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Death Prophecies 3: The Unknown Enemy Will Kill You

Page 15

by Saxon Andrew

  Amy stared at her older son and saw Timmy was also showing determination on his face. Janell knew this was doomed to fail. Amy looked at Janell and then turned to John, “Don’t interrupt.”

  “Yes, Mam.”

  Amy turned to Janell, “Before we get into that, what do you think about our little trip today?”

  “I wondered what Dillon was talking about when he asked me about Manatees. I told him I thought they were ugly, slimy sea creatures. I was so wrong. They’re…incredibly beautiful.”

  Amy nodded, “I met Dillon at the Marina and I felt very much like you did. I was bitter about the death of my husband and there was no joy in my life.” Amy looked at John and Timmy, “Except for my children. I told Dillon after I discovered he was in the Navy that we would not be back to see him. I didn’t want them associating with anyone in the service.”

  Janell shook her head, “Are you serious?”

  “I am.” Amy looked at her sons, “But they made life even more miserable and I finally gave in and took them back. Dillon made me promise to do everything he asked before he’d take them out again. He forced me to go into the water with them.” Amy paused. “I came out of the water changed.” She looked at Janell, “Just like you.”

  “I’m wasting my time, aren’t I?”

  “Janell, I’m shocked senseless that you would even consider it. The whole idea boggles my imagination. There are people walking the street better qualified than I am to do what you want.”

  “No there isn’t. And there are damn few in the Navy as qualified.”

  Amy leaned back and rolled her eyes, “You have to be suffering from some sort of delusion.”

  Janell shook her head, “Amy! The only think you lack is knowledge. Look at how you took control of Admiral Connor’s communications and turned it around in a short time. You had to deal with Senior Officers and they learned not to treat you with disrespect. They learned the consequences of doing it and backed off.”

  Amy tilted her head, “That was because Admiral Connor supported me.”

  “He supported the others that were there before you and they all failed.” Amy shrugged. “I don’t need a Fleet Commander that has great knowledge and skill of flying a warship. I desperately need a Commander that can lead.”

  “Janell, I’m not a leader.”

  Janell looked at her sons, “I suspect they would disagree with you.” Amy looked at them and they smiled and shrugged. “I’ve been promoted to replace Dillon and from the moment I arrived, who was in control?”


  “You told me to keep my mouth shut and go with you on a trip. No explanation, just get in the car and let’s go. I knew not to question you. You were in total command of what happened today and that skill doesn’t come easy. You pretty much bossed around a Fleet Admiral today and I have to tell you that at no point did I resent you. I find that amazing and that is the kind of officer I need to command my ships.”

  “Janell, I’ve never set foot in an Academy Class. I have no idea how to operate a warship or what it can do.”

  “I said at the beginning that all you lack is knowledge. Do you know that we could teach everything that a cadet learns in four years at the Academy in less than six months?” Amy’s smile vanished and her head went back. “We stretch it out to four years to allow them time to mature and gain confidence in themselves. We could give them the knowledge with simulators and computers but choose not to do it unless an emergency demands it. You already have the personal traits needed; all you’re missing is knowledge. I can give you that in less than six months. My ships won’t be ready for a year. You have time to make this happen.”

  “I don’t know if I’m smart enough to do this.”

  Janell tilted her head, “I looked at your fleet personnel records. You went to school at night and completed your BA degree. Your scores were in the top three percent of your class. Now you’re reaching, Amy.”

  Amy stared at Janell and then looked at her sons. She sighed and looked back at Janell, “I can’t do this.”

  John looked at his mother and said, “Mom, who was Dillon actually protecting when he joined the Navy?” Amy and Janell both looked at him. “He didn’t have a family or relatives but he was determined to protect Earth from alien threats. Who was he really protecting?”

  “He told us he was protecting humanity.”

  John shook his head, “Did you really believe that?” Amy stared at John and he looked into her eyes without flinching. “When he died he was protecting the three of us. But until that time, he was protecting Sally, Jimmy, and all the other friends he had here.” Amy stared at John and he lowered his eyes, “Who is out there protecting them now?”

  Janell smiled, “All of the Navy’s warships.”

  John’s head whipped from his mother to Janell, “No they’re not!”

  Janell’s eyes widened, “Of course they are.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  Amy saw John was upset. “Tell me why you feel this way.”

  “Earth has already sent a lot of its population to colonize another planet, right?” Janell stared at him for a moment and then nodded. “How many manatees were taken to that planet?” Janell and Amy’s eyes went wide at the thirteen year old’s logic. “Mom, if things really got bad, humanity would flee Earth and leave Sally and Jimmy behind to die. Dillon would have never allowed that to happen. Who will stand between them and danger now that he’s gone?”

  Amy’s eyes softened, “John, do you have any idea what doing this would do to our family?”

  Timmy said, “You’d be gone a lot.”

  “And who will take care of you?”

  John put his hand on Timmy’s shoulder, “I will take care of Timmy and the house parents at the Fleet School will take care of me. We will enter the Military School to prepare to enter the Academy when we graduate.”

