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Death Prophecies 3: The Unknown Enemy Will Kill You

Page 9

by Saxon Andrew

  Janell stared at him and shook her head as she lowered it, “No.”

  “If you had done that, I might have given us a try. You are still one of the most remarkable women I’ve ever known but there would always be the realization that you knew me better than anyone and you still chose someone else. I came back from that universe healed from my heartbreak. I was alive and I intended to live my life like every day was my last.”

  “Dillon, I just…I…don’t know what I can say to tell you how much I want to be with you.”

  “Thank you for that, Janell and I take that as a compliment but you and I cannot serve on the same ship.”

  “Why not!?”

  “Because pilots and their crews are going to depend on my having a clear head to make the right decisions that will concern their survival. You would be a distraction I don’t need. I’d see your sorrow and it would be…distracting. I’m going to request Admiral Connor assign me another crewmember.”

  Janell was still looking at the ground and she nodded, “I understand.” She looked up at him, “If you change your mind, will you please tell me?”

  “You’ll be the first to know but I don’t see that ever happening.” Dillon stared at her and said, “I’ll walk you back.”

  “No, please leave me here. I need some time to be alone.” Dillon nodded, stood up, and walked away. Janell watched him leave and began weeping. Admiral Connor was right; her sense of timing was atrocious. She never considered that he would not want her after she had rejected him for Rowdy. And Rowdy was such a slug. She remained in the park until she could control her emotions. She wondered what she was going to do. Another officer had been promoted to her former ship. She lifted her communicator and called for transport to take her to her quarters. She’d report to personnel tomorrow to see where she was going to be assigned.

  • • •

  Dillon walked up to Admiral Connor’s office and saw Amy was not at her desk. He walked over and looked at the Captain sitting at her desk, “Where is Commodore Hart?”

  “She left early to pick up her children, Admiral.”

  Dillon nodded and said, “Ask Admiral Connor if I may speak to him.”

  Carol pressed her panel and said, “Sir, Admiral McCagg wishes to speak with you.”

  Dillon heard, “Send him in.” He went to the Admiral’s office and closed the door behind him.

  • • •

  Frenchy sat in his command chair and saw a message appear on his panel. He looked over his shoulder and said, “Damn!”

  Heinrik looked at him, “What?”

  “I knew it was going to eventually happen but I didn’t expect it this quick.”


  “Congratulations, you’ve been promoted to Captain and will take command of a warship immediately.”


  Frenchy sighed, “Really. I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’ve always wanted my own ship but leaving you makes this a bitter-sweet moment. Do you know anything about the ship I’ll be getting?”

  “It’s way down the Fleet’s ratings but I suspect you’ll change that pretty quickly. Your weapons officer is Lt. China Park.”

  “I owe this to you, Sir.”

  “No, we’ve done well because of being a team. Never forget that.”

  “I’ve really learned a lot, Sir. Thank you for your support and friendship.”

  “Keep that in mind when I report to you someday.”

  Heinrik laughed, “I’ll promote you to be my XO.”

  Frenchy laughed, “You need to get moving. Good luck, my friend.”

  Two days later, Frenchy’s panel beeped and he saw Admiral Inman on the monitor, “Good day, Sir.”

  “Captain, you’ve been promoted to Commodore and will report to Admiral McCagg in seven days. You will be the Defense and Weapons Officer on his flagship.”

  “Wasn’t Admiral McCagg the officer that went through the black hole?”

  “He is and he will be commanding the fleet being put together to go back through.”

  “Uhhh, Sir, what happened to his weapons officer?”

  “She’s being given the command of your current ship. Expect her to arrive within the hour which will allow you time to familiarize her with your computer.”

  “Would it be possible to move my computer to the Admiral’s vessel to assist me in performing my job?”

  Admiral Inman stared at Frenchy and said, “I don’t know if that’s possible. However, I’ll contact Admiral McCagg and see if that meets his approval.”

  “Thank you, Sir. It would mean a lot if that could be done.” Inman nodded and the monitor went dark.

  “I hope you can make that happen.”

  “If it can’t be done, I may refuse the promotion,” Frenchy mumbled.

  “That would be suicide for your naval career.”

  “I know. But you’ve kind of grown on me, Clovis.”

  “Let us hope the Admiral appreciates his computer.”

  “Why is that?”

  “He’ll understand your reluctance to leave me behind. Besides, I don’t want to change my name.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Two hours later, the panel buzzed and Frenchy saw Admiral Inman on the monitor, “Commodore, Admiral McCagg has approved your computer’s transfer to his flagship. He says that if you hadn’t asked to move it he would have worried about your motivation to do an excellent job.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” The monitor went dark and Frenchy yelled, “WHOOO HOOO!”

  “It looks like the Admiral has a good computer. I’m looking forward to connecting with it.”

  “Clovis, we’re going through a black hole!”

  “Now that is something to get excited about.”

