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Death Prophecies 3: The Unknown Enemy Will Kill You

Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  “Something must have made an appearance in the past.”

  “Why do you say that, Stella?”

  “You don’t build this massive defense system without some reason. Something came through and really scared them.”

  “You might be right.”

  “I suspect when we go back through our black hole, there will be defenses developed to meet us that weren’t there before.”

  “You’re probably right. However, nothing has changed here so we can go.”

  “Poul, I want to see if I can open a dialogue with this civilization.”

  “For heaven’s sake why?!”

  “I think that anything that makes it through that black hole into our universe will also represent a threat to us, eventually. I want to see if they’ll allow us to go and see what’s on the other side.”

  “You need to run this by Steve before you do this.”

  “See if you can contact him.”

  There was a pause and then Steve appeared on the main monitor, “What’s going on?”

  “Steve, I want to see if I can open a conversation with this civilization.”

  “Are you out of your mind!?”

  “If anything comes through this black hole in Andromeda, it will ultimately be a threat to us. I want to see if this civilization will allow us to send some scouts through to see what might be on the other side.”

  “Stella, that civilization might come and attack every civilization in our galaxy.”

  “Steve, at some point, we’re going to have to do this. It’s the unknown enemy that will kill us.”

  “Yes, but never confront an enemy until it’s unavoidable.”

  “We don’t really know if this civilization is an enemy. They’ll have no way to determine where we are if I’m careful.”

  Steve stared at her and said, “Poul?”

  “I agree with you.”

  Stella shook her head, “Steve, put yourself in their place. Would you welcome someone to go through our black hole to see if there was a real threat to our civilizations? Especially if we couldn’t do it ourselves.”

  “Stella, as soon as you broadcast, they’ll have warships vectoring in on you from every direction.”

  “I’ll drop some micro buoys and use them to broadcast. If they continue to destroy them, I’ll back out and leave.”

  “This could cause the Halo Civilizations to be attacked.”

  “I hate to say it but I’m more concerned about us than them. They also represent a threat to us. Maybe more than this civilization.”

  Steve sighed and said, “Poul?”

  “She’s right about the Halo being a future threat. The Traugh attacked them and they may go back to our galaxy to make sure there’s no other threat to them. Endangering them shouldn’t be an issue.”

  “Stella, make sure you don’t give away our location.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Stella stared at the monitor and said, “Let’s start dropping some buoys.”

  “How many?”

  “Six. If they attack that many, we’ll give it up.”

  “I’m scattering them on a wide front. We’ll use them one-by-one with the greatest distance between them.” The small ship began moving at super light speed and in less than forty minutes the six buoys were dropped. “I’ll be using our pulse communications to broadcast through the buoys so we won’t be detected. Are you ready to start?”

  “Open a pulse frequency to the first buoy. By the way, have you deciphered their language?”

  “I did that the last time we were here. I also have the frequency of one of what they call watchers. We’ll communicate with one of them so we won’t have to start over with each buoy.”

  “Open the channel and please translate what I say.”

  “Channel open.”

  Stella lifted her hand communicator and said, “I wish to open a conversation with one of the leaders of your civilization.”

  • • •

  The Watcher’s panel began flashing and he used his scanners to focus in on the location of the broadcast. He pressed several buttons and four large warships were dispatched.

  • • •

  “I can see that you’re sending warships to the location of my broadcast but I really think you should take a moment to hear what I have to offer.” Stella was greeted with silence and the four Darkness Warships were bearing down on the buoy at incredible speed. “I think that your civilization would benefit from discussing what I want to do.”

  “First buoy is destroyed.”

  “Switch to number two.”

  “Channel is open.”

  Stella lifted her communicator, “I know that you have built defenses against the possibility of an enemy coming through the black hole. I can help you with that issue.”

  “Buoy two is gone. Three is active.”

  “I know your civilization does not tolerate anyone to enter your space but we saw no other way to discuss this with you. You really should listen to what we have to say. If you refuse, we will leave and not enter your space again. However…”

  “Buoy three is gone. Four is active.”

  “What will your leaders say when they learn you prevented us from discussing my proposal?”

  The Watcher listened to the voice speaking to him in his language and ordered four more warships to attack the new point of the broadcast. He heard the voice say, “If you destroy this probe, I will leave and consider our offer refused.”

  The Watcher was listening but not really paying attention until the last statement. He lifted his communicator and said, “Do not destroy that probe. Surround it and see if you can detect where it is receiving its frequency.” He lifted his communicator and tuned it to the one being used by the probes, “What exactly are you talking about?”

  Stella sat up straight in her chair, “I want to offer our assistance in helping you determine the level of the threat you might be facing on the other side of the black hole.”

  The Watcher heard on his panel’s speaker, “We are unable to determine where this device is receiving its messages.” He shook his head and knew he was over his head, “And just how will you accomplish this?”