  Janell saw the intensity in the young boy’s eyes and she looked at Amy, “I shouldn’t have come here. I’m so sorry for this.”

  John looked at her, “Are you telling the truth about Mom being the one you need to defend us?”

  Janell nodded, “Yes…I am. But some things are more important.”

  Timmy tilted his head, “Once you find the things that are more important, you really don’t have a choice about defending them, do you?”

  Amy looked at Timmy, “What do you mean?”

  “Mom, I would give my life to protect Sally and Jimmy.”

  John nodded, “I would too. I understand now why Mr. Dillon volunteered to go on that mission.” John looked at Amy, “Can we do less?”

  “But I can die just like your father and Dillon did.”

  They lowered their heads and both of them nodded. After a minute Timmy raised his head, “But if we don’t stop the danger from coming, we could all die along with Sally’s baby.”

  Amy stood up and rushed over to them and pulled them into her arms. She held them close and kissed them as she slowly rocked back and forth. She looked up at Janell, “I’ll let you know.”

  Janell nodded and stood up. She walked down the front steps and turned around, “I’m sorry.” Amy nodded and held her sons.

  • • •

  Janell powered up the shuttle and lifted it slowly into the sky. She flew into the upper atmosphere and now understood why Dillon had fallen in love with this family. She arrived back at Fleet Operations and Flight Control contacted her, “Admiral Connor wants you to report to his office.”

  “I’ll go as soon as I land the shuttle.” She landed on the roof, exited the shuttle and went directly to Admiral Connor’s office. Carol nodded her toward the door. She walked in and went to attention.

  “At ease, Admiral. How did it go?”

  “Sir, I don’t think she’s going to do it.”

  “I expected that. Do you still feel the same way about her?”

  Janell looked him in the eyes and said, “Sir, she should be commanding you and everyone else in the Navy. She would not allo
w harm to come to us as long as there was breath in her body. May I go, Sir?”

  Steve stared at her and nodded. She did an about face and walked out of his office.

  Chapter Twelve

  Heinrik looked at China, “It appears we are being reassigned.”

  “Pray tell.”

  “I’ve been promoted to Commodore and will be assigned to command a warship that is currently under construction.”

  “What about me? Will I take command of this ship?”

  Heinrik looked at her, “No.” China’s disappointment was clear. She knew her ratings under Rowdy had pretty much doomed her career. “You will be promoted to Captain and will command the vessel that’s being built for me.” China’s face showed her shock as Heinrik smiled, “You don’t think I’d break up this team, do you?” China jumped out of her chair and ran into his arms and hugged him. She then leaned back and punched him on the arm. “What’s that for?”

  “You made me suffer.”

  “Only for a moment.”

  “That’s a moment too long.”

  Heinrik smiled, “It appears that Janell will be in overall command.”

  China nodded, “She deserved the opportunity. I trust her, Heinrik.”

  “So do I; let’s go to Fleet and take a look at what this new ship is going to look like.” China nodded and followed him off their former ship.

  • • •


  “Yes, Steve”

  “In the near future, I need you to take the Eyes and make a trip out to Andromeda.”


  “We’ve not gone back and checked up on the Halo or the Darkness Civilization in the center of that galaxy.”

  “What’s going on, Steve?”

  Steve leaned back in his chair, “I’m worried about what might come out of the black hole there. We’ve seen the danger beyond the black hole in our galaxy and I’ve been having trouble sleeping when I think about what might come through the one in Andromeda. Now that your children are grown, I was hoping you would go and check it out.”

  “You don’t have anyone more qualified to go?”

  “You know that only the genetic descendants of our Great-Great Grandfather can fly the Prophet’s Eyes. That means only you or I can make the trip.”

  “I guess this is one of the perks of being your sister.”

  “Something like that, Stella.”

  “Should we ask that civilization in the center of Andromeda to allow us to go through their black hole and take a look for them?”

  “I think that would be really risky.”

  “Just give me the freedom to do what I deem necessary.”

  “Stella, this is not something to be taken lightly.”

  Stella sighed, “You don’t like the way I communicated with the Grelk?”

  “No, I don’t. You were very provocative.”

  “But they were coming to kill us.”

  “Trust me on this one, Stella; that civilization in the center of Andromeda could actually do it and they destroy anything that enters their territory. This mission requires extreme caution,”

  “Why don’t you send someone else if you have issues with my communication skills?”

  “As I said earlier, Stella, the helmet only works with our family and I can’t go.”

  “Oh yeah. I wasn’t thinking. I’ll do it, Steve. I’ll call Poul and start moving when you want it done.”

  “Stella, please be careful.”

  “You know me.”

  “Yes I do, please be careful!”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  • • •

  Amy walked to her console and smiled, “Carol, thank you for giving me some time to go home.”

  “No problem. I was glad to do it.”

  Amy sat down at her console and pressed a series of keys on her computer. Janell felt her wrist unit vibrate and saw Amy on the display, “Hello, Amy. I didn’t thank you for your taking me out on the river. You were a great host.”

  “You’re welcome, Janell. I just wanted to tell you what we decided about your offer.”


  “My sons took part in the decision.”

