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The Emperor's Silver: Agent of Rome 5

Page 10

by Nick Brown

  The older man mulled this over. ‘You’ll wait where I tell you to until I’ve consulted Master Megakreon?’

  ‘By all means.’

  The guard took a large key from his belt and opened one side of the gate.

  Cassius told Simo to wait outside with the horses. Indavara gestured for him to go through first.

  ‘Why, thank you.’


  Once past the oaks, they could see the full extent of the villa’s grounds. Cassius was reminded of some of the places he’d visited outside Rome; miles of parkland dotted with numerous artificial ponds, undoubtedly containing an impressive variety of fish. As they walked along the broad drive, a peacock strutted past, displaying its plumage as if under instruction from Megakreon.

  The villa itself was less remarkable; a sprawling building in the rustic style favoured by Romans who lived a long way from home. To the right of the colonnaded entrance was a broad terrace where dozens of guests had gathered between colourful flowers, gurgling fountains and gleaming statues. A nearby trio of ladies wearing silk gowns with their hair piled high watched the strangers stop outside the front door, which was slightly ajar.

  Another guard stood there; a burly man armed with a sword. He and his compatriot spoke briefly in Aramaic.

  ‘Please wait here,’ said the older guard. As he went inside, the large man moved in front of the door. His hair was cut short and his wide, iron-ringed belt was that of an ex-soldier who wanted people to know he was an ex-soldier. His sword was very similar to Indavara’s.

  Cassius took a handkerchief from behind his own belt and mopped his brow. ‘Lovely day.’

  The guard just looked at him and sniffed.

  Cassius exchanged a grin with Indavara then retreated a few steps and looked over the hedge that separated the drive from the terrace. Though the ladies were displaying nothing but decorum, a group of men were clinking glasses and roaring with laughter. During a break in the noise, Cassius realised he could hear a harp playing inside.

  When the older guard returned he looked flushed and even more anxious than before. With him was a man of a similar age wearing a dark green tunic and expensive shoes.

  ‘Good day. I am Dryas, steward of Master Megakreon’s household.’

  ‘Good day. Your man told you why I’m here?’

  ‘He did, and I have spoken to Master Megakreon. Numerius Afer is a good friend of his. Master Megakreon asked me to suggest that you arrange a meeting for tomorrow. If you consider that unacceptable, you will have to take the matter up with Centurion Cethegus. Cethegus is a lifelong friend of my master and – as I’m sure you’re aware – commander of the Tripolis garrison.’

  Cassius was aware of that; the men at the way station had told him. He also knew that Cethegus was away supervising repairs to the coast road and he wasn’t about to waste time chasing after him. If Afer was involved in the counterfeiting, he could warn his associates or flee.

  ‘Not good enough, I’m afraid. Has to be now.’

  ‘Officer, please.’ Dryas came forward and lowered his voice to a whisper. ‘My master and his friends have been drinking most of the afternoon. He is in an … exuberant mood. If you were to cause a scene it might not end well for anyone.’

  ‘There will be no scene if he sends out Numerius Afer. I doubt I will need more than quarter of an hour.’

  ‘Sir, I really …’ The steward somehow whispered even more quietly. ‘Officer, what can I do for you? If you could make an accommodation I’m sure we could come to some arrangement.’

  Cassius was not averse to a bribe on the right occasion but this was not it; he was rapidly running out of patience and the stakes were too high. ‘I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. If Afer’s not standing where you are in two minutes, my friend and I are going to find him.’

  Dryas sighed, then hurried back through the door.

  Cassius watched some gardeners watering a dry patch of turf. A pair of maids appeared from the side of the house, each carrying a candelabra. Cassius winked at the prettier of the two but she ignored him. The guards parted to let them through the door.

  ‘I reckon that’s about a minute,’ said Cassius.

  Indavara nodded.

  After a while the big guard laughed and pointed at him. ‘Gods, I can see his lips moving. Not mastered counting in your head yet, friend?’

  Indavara coloured and looked away. The older guard chuckled.

