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Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5

Page 70

by Holly Hood

  “Lucy calls them dark angels.” Slade bit his lips ring. “Grim Reapers, Azrael, Abaddon. There are all kinds of names for his kind.”

  I couldn’t believe it was even possible. But I’d seen it with my own eyes. Not only were there witches in the world I lived in but there were demons and angels.

  “Why do you think he is so hell bent on doing this? Do you really think it’s because of the money?”

  Slade smirked. “There is no way in hell someone could spend billions of dollars. He just wants us to think that’s the reason.”

  I bit down on my thumb and chewed at my nail. “Which means once again we are in a world of trouble.”

  Slade sat back in his seat, I couldn’t take my eyes off of his black t-shirt and how morbid the skull was at that moment. “There’s always a way out.”

  I swallowed. “I sure hope so.”

  The door chimed and three guys walked in. The bar died down, the only sound, the jukebox in the corner. I looked at Slade hoping he knew what was going on.

  The first guy took off his beanie and rubbed a large hand over his buzzed head. His eyes were blue and quickly flicked around the room. He took a seat and the other two followed suit.

  “Who’s this guy?” I whispered.

  Slade looked my way. “I don’t know. But I have a feeling we are about to find out.” He watched Eve, it only took a minute before she noticed the guy wearing the beanie. She walked over and touched his shoulder a small smile on her face. The way she looked at him I didn’t know if she was upset or intrigued.

  And then they kissed.

  It was Kenny’s brother.

  He was huge, big hefty shoulders, a muscular frame that battled Slade’s. And everywhere I looked it seemed people noticed him. Men of all sizes darted to the other side of the bar to get away from him.

  “That’s Kenny’s brother.” I bit my lip. “I wonder what brought him in. Do you think he’s on to us?”

  Slade shrugged. “I’m sure.”

  I swallowed. I wasn’t sure this guy sniffing us out was anything I was up for. I wanted my dad back. I didn’t want to fight with anyone.

  One of the bar staff took the stage. “Tonight is amateur night. Winners get free shots all night. Who’s feeling brave? Come on I know someone out here wants to sing.” He scanned the crowd. A few drunk men and a few confident woman stepped forward. But his eyes were on our table.

  Slade ran a hand down the back of his neck.

  “You there in the black t-shirt with the tattoos, you look like you can rock out. What do you say?” All eyes were on Slade. A few girls a table away smiled, everywhere he went he managed to find groupies.

  “Are you going to show them what you got?” I smirked. Slade rolled his eyes. “Come on, I think it’s sexy when you sing.”

  Slade’s grin widened. “Sure, we’d love to battle it out.”

  I choked on my water. “What?”

  He offered me his hand helping me out of my seat. “You think that’s sexy, watch this.”

  I climbed the stage and Slade followed behind me slapping me on the ass.

  I smirked and took the microphone. Slade hopped off stage and lifted a chair. He set it down and took a seat. “Ladies first.”

  I pushed my hair behind my ear and stared at the audience. Kenny’s brother kept his eyes on my every move. I hadn’t sang in a while. I took a deep breath and walked over to the man hosting the battle.

  “What will it be, sweetheart?”

  After I gave him my request I took my spot on the small stage. I could feel Slade behind me. I looked over my shoulder at him, he looked hot and ready for anything.

  “Your ass looks great from here.” He touched his lip ring with his tongue and stared me down.

  “This is for you.” I smiled, belting out the lyrics, the crowd went wild as I belted out the words to everybody wants you.

  I turned on my heels and circled Slade as if he was my prey and I could do what I wanted to him. I unbuttoned my shirt with my free hand and tossed it at him, he went for the strap on my camisole and I swatted his hand away trailing a finger down his bicep. He was enjoying every minute.

  As the crowd grew louder I slipped between Slade’s legs and moved my hips. His hands were on my waist in no time. It was the sexiest thing I ever did.

  I seduced him until my song ended, and then took a bow.

