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Boxed Set: The Ink Series Volume 1-5

Page 75

by Holly Hood

  Karsen grabbed my arm before I could even get to him. “Just let it go. We have the gig. You can talk to them later about what happened.” She looked the situation over. “I’m sure they will be okay.”

  I sighed. “Fine. But if he does anything to hurt anyone else in my family I will kill him.”

  Karsen squeezed my arm. “I believe you.”

  We went back to Slade’s to get ready for the night. We drink red bull and listened to Pantera while we did our hair and painted our nails.

  Karsen settled on beach curls while I went for sleek with a slight curl.

  But before I could dive into celebration mode I needed to see what happened with Hutch and my brothers so I made a detour at my house before we headed to the gig.

  I shoved the door open and heard the television the moment I came in. The sound of gunfire and airplanes told me all I needed to know, they were busy playing video games.

  I cleared my throat hoping that would be enough to grab their attention. When it wasn’t I lifted the bowl of chips between the two of them on the couch igniting a groan but nothing more.

  Finally, I lifted the remote wedged in the cushions of the loveseat and snapped off the television. Elliot jumped up snatching it away from me and turned it right back on.

  “We’re in the middle of an online game,” he griped. “Chill out.”

  I pointed a finger at the television. “If you’re not going to listen I will blow it up, test me.”

  Elliot sighed dropping his remote down on the table. “Gees, Hope what do you want?”

  “Why were you talking to Hutch on the beach?” I demanded. I knew it probably wasn’t the best way to approach things with teenagers but I needed to know.

  Elliot shrugged and Easton took a swig from a bottle of rootbeer. “He asked how things were with dad. You know, ever since he went missing for that week.”

  I looked at Easton for more of an answer. “You didn’t tell him anything did you?”

  Easton scratched at the back of his neck. “I said he freaked out. I didn’t think it was a big deal. It’s not like the whole town doesn’t know how messed up this family is already.”

  “Are you kidding me, Easton?” I turned away before I freaked out completely on him and settled on cleaning up a pile of dirty clothes on the floor. I took a breath trying to calm myself. “I don’t want you trusting a guy like him. I know him better than you. He comes off charming but he’s really not.”

  “That’s no different than your boyfriend.” Elliot stood up. “And I think your being a little over dramatic. The guy actually had some good advice. Unlike you, you haven’t even been around. You’re too worried about playing house with Slade.”

  I stomped across the room and threw the dirty clothes at him. I was angry. “You hardly know Slade.”

  “We know enough,” Elliot said. “He ruined your life. That’s all he does is ruin your life over and over again.”

  “Is that really how you feel?” I crossed my arms, my heart racing. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to cry or scream.

  “Who cares how we feel,” Easton said. “Nobody in this family asks us how we’re doing.”

  I shook my head.

  “Dad’s a drunk, Nona thinks we’re a burden and our sister is running around with a bunch of satan worshipers.” Elliot nodded in agreement.

  I walked away. Because I knew if I stayed any longer I would say something I regretted. They said enough for all of us.

  This is what fame feels like

  The place was packed.

  People were elbow to elbow in the new club that opened up a couple of weeks ago on the boardwalk. And somehow Slade and Kidd managed to score a gig. It surprised me because most of Cherry was against anything to do with them. But not this club.

  The air was filled with this static that made everything much more exciting, it was an instant high to walk into a club and feel energy all around you. People were excited to hear Slade and the rest of the band play. And so was I. For once he could do something he loved and not worry about anything else but the music.

  And he looked so hot backstage going over everything with the rest of the band. He was wearing nothing but an amazing pair of jeans and a black baseball cap with his usual aviators. Tattoos out for the entire world to see and I loved every one of them.

  I caught a glimpse out the door at the crowd. “There are people here as old as my dad.” I mentioned to Karsen who was sitting next to me.

  “Yeah and they are dressed like they are twenty, it’s disgusting. Nobody wants to see side boob on grandma.” Karsen shook her head.

  It was quite the turnout and I was happy for them regardless of the age of the scantily clad.

  Kidd clapped his hand grabbing everyone’s attention. “I think we should have a celebration drink before we go on. For good luck. God knows we need it in this town.”

  Erica shook her head. “Oh shut up, they will love you. Who wouldn’t you guys rock.”

  We all agreed. Slade slipped an arm around me and pulled me close. “You look like you’re in a better mood.” He looked down at me.

  I nodded. “I am. I’m excited for you.”

  He touched my hat. “You look hot. And those shorts make your legs look killer.”

  I touched the collar of my flannel. “You mean I don’t look like some goody two shoes?” I shot a look in Karsen’s direction.

  She threw her hands up in defense. “All I said was show some boobs.”

  Slade shook his head. “You look hot.” We kissed. And soon Kidd was back at all of us about the celebratory toast.

  Slade tugged me close and cleared his throat. “Alright, alright. Everyone get your asses outside before Kidd loses his shit.”

  I followed behind Slade down the hall to the back of the club to the exit. We made it around speakers and band equipment and outside to sand and warm air. It wasn’t much of a difference from the inside. With all the body heat it felt like the place’s air condition broke.

