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Death Prophecies 3: The Unknown Enemy Will Kill You

Page 27

by Saxon Andrew

  The room started buzzing and Steve looked at the assembly. It immediately grew silent. “Commodore, if we could do that, we wouldn’t be sitting here planning to invade that galaxy.”

  “That’s why I didn’t mention the way to do it, Sir. We have to go back to that galaxy and make this Unknown Enemy a Known Enemy.”

  The room erupted as many of the officers began yelling that there was no way to stop them and the Commodore was crazy. Steve stared at Gabriel and knew who his replacement was going to be. He started shaking his head and then started laughing. Everyone in the room saw him and they grew deathly silent. Admiral Connor had gone insane. Steve looked at Gabriel, “Were you going to tell us about it at any point?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “When did you intend to do that?”

  “Once our fleets had transited the black hole.”

  “You don’t believe the Darkness would allow us to go through if they knew there was a way to stop them?”

  “They wouldn’t, Sir. I’ve listened to them and it’s a very close thing that they’re working with us at all.”

  Admiral Malone looked at Gabriel, “Are you telling us that you know how to prevent them from transiting to our universe?”

  “I believe I do.”

  And just how are you going to do that?”



  Stella nodded, “He’s right, Admiral. Dust will do it.”

  Everyone stared at Gabriel and he said to Admiral Holmes, “Admiral, could you pull up an image of the galaxy we call M84?”

  Holmes lifted the controller and spoke verbal instructions. A giant elliptical galaxy appeared on the monitor and Gabriel said, “Please move the view in close to the black hole.”

  The view suddenly rushed into the center of the giant galaxy and a mammoth black hole appeared. Gabriel said, “That black hole is considered to be one of the largest in the known universe. You will notice that there are two giant red columns of energy being shot out of the black hole above and below the galaxy. Those columns of energy extend more than a hundred thousand light years away from the black hole. They are being caused by massive amounts matter and dust entering the black hole.” Gabriel paused and looked around the room. “Those structures pull energy out of the black hole to power them and create a protective shield around them. The warships in that galaxy are not stationed close to those structures because the crews could not withstand the radiation, even with their force fields.

  “But the black hole in Andromeda does not have those jets shooting out of it.”

  Gabriel looked at Admiral Knott, “No, Sir, it doesn’t. But the Darkness has surrounded the black hole with giant gravity towers that can pull dust from around the black hole and feed it into it. That would raise the energy level millions of times and I don’t believe anything could survive the jets that would be created.”

  “Wouldn’t those jets put everything around the black hole in danger?”

  “No, Admiral Holmes. Andromeda is a spiral galaxy just like the Milky Way and everything revolves around the black hole on a plane perpendicular to where those jets would be going.” The room was silent and Gabriel sat down.

  Steve stared at him and blew out a breath he had been holding, “You haven’t told us how we would take on those warships with the spinning beams.”

  Gabriel stood up, “I assumed Intelligence has seen that they really won’t be an issue.”

  Steve looked at Admiral Chambliss and saw him roll his eyes. Intelligence had determined that there was no safe way to attack those ships. He looked at Gabriel, “Why don’t you tell us what you see?”

  “Sir, those ships are incredibly powerful above, below, and somewhat to the sides. It’s the sides of those ships where they are completely vulnerable. That dome rolls around the ship and shoots a powerful beam around the vessel as it spins around it. However, that ship is more than three hundred and fifty yards thick. That beam does not cover the sides of the ship as it rolls around it. It’s also clear that if that ship is using its weapons, it will not be very maneuverable.”

  Admiral Malone said, “Pray tell how you made that determination?”

  Gabe looked at him and couldn’t see if he was angry or curious. He shrugged, “Did you ever get a toy as a child that was called a gyroscope top?” Malone nodded. “You remember how it operated. You pull the string and the top would stand straight up and spin until the center component slowed down. You could tilt it over on its side and it would stand right back up. You could hold it horizontal on your finger and it would sit there and spin. Once those domes start rolling around those ships, they become one giant gyroscope. Changing direction won’t be easy. They’re actually safer to attack when they’re firing their beams than they are with the dome sitting still on top of the ship. I assume it could still be fired from that position but that would leave the bottom unprotected.”

  “They would have their force fields.”

  “Yes, Sir, they would. But our beams will easily penetrate them.”

  Holmes shook his head, “I’ve not heard anything about that, Commodore. We didn’t attack one of those ships so how would you know our beams would penetrate.”

  “I checked Commodore Kuhn’s data and his force field could withstand the radiation around those launchers when theirs could not. That is clear evidence that our force fields are stronger than those used by those ships. Our beams will penetrate our force fields, ergo, they will penetrate theirs as well.”

  Steve smiled, “So how would you attack them?”

  “Just take them out from the sides. When they’re linked, simply start with the ships on the end and work your way down the line. They’ll break those lines soon enough when they start being blasted apart. Then it’s simply a matter of lining them up from the side and moving in to attack. They won’t be able to maneuver quickly and they’ll be at a real disadvantage.”