  ‘And you are a mathematical genius, I suppose?’ said Cassius. ‘Here’s a number for you. Twenty.’

  ‘What about it?’

  ‘If you’re lucky, I won’t have to tell you.’

  Something thumped into the door behind the guards and a man lurched out. Judging from his lined, saggy face, he was well over sixty but his hair had been dyed a ridiculous shade of auburn. He was dressed in an opulent toga striped with silver and gold thread. He looked rather drunk and rather unhappy.

  ‘You – are you this army fellow?’

  ‘Officer Crispian. Good day, sir.’

  Dryas exited the villa behind his master.

  ‘As you can see, I’m entertaining.’ Megakreon gestured towards the terrace. ‘Come back another time, there’s a good chap.’

  ‘Sir, I’m afraid that’s not possible. All I need is a few minutes with Numerius Afer. Perhaps there’s somewhere quieter where we—’

  Megakreon stepped closer; very close. He was tall, almost as tall as Cassius, who tried to ignore the foul breath upon his face.

  ‘You do know who I am?’

  Cassius kept his hands clasped behind him and his tone conciliatory.

  ‘I do, sir. But I am carrying out a criminal investigation for the Imperial Security Service. I have made a polite request and I would like to see Afer now. If you don’t mind.’

  Megakreon slapped a hand on Cassius’s shoulder.

  ‘I’ve known Afer for ten years. It’s not possible that he could be involved in anything criminal. Take my word for it.’

  Cassius stepped back and took the spearhead from his satchel. ‘Sir, I hold the rank of centurion and a written authorisation from Marshal Marcellinus. I have the right to question whomever I please.’

  Megakreon glared at him. ‘Not here, son. Not today. I suggest you turn around and walk down my drive or you’ll be out of the army by the end of the week. All it will take is the right letter to the right man.’

  Cassius didn’t appreciate being called ‘son’. Not now; not after all he’d been through in the last three years. He didn’t much appreciate being told what to do either, not by this drunken old prick anyway.

  ‘And I suggest you tell Afer to come out immediately, or we’ll go and get him.’

  ‘By Jupiter you shall not.’

  Cassius walked around Megakreon, past Dryas and up to the door. He knew Indavara would be right behind him. He spoke to the guards.

  ‘I am an officer of the Imperial Army and I am going through this door. I advise you to get out of my way.’

  ‘Don’t move an inch,’ said Megakreon. Cassius was aware that a good number of the guests had moved to the side of the terrace to watch.

  ‘That number,’ he said. ‘Twenty – the number of fights my friend won. In the arena.’

  The guards looked at Indavara then glanced at each other and stepped aside.

  ‘Very wise,’ said Cassius as he walked into the villa.

  ‘By the gods … I have never … this …’ Megakreon sounded as if he were about to expire.

  The first room was quite small and contained three luxurious couches and a dozen guests, who were already backing away.

  ‘Good day,’ Cassius said brightly. ‘Can anyone tell me where I might find Numerius Afer?’

  A middle-aged woman pointed through a doorway.

  ‘Thank you.’ Cassius and Indavara walked on, past a thick damask curtain and into a large atrium. The skylight was a colossal glass square. Four white busts framed the room, each standing upon a plinth of pink marble.
r />   Sitting below the skylight was a female harpist. She was surrounded by guests but had stopped playing as others came in from the terrace to see what all the fuss was about. Cassius felt rather sick as he saw just how many were present at the party. He wanted this over quickly.

  ‘Numerius Afer?’

  ‘I believe he’s outside,’ said an elderly gentleman leaning on a stick.

  ‘Ah, thank you.’

  ‘Get them out!’

  Cassius and Indavara turned to find Megakreon shepherding the guards from outside plus another pair towards them. He slapped two of his employees on the back. ‘Do it or you’ll never see a single bloody coin from me again.’

  ‘Now, there’s no need for any unpleasantness,’ said Cassius, retreating.

  Indavara stood his ground and took the stave from his back. ‘I’m guessing no blades, right?’


  ‘Rush him,’ yelled Megakreon. ‘Now!’