  “Amy, I understand.”

  “Understand what?”

  “Why you don’t want to do it.”

  “Have you changed your mind, Janell?” Janell’s expression froze. She stared at the small display on her wrist unit and Amy said, “We agreed that if you’re certain about me being the one you need, then I will make my best effort at making it happen.” Janell’s mouth fell open. “Of course, there will be a few conditions that will have to be met before I agree.”

  “Where are you, Amy?”

  “I’m sitting at my console outside Admiral Connor’s office.”

  “Don’t move, I’ll be right there.”

  Carol looked at Amy, “What’s going on?”

  “Admiral Dobson wants me to join her staff.”

  “In what capacity?”

  Amy shrugged, “She wants me to command her second fleet.”

  “You’re kidding me?” Amy lifted her left shoulder and tilted her head toward it. Carol stared at her for a moment and nodded toward Admiral Connor’s office, “Does he know?”

  “Amy says he gave her permission to come ask.”

  “Do you think you can do it?”

  “She does.”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  “I honestly don’t know.”

  Carol smiled, “Then I’m sure you’ll do well.”

  Amy’s eyes narrowed, “How can you say that?”

  “If you had said no, then I’d feel different. The fact you don’t know tells me that you’re going to give your best effort. I think you can do whatever you make up your mind to do.”

  Both of them heard the elevator open with a loud voice saying, “Get over it! You can go back to your floors. This is important business!”

  Amy shook her head, “You weren’t kidding about coming right here.”

  Janell looked back at the elevator doors and scowled, “Bunch of box riders don’t like I overrode the elevator settings to save some time.” She looked at Amy, “What conditions?”

  “Hey, hey, slow down and sit down.”

  Janell took a deep breath and walked over to the extra chair at Amy’s console. She slowly sat down, smiled at Carol and then at Amy before abruptly saying, “What conditions?”

  Amy smiled and shook her head, “I want my brother to be approved to come and live with the boys here at Fleet while I’m training or out on assignment.”

  “Is he available to do it?”

  “No, he works but he will do it if you pay him.”

  Janell nodded, “What else?”

  “I want to choose the officer that will command my flagship.”

  “That’s fair. Who do you have in mind?”

  “Scott Sole.”

  Janell’s eyes narrowed, “Isn’t he the one…”

  “Yes, he is.”


  “If you can train me, you can train him.”

  Janell stared at Amy for a very long moment and blew out a breath, “What did he do in the Navy before he retired?”

  “I have no idea. Ask him.”

  “Amy, why do you want him?”

  “He is someone that others will follow without hesitation. If you can’t do it, find someone else.”

  “Is there anything else?”

  “Yes. At any point in this process that you believe that it’s not working, you tell me and find someone else.”

  “Is there any more?”


  Janell looked at Carol, “Ask the Admiral if he will see me.”

  Carol pressed a button on her panel and said, “Admiral Dobson wishes to speak with you, Sir.” Carol listened and nodded toward the door. Amy watched her enter the Admiral’s office and Carol said, “Wait for it…wait for it…”

  They heard the Admiral’s loud yell and Amy
looked at Carol, “You’re getting better at this than I am.”

  “I have a good teacher.”

  The Admiral’s door flew open and he looked at Amy, “GET IN HERE!” Amy stood up and Carol mouthed, good luck. Amy walked in and Steve pointed to some chairs, “Get one and sit down!” Amy looked at Janell as she picked up a chair and saw her shrug. “What does that mean, Admiral?”

  “What does what mean, Sir?”

  “That shrug you made.”

  “I was just telling Commodore Hart that you don’t take your word seriously, Sir.” Steve’s eyebrows slammed together. He opened his mouth and Janell said, “You told me that I could use her if I could get her to agree, didn’t you?” Steve shut his mouth and just glared at them. “Well she’s agreed and now you’re acting like we committed some sort of crime.”


  Amy looked at Steve, “So you disagree with Admiral Dobson that I’m not qualified to do this?”

  “You know nothing about commanding a single warship, much less an entire fleet.”

  “So you think I lack knowledge?”

  “You do!”

  “And you don’t think I can learn what I’ll need.”

  Steve closed his mouth and sat slowly down in his chair. He had disagreements with Amy in the past and they never turned out as he expected. Janell said, “The ship simulators and advanced command simulators will give her all she needs.”

  “It takes more than knowledge, Admiral.”

  Amy said, “What else am I deficient in, Sir?”

  “You have no experience.”

  “How many of the officers in Admiral Dobson’s fleet have experience traveling through a black hole, Sir?”

  Steve stared at her and Janell said, “Three.”

  Amy looked at her, “Does that include you?”

  “It does.”

  “SHUT UP!”

  Steve stared at them and said, “Amy, do you honestly think you can do this without endangering our sailors?”

  Janell’s eyes narrowed, “That’s not a fair question, Sir and you know it!”

  Steve looked at her, “I ordered you to be silent, Admiral.” He looked back at Amy, “Answer the question.”

  “Sir, do you trust me to handle the communications that come into your office and get the ones to you that are a priority?”


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