  Slade and I took a seat on top of one of the old picnic tables. Kidd pulled out a flask. He raised it. “I just want to say a few things before the show.”

  Slade groaned. “Don’t go getting emotional.”

  I smirked.

  “Henry park will forever be our home, but there comes a time when we have to move on. And tonight is the night.” He took a swig and handed it to Karsen.

  “I don’t have anything to say other than you guys are the best and ever since I moved here I feel like I have found my place in the world. As long as Kidd is by my side I know I can do anything.” Karsen smiled and threw her head back, she wiped the side of her mouth and crossed the sand to me. “Top that, bitch.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck taking the flask from her. I hated public speeches of any kind. And I wasn’t one to come up with anything clever to say either. “This is only one step toward an incredible future. And I am glad to be along for the ride.”

  Everyone awed. And my cheeks warmed. Slade pulled me closer letting me know my words even managed to touch him too.

  I took a long pull from the flask wincing as it went down.

  “Music has always been the only thing that matters.” He looked at me. “Now there are two things that matter.”

  I grinned like an idiot and kissed him. “That was sweet.”

  “That was the truth.”

  We sat for another ten minutes reliving moments of Henry park, some I never even heard before. Like the time Slade appeared on stage naked after a fan got loose and somehow managed to rip his pants off. I would have paid to see.

  We all agreed Cherry was a shitty town, with a shitty bunch of assholes but there was one truth, we were grateful for it all because if we didn’t have Cherry we didn’t have each other.

  Karsen wouldn’t be head over heels in love with Kidd. I watched them sway back and forth to the music playing on the beach. They were in there own world and it was cute and I was happy for her.

  “One more thing before we go b
ack in.” Kidd stood up.

  “Make it fast, asshole,” Oz said, running a hand through his hair.

  Kidd put a hand in his pocket. “I have something I want to say to Karsen.”

  I looked at Slade. He shrugged.

  Whatever Kidd was after he found. I gasped when he dropped on one knee. “Sex kitten. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Fucking marry me or I will drown myself in the ocean right now.”

  Karsen screamed and jumped into his arms, they fell onto the sand. She kissed his entire face before settling on a long tongue romp right there in front of us all.

  “Did he just propose to her and threaten to kill himself all in the same breath?” I asked Slade.

  “It looked that way.” Slade stood up. “Did she even say yes?”

  “Is there even a ring?” I wasn’t sure he even pulled one out of his pocket.

  I followed him across the sand away from Kidd and Karsen. “I couldn’t imagine there being anything she would say but yes.” I looked back at the two of them again. “They are practically doing it on the beach right now.”

  Slade grinned. “How romantic.” He rolled his eyes.

  “It sort of is.” I admitted. “I mean, Karsen has never been so crazy in love for anyone in her whole life. I think she loves Kidd more than me sometimes.”

  Slade touched my arm. “You don’t have to convince me, I know. I believe it. I mean look at the length he went to prove it. He proposed.”

  I looked at Slade feeling a bit confused. Was he bothered by Kidd’s proposal to my best friend? Did he hate marriage? I bit down on my lip letting it go. I didn’t have time to ask him.

  Instead I wrapped an arm around him as we headed toward the door of the club. Tonight was his night, I had all the time in the world to ask him about marriage and his beliefs on things like that.

  Oz was behind us on our heels, eager to play again. He didn’t have a girlfriend to keep him occupied when the band wasn’t making music.

  Slade opened the door to the room and went in first.

  “What the fuck?” he said.

  I moved past him to see what happened, shocked to see the room trashed. It was like a bad nightmare. I clutched my chest watching Oz hold his guitar like a wounded child.

  I couldn’t believe someone would do such a thing to them.

  “What the hell happened in here?” Kidd came in soon after followed by Karsen.

  Slade shook his head. “What do you think?”

  I ran after Slade and Kidd afraid of what they were about to do. They found the owner of the bar, he was busy with the stagehands setting up for the gig.

  “Someone want to tell me what is going on?” he asked.

  “All of our equipment has been destroyed.” Slade’s fist were balled at his side. I grabbed his arm. “You know anything about this?”

  The owner shook his head, he held up his hands the blood draining from his face as he looked into the eyes of my angry boyfriend. “I saw two kids running out of here. I figured they were some underage punks trying to get into the concert.”

  Slade shook his head confused. “What did they look like?”

  I crossed my arms waiting for an answer.

  “The same.” He nodded. “Exactly the same. They were twins.”

  My heart pounded in my chest, and heaviness settled in the pit of my stomach. I let go of Slade’s arm and turned away. It wasn’t hard to figure out who did it.


  I spotted a guitar pick underneath some of the mess in the room backstage. I was pretty sure it was Kidd’s. I thought about giving it to him but when he stomped past me and nearly took my head off I shoved it in my pocket instead.

  The show couldn’t go on. There was nothing they could do, the owner quickly scrambled to find new talent to fill their spot.

  It was written on all their faces, they were destroyed. And I didn’t blame them.

