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Death Prophecies 3: The Unknown Enemy Will Kill You

Page 6

by Saxon Andrew

Steve looked at his terminal and saw a Commodore was contacting him on a direct line. He gritted his teeth and pressed the enable button, “What is it, Commodore?”

  “Sir, I have an issue that I need you to resolve.”

  “Is it too much to hope that you could handle this yourself?”

  “I’ve tried but have been unsuccessful. It’s your orders that caused this issue.”

  Steve looked at his terminal, “What issue is that, Commodore Inman?”

  “You ordered me to make Mrs. Hart Admiral McCagg’s beneficiary of his death benefits.”

  Steve sat back in his chair, “What’s the problem?”

  “She refuses to accept them.”

  “So stop them.”

  “Sir, I don’t believe it’s possible to do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Sir, in order to make it happen and carry out your orders, I created a Dodger File to get them into our system.”

  “What’s a Dodger File?”

  “Whenever a query or request for information on Fleet Death Benefits is made, this file will dodge the request and not appear on any report. It was the only way to make it happen.”

  “What are you saying, Commodore?”

  “That file will also dodge any attempt to remove it. I’m incapable of stopping it. Admiral Gomez will court martial me if he learns about my doing it.”

  “Commodore, trust me on this. You’ll be around long after Admiral Gomez is gone. Have you worked on getting those regulations changed?”

  “I have, Sir. But Admiral Gomez told me that it would be a waste of Fleet money to do it. He ordered me to shut up about it.”

  “Admiral Gomez is pretty tight about expenses.”

  “He is, Sir and his latest expense report is off the amount being paid to Mrs. Hart. He’s not giving up on finding out what’s causing the discrepancy.”

  Steve stared at her and said, “Commodore, are there any other expense cutting tactics Admiral Gomez has implemented in regards to death benefits?” The Commodore was silent and Steve said, “Answer me?”

  “Sir, if someone dies in the service and has not designated a beneficiary, he has ordered that we will not search to find to find the next of kin to give them to.”

  Steve’s eyes narrowed and he stared at the Commodore. After a long moment he said, “I am promoting you to take command of Fleet Personnel in four days. I will remove Admiral Gomez and reassign him to another position. Will you then be able to make sure the families of our sailors are well treated?”

  “Sir, I didn’t contact you to get my commander in trouble.”

  “I asked you a question, Commodore.”

  “Yes, Sir. I can move to change the regulations.”

  “I expect you to treat our servicemen as if they are your own family. Can I count on you to do that?”

  “Yes, Sir. You can.”

  “Now, if we change the regulations, would that resolve the issue with, what’s her name?”

  “Mrs. Hart.”

  “Yes. Would it?”

  “No, Sir. That file will still be active and would require a complete overhaul of personnel’s database to remove it. It would cost more to do that than to just pay her the benefits for three hundred years.”

  Steve sighed. “Commodore, in the future, I’ll discuss all the ramifications of what I order before getting heavy handed. I apologize for putting you in this situation.”

  “It was the right thing to do, Sir.”

  Steve smiled, “Indeed it was. Please contact Mrs. Hart and request that she come to my office to meet with me. Send transportation for her and let me know when she’ll arrive.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Steve sat back in his chair. Why would this Mrs. Hart refuse the benefits? And why did Dillon want her to receive them? He looked forward to meeting her.

  • • •

  Steve looked at his panel. Mrs. Hart had arrived and had brought her two sons with her. He pressed a button and the armored guard standing outside his office stepped in. “Captain Jons, will you take Mrs. Hart’s sons on a tour of the academy while we’re meeting?”

  “I’ll be glad to take them around, Sir.”

  Mrs. Hart walked in and Steve said, “Mrs. Hart, I hope you don’t mind if Captain Jons takes your boys on a tour of the Academy while we’re meeting.”

  Amy looked at Timmy and John and their eyes were wide. She smiled and said, “Go ahead. We’ll call you when we’re done.”

  Timmy looked up at the tall guard, “Is that armor real?”

  “Yes it is.”


  “Come with me. I have a lot to show you.”

  The boys followed him out of the office and the other guard closed the door. “Mrs. Hart, please come in and sit down.” Amy walked to the chair in front of Steve’s desk as he came around and pulled up another chair next to hers. “Mrs. Hart, do you know why I asked you to come and meet with me?”

  “I was told that you would explain why my benefits account has suddenly started showing a sum that just doesn’t make sense.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I know that my benefits from John’s death would never be as large as the last deposit I received. When I contacted Fleet Personnel to report the discrepancy, I was given a run around and no one could answer what was going on.”

  Steve’s eyes narrowed, “So you don’t know why the amount changed?”

  “I have no idea. But I know it must be an error and I want to make sure whomever they belong to receives them.”

  “They belong to you, Mrs. Hart.”

  Amy stared at Steve and her eyes narrowed, “I assure you they don’t belong to me.”