  The room was silent and after a moment Janell said, “If it’s that simple, why do we need to use the dust?”

  Gabe looked at Janell and smiled, “We wouldn’t if we knew for certain that those ships are the only ones we’d have to face. Do you think the Builders might have a more advanced warship that our warships would be unable to match up with? I really don’t think they would give their best vessels to other civilizations they used as tools. It was clear to me that the warship commander communicating with the Launcher was frightened by them. If he had the same warship as the Builders, he wouldn’t be.”

  One of the Fleet Commanders stood up and said, “So you’re willing to send us there with the possibility that we could be destroyed?”

  “It is that possibility that demands we do it. If these Builders do have the technology to destroy us, we need to know about it. I believe in the Death Prophecies. The Builders are an Unknown Enemy and if we shut off the black hole, they’ll remain unknown to us.”

  “But they couldn’t pose a danger if the black hole is closed?”

  “Do you know that for certain? I do know those Launchers were built to withstand a huge amount of radiation. We have to see the Builder’s capabilities before we close the black hole. We might need the time to develop the weapons we’ll need to face them.”

  Steve stared at Gabriel, “Why were you so reluctant to tell us this?”

  “Sir, the plan Intelligence developed sends our ships into that galaxy. I know that there are some here now, after hearing this, that don’t want to do it. I know we must go and see what we’re up against. I was afraid the invasion would be called off if I told you.”

  Steve turned and looked at his Senior Admirals and saw Gabriel was right. He looked at the fleet commanders filling the room and saw their expressions. None of them had ever had to fight a space battle. They were untried and frightened by the prospect. His eyes narrowed and he looked at Gabriel, “You’re right. I can see in the faces of those that are gathered here that there are many that don’t want to do it.” He looked at the gathering and stood up, “YO
U ARE SWORN TO DEFEND OUR SPECIES AGAINST ALL THREATS TO IT!!!” He paused and stared at them. “This is a threat to our survival and Commodore Eagle is absolutely right about the danger of an Unknown Enemy. We will go and see what’s in that galaxy and if you’re faint of heart you should resign from the service now!” Steve looked around the room and stared at the Senior Admirals the longest. Good, Holmes was with him. He looked at the table in front of him and said, “Admiral Dobson, you will take one third of our fleets and prepare them to transit the black hole in Andromeda. Commodore Heinrik, you are promoted to Fleet Admiral and you will take another third. Commodore Hart, you are also promoted to Fleet Admiral and will take the final third and get them ready. Commodore Kuhn, you are promoted to Admiral and you will take enough scouts through the black hole to follow the line of communication that you detected leading to the location of the Builders.” Steve paused and looked at Gabriel, “Commodore Eagle, you are promoted to Admiral and you will organize Admiral Dobson’s First and Second Fleets to take on any of those warships that might make it through the black hole before our fleets return.”

  Admiral Malone looked at Steve, “Do we have to send all of our fleets?”

  Steve looked at him, “You’re missing the point.”

  “What is that?”

  “Do you have a faster way to get our fleets to undergo the change?”

  Malone’s eyes went wide and he shook his head, “Sorry, Sir. I missed that detail.”

  Admiral Chambliss looked at Admiral Malone and smiled, “It’s good to know we aren’t the only ones missing things.”

  Steve looked at Gabriel and smiled, “I suspect you saw that, didn’t you?” Gabriel smiled and nodded as he tipped an imaginary hat. Steve looked out at the assembly, “Once the black hole in Andromeda is closed, we can focus our attention on the galaxy beyond our black hole. Your ships will then have completed the change and our defensive power will be greatly increased both in our galaxy and any other galaxy we enter. You are warriors, act like it!”

  The room found their heart and the cheering began. Steve looked at the front table and saw that they didn’t like having to leave their comrades and the sailors they commanded. He smiled. The pain they were experiencing he saw as growing pains. They’d be better because of it. Steve leaned into his microphone, “This meeting is adjourned. Fleet Admirals schedule a meeting with your fleets to start their preparation.” The room stood up and Steve walked off the raised platform to the table. He looked at Janell, Heinrik and Amy, “Report to the quartermaster and pick up your new uniforms as soon as you leave this meeting. It’s important that your subordinates recognize your new rank.”

  Janell looked at him, “Sir, may we have the authority to promote from within our fleets.”

  “As long as you don’t strip your fleets of the commanders they’ll need to be effective.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “What are you thinking, Admiral Dobson?”

  “Three hundred fleets are too large to for one person to control. I want to promote two of my officers to two stars to handle half of my fleets.”

  Steve thought for a moment and said, “Each of you have two promotions to use. That’s all.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Steve walked away and the three new fleet admirals looked at each other. Amy shrugged, “Who would have thought it?”

  Janell nodded, “We know what we have to do and we’ve been prepared by our experience. I guess it makes sense that he’d want to use officers that have experience transiting the black hole.”

  Heinrik nodded, “That doesn’t make this easier. I don’t want to lose my fleet.”