  I didn’t know what to say, how could I begin to even apologize when we all knew my brothers were responsible? I rubbed the back of my neck, my chest tightened at the thought of what they had done.

  “Is there anything I can help with?” I asked Slade. He lifted the last of his luggage and threw the duffle bag over his shoulder shaking his head.

  “No. Let’s get out of here,” he said to the rest of them. I couldn’t help but feel ignored. Or maybe I was paranoid.

  I walked behind them all feeling like the outsider, like the problem. If it wasn’t for members of my family they would have been able to perform.

  Kidd tore down one of the poster hanging on the door on the way out. He balled it up and tossed it toward the beach. “Fuck!”

  I cringed watching him lift a potted plant and chuck it across the boardwalk.

  “Kidd, stop it.” Karsen chased him down the boardwalk. “They are going to call the police on you.”

  “Let them call the police,” he screamed, going after another decoration by one of the stores.

  Slade shook his head watching Kidd lose it. I chewed at my nails walking quietly behind him. I thought about just going home and calling him tomorrow.

  “Did I miss the show?” Someone said from behind me. Someone I recognized right away.

  My entire body grew even hotter, my heart raced in my chest. I spun around. Before I could say anything Slade was next to me. I prepared myself for probably the biggest ass kicking he had ever given to anyone.

  But he only grabbed my elbow and steered me down the boardwalk.

  “Fuck him. And fuck this town,” Slade told me. It was the first thing he said to me since Kidd’s breakdown.

  “I feel bad.” I touched the collar of my shirt. “I talked to Elliot and Easton before I left and they were angry. I should have seen this coming.”

  Slade’s fingers interlocked with mine and he squeezed my hand. “This wasn’t your fault. I’m not mad at you.”

  I could breathe a little easier.

  Beg for forgiveness

  When I was younger my brother’s looked up to me. I remembered when my parent’s told me they were having twins and how excited I had been. I was an only child and the idea of two new people in my life set my imagination on overdrive with all the possibilities of having siblings and how different my life would be.

  Now they were almost sixteen and the relationship wasn’t the same. And there were many reasons why.

  I had been waiting all day to see them. So I could finally figure out what the hell happened. Why would they want to destroy Slade’s band?

  But hours flew by and they still hadn’t showed. Dad was at work and it was clear they weren’t going to show up as long as I was there.

  So I started a load of laundry for Dad and made a quick pot of chili for him to eat later. As it cooked on the stove I took the time to immerse myself in something productive.

  I busily read my college class schedule, diving into my next courses and what there was to look forward to when I went back to school. I couldn’t forget about school just because I had an amazing boyfriend now. I still needed to plan for my future.

  I hoped Slade realized in a few weeks I would be back to college. It was a conversation I wasn’t looking forward to.

  Nona came in the door dropping a sack of groceries on the counter.

  “You’re here,” she said. “This is a surprise.”

  I looked up from my papers. “Yeah I’m here.” I wasn’t feeling too chatty.

  She lifted the lid on the pot of chili. “Good. He has something to eat besides tv dinners or cereal.”

  I nodded, going back to my papers. “I’m sure he will be happy about that.”

  She clomped across the floor adding groceries to the refrigerator. Every addition made more noise than the one before. I bit my tongue debating on going to my room to get some peace.

  “I’ve noticed a change in him.” She took the seat across from me at the table and straightened the salt and pepper shakers. “He’s distant.”

  I scratched at my cheek. “He’s alw
ays distant. That’s how he is.”

  She shook her head disagreeing with me. “I don’t think so. The boys are concerned. And frankly so am I.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “The boys?”

  Nona waved a hand. “I know teen boys. They are having issues with your father whether they want to say so or not.”

  I licked my lips and sighed. “Nona, he’s fine. He’s always fine. The boys are just getting older and a little defiant.”

  “I’ve contacted the church,” she said.

  I dropped my pencil and shoved my papers away. “What?”

  “They want to help,” she said. “I’ve been very impressed with their services and I think they might be useful.”

  “Nona.” I cleared my throat. “He doesn’t need a church. He needs his family.”

  “He needs a miracle,” she insisted. “I did my best for your dad when he was growing up, which wasn’t easy because your gigolo grandfather preferred frequenting strip clubs and casinos rather than taking care of his family.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I looked around the room praying for a miracle so I could get out of such an awkward conversation. I hid behind my hair when she started on their love life and her attempts to spice it up in the bedroom in order to keep my grandpa around.

  I only met my grandpa two times in my life and I was okay with that. My dad wasn’t fond of him and I never found a relationship with him of importance because nobody else did.

  “Nona, please promise me you will let me figure things out before you take our problems to the church,” I said once I could get a word in.

  She shook her head. “It’s already been arranged, Sweetpea.” She stood up clamping a hand down over mine. “Everything is going to be better. You mark my word.”

  I crossed my arms and watched her leave. Nothing was going to be better if we involved the town in any of our drama. Things would only get worse.

  More like hell

  I was close to storming right out of the house. And it wasn’t like me. I stayed and fought battles I knew I could win. But this fight wasn’t going anywhere.


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