  “With your permission, we will send some of our scout ships through the black hole to collect information on what lies on the other side. We will then bring that information back to you. Do you have the authority to make the decision to allow me to send ships here?”

  “I do not.”

  “Then will you put me in contact with someone who does?”

  “Stella, the Watcher is ordering their fleets to prepare to attack the Halo Civilizations.”

  Stella shook her head, “Sending your fleets to attack the Halo is a real waste of time.”

  The Watcher’s eyes went wide and he put the order on standby. He said, “Wait.” He pressed a button on his panel and saw his Leader appear on the display. He sent the conversation to him and watched the Leader’s expression.

  “Can you not find the ship that is sending this message?”

  “I have every watcher scanning for it and we’ve been unable to detect it.”

  “I will contact the First and see what his orders will be.” The Watcher’s panel went dark and he wondered if he should have followed protocol and continued to destroy the probes. It was too late now to worry about it; it was out of his hands.

  • • •

  “Poul, have any of those gravity weapons changed position?”

  “All of them are moving around searching for a target. It’s surprising you haven’t asked about that before now.”

  “I assumed they couldn’t detect us.”

  “If I saw one of those towers pointing our way, our conversation would have ended. And if you don’t implicate the Halo Civilizations, they will know we came from the Milky Way.”

  “How would they know that?”

  “Where is the closest black hole to Andromeda located?”

  Stella sat in her chair and shook her head. Poul was ri
ght. She was going to have to put the Halo in danger if it came down to it.

  • • •

  The Watcher saw a message appear on his panel and pressed a button on his panel, “Your proposal is being considered and we request you remain and wait for an answer.”

  “How long do you anticipate this might take?”

  “I have no idea. I do not speak for our leadership.”

  “Poul, are their fleets moving?”

  “No, they are holding position inside the line of gravity towers.”

  “Change the broadcast to the sixth probe.”


  “We need to keep them guessing about our technological abilities.”

  “It might anger them.”

  “If it does, we most likely cannot trust them.”

  “I don’t understand you, Stella.”

  “Sometimes I don’t either. However, do it this way.”

  • • •

  Two days passed and Stella was about to order Poul to leave when she heard, “I will communicate with you from this point forward.”

  Stella lifted her communicator, “Do you have the authority to approve my proposal?”

  There was a pause and she heard a chuckle, “Now that is interesting. You’ve changed the location of your broadcast. Why did you do that?”

  “Boredom, I guess. You know how you start to fiddle with things when there’s nothing else to do.” Stella muted her communicator, “Are they sending warships toward the sixth probe?”

  “Not at the moment.”

  “I’ve discussed what you’re offering and we are at a loss as to why you would make the proposal. What’s in it for you?”

  “We are of the opinion that if something comes through the black hole, it will have an impact on more than your civilization.”

  “So you’ve been through a black hole and found danger lurking there?”

  Stella hesitated and said, “Yes, we have.”

  “Have you resolved that problem?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Are you suggesting that we would assist you with it?”

  “No, this is something we will resolve.”

  “Then we still don’t understand why you make this offer if you want nothing from us.”

  “I believe that something came through your black hole in the past and really scared you.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Why the massive line of gravity weapons surrounding the black hole if you had nothing to fear? It’s the magnitude of those weapons that also makes us nervous. We ask for nothing but for us to see if what’s on the other side is a threat to our existence as well.”

  “I had no idea any of the Halo Civilizations possessed a ship as advanced as the one you’re in.” Stella remained silent and after a few moments the voice chuckled, “You didn’t take the bait. That has to mean you’re not from the Halo.”

  “I’m not going to offer any clues as to the location of my civilization. I’ve seen that you have no respect for intelligent beings and attack before asking any questions. We recognize that attempting to communicate with you posed a great danger but we hoped that you’re intelligent enough to accept our assistance without then becoming a danger to us for helping you.”

  “Could your ship defeat one of my warships?”

  “Probably; however, I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  You’re telling me that you represent a threat to us.”

  “No, I’m not. We, unlike you, do not attack any civilization that is not attacking us. Just because someone can defeat our ships doesn’t mean they will do it. We believe in allowing intelligent life to live together in harmony wherever it’s possible. I’m hoping that our species can live in peace and coexist.”

  “If you discover there is a real threat to us on the other side of the black hole, would you assist us against it?”

  “Only if you request it. We will not enter your space again without your permission.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because we know of your prohibitions against entering your domain. We only did it this time because we couldn’t think of another way to make this offer. We will respect your privacy.”

  “How many ships do you wish to send through the black hole?”

  “As many as you will allow. You should know that the ships we would send through would not be capable of defeating your warships. They will pose no threat to you.”

  “Will you give us the technology you use to penetrate the black hole?”

  “If you will give me your promise that you will accept us as an ally and not attack us in the future, I will.”

  “That cannot be decided quickly. However, we can approve your proposal to scout what’s happening on the other side.”