  Janell shrugged, “None of us do, Heinrik.” Heinrik shook his head and Janell said, “What’s wrong?”

  “Can you imagine what China is going to say when she learns she’s being promoted to Admiral?” Janell burst out laughing. Heinrik looked at her dreading what was coming, “You’ll probably hear her across the planet.” That made Janell laugh even harder.

  Amy looked at Scott and tilted her head. Scott looked at her and said, “Oh hell no!”

  “Would you prefer to remain behind with Second Fleet while I go through the black hole?”

  Scott stared at her as his eyebrows came together, “What kind of choice is that?”

  Amy smiled, “I thought so, Admiral Sole. Contact the Admirals I’ve been assigned and you can start teaching them the weave. I’ll join you after I see the boys.”

  Scott sighed and said as he rolled his eyes, “Yes, Sir.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Stella activated her communicator and said, “We will be sending our warships here in thirty days to transit the black hole. We will also be leaving twenty thousand on this side of the black hole to meet any that might come through.”

  The Darkness Leader’s eyes narrowed, “Are you of the opinion that our warships will not be able to defeat them?”

  “One of the things we’ve learned is that when a ship transits the black hole, it becomes invisible and all of its weapons will be anti-matter.”


  “The universe on the other side of the black hole is composed entirely of anti-matter.”

  “That explains why the weapons on the warship that came through long ago were so destructive. However, how will your ships be able to defeat it?”

  “We’ve designed and built them to handle anti-mater warships. I do have a question about how your gravity towers operate.”

  “The towers produce a gravity beam that will collapse anything it hits.”

  “Would it be possible to use them to pull the enemy ships to them?”

  “The beam can be modulated to do that, however, I’m not sure that it wouldn’t be a push against anti-matter.”

  “Did you use them when the ship attacked you?”

  “No, we developed and built them after the attack.”

  “Would it be possible to move them closer to the event horizon and attempt to push any that make it through back into the black hole?”

  “There may not be time to respond before the enemy ships would be past us.”

  “Can you make them computer controlled so that they would?”

  “I’ll check into it and see what we’re capable of doing.”

  “That would be helpful. I’ll be back with our fleets thirty days from now.”

  “Why don’t you come back in fifteen and let’s see where we are?”

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll see you then.” Stella ended the communication and looked at Gabe, “Did you get what you need?”

  “All I really needed to know is whether or not they can attenuate the beam that tower produces. There is a massive amount of dust around the black hole and if they’re able to fire at the black hole from where they’re currently located, they should be able to reach the dust clouds closest to the black hole.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “If they can’t, we should have our fleets waiting outside the event horizon when the Builders start launching ships.”

  “You don’t think we’ll be able to take out all four of those launchers, Gabe?”

  Gabe shrugged, “If they detected us when we left, there will be all out space warfare as soon as we send our fleets through. I’ve also been told that the Bosrean are only able to produce two of the missiles needed to take out the launchers.”


  “They told Admiral Carr that the mold will take three weeks to build and that it will only produce two missiles before it loses its integrity and another will have to be built.”

  “Why don’t they build two molds?”

  “There is only one facility on their planet large enough to do it. We’ll have two of the special missiles ready two days before we launch. It will take another month to build two more.”

  Stella looked away from her console’s display showing an image of the new missile, “Should we wait?”

  “You heard what that Builder said, if a ship were detec
ted, the invasion would start immediately. Do you want to wait another month?”

  “We could send a scout through and check out what’s happening?”

  “And run the risk of it being seen, which would start the invasion before we could build two more. We’re just going to have to make do with the two.”

  Stella shrugged, “What do you want to do now?”

  “Take me to my Fleet’s Flagship. I need to start making plans on how to set up to meet any of their vessels that make it through.”

  “How do you know where they’ll be exiting the black hole?”

  “Stella, we know where those four launchers are located on the other side. The ships they launch will be coming directly on line with them.”

  “Duh, I should have seen that.”

  Gabe shrugged, “It’s easy to not see little things when big things are happening around you.” The Prophet’s Eyes accelerated out of Andromeda and Stella left Gabe with the Defense Fleet. She wondered how the Darkness was going to respond when he asked them to change the location of their main line of defense. Oh well, time will tell.

  • • •

  The Builder glared at the grey being on his monitor and felt like strangling it. This one was going to pay for his stupidity. “You’re telling me that none of your warships are provisioned for an invasion?”

  “Great Builder, my species must have live creatures to consume. Storing them on the warships would be impossible unless we knew when the invasion would start. Our food stores would end up dying and being of no use to us. We don’t have enough room to carry the food to feed them while they’re on our ships.”

  The Builder stared at the carnivore and wondered what possessed the former leader to choose this species to be their tool. He wanted to find fault in the decision but the ferocity of this species was known throughout the galaxy. Aggression was chosen over intellect. “How long do you need to prepare your fleets?”

  “Forty-five days.”

  The Builder felt his anger start to rise again but managed to control his expression. “And why will it take that long?”


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