  “Mrs. Hart, before Admiral McCagg left on his mission, he made you the beneficiary of his death benefits.” Amy stared at Steve and he saw the sudden realization break through. She started shaking her head and Steve said, “The increased amount is his death benefits.”

  “I’m not a member of his family, Admiral.”

  “I know. Admiral McCagg…”


  Steve paused and looked at her shocked expression. “You didn’t know he was an Admiral?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  She stared at Steve in silence and he said, “The first thing he did upon returning from vacation was to go to Fleet Personnel and make your family his beneficiary. It appears it was very important to him that you receive his benefits.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  Steve tilted his head, “I honestly don’t know, Mrs. Hart. But Dillon thought it was important enough that he wouldn’t leave on his mission until it was done.”

  “His name is Dillon?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  Amy sighed and lowered her head, “It fits him.”

  “I’ve learned from personnel that the actual sum you’ll be receiving will be about three times the amount you just had deposited in your account. He also directed that personnel send you two thirds of his active duty pay. That’s what was deposited last week.”

  “Admiral, I can’t accept this.”

  Steve blew out a breath, “There’s a slight problem with that, Mrs. Hart.”


  “When personnel told him they couldn’t make you the beneficiary, I ordered them to make it happen. They followed my orders and evidently, they can’t prevent your being paid.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Try me. I’m not a dumb as I look.”

  Steve shook his head at her remark. She wasn’t intimidated in the least by his rank. “When the file was put into the system to make it happen, the file created avoids being seen by anyone looking for it. It’s called a Dodger File and quite frankly, I have never heard of that kind of file, and it avoids all efforts at changing it. Even if he walked in the room now, you would still receive that benefit.”

  “Admiral, I am not worthy of that and you just told me it went against Fl
eet Regulations. I want you to stop it.”

  “In order to stop those payments, we will have to wipe personnel’s database clean and start over. The expense of doing that will far exceed the amount you’re receiving. It will also put the Officer that created the file in great difficulty. She could be court marshalled.”

  “Admiral, you would never allow that to happen so that is not a good enough reason to not carry out my request.”

  Steve stared at her and saw something in her eyes that was steely resolve. “Mrs. Hart, I don’t know why it was so important to Dillon to make you the beneficiary, but he was adamant about doing it. I know he wants you to receive his benefits.”

  “They should be given to families that really need it.”

  “Mrs. Hart, he told me that your family needed it. He said what you’re receiving in benefits is scandalous and that Fleet should be ashamed of what it does for the families of servicemen that die during duty. Was he wrong?”

  Amy stared at Steve and, after a moment, took a breath and shook her head, “No, he’s right. But I can’t accept this when I know there are other families that are suffering just like mine.”

  “Mrs. Hart, I will change that.”

  Amy stared at him, “If you do that, I’ll accept it.”

  “I give you my word that I will make that change happen.”

  Amy sighed and stood up, “Will you call my boys back? We’re done, aren’t we?”

  Steve stared at her and said, “Please sit back down.”


  “Are you always this obstinate? Please sit down!” Amy stared at him and slowly went back to her chair. “I wondered why Dillon was so adamant about making sure you received his benefits and I think I’m starting to understand.” Amy’s eyes narrowed. “Mrs. Hart, I would like to offer you a job.”


  His console started buzzing and he looked over his shoulder. Amy looked with him at his buzzing console as he said, “How many times has that damn thing buzzed while we’ve been talking?”

  “Eleven times.”

  Steve’s eyebrows went up, “Eleven?”


  “I need someone to be a buffer between me and all the calls that pour into my office. I’m being overwhelmed and I’ve not found anyone that can do a good job of handling the load. I want you to accept the position.”

  “Why in Neptune’s Trident would you want me to do that?”

  “Because you don’t appear to be intimidated by anyone, including me. Everyone else I tried is just run over by all the high-ranking officers calling in. Most of the calls are made for what I consider frivolous reasons because my officers are afraid of making a decision.”

  “Then you need to get some new officers, Admiral.”

  Steve laughed, “Well said, Mrs. Hart, and it might come to that. It would help if you would tell some of them exactly that. However, I think you can do it.”

  Amy stared at him and shook her head, “Why would I do that? I have two sons that take up all of my time and I’m not able to take on a job.”

  “Well, there are benefits of working here in Fleet Headquarters that might interest you.”

  “Such as?”

  “Not only is Fleet Academy located here but there are also a primary and secondary school on the premises. They are the best schools on the planet and they are free to the employees that work here. There is also free after-school care that supplements their education.”

  “I can’t afford to live here, Admiral.”

  “Housing for our employees is provided at no additional cost.”

  Amy stared at Steve. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I really think you can handle the job and I desperately need someone who can.” Amy stared at Steve and he shrugged, “Look at it this way, Mrs. Hart. Between the death benefits and what you’re paid you could save enough in three or four years to retire and not have to work again. Your sons would receive the best education on the planet and will be considered ahead of outside candidates for acceptance into the Fleet Academy. They would have to pass the entrance exams and I’m sure their education at our other schools will prepare them for whatever they choose to do in their lives.”