  The two new arrivals charged. Indavara kept his hands in the middle of the stave and waited. He waited so long that Cassius almost shouted at him to do something.

  The bodyguard struck out with the right end of the weapon first, catching one guard on the chin. His victim’s eyes shot up into his head and he fell straight on to his backside, spilling a few coins that rolled away. Indavara shifted his weight then used the left end, hitting the next man a glancing blow on the cheek. As his hands went up to his face and he staggered away, Indavara thumped the stave down on to the curve of his back, pummelling him into the floor.

  The older guard from outside had clearly decided he would risk unemployment but the big ex-soldier bravely elected to have a go. He was already moving at a run when Indavara shifted his grip to one end of the stave and swung the other into his flank. The guard lurched to one side and cried out but then reached for his sword.

  ‘Oh no you don’t.’ Indavara closed in and jabbed the stave into his opponent’s hand, cracking it against his body. ‘Didn’t you hear? No blades.’

  Gritting his teeth, the guard stared down at his red, limp right hand, then reached for the sword again, this time with his left.

  ‘Some people just don’t learn.’

  The third blow caught the guard on the side of the head, sending him careering across the room like a drunk.

  The harpist was already leaping out of the way. ‘Look out! Not my—’

  The guard plunged head first into the harp, knocking the instrument over then landing on top of it, one arm entangled in the strings.

  Wincing, Cassius looked at Megakreon, whose face was turning purple.

  A woman of about fifty ran in, holding up the flowing hem of her stola. ‘Darling, what’s …’

  She looked at the three men on the ground, then Cassius and Indavara, who was already putting the stave over his shoulder.

  ‘Excuse me, I’m Numerius Afer.’

  Cassius spun around.

  Afer was a small, balding man clad in a beige tunic. ‘I was told you wish to see me about something.’

  With Megakreon still too incredulous to speak, Dryas found them a small study where they could talk. Cassius stood by a window, watching as the guests trooped towards the drive, where their carriages were now lining up. Though Megakreon had created much of the problem himself, Cassius now realised he should have backed off and waited; things had got out of hand.

  ‘Well?’ said Afer, who was sitting beside a desk. ‘After all this fuss, it had better be something damned important.’

  Indavara – leaning against the wall – looked on.

  ‘I am investigating a criminal conspiracy. It has come to my attention that – despite your financial problems – you have recently made a significant purchase of land. I would like you to explain how.’

  ‘Why should I?’

  ‘This investigation was ordered by Marshal Marcellinus himself. Cooperation is advisable.’

  ‘Centurion, you seem to have little regard for a man’s privacy, or the rule of law. But in the interests of settling this matter, I will answer you. I have had financial problems, it’s true, but I recently received an inheritance – my aunt passed away.’

  Cassius wiped sweat from above his lip.

  ‘The purchase of land was for my brother,’ continued Afer. ‘He has been supporting me during my recent difficulties and I wish to repay him. It is to be a birthday gift – next week.’

  ‘You have the documentation to prove this, I assume?’

  ‘Of course.’

  Unless he was a remarkably accomplished liar, Afer seemed to be telling the truth. Cassius knew he had jumped to a hasty conclusion regarding the money. But what of the former casters? Surely that couldn’t be a coincidence?

  The door opened and in came a man wearing a purple-striped toga. He was about the same age as Megakreon but slim and athletic with a thick head of wavy grey hair. He carried himself with an unmistakable air of authority and pushed the door shut behind him with an angry flourish.

  Cassius noted a slight grin from Afer. His stomach turned over.

  ‘Good day,’ said the interloper. ‘You seem to have ruined my friend’s party.’

  ‘That could easily have been avoided,’ replied Cassius. ‘Might I ask to whom—’

  The man pulled out a chair for himself and sat down. ‘Barrius.’

  A name every Roman knew well. An ancient family of the highest rank.

  ‘Senator Amulius Barrius Columella.’

  Cassius felt a chill wash over him. ‘Ah. Good day, senator.’

