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Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5)

Page 2

by Jennifer Hanks

  Moving through the bar, I spotted my brother Cam and headed his way. Cam and I hadn’t been as close as my brothers Jax and Brody were to me growing up. Cam and his twin Chris spent most of their time together, while Jax, Brody and I being close in age to each other were usually off doing something different. Jake, Ben and Grace, the youngest in the family were always together, the boys causing trouble and Grace covering for them. That memory alone made me grin as I moved quickly through the small crowd. We were all closer now that we’d grown up, but since Cam joined the police force with me, we’d become even tighter and I’ve learned my little brother and I are more alike than I’d realized.

  “Hey man.” I said, reaching his table.

  He slapped his hand against my shoulder and smiled. “You made it.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.” I said, my eyes scanning the bar, out of habit. My training never allowed me to just sit back and relax, but to be aware all the time. I noticed Henry, the bar’s owner was manning the bar, along with his regular bartender, and people were beginning to trickle in for the party Henry was hosting to celebrate the birth of Brody and Gia’s second daughter, Kennedy. My eyes scanned the area but I didn’t see Brody. I shifted my attention back to Cam. “You see Brody yet?”

  “Nah, man, but I just got here myself.” He lifted his beer bottle to his lips and nodded to the door. “There’s Jax now.”

  I turned my head to watch my oldest brother walk towards the bar with his wife Kasey smiling beside him. I let my eyes wander over the bar again until I noticed Jake leaning against the wooden top, his back to the bar and his eyes concentrated on something across the room. I followed his line of sight and chuckled when I saw he was staring at Lanie who was talking to a group of men who are friends of theirs. I threw my elbow to the side, until I felt it hit Cam’s arm and nodded my head in the direction I was still looking. I grinned even wider when I heard him bark out a laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Both Cam and I turned our heads at the sound of a female voice and I shared my grin with Bella. “Jake’s getting pissed because Lanie’s talking to Bear.”

  I knew the second her eyes found Jake and saw the look on his face because she giggled. Her gaze came back to mine. “Would you have ever thought Jake would be the jealous kind?”

  Cam snorted. “No fucking way.”

  I nodded in agreement with Cam. “Yeah, watching him grow up he was easy-going and relaxed, I would’ve never guessed he could be a jealous guy.”

  “I didn’t think so either when I first met him, but Lanie really seems to bring out a different side of him.” Bella said.

  “Kind of like you and Pike.” Cam pointed his beer bottle in her direction and her face turned scarlet. I hadn’t been around much the last few months because I always seemed to be working, but from what Cam’s said, Bella really brought his best friend Pike back to life. She came to New Hope to watch her friend Gia marry my brother Brody, but quickly became friends with Pike. After a terrible car accident that injured him and killed the other driver, their relationship became more. Now the smile on his lips actually makes it the whole way to his eyes. He’s a good man with a shit past. I can’t think of anyone who deserves happiness more than him.

  “How do you like waitressing here?” I asked Bella. Her and her mom officially moved to New Hope a few months ago and they seem to be settling in well.

  She smiled wide. “I like it. It was a little crazy at first because we had a few waitresses that didn’t work out, but now we have a great staff, so everything has settled.”

  “How about your mom? Does she like working at the bakery?” Cam asked and I frowned. I was out of the loop because I hadn’t heard she was working.

  “Your mom’s working?” I asked.

  “Yeah, and she loves it.” Bella’s gaze shifted between the two of us before continuing. “To be honest, I was nervous at first with her being in her wheelchair, but I think it was exactly what she needed. She’s like a whole new woman.”

  Cam smirked. “I heard Henry has officially moved in with her since you’re living with Pike now.”

  Bella rolled her eyes. “I swear I was walking out with my last box and we passed in the driveway, him carrying his boxes in.” She laughed, but her eyes softened. “He’s good for Mama and they really seem happy together.”

  “I agree.” Cam nodded. “And I think she’s perfect for Henry, keeps him on his toes.”