  “Tell me about it. It’s a shame Heinrik will miss this.”

  Chapter Seven

  Amy drove the boys to the marina and they could barely restrain their excitement. They had so much they wanted to tell Dillon about their schools and all that had happened since he last saw them. She kept a smile on her face but dreaded seeing him and his weapons officer. They arrived at the marina and she saw Dillon on the pontoon boat at the dock. She got out and walked the boys down to the dock. She smiled, “Now remember the two rules.”

  “Never move toward a manatee and wait for them to come to you!”

  “Exactly right. Tell Jimmy hello for me and rub his whiskers.”

  “Mom, why aren’t you coming with us?”

  They arrived at the boat and Dillon said, “Yeah, why aren’t you coming with us?”

  “I’ve already discussed that with you.”

  “If you insist. Boys, are you ready to go?”


  “Well, climb on board and let’s shove off.”

  Amy looked around and said, “Where’s your weapon’s officer?”

  “He’s taking a week off to get ready.”

  Amy stared at Dillon, “He?”

  “Commodore LaSalle wants to make sure his computer is transferred properly so he’s too busy to join us.”

  “What about Captain Dobson?”

  “She has been reassigned to another ship.”


  “Admiral Connor agrees that it wouldn’t be a good fit.”

  “Agrees with whom?”

  Dillon shrugged, “Me.”

  Amy stared at him and Dillon said, “Why don’t you come with us?”

  “YEAH, MOM!”

  Amy stared at Dillon and shook her head, “I didn’t bring anything to wear.”

  Dillon smiled, “I really think the Marina has plenty of bathing suits your size and I think you can now afford to purchase one.”


  “If you won’t do it for us, do it for Jimmy.”

  Amy stared at him and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. She blew it out slowly as she opened her eyes and saw John, Timmy, and Dillon staring at her. “Give me a minute.” She went back to the car
and locked it. Then she walked in the front door of the marina. Timmy started telling Dillon all that had happened and John joined in. Dillon started asking questions and the boys became highly animated as they told Dillon how well they were doing in school. A few minutes later, Amy walked out of the back door and Dillon’s head went back. She had on a two-piece bathing suit that fit her perfectly, unlike the baggy one she had been wearing. She saw Dillon’s expression and shook her head, “This is the only one that fit!”

  “It’s perfect, Amy. You look fantastic.”

  “Now I know you’re lying.”

  John shook his head, “No he’s not, Mom. You look great.”

  Amy hesitated and Timmy reached up and offered his hand, “Come on, Mom! Manatees are waiting!”

  Amy smiled and climbed into the boat. Dillon moved to the back and said, “You drive. I’ll watch.”

  Amy sat down and John sat down beside her with his map. Amy looked at Dillon, “Where to?”

  “Let’s go see Sally. I’m curious about how big her baby is now.”

  John smiled, “Turn left when you clear the rocks.” Amy backed the boat out and moved it up the canal. They arrived at the location and John cupped his hand and hit the water in the familiar pattern. They saw numerous manatees on the bottom and after a few minutes, two of them began moving toward the surface.

  They had on the air masks and Dillon said, “She’s grown a lot.”

  The boys remained very still and Sally slowly moved up close. John began rubbing her face and the large adolescent move in front of Dillon. He rubbed her gently and Timmy began rubbing her as well. It moved over in front of him and they remained there until Sally moved back down toward the bottom. They returned to the boat and Dillon said, “It’s still a little early for Jimmy; John direct us to the third location.” They arrived at the third location and Dillon smiled, “It’s time you tried this on your own. Go and see if you can call them up.”

  Timmy looked at Dillon, “REALLY!?”

  Dillon smiled, “Really.”

  “Mom, are you coming?”

  “No, let’s see how you do.”

  Dillon made sure their masks were on properly and he assisted them in the water, “I’ll have my mask communicator on so call me if you need my help.” The boys nodded and swam toward the marker.

  Amy looked at Dillon, “What’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I looked up Captain Dobson’s records in Fleet’s database and they’re incredible. She’s one of the highest scoring officers in fleet.” Dillon shrugged. “Did I have something to do with what happened?”

  “Are you asking if I had her reassigned because of my feelings for you?”

  “Yes I am. Although I can’t see any reason why that would happen.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Are you freaking blind? She’s beautiful, highly intelligent, and young. She’s everything a man would want.”

  “Are you trying to say you’re none of those things?”

  “Dillon, I’m old, I’ve had two children, and I’m nothing special.”

  “Then you need to ask your children about that.”

  “They’re prejudiced, their opinions are skewed.”

  “You think you’re old?”

  “I don’t think I am, I know I am.”

  “I know a gentleman should never ask a woman her age but how old are you, Amy?”

  “Thirty one. John was born when I was nineteen. I’m too old for you.”

  “Do you know how old I am, Amy?”

  “Twenty four or five.”

  “I’m twenty eight and will be twenty nine next month.”