  ‘Two questions,’ said Columella, smoothing down his hair. ‘One, who in Hades are you? Two, what in Hades do you think you are doing?’

  ‘Sir, I am Cassius Oranius Crispian.’ He couldn’t believe he’d just given a false name to a senator but he could hardly start using a different one now. ‘I am an officer of the Imperial Security Service and I am conducting an investigation into counterfeiting on behalf of Marshal Marcellinus and Minister Sabinus.’ Cassius pointed at his satchel, which was on the desk. ‘I have letters here if you would like to see them.’

  ‘Oh, I believe you, Officer,’ said Columella. ‘What I can’t believe is that you thought barging your way into my friend’s house, roughing up his staff and bullying his guests was the best way to carry out your investigation.’

  ‘With respect, senator, I made a polite request to see this man but Master Megakreon refused.’

  ‘Of course he refused. I would have refused. You would have refused. Could you not have chosen a different time, a different place?’

  Columella spoke with the smooth confidence of a man who generally got his way.

  ‘Sir, there is evidence.’

  ‘Megakreon is an honest man of excellent repute. He tells me that Master Afer here is an honest man of excellent repute. This evidence had better be good, Officer.’

  Cassius thought it best to get the money issue out of the way before Afer could say anything.

  ‘Oh dear,’ said Columella when he’d finished explaining what he’d found out. ‘Weak, Crispian. Very weak. I hope you have something else rather more compelling.’

  ‘I believe I do.’ Cassius addressed Afer. ‘There are only a few men with knowledge of how to create good-quality coinage. Two former mint workers with that knowledge were employed by you. Both were recorded on last year’s census. I have the information here.’

  Afer looked confused, then apprehensive.

  ‘Well?’ prompted Columella.

  ‘I know of only one man from the mint – he was named Micon. He came highly recommended, worked for my building business – repairing statues, that type of thing. Of course, I had to let him go last year because of my financial … misfortune.’

  Cassius reached into the satchel and took out the page of employees from the census. He pointed to the second name. ‘And this man – S. Novius Gallus?’

  Afer started laughing.

  ‘What?’ demanded Cassius.

  ‘I know Gallus,’ said Afer.
‘Or rather I did. Old boy – could hardly lift his tools any more, that’s why we hired Micon.’

  ‘Old?’ Cassius checked Segestes’s page of detailed notes on Gallus. He had the man’s age as thirty-eight. He had also listed the full name.

  ‘Sextus Novius Gallus?’

  Afer was no longer laughing. ‘Servius Novius Gallus.’

  Cassius couldn’t believe he had been so stupid – Novius and Gallus were both common names.

  Afer stood up. ‘And I can assure you that he is not involved in your counterfeiting plot. He dropped dead last winter. My youngest son found him on the floor of the forge.’

  For a moment nothing was said. Cassius could feel his cheeks glowing as he stuffed the papers back into the satchel.

  Columella stood. ‘Is there any reason at all why we should detain Master Afer here any longer?’

  Cassius shook his head.

  ‘Speak when you are addressed by a senator of Rome!’ thundered Columella.

  ‘No, sir.’

  As Afer left, Columella’s attention turned to Indavara. ‘And who might you be?’

  ‘Bodyguard,’ said Indavara, still slumped against the wall.


  Indavara looked at Cassius.

  ‘You don’t need this idiot’s permission,’ snapped Columella. ‘Do as you are told!’

  ‘Quickly,’ said Cassius.

  Indavara shrugged and left.

  ‘Disgraceful, young man. An appalling lapse of judgement. You have a number of apologies to make before you leave this house. Do we agree?’

  Cassius found himself looking at the senator’s tunic rather than his face. ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘I am on holiday, Crispian. It took me two weeks to get to Syria and I wanted to enjoy myself. I wanted to spend my afternoon relaxing with my old friend and his guests. Now I must spend it tidying up your mess and writing letters. The first will be to Marshal Marcellinus, the second to your superior in the Service. His name?’

  ‘Aulus Celatus Abascantius.’

  ‘You said you were working with the treasury. Who is your contact?’


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