  “I have a question.”

  “What is that?”

  “Why have you forced all intelligent civilizations to leave this galaxy?”

  There was a long pause and then the voice said, “You were right about a ship coming through the black hole long ago. We lost more than three hundred thousand warships before we defeated it and we determined that if we’re forced to use our towers to defend us against a future incursion, then no planet would be safe in the interior of this galaxy if the conflict expanded away from the black hole. Our towers would destroy many of the stars they orbit. It was in the best interests of those civilizations to move outside the galaxy and out of range of our weapons. We then made sure that none of them would violate our space.”

  “I wondered why you allowed them to live in the Halo.”

  “That tells me you’re not from the Halo.”

  “That’s an issue that isn’t important at the moment. What lies on the other side of the black hole is what we should concern ourselves with now.”

  “You are right. We will allow a thousand of your ships access to the black hole.”


  “Seven days from now.”

  “We will send them and they will appear on your scanners. If you will have a ship present to meet them and take them to the point of entry, I think it will prevent any mistakes.”

  “Send them to the location of the watcher you were communicating with and they will be led from there.”

  “Thank you for communicating with me and they will be here in seven days. I am destroying the two remaining probes prior to my departure.”

  Stella shut off the broadcast and Poul said, “Probes have self-destructed and I’m getting out of here.” She glanced at the central monitor and saw they were almost out to the Halo. She pressed her brother’s frequency and began telling him what was going to happen. He sighed and said, “The two of you need to turn around.”


  “Do you think the Halo Civilizations are just going to allow us to fly through their space without a challenge? You’re going to have to tell them what’s going on and make sure they understand not to interfere with our warships moving through their territory.”

  “Will you handle the selection of the warships we’ll use for the mission?”

  “I’ll get Admiral Nott on it right away.”

  “Poul, let’s head back. We should probably go to the civilization with the white colored warships first.”

  “I have the location. Be prepared with what you’re going to say.”

  “Why do you say it like that?”

  “They will not like any one going into Darkness territory. They’ll try to stop us.”

  “Isn’t this special. Take me to the one that led the invasion against the Traugh. Perhaps he’ll listen to reason.” Stella watched the vast halo around the Andromeda Galaxy getting larger by the second. What was she going to say? “What’s this leader’s name?”


  “Funny sounding name.”

  “I imagine they would feel the same way about ours. I’m searching their frequencies now to find out where he is; give me a few minutes.”

  “Take your time, I’m working on a speech.”
  “Make it a good one.”

  “Oh, shut up.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Amy sat in the Fleet Commander’s chair on board the Crystal River and stared at the display on her console. It was two in the morning ship’s time and she smiled. An old song by Jay and the Americans was running through her head, Some Enchanted Evening. The crew of her flagship had completed their simulator training three weeks ago and she was pushing them pretty hard to get up to speed on fighting the large vessel. She heard the grumbling of the crew and knew that some of the sailors wanted to get off the ship; they saw their Admiral as a slave driver. The crew was divided into three shifts with each standing at Battlestations for eight hours before the next shift relieved them. She pushed the alarms at random times forcing everyone on board to rush to their Battlestations. She still didn’t like the crew’s times and wasn’t going to let up until she did.

  She saw the approaching attackers on her long range scanner and lifted the clear cover off the orange button humming, “Some Enchanted Evening,” as she pushed it. The alarms went off at full volume and sailors stumbled out of their quarters as they rushed to their weapon consoles. She had the ship’s intercom on and heard them calling her names that really weren’t very nice. She watched her panel and raised her eyebrows. The panel reported every weapon manned and active within fifteen seconds. This was a new record. She lifted her communicator and smiled, “Your weapons are set to training power. The enemy ships should be on you momentarily.”

  Scott rushed on the bridge and took his command chair. Amy raised her eyebrows and Scott shook his head and sighed, “Sorry.”

  “There are four hundred warships moving in on us. Let’s see how your blaster crews perform.”

  Scott shook his head and looked up at the main tactical monitor and saw a wave of Fleet Warships moving on them at high speed. He shook his head and pressed the ship’s main frequency, “Open fire as soon as they are in range. Team leaders, use your blasters where they’re needed. The attackers are dividing into six groups. Don’t let them through.” Scott turned to the pilot, “You have the ship. Keep us moving and out of harm’s way. Move the ship away from the largest concentrations of attackers.” Lt. Hobbs turned the ship violently to the left and then went to full thrusters as he moved vertically. Scott watched the main tactical monitor and said, “Portside Blasters, you have three groups moving in from the top!” Hobbs rolled the ship to bring the portside online with the attackers as he leveled out and dove. Scott saw the nose blasters lock on four attacking warships and then hit them with training beams before they could move into range. Hobbs flashed past them and then turned the ship around to bring the starboard blasters to bear on fifty warships moving in from the rear.


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