  Amy stared at him and pursed her lips, “You’re not being honest.”

  “Amy, I didn’t enter the Academy until I was twenty two years old. I couldn’t afford to attend until I had saved up enough. I was given a scholarship my junior year and graduated when I was twenty-six. You’re a little over two years older than me.”

  Amy stared at him and shook her head, “Dillon, I am not up to having a relationship with another man. John was, and still is, my first and last love.”

  “I realize that. I’m not asking you to have a relationship with me.”

  “Then why did you have Janell reassigned?”

  “She thought manatees were slimy and ugly.”

  Amy’s eyes narrowed and she stared at him. After a moment she started smiling and then burst out laughing, “Did she?” Dillon shrugged and nodded. “I felt that way once.”

  “No you didn’t.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You didn’t want to go out and see them up close but you didn’t think they were abhorrent. You were open to exploring what they were.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. So you’re not attracted to me?”

  “I think you’re incredible, Amy. You’re far more beautiful than you think and your spirit is something I marvel at. However, I know you’re not interested in me and I’m ok with that. I enjoy being around you and your children and you’re the first people I find peace with outside of the manatees. That’s enough for me.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “As sure as you are about not being attracted to me.”

  Amy stared at him and saw Timmy at the ladder. Dillon jumped up and pulled him out of the water, “Only one of them came to us and it went back down.” Dillon pulled John out of the water and smiled, “Let’s go see if Jimmy is home. John, direct your mother to the right location.”

  Amy sat down behind the steering wheel and said, “I know where to go.” She turned the boat and Dillon was surprised that she did. She turned and smiled, “I marked that island in my memory and he’s on the left side of it.”

  Dillon smiled, “This time, you take the boys down. I’ll stay on the boat.”

  Amy stared at him but Dillon continued smiling. He anchored the boat and the three Harts went into the water. He remained on board and shook his head. It would have to be enough. Maybe in another life things would be different. The weekend passed quickly and Sunday afternoon, Dillon helped the Harts out of the boat. Amy looked at him, “What are you going to do now?”

  Dillon smiled, “I’m going to stay here a few more days and then go to my new ship. There’s a lot to be done but none of it can start until the ships are ready.”

  Amy looked at him and he could see something was troubling her. She opened her mouth and then closed it. She managed a smile and said, “Be careful, Dillon.”

  “I’ll do my best.” She stared at him and then turned and walked to the car. She got in the car and saw Dillon sitting on the back of the boat looking up at the sky. She almost got out but couldn’t make herself do it. She cranked it and drove away. Dillon watched them leave and wondered why he always cared for women that loved someone else. He shook his head; it must be a character flaw. He thought about Janell and didn’t feel anything. He always heard that love died hard. It appeared that wasn’t true. He waved Scott over and said, “Will you put the boat away?”

  “Sure. Are you going out tomorrow?”

  “No, I think I’m going to leave early.”

  “Are you ok, Dillon?”

  “I really don’t know. Time will tell.”

  “Be careful.”

  Dillon smiled, “You’re the second one to tell me that.”

  “I’m saying it because I love you like a brother.”

  “Thanks, Scott. I needed to hear that.”

  Dillon got out of the boat and walked toward the resort. He stopped. Amy’s expression was just like Scott’s when she told him to be careful. He stared at the ground and wondered what that meant. Then, he lifted his head and walked toward his room.

  • • •

  Janell arrived at her ship and found a team of engineers working on the bridge, “Excuse me but what are you doing?”

  “We’re installing your new computer Captain.”

  “What happened to the old one?”
/>   “It was moved with the former pilot. We should be done in about eight more hours.”

  Janell closed her eyes and shook her head. She was getting a computer with no experience and that was a real liability. She opened her eyes and rolled them as she said, “Is this new computer different from the current model.”

  The chief engineer looked up, “It’s had the databases from experienced computers downloaded. We’re no longer sending them out inexperienced.”

  “Do you know what computers were downloaded?”

  “Admiral McCagg ordered that his computer and the former computer’s databases be placed in your computer’s databanks.”

  “Why did he do that?”

  “I’m not privy to that, Captain but usually that means you’ll be flying with the Admiral that issues the order.”


  “It’s always been the case before unless there are extenuating circumstances. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to get to work.”

  Janell nodded and sat down. Chester’s database was going to be in her computer. That was a positive. Her wrist unit vibrated and she looked at the display. Admiral Inman said, “Your Weapons Officer will be reporting to your ship by noon, Captain.”

  “Who is it, Sir?”

  “Ensign Gabriel Eagle.”


  “He graduated from Fleet Academy a week ago.”

  The display went dark and Janell lowered her head and shook it. She was getting a newbie with no experience. That pretty much told her that she wouldn’t be in Dillon’s fleet. She saw the bridge was crowded with the engineers so she went to her quarters and began unpacking. Her wrist unit vibrated again and she saw China, “How’s it going?”


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