  “Give her a hand. That was the sexiest battle I have seen yet.” The crowd cheered louder, I noticed even Kenny’s brother was. He whistled egging the crowd on.

  Slade grabbed my arm. “Take a seat, I’ll show you how it’s done.”

  I sat and watched him talk with the guy controlling the music.

  “You guys ready?” Slade asked, he was a natural on stage. Even a tiny one.

  “Come on, I know you guys can do better than that. I want to see asses shaking and fist flying!”

  “Take it off.” I smirked. “Show them how sexy you are!” I clapped.

  He grinned, tearing his shirt over his head.

  The girls screamed and rushed the stage. One of the bouncers stopped them before they could get to Slade.

  He tossed me his t-shirt. I twirled it around throwing it into the crowd.

  I smiled at his song choice. He pointed at me and touched his chest.

  The words that came from his mouth were always beautiful, even when they went from beauty to rage all in one song. The crowd cheered him on, some people on their feet thrashing around the bar. The place was alive.

  Slade jumped down from the stage taking a few steps around some tables. And with one kick he knocked the table Kenny’s brother sat at over. All of them jumped up, I ran after Slade. He had Slade against the wall before I made it to them.

  Slade grinned.

  “Slade ,what the hell are you doing?!” I shook my head. “Just let him go, he’s not going to do anything I promise.”

  The bar was still. The music was over and everyone waited.

  He looked at me releasing his grip. “You better be right.”

  I grabbed Slade. “I swear.” I pushed Slade toward the door. “What are you trying to do?”

  Slade shoved the door open and walked out into the night, he stared up at the sky. “You’ll see.”

  I crossed my arms. “All I see is you about to get your ass kicked.”

  He scoffed. “Since when don’t you have faith in me? I could have taken him.”

  “He would have given you a run for your money,” I told him.

  The door chimed behind us. “Nice try, jackass.”

  I turned around, she wasn’t happy.

  Slade didn’t say anything.

  “You leave my family out of this.” She crossed her arms.

  He raised his hands. “Or what?”

  Whatever he did worked.

  I didn’t want to see what was about to happen but I was stuck because Kenny had my dad in his truck.

  “You don’t want to know what else.” She stepped forward. I hated to have to cut a bitch, but I would for Slade if it came down to it.

  “I think I want to find out,” Slade said.

  I didn’t know what he had up his sleeve but when the one person I would much rather stay inside stepped out the doors of the bar my stomach hurt.

  “Who’s this guy?” he asked, stepping forward.

  She shifted her attention to him, her confidence dropped. She wasn’t so cocky anymore. And Slade struck.

  “We need her help,” Slade said. “I apologize for kicking over the table but it was the only way to get you out here.”

  He flexed his neck. “What could you possibly need from her? And like I said who are you?”

  Slade ran a hand down the back of his neck. “I’m Slade. And this is Hope.” He extended a hand in my direction.

  I shifted uncomfortably. “Hello.”

  “What do you need?”

  “We have her father in the trunk. He’s dead. And I was told she can bring back the dead.” Slade stepped forward when
he was about to leave. “And I understand she is out of commission or whatever but I can help with that. We can help with that.” He took my hand, I stepped forward. “We can take care of that.”

  He crossed his arms. “I don’t know why her father is in your trunk dead. And frankly I don’t care. It doesn’t matter to me.”

  Finally she said something. “Kenny did it.” She sighed. “Your brother went to California and found these two. It’s not their fault, she just wants her dad back.”

  His eyes softened for a split second but quickly filled with rage. “Fuck my brother.”

  “I could do it.” She ran a hand through her hair. “I could bring him back and they could leave.” She stroked his arm trying to convince him to help us.

  “That’s not how it works. If Kenny brought them here he wants something. And he is not going to get it,” he said. “We don’t mess with the dead anymore, Eve.”

  I swallowed. “Please. We’ll do whatever you want. I just need my dad back.” My knees were shaking. Slade wrapped a protective arm around my waist. “He’s very important to me.”