  Amy lowered her eyes and then looked up, “How would I know which calls to send through and which ones to block?”

  “There will be a learning process where you’ll have to get a feel for those things I consider important. You would follow me to every meeting I attend and pay attention to my decisions and gain knowledge about those attending the meetings. I have about four meetings a day and it shouldn’t take you long to get up to speed.”

  “You’re serious about this?”

  “More than you can possibly know. You have a no nonsense air about you that you’re going to need to make this work.”

  “I don’t know whether to take that as a compliment or not.”

  “Consider it a compliment. Will you do it?”

  “I’ll have to discuss it with my sons.”

  “There’s one more detail that you need to think about while you’re deciding.”

  “What is that?”

  “Whether you take the position as a civilian or not.”

  “What’s the or not mean?”

  “You could join the Navy and become an officer.”

  “In your opinion, which would make the job easier?”

  “I think you could do it either way.”


  “Admirals have a tendency to run over civilians.”

  “What rank would I be?”



  “It’s going to have to be a high enough rank to make them pause. I have the authority to hire you at that rank as a Fleet Specialist. If it doesn’t work out, you can retire and go back to your former life. You’d be making a high enough salary to be able to pay the mortgage on your current home along with all your bills if you choose to do this. I really think you can really help me, Mrs. Hart.”

  Amy stood up, “I’ll let you know. Please have my sons brought back.”

  Steve didn’t want to lose this nervy woman, “Why don’t you do this? I’ll have them brought to the cafeteria and you can have a meal together to talk about it before you leave.”

  “What’s the cost of a meal, Admiral?”

  “The cafeteria is free. Come with me and I’ll take you there.” Steve walked around his desk and pressed a button, “Captain Jons, please bring the boys to the cafeteria to meet their mother.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Steve led her out of his office and began telling her about all the departments in the giant building. He left her in the cafeteria as her two sons arrive. “Let me know as soon as possible, Mrs. Hart.”

  Amy nodded as John and Timmy rushed up, hugged her, and began talking excitedly about all they had seen. By the end of the meal, Amy went back to Steve’s office and the guard motioned her through. Steve was on his communicator and he covered the mouthpiece. “Admiral, I accept your offer. Contact me with the details on our moving here.” She smiled, “I can see you’re busy.”

  Steve said, “Thank you. I’ll have personnel handle everything.”

  Amy walked out of the office and for the first time allowed her tears to release. She told the boys that Mr. McCagg did not make it back and all three of them cried on the way home.

  • • •

  “Lt. Dobson.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You have been assigned to Captain Toland’s former ship. You are promoted to the rank of Captain and will take command of the ship effective immediately.”

  Janell looked at the Senior Captain commanding her wing and she said, “Thank you sir. Do you mind telling me why I’ve been promoted over my Weapon’s Officer?”

  “Your former ship was ranked first in the Fleet. Captain Toland’s ship is not in the running for any status. I trust you will change that.”

  “I will, Sir.”

  “See that you do.”

  Janell ended the call and went to see China. She understood the promotion. “That’s part of the reason I wanted off the Pig’s ship. My career was going nowhere as long as I served with him.”

  “We’re going to change that. It was Dillon that made the difference on my ship. I’ll make sure I honor his memory by doing an outstanding job.”

  China nodded, “Let’s go see the old girl. I’ve missed her.”

  “Your computer has a female’s name?”

  “Do you think the Pig would use a male’s name?”

  “What is her name?”


  “That is going to change.”

  “Trust me on this, I think she will welcome a new name.”

  Chapter Five

  Dillon knew time was running out and still more dark blue warships were arriving. He was more than three weeks late and he knew another ship would be sent into the black hole soon. If they tried to use the method they originally agreed on, that pilot would die. He shook his head at the numbers of blue ships that surrounded his location. So far, other than the one that moved a mile below his position, no other ship had come close. But they had a huge number in a giant globe around his location. Time was up. He checked the tactical display on his faceplate and saw the closest blue ship was more than fifty miles away. He disconnected the passive antenna from his helmet and pressed a button on his console. Power was fed to the computer and a moment later he heard, “My but you have a way of attracting a crowd.”

  “No kidding. I’ve been hoping they would give up and go back where they’re coming from but it hasn’t happened. I don’t see any way to get out of this mess except to fight our way out. Do you see an escape route that would allow us to avoid a fight?”

  “No, they’ve pretty much covered every avenue out of here.”

  “I’m powering the reactors and if that goes unnoticed, I’m charging the blasters. How long will it take once they’re online to make a run for it?”

  “A little longer than a second. Do you want to make the run immediately?”

  “I do unless you see a benefit of delaying.”

  “I’ve analyzed their pattern around us and in another fifty seconds, their numbers in two directions will be reduced by forty percent.”


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