  Bella cocked her head. “What do you mean?”

  “I worked with Henry for a couple of years on an undercover team.” Cam’s eyes hardened at the memory of the case that brought him and his girlfriend Sydney together and I felt the same anger. The bastard he’d been assigned to nail had been running one of the biggest drug and prostitution rings I’d ever seen in my career and I couldn’t be prouder that Cam played a role in tearing it apart. “and I’ll tell you he was never described as polite or even friendly most times. After he retired, he definitely became more social, less closed off but since he met your mom, he’s even better.”

  Bella smiled softly. “Mama has a way about her.”

  I looked up from her face when I sensed someone approaching, and smiled at Pike. He’s a big guy and practically dwarfs Bella who can’t be more than five and a half feet tall, while he’s over six foot, but they look like they were made for each other. He threw his arm around her shoulders and she bent her head back, smiling softly.

  “You guys watching the Jake and Lanie show?” He joked.

  I laughed along with the others. “Sure are.

  Pike’s eyes flicked around the small pub table we were standing beside. “Where’s Syd?”

  “She’s coming.” Cam said. “I had to run in to work this morning and she wanted to stop by Brody and Gia’s to see Kennedy again.” He shrugged. “I think she has baby fever or something.”

  I chuckled, along with Pike, and smirked when he asked Cam what I’d been wondering myself. “You ask her yet.”

  He shook his head, but grinned. “I’m asking her today.”

  Pike’s eyes widened and I had to admit I was feeling the same. Cam had been talking about proposing to Sydney for months now, but I never imagined he’d do it here. “Here? In front of everyone?”

  Cam snorted. “Fuck no, she’d kill me if I did that. Syd likes her private life to stay private.”

  I laughed, never one to miss an opportunity to get under my brother’s skin, I added. “You’re just afraid she’ll say no in front of everyone.”

  Cam shot a look of disbelief my way. “She won’t say no.”

  “No, Jake, I’m not marrying you.” My head snapped to the left when I heard Lanie’s voice carry over the other bar noise.

  “Yes, you fucking are.” Jake bellowed, trailing her past several tables and the bar.

  I watched Jake follow her back the hallway leading to the bathrooms and Henry’s office and groaned. “Oh great, they’re in the hallway.”

  Pike shrugged. “So.”

  I shifted my attention from the hallway towards Pike, remembering what I saw out my kitchen window only yesterday. “You have no idea, man, how many times I’ve come across them arguing and then fucking right where they stand.”

  Pike’s eyes widened and I knew what he was thinking because I would’ve thought it too. Lanie seems shy and reserved, but lately that isn’t the case and living next door to them has been an eye opener. “That doesn’t sound like something Lanie would do.”

  “Yeah, well, Jake must bring it out in her.” I took a drink from the bottle I’d forgotten was sitting in front of me. “I’m telling you, I see them outside, any time Bray’s not around, they’re having sex in the yard. I swear Jake’s doing it to piss me off.”

  Cam laughed. “Yeah, brother, I’m sure Jake’s thinking about you when he’s trying to get into Lanie’s pants. I think you’re jealous because your sex life is non-existent right now.”

  He was right, but I would never fucking admit that. “Not true. I’m just
sick of seeing my brother’s ass every damn time I look outside.”

  “Then stop fucking watching them.” Cam laughed harder. “Maybe there’s something wrong with you.”

  I could admit to a lot of things, but wanting to watch any of my brothers have sex was not something I’d ever be interested in. Now, being jealous was a whole different story. I missed women and needed to find some damn time to meet one. I smiled to myself when I remembered the brunette I’d pulled over a while ago. I’d never seen a woman more beautiful than her and I’d never admit to anyone that I wouldn’t have pulled her over for running that stop sign if my dick hadn’t made me. I never even thought about it, I saw her face, saw her run the damn sign and reacted. I haven’t thought with my dick in a long time and I almost felt guilty when I saw what a bad day she was having, but damned if I could regret it.