  The art of being a jerk

  “It’s not going to happen.” He wrapped an arm around Eve. “Kenny knows the reason why Eve can’t bring back the dead anymore.”

  Slade crossed his arms. “What if we can help? Would you be willing to let her just one more time?”

  He shook his head. The guy was stubborn.

  “Do you have a dad?” I said, I knew I should keep my mouth shut but I was fed up. It was my dad’s life. “I’m sure if you do than you know how important this is to me.”

  Eve grinned, she looked at Evan. He scratched his head. “It’s not going to happen, so you can go now. And take your boyfriend with you.”

  I watched them walk away letting out a sigh. “So what now?”

  I followed Slade through the parking lot. The whole day had both of us in a bad mood. Now we had to report back to Kenny and tell him we failed again.

  “Do you really think I give up that easily?” he asked me. “This isn’t the end. We will find a way.”

  For the sake of my dad I prayed we did.

  And when I laid eyes on Kenny I wanted that more than anything. I just wanted to go home.

  “So, did you convince her?” Kenny asked, taking in our lack of excitement. I climbed into the backseat of his car and slammed my door shut. He climbed back in and waited for Slade to do the same.

  Slade took the front passenger seat and secured his seat belt before he offered an answer. “Your brother refuses to have anything to do with this.”

  Kenny gripped the steering wheel and let out a long sigh. “If Carlo was around he wouldn’t act like such a pussy.”

  I let it go and stared out the window. I didn’t care how much of a pussy he thought his brother was.

  “Who’s Carlo?” Slade asked. I looked at Kenny.

  “Our father,” Kenny said. “The man that made us everything we are today.”

  I leaned forward and grabbed hold of the headrest. “That’s why she pretty much laughed in my face when I mentioned his father.” I knew there had to be a reason I got the reaction I did. Why neither of them had no sympathy for me. I could imagine the story behind their father.

  “Where is he?”

  “He’s dead. He offed himself and gave us the business.” He acted so nonchalant, like it wasn’t a big deal at all.

  “And what if I could help bring him back?” Slade asked.

  I shook my head. “You said that wasn’t possible.”

  Slade waved a hand. “I said we wouldn’t give up.” He locked eyes with me for a split second then looked at Kenny. “If I brought your father back could this help your situation?”

  Kenny kept his eyes on the road. “I haven’t seen the fucker in years. But if there was one thing he was good at that was have kicking my brother in his ass.”

  I stared between the two of them. “So what are we going to do?” I couldn’t imagine how much longer my dad could lie rotting in his trunk. I shoved the thought in the back of my mind and focused on the present.

  “A soul for a soul,” Slade said. “You have to take a soul to give one. And we have to find a suitable vessel.”

  Give to take, take to give it all added up to us being royally screwed in the end. It scared me to my core to think of what we would have to do. But if we had my dad back no matter what happened it would all be worth it.

  Eenie meenie

  Kenny bit into his sandwich and wiped his mouth with a napkin. For such an asshole he had manners. It was a bit bizarre.

  “What does it mean a vessel?” He arched his eyebrow in Slade’s direction.

  Slade drug a fry through some ketchup before he gave him an answer. “If I bring your father back I have to find another body. He’s been gone for far too long to come back in his original form.” He looked at me. “And no, your dad is not going to have to come back as someone else.”

  I released a sigh and went back to twisting the napkin in my hands. I wasn’t hungry.

  “How do we know who is right?” Kenny started looking around the diner, ready to pluck someone from the diner and have at it. “Does he have to be old?”

  Slade shook his head. “Nope. Just has to be alive.”

  I watched him twist in his chair. “Are you seriously looking for a vessel right now?”

  “You want your dad back don’t you?” Kenny looked over his shoulder at me.

  I swallowed. Of course I did. What was I thinking; he could pick whoever he wanted. None of that mattered. “What do you think your father will do?”

