you clean up and get ready. I’ll take a walk and stretch my legs and be back in a bit,” Verity told him. He smiled and grabbed her wrist to pull her close, but just laid a kiss on her forehead. She returned his smile and left.

  She walked down the quiet, clean hallway and looked for the elevator she had taken to get up here. She noticed on a plaque on the wall she hadn’t seen before that it had said “Party Floor – 50”.

  She hadn’t been aware that the whole floor had been earmarked as such in a rather permanent fashion and her curiosity was piqued. She hit the button, but frowned when a message lit up on the panel saying:

  Preparations in progress. Please choose again. Verity pressed the button for the 49th floor and since it was only 5 floors, it was only a handful of seconds before she was stepping out. She didn’t run into anyone here either and she came to a stairwell. She turned the handle but it was locked. Verity swallowed around a lump in her throat again and looked around. She wasn’t being watched so she used Mirage to create a key and hurried into the stairwell, locking it quickly behind her and destroying the key. She knew she couldn’t risk getting herself caught so she used illusion to turn herself invisible and very slowly and quietly ascended the stairs.

  As she did, Verity panicked upon hearing a man coming down, talking loudly, and as he rounded the corner, she knew she didn’t have time to descend without making noise so she quietly took a deep breath and used that flexibility to snake around him, being extra careful to avoid his wings. He used a key to exit from the same door she came in and she let out her pent-up breath as quietly as she could and climbed the last few stairs. If there were preparations going on up here, it would be too busy to just open the door and walk right in—these weren’t rickety doors so no one would believe that it had just swung open. She only had to wait a few minutes for someone to open it so she dived in behind him and realized there was a lot of traffic here so she reacted quickly and forward-rolled under the wing of a man carrying a tray, a side roll to avoid a pushcart and a quick back flip to avoid a man coming out of the doorway she had rolled in front of. She was able to hug the wall after that and hurry out of the area into a quiet hall with a series of cherry wood doors and a lot of red décor.

  Verity had noticed one of the doors was open and tiptoed down the hall, standing against the wall to hear the voices inside it.

  “Another broken doll, sir. She didn’t like being a favorite but they wouldn’t listen.”

  “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you idiots not to play too roughly. You have to let the dolls make the rules.”

  “I know, sir, but she broke the rules too. Henrik, you know how he gets; he didn’t like her being uppity and took her out to fly with him. Says it was an accident, but no one really believes him. Hard to say since she had threatened to jump before…”

  “It’s not like we don’t come across one every once in a while that freaks out and wants to leave. There are probably hundreds of those dolls still on the shoals…”

  Verity felt sick to her stomach and it took every ounce of effort not to lose the contents of her stomach. So the ‘dolls’ were girls after all, but the men were ‘playing too roughly.’ She still didn’t know exactly how it worked but she didn’t like it one bit. Men didn’t play nice with dolls, so she supposed it was about sex and from the sound of it, orgies or swinging or something along those lines. What really terrified her though were the fates of dolls that didn’t want to play. How many dolls chose to fall to their death or even get pushed when they wanted to leave? Finn might not be opposed to orgies but she was mortified. Verity had only ever known the man she married and she couldn’t conceive of being passed around like a toy. That part would have made her uneasy enough, but the fact that the rest of the continent wasn’t aware of what this place was really about told her that they guarded their secret dangerously.

  Verity felt like the air was harder to breath and had to be careful not to get so frantic that she was discovered trying to get away from the area. She returned to the stairwell area, huddling into a ball in the corner until th
e door was opened. She flung herself in; the man who opened it went up so she grabbed the banister in front of her and threw her body over it in an arc and gracefully landed outside the door to the 49th floor without making a noise. She made the key again and hurried out, cursing herself for being careless there, but no one was in the hall again. She hurried down the elevator before realizing she was still invisible, looked around, and reappeared. As calmly as she could, she returned to her room. She wasn’t sure how she had managed it around the panic and nausea building inside of her.

  When Finn came from his room and spun around, she smiled and clapped her hands to lighten her mood again. She wished she could bring herself to convince him to leave with her but when she saw his face she just couldn’t do it again. She wondered what she would endure for Finn’s sake and hoped she wasn’t paying a price too high.

  Finn was approaching her now and before he reached her, there was a knock on the door and he answered it to find Miki and Dahlia at the door. She watched with a sick feeling in her stomach as their eyes sent him silent invitations and both of them grabbed one of her arms. She felt turbulent inside but she smiled the best she could manage at Finn.

  “Time to take the party girl! See you in a bit, Finn!” Dahlia purred out as the girls directed Verity down the hall to the elevator. She had felt as if she were being led to her execution, where she would be stuffed in a coffin alive, but she kept her composure. She told herself she was overreacting, that Finn wouldn’t allow them to force her, but then she wasn’t sure what lengths they would go to just to keep their secrets either.

  Once on the party floor, Miki and Dahlia led her to a huge ballroom she hadn’t seen before; an elegant chamber filled with marble columns, comfortable settees and plush pillows. She faintly wondered if they just played in one big room together. Miki and Dahlia let go of her arm and Dahlia grabbed a drink, gulped it down, and left through the entryway. Miki curtsied to Verity.


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