  “Jesus Jake,” I heard shouted, forcing my mind back to the present. Looking towards the hallway, I saw Chris coming out into the bar, but then he turned his head to look over his shoulder and yelled. “At least go in the office or something, man!”

  I lifted my bottle and pointed the opening at Cam. “I fucking told you.”

  We both threw our heads back and laughed, as well as everyone else within ear shot of Chris, especially when Jake came from the hallway and yanked up the zipper on his jeans. He threw his hands in the air and hollered, as loudly as he could. “She said yes.”

  The bar erupted in cheers, and we all stood, clapping loudly when Lanie came out from behind Jake, her face red, but smiling. He threw his arm across her shoulders and headed for the bar while I watched, hating the pang of envy I felt. I was happy for him, hell I was happy for all my brothers who had found women they wanted to spend their lives with, I just wanted the same for myself. I’d never considered I’d be in my thirties and still single. I always wanted a big family, loved growing up with seven siblings and I always thought it would just happen. Although I’d been with my fair share of women, I wasn’t the player that some of my brothers were, I was always a little too honest to be one, never wanting to lead on someone I had no intention of being with for the long run. I just assumed I’d find the woman I wanted and that would be that, but the older I get the more I wonder if it’s even in the cards for me.

  I watched Sydney approach our table, smiling at Cam who reached out his arm when she was close enough and pulled her to sit on his lap. Lost in my thoughts, I hadn’t realized he’d sat back down or that Chris and his girlfriend, Lucy were standing on the other side of him talking to Bella and Pike. Chris gave me a head nod, which I returned, grinning. I tuned back into the conversation and smiled when I realized they were talking about Jake and Lanie, telling the story to Chris and Lucy who were laughing so hard, Lucy had tears in her eyes.

  Distracted I didn’t see her approach until her sweet voice was like a punch in the gut. “Hey guys, I’m just making some rounds to be sure you guys have what you need.”

  My head snapped so quickly to the left, I’m surprised I didn’t give myself whiplash. Her attention was on Bella, giving me a chance to stare without being noticed. Why the fuck was the woman I pulled over standing at our table wearing a Hanks uniform and how the fuck did I not know she was working here?

  From the side I could see her lips tilt in a smile at Bella and I felt a flash of jealousy that her smile wasn’t for me. “Hey Bella.”

  Bella returned her smile. “Kate, why don’t you sit down with us? Everyone can get drinks if they want. Celebrate with us.”

  I barely heard Bella, so focused on the woman I now had a name for. Kate. I hadn’t bothered looking her up although I could have if I’d taken down her license plate number but something had stopped me. Probably the feeling that I could quickly become a stalker if it involved being near this woman. Kate smiled sincerely, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bella frown when she spoke. “Nah, you know me, I like to be busy, but thanks for the offer.”

  Not wanting her to leave and selfishly wanting her to see me, I swallowed the last of the beer in the bottle in front of me and raised my voice so she’d hear me over the increasing crowd noise. “I’ll take a Corona.”

  Kate turned her head my way and for a split second I was lucky enough to get her smile, but then her head jerked back and she frowned. “You.” She pointed her pen at me. “What are you doing here?”

  I couldn’t help myself. The look on her face was all the encouragement I needed to provoke her further. She was still pissed at me for pulling her over and that was all the green light I needed from this woman. “No, sweetheart, I think the better question is, what are you doing here?”

  She narrowed her eyes and turned on her heel, heading to the bar. I knew she was getting the Corona I’d asked for, which I couldn’t give two shits about, all that mattered was she’d be coming back. I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time around a woman.




  I stomped back to the bar to get a Corona for the jerk cop I’d been trying to forget about, certain I was only upset to see him because I couldn’t forget about him. I slid my tray on to the bar top and looked up, motioning for the bartender, Tucker.

  He made his way down the bar and I called out my order. “I need a Corona.”

  He placed his elbows on the bar and leaned down, putting his face closer to mine. “Oh no, who pissed you off?” He smirked and got closer. “Is it Tonya? Is she back? Should I call Logan to come watch the show?”