  Kenny turned back around. “My father always hated Eve and Evan being together. He will be sure to take care of them if they don’t do what he wants. He was also a man who liked money, if he knows Eve is capable of bringing back the dead he will agree to whatever I am trying to do believe me.”

  Slade cleared his throat. “Where does Hope’s dad come into play? We are supposed to be bringing him back.”

  Kenny nodded in agreement. “Hope’s dad is the bait. We tell them if they don’t do what we want we are going to bring Carlo back from the dead.” He pointed at me. “She gets her daddy back, and I get an unending flow of cash in my pockets again.”

  I bit at my lip. “So we aren’t bringing him back?” I asked, confused.

  Kenny shrugged. “Oh we are bringing him back. We are just going to let them think we aren’t.”

  Meet and Greet

  I lifted a skateboard off the floor. It was similar to one my little brother had. “Kenny is living in a nasty apartment and they have marble floors.” I looked down at my feet.

  Slade picked up a fancy gold paperweight examining it. The mirror showed his expression and he didn’t look thrilled to be standing in their house. “And enough money to buy shit like this.” He put it back down and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

  I returned the skateboard to the floor. “She doesn’t look old. I wonder how old their kid is.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I really don’t want to know either.”

  I blew him off. We were both pretty tired of being away from home. Not to mention living in Kenny’s apartment in fear for our lives if we made one wrong move. Well I wasn’t sure if Slade feared him but I did.

  “Do you think they are going to talk to us?”

  Slade crossed the room and sighed. He ran a hand across my face, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand. “You think too much.”

  “I just want everything to work out.” I kissed his fingertips. “I want to go home and for everything to go back to normal.” His eyes softened.

  “And as soon as this is over with we will,” he said, his lips reminded me no matter what happened he would be there to get me through it.

  “You can come with me,” Eve said. She picked up the skateboard and held it against her chest as she led us down the hallway. “We can talk in the foyer.”

  I admired all the pictures on the wall. “He’s rea
lly cute.” I was a sucker for curly haired boys, they reminded me of my little brother Griffin.

  “He’s eight years old and already thinks he knows everything,” she said. She pulled open the doors and let us in first.

  Far across the room sat Evan. He fixed his stare on us. I didn’t know if I should take a seat or stand in case he wanted to attack. He looked that pissed off. And we hadn’t even given him the ultimatum Kenny cooked up. This wasn’t going to be fun.

  “Take a seat.” He looked out the window. I blew out an annoyed breath focusing on Eve as she took the spot next to him.

  “Look.” She ran a hand through her hair, shifting in her seat. “We get it. We know you’re out of options, but I can’t help you. I wish I could but I can’t risk it.”

  I nodded. “And as much as we want to understand, we can’t.”

  Slade sighed. “You guys have a lot of fucking money don’t you?”

  I stared at Slade, my cheeks on fire. He was an ass sometimes.

  “Yeah we have a lot of money. Money we worked hard for.” Evan stood up. He smirked. “Is this what you’re after our money?”

  Slade shook his head. “We don’t want your money. We want you to let your girl bring Hope’s dad back to life and then we’ll leave.”

  Evan rolled his eyes, he lowered his chin looking down at us. “Not. Going. To. Happen. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  Slade stood up. “You can do a lot for me. Whether or not you want to do it the easy way or the hard way, is up to you.”

  “Is that a threat?” Evan stepped forward, and crossed his arms. “Nobody threatens me.”

  “No, but this is,” he said. “If you don’t want to bring her dad back I will bring yours back. Does that make this any easier for you?”

  Eve jumped from her seat. “What?” She looked at me. “Carlo has been dead for a long time. There’s no way that could happen.”

  I looked at Slade because I had no explanation as to how it worked.

  “I’m capable of a lot more than just looking good.” He turned, pointing at the family mural above their fireplace. With one swipe of his hand it dropped off the wall, and crashed to the floor. Slade walked across the room and stood over it. He snapped his fingers and it started to burn. He looked up. “Now do you believe me?”


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