  I rolled my eyes, but my face burned hot, knowing I was never going to live that down. When I first started working here, there was another waitress besides me and Bella, named Tonya, who was lazy and bitchy and I honestly couldn’t stand her. The very first night we worked together she spent the whole night flirting with anyone with a dick, completely ignoring her tables and finally when it came time to clean up, she was sitting on her ass at the bar, talking to Tucker and our other bartender on the weekends, Logan. I was pissed and tired from working all week and spending my weekends unpacking me and Andy, trying to make our new house a home for us, so when I saw her slacking off I lost it. I was completely rude to her and she ended up quitting that night. What was entertaining to Tucker and Logan though, caused more work for Bella because she had to train a new girl and cover Tonya’s hours until that happened. Even though she was nice about it, I’d felt bad and worse, I couldn’t even offer to help her because I already didn’t have enough hours in the day.

  “No, it’s not Tonya.” Tilting my head, I gestured towards Bella’s table. “It’s the guy sitting with Bella and Pike.”

  He lifted his head and looked over my shoulder, his eyes rolling over each person. “Which one?”

  I gritted my teeth. “Brown hair, blue eyes.”

  His eyes flicked down to meet mine and he grinned. “Honey, they all have brown hair and blue eyes, they’re brothers.”

  I stood up straight and glanced back, seeing a few sets of eyes looking my way. How the hell hadn’t I noticed they all look alike? “All of them?”

  Tucker nodded. “Pretty much. The only one at the table that isn’t a Dimarco is Pike.”

  I groaned and laid my forehead against the palm of my hand. “I didn’t know that.”

  Tucker reached out and pulled my hand down, his eyes sympathetic. “What happened?”

  “The one on the end, across from Pike,” Tucker nodded and glanced towards their table before looking back to me, “he pulled me over and I was kind of a mess that day. It was awful.” I leaned in closer and whispered. “I even told him I wasn’t wearing a bra.”

  Tucker choked out a laugh even though he tried to hold it in. “Why would you tell him that?”

  I groaned and rubbed my hand along my forehead. “Ugh I don’t know. I was running late and he pulled me over because I hadn’t stopped at a stop sign and I just couldn’t stop talking.”

  I saw in his eyes when sympathy won out over the ridiculousness of the story. He handed me t
he Corona but not before he grabbed my hand and squeezed. “Listen, Kate, I’ve met all the Dimarco’s and they’re all great guys, Luke being one of the best.”

  “Luke?” I questioned.

  “Luke’s the one who pulled you over.” He clarified what I’d already guessed. “He’s a good guy. He may tease you, but that’s all it is, trust me.”

  I nodded, pulling my tray off the bar top, and muttered ‘thanks’ before heading back to the table containing another witness to one of my embarrassing moments. I’ve had more than my fair share of those since arriving in this town. Doing my best to not look at Luke, I made my way through the crowds of people until I was once again standing at their table, but this time I noticed what I hadn’t noticed last time, Sydney was also standing there.

  I sat my tray on the table and cocked my head when she smiled. “Sydney?”

  She came around the table and pulled me in for a quick hug. “Hey Kate.” She pulled back and gestured towards the table. “I wanted to say hi before, but I didn’t get the chance.”

  “How do you two know each other?” Bella asked.

  “We met at the grocery store, of all places.” Sydney laughed. “I was working the adoption program with the shelter.”

  I smiled at Bella and jerked my thumb towards Sydney beside me. “Sydney’s the reason I have this job and a puppy.”

  Sydney laughed and wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  I shook my head. “No, it’s fine. Andy had been bugging me for a long time. I had no doubt we were leaving with that dog before you even spoke.”

  She tilted her head to the side, her long brown hair shifting over her shoulder. “What did you name him?”

  I groaned. “Andy named him Cookie.”

  Sydney clapped her hands together and laughed harder. “I love when